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Voyeuristic Daughter Caught Peeping

"Katie gets caught in the act"

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I had just locked up for the night, shutting off lights as I went upstairs. I could see Katie's light still on as I rounded the corner at the top of the stairs. She'd just finished showering and was probably still brushing through her hair. As I passed her door, I noticed her hands and knees on her bed, peeking out the window. Her right hand was visible from behind under her short nightgown, her fingers plunging into her pussy. I stood silently admiring her body from my vantage point. She had such a supple, round ass, with her bright pink pussy lips poked out around her fingers.

When I clicked off the light, I startled her, and she quickly pulled the shade down.

"Whatcha watching? Katie," I asked, knowing it was the newlyweds next door.

They'd been going at it like rabbits since they got back from their honeymoon.

She quickly spun to face me. Her giant boobs jiggled and swayed as she moved and thumped back onto her butt. I moved over and knelt on the bed next to her.

"You should keep the lights off if you're going to window peek," I said, slightly pulling the shade back up. "They at it again? I remember your ma being insatiable when we first tied the knot."

Katie giggled.

Pulling her back up to her knees, saying, "It's Okay to peek, Katie, just don't get caught."

Katie stared out the window, mesmerized by the humping action next door.

"Have you ever done that, Katie?" I asked, sliding my hand over her back.

Katie looked over her shoulder at me, shaking her head. "No, Daddy. Never."

"But you do touch yourself. Right? It's Okay to do that, you know. Just don't let your ma catch ya."

She realized I had seen her before I clicked out the light.

"I know, Daddy, and I won't let Mom catch me either," she replied, never taking her eyes off the erotic sideshow through the window.

I found it funny how my wife acts like a prude about such things but is a total freak in the bedroom when she wants to.

My hand rubbing her back made her nightgown creep up, exposing her butt. I couldn't see if she was fingering herself again, but I imagined she was. Her gaze never wavered, even as I slid my hand over her exposed ass cheek and back up the other. I let it rest there, waiting for her to bat it away. She didn't.

My finger started creeping closer to her pussy as my hand began caressing her behind. Her soaked lips dampened my fingers as they inched closer to her warm slit.

"When is Mom coming home?" she asked, her eyes glued to the neighbor doing his wife from behind.

"She's working late. We have plenty of time to do this," I told her as I slid fingers over her cunt lips. Wondering what I meant by (this).

I slipped a finger between her lips to the second knuckle; her tight twat gripped my finger. I pulled my finger out slightly, allowing room for a second finger, pushing it up to the second knuckle. Katie pushed her hips back toward my fingers, allowing them to penetrate deeper.

"Do you like watching while Daddy touches you?" I asked cooingly. "Do you want Daddy to keep touching you like this? Do you want more?"

A sigh escaped her lips as a climax rose in her loins.

"Yes, Daddy. I want some more." Her breathy reply echoed in my ears.

My fingers plunged deeper and faster, driving her closer to orgasm. She suddenly asked, "What are they doing?" pointing out the window.

"He's eating her pussy. Well, licking her pussy," I replied.

"Does ma like that?" Katie asked with excitement.

"Yes, yes, she does. Would you like to try it? You can stay right there and keep watching," I said, moving into position and pulling my fingers out of her twat.

Katie watched me over her shoulder as I buried my face in her backside, diving my tongue between drenched pussy lips. She flinched at the first contact of my warm tongue on her twat. Her body quickly responded to my talented tongue as it tantalized her twat.

Katie reached behind her, grabbed my head, and pushed herself onto my face. My tongue licked up and down her dribbling slit, lapping her juices. I cricked my neck so my tongue could reach her clit. My tongue swirled over her little man, rocking his boat and her world.

"Oh God!" she groaned, grinding her muffin into my mouth, force-feeding me her steamy cooze.

I shifted to lay on my back, giving myself a better angle to her moist muffin. I slid my thumb into her cunt while licking circles on her clitoris. Katie could now grind my face to her heart's content. Her hips undulated as she slid her slit over my invading tongue and rubbed her clit into my mouth.

With my free hand, I reach inside her nightgown, seeking out one of her giant hanging tits. My fingers toyed and ticked the nipple, tweaking it as I languished at her love hole.

"Oh God, Daddy. I, I don't know what's. Oh, God, it's sooo good, Daddy," she gasped, bucking rapidly, riding my face to climax. "I uh, I'm cumming Daddy. I'm cumming! Arrgh shhhit God; I'm cumming."

I wondered where she learned that term because it has never been in our house. My wife deemed it too vulgar. Katie moved off my face, sitting near the window, still peeking across the fence.

"They're done now," she said, closing the shade. "I'm sorry I swore, Dad. I know Mom doesn't like it."

"It's Okay to swear when that's happening to you. Can you keep a secret?" I asked as she nodded yes. "Your ma swears when I do that to her, too." I chuckled.

"I know how to keep secrets," Katie replied. "I know not to make her mad."

"Did you like Daddy licking you while you watched?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes and want to do it again.

"Yes, Daddy," she answered.

I pressed her further, asking, "Will you come to get me next time you watch them? That is if Mom's working or out of the house.

"They do it almost every night. I think they're trying for a baby," she asserted.

Katie promised to get me whenever she caught them fucking.

I got off her bed, trying to hide my massive erection, but she was too distracted thinking about tomorrow.

"Will you take me driving tomorrow, Daddy?" Katie asked as I started to leave.

A few weeks ago, at her sweet sixteen party, I started teaching her to drive.

"Anything for you, sweetie, anything," I cooed.

I decided to take Katie out driving on Saturday morning so my wife could sleep in since she had pulled a double shift last night. We would be gone for hours, leaving the house quiet for my wife.

I decided to take the Plymouth that her mom drives so she could focus on the basics before learning to drive the stick shift in my pickup. I started asking Katie questions about last night before we even left our driveway. I hoped to get her so worked up that we might mess around in the car.

After thirty minutes of driving around town, I directed her to head out of town, down an old dusty road that led to a run-down park. No one comes here anymore; the wooden seats on the swings and teeter-totter have been broken for years. I told her to park at the far end of the parking lot.

Katie seemed annoyed that we weren't driving, even though I assured her we had all weekend. I continued to ask leading questions about last night. What did she like most? Did she like it when I licked her with my thumb in her? I asked her if she had ever used things to masturbate or put things inside her. She admitted to using the wide handle of her hairbrush once.

Katie's pupils narrowed, and her eyes glassed over as we recounted the night's events. She began to nibble on her bottom lip, and her breathing quickened. I could tell my tactic was working; she was getting aroused.

"Do you think they will do it again tonight, Katie?" I asked, hoping to repeat last night.

"God, I hope so," she said with a faraway stare.

"You liked it that much, huh? I did, too, sweetie. I did, too." I said as I reached out to take her hand.

Katie giggled as she nodded yes with a glint in her eyes.

She scooted closer to me on the bench seat of the old car and snuggled to my chest. I kissed her bare shoulder and worked my way to her neck. I nibbled the base of her neck and up to her ear lobe, making her giggle more.

Katie was wearing a yellow flower-printed sundress with spaghetti straps. It had elastic just below the bosom, accentuating her ample breasts.

"You look good today, Katie," I said, making her blush. "You sure have grown to be a beautiful young woman. Your boobies have gotten big too. Did you like it when Daddy played with your nipples last night? Did it make your little pussy all tingly?"

"Yes, Dad, I really did," she replied.

"Katie, will you show them to me? Can I see your boodies, please?" I asked, playing with the strap of her dress.

"Here?" she asked, looking around the park to see if anyone else would notice. "Okay, I guess so," she said, looking over my shoulder towards the park entrance.

The old gravel road would give plenty of notice if someone drove into the park. I slipped the strap off her shoulder, letting it fall onto her upper arm. I tugged gently at the blousy-ruffled top. She lowered her arm through the strap, then the other. Katie slowly pulled the top down, revealing her voluptuous breasts. They were large, firm globes with cone-shaped nipples that came to a sharp point. Her erect nipples looked so delicious they made my mouth water. I cupped one of her melons, running my thumb over her nipple, drawing a heavy sigh from my daughter. I kissed my way down her neck while I tweaked and toyed with her nipple. My lips gently latched onto her exposed nipple, swirling my tongue, making her gasp at the sensation.

Katie cupped the back of my head, holding it there as if I were a newborn suckling her tit. Again, she moaned. My right hand released her boob, gliding down her torso to her thigh. I slid my hand up her skirt to the apex between her thighs. I found her juices had soaked through her undies.

"You're already wet," I said with delight. "Is this making you all horny and tingly down there?"

"Yes, Daddy," she said, kissing my cheek. "It feels good when you touch me like that."

"Take your undies off, sweetie. Let me show you something new." I said, tugging at her panties.

She lifted her hips, slipped her undies off, and scooted closer to me. I slid my finger up and down her drooling slit as I sucked on a nipple. I dipped a finger deep inside her, then a second, rubbing her clit with my thumb. I raised my face to hers, kissing her lips, her lips parted, welcoming my tongue.

She hesitated initially, unsure how to respond, but followed my lead. Her tongue entered my mouth, barely touching mine. Katie brought her hand to the back of my head, holding it there as she pressed her mouth tighter to mine. Her tongue penetrated my mouth, swirling around my tongue. My finger continued to thrust deep into her cunt.

"Mmm," she moaned as my fingers pleasured her pussy.

She started rocking her hips on my hand as she grew closer to climax. She pushed my head back down to her chest, and instinctively, I knew she wanted me to suckle her nipples more.

Her body tensed, and she gasped, "Ahh, Fuck Daddy!" as she came on my fingers.

"Will you lick me again, Daddy?" she whispered, barely audible. "Please lick me."

I opened the passenger door and knelt on the ground just outside the car. Katie positioned herself to the edge of the seat with her legs spread and skirt pulled up, exposing her blood-engorged pussy lips. I focused on her clitoris, sucking gently as my tongue flicked up and down. I slipped two fingers into her pussy, hooking them up towards her public bone, finding her G spot right where her mother's was.

Katie bucked her hips, humping my mouth as my fingers dug at her G spot. She grabbed my hair with both hands, holding my head while she humped my face.

"Oh, God, Daddy, it feels so good. Oh, ah fffuck Daddy, I'm cumming so hard." She hissed.

She suddenly pushed my face and hand away, squirting on my hand and wrist. I watched as Katie writhed on the car seat, tugging her nipples as if she were ripping them off her breasts. She held up her hand when I tried to continue.

"No more, Daddy, not right now," she begged, trying to catch her breath.

She lay there quivering for a minute before coming to her senses.

In the distance, I could hear a car heading in our direction, and I told Katie to get back behind the wheel. The County Sheriff pulled into the lot as I sat in the car. He waved as he pulled up next to our car.

"How yall doin'?" he asked as he walked towards the outhouse.

Watching him pass, I noticed Katie's flowered panties on the dash. I snatched them off as soon as he was out of sight.

"Let's get out of here," Katie said, starting the engine.

We drove straight home, giving us time to make dinner for my wife and pack her lunch for work. My wife said she'd be working doubles all weekend because one of her coworkers got hurt. She didn't mind as it would be triple time for the weekend. She ate quickly and left for the mill. I started after Katie as soon as my wife left. I'd brought Katie to multiple orgasms, and it was time for me to get mine. When I got to her room, Katie was sound asleep, and I couldn't bring myself to disturb her. I went to our bedroom and jacked off, thinking of the events in the park. The thought of being caught by the Sheriff heightened my fantasy of fucking my daughter, making me cum quickly onto a washcloth. I promptly fell asleep.

"Daddy! Come Quick!" Katie yelled from her room, waking me from my nap.

I entered her room to see Katie on her bed, peering out the window again.

"Look. What is she doing to him?" Katie said, pointing out the window.

The blushing bride next door knelt before her husband, cupping his balls while she sucked his cock. I watched her titties jiggle as her head bobbed up and down the length of his shaft.

"Oh, she's giving him a blow job."

"A what?" Katie looked up at me.

"You know how I licked you? It's the same thing, except she's sucking and licking him." I explained.

"Here, let me show you," I said, pulling my cock out of the opening in my boxers.

Katie shied away at first, but curiosity got the better of her. She inched closer, her hand hovering over my dangling cock.

"It's Okay, sweetie, it won't bite," I assured her.

Katie took my cock in her tiny hand, turning it to see my cock from all angles. She glanced back out the window to see the neighbor lady sucking away at her husband's dick.

"Go ahead, Katie, give it a shot, just like she's doing." I prodded, pointing out the window.

Even though I had rubbed one out earlier, I was horny as ever. Katie gingerly kissed the tip of my rapidly growing phallus.

"Wow! It's getting bigger!" she said in amazement.

She took the tip in her mouth but didn't know what to do afterward.

"Here, let me show you," I said, taking her hand.

I sucked two fingers into my mouth, sliding them in and out with a gentle sucking action and flicking my tongue back and forth.

"See, just like that," I told her.

She sucked my cock back into her warm orifice and back out to the tip a few times.

"Here." I said, "Lick this as you pull out." I showed her the vein on my shaft.

She tried again a few more times.

"Can't you just lick me like last night?" she begged, glancing at the window.

"I will, honey, but you have to promise to help Daddy out too. I've licked you a couple of times now, and I need to feel as good as I make you." I insisted.

"Look! He's fuckin her from behind now!" she said as she looked out the window again. "Please lick me, Daddy." She insisted.

"Okay, sweetie, but you must promise to help me when I finish licking you." I relented.

"Yes, Daddy." She promised.

"Take your dress off, honey," I told her.

She pulled her sundress over her head and was still pantieless, to my delight. For a moment, I wondered where they were. Katie got on all fours like last night, expecting me to lick, as I had done previously. I had other plans for this time. I stuffed her pillow so she could prop herself up at the window to watch; the rest of her body was on her back, giving me complete access to her cunt, and titties. I crouched between her legs and eagerly lapped at her labia. She was soaking wet by the time my mouth touched her cunt, so aroused that the mere touch of my tongue made her climax.

I licked away, probing her dripping hole with my fingers, leading her through multiple climaxes. Her honey hole was drenched with her juices, and I could no longer resist my urges. I knelt between her legs, placing my steely shaft between her cunt lips, and began humping her slit with all my might. The sensations that ran through my cock as it slid through her silken folds drove me wild. More than anything, I wanted to cum on my little girl, but I held out. I wanted her to suck my cock. I...

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Written by Trios
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