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Visions of Dolores - Part 3

"With her lesbian lover away, horny mother resorts to incest"

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Author's Notes

"Part 3 of a series."

Saturday, June 8.

Taking an unmarked side road that wound through grassy hillocks for almost a mile, Linda arrived at her destination, parking the Mercury behind a row of dilapidated huts. At one time, they served as tiny guest cabins to beachgoers of long ago, until the inlet dried up and the secluded waterfront turned into fetid mud. Now Mr. Peebles used the huts for storage, their windows boarded up for security. Linda watched one summer as he retrieved a tire iron from one of them. It was loaded solid with what appeared to be junk.

God, Mr. Peebles certainly is the pack rat.

The huts were situated next to a relatively nice, white clapboard house. Linens blew on the clothesline as Linda walked past the unattached two-car garage, quickly glancing inside to see Mr. Peebles' old Ford truck. She also noticed it was covered with dust like it hadn't been driven in some time.

What’s up with that?

Steeling herself for possible conflict, Linda knocked on the screen door at the back of the house, peering inside into the kitchen. She heard footfalls on the creaky, wooden floor as an elderly woman soon arrived.

“Good morning,” Linda smiled, although anxious. She was going to give old Mr. Peebles a dressing down for not watching over their house, but she hardly knew his wife. At the very least, she wanted to start off with pleasantries.

“Hello.” The woman scowled through the screen, still partially cloaked in darkness from the unlit interior.

“Is Mr. Peebles here?” Linda paused a beat, and then added, just to be clear. “He’s been watching over my family’s beach house for many years.”

The woman’s face remained stoic. "He died almost a year ago." Her voice conveyed almost no emotion, and she looked hard and weatherbeaten, like the huts behind the house. “You ain’t the first one to come asking, and you prob’ly won’t be the last.”

Linda’s mood quickly adjusted from annoyance to sympathy. “Oh, my god!” She looked down at her sandals. “I’m so sorry.” 

The old woman didn’t respond. She didn’t look like one to make small talk.

On the drive back to the beach house, Linda mulled over what she was going to do to secure their house in the future. She’d have a talk with her neighbors, who she rarely interacted with. At last check, they were year-round residents, their ratty mobile home about half a mile away, out of sight over a hill. She also thought about what transpired overnight.

God, I need to get Dolores back in my life, or, at this rate, I'll be fucking my kid sister and maybe my son!

At that moment, Linda realized she was on a long, desolate strip of road, and her pussy was again on fire.

Oh, why not?

Pulling the station wagon aside to what passed for a shoulder, she shifted it into park and turned off the engine. Immediately, her left hand slipped up under her sleeveless, cotton blouse, underneath her nothing of a bra, her right hand going into her shorts. It didn’t take long before she was stirring up a porridge between her thighs.

Ahhh, that’s it, yes! Just to take the edge off before I get back to the kids.

She thought about Dolores, her beautiful, dark eyes and hungry mouth.

Oh, honey, just to kiss you again. To lie with you.

The sensation built as she tugged at her hard nipple.

God, you kept me lactating for months after I weaned the kids. Such a hungry mouth! When you were done draining me, you took to my pussy. Holy shit, I’ve never had so much loving!

Pleasure mounted inside her body as Linda bit her lower lip.

Oh, please, my love, please come back soon. I’m so lonely for your touch!

Then her mindscape changed. As she approached climax, the image of her kid sister sucking on her breast materialized.


But instead of dispelling the vision, Linda embraced it. There was no turning back. She just had to come. Slender fingers blurred against the oily slickness of her pussy, torturing her erect clit.

Fuck it. It’s only my imagination and can’t hurt anything.

Then she remembered climaxing against Sarah’s thigh and that triggered it. “Aggghhhh!” Linda’s body jerked as the first stab of pleasure wracked her body. “Goddamn!” She clenched her teeth, hissing as her hips convulsed, her fingers wriggling deep inside her sopping wet orifice. “Ahhh…grrrr…ahhhggg!!!” Her body shuddered so violently, that she didn't hear the car passing by, she was so engrossed in orgasming to the image of her kid sister in the night.

Oh, fuck, Sarah, forgive me. Goddamn me for being such a needy slut.

In time, Linda opened her eyes, gazing at her surroundings. As she expected, the orgasm relaxed her somewhat. She withdrew her wet fingers, licking them individually, savoring her vaginal scent and taste. The Mercury came to life, back tires spinning on the sandy gravel, gaining traction as it roared down the road.

“There you are.” Sarah chewed on a piece of buttered toast. A jar of strawberry jam sat nearby, the aroma of coffee filling the kitchen. She had changed out of her flimsy nightie, but the two-piece bikini she donned wasn’t much of an improvement. Again, Linda stifled her desire to make a comment, instead gazing fondly at her kid sister’s lovely body.

Just let it go.

“Is Billy up yet?” Linda glanced around.

“You know he sleeps half the time we’re here.”

“True, true.” Linda took a slice of Wonderbread out of its plastic enclosure, placed it in the toaster, and pulled the lever down. She leaned against her sister and, without thinking, kissed Sarah on the mouth with a loud smack. “Bad news.” Linda’s face was mere inches from her sister’s. “Mr. Peebles died, so that explains why he wasn’t keeping tabs on the place.”

“Oh, damn,” Sarah grimaced. “That’s terrible!” She then sniffed Linda’s face, a wry smile passing over her lips for only a second.

“Did you do anything else this morning?” The young woman asked, brushing her nose against her sister’s.

“No.” Linda’s brow furrowed, pulling back. “Why?”

“Oh, no reason.” Now Sarah had that look on her face. Such a provocateur. 

Mystified, Linda poured a cup of coffee, opened the refrigerator, and stooped over to look inside. "We'll need to figure out some alternative, lest this place become party central after we leave." Her voice echoed from inside the enclosure. She pulled out a bottle of milk and poured a dollop into her mug. She took a sip, inhaling the steam from the hot liquid. She also got a whiff of the dried pussy juice on her face.

Oh, shit! Dammit, I should have wiped my mouth!

She thought of the lemon-scented Wet-Naps in the Mercury’s glove compartment.

Too late now. Oh, well.

Linda pushed past the awkward feeling.

“What’s it going to be today? A walk on the beach?”

"Oh, I don't know, probably." Sarah finished her toast and took a slow sip from the blue mug.  "Maybe go down to that nude beach and people-watch."

“Sarah!” Big sister’s astonishment was a bit overdone. She had strayed to that particular stretch of beach countless times over the years, always with Dolores, inspecting the fresh meat and luscious, young bodies. It was one of their devices to get away from the others and have some time alone.

“Oh, come on, sis!” Sarah slurped down the rest of her coffee, hopping off the barstool to place her mug in the kitchen sink. “You and Dolores practically lived down there.”

Linda wanted to deny it, but she remembered how extremely observant her bright kid sister was.  She didn’t know how to respond. Sarah sidled up beside her sister, slender arms encircling her waist as she hugged her tightly. Linda sighed, returning the embrace. 

“You two always went in the same direction on your walks, and you never invited us along.”  Sarah turned her face up, again kissing her sister on the lips. Linda hesitated briefly, knowing what was on her mouth, but didn’t want to be obvious. 

Oh, fuck it. If she wants to taste, then let her.

Sarah's kiss lingered as she savored her sister's musk. Linda squirmed but didn't pull away.  Again, her pussy needed attention.

Damn it, Sarah, enough! This fire is already out of control!

“Okay.” Linda finally broke the spell, trying to keep her cool. Her sister’s closeness again had her all wet and throbbing, much to her shame and annoyance. She was tired of being on the defensive. “Can I join you?”

Sarah met her sister’s challenge. “Fuck, yeah!”

“Billy can keep himself entertained while we’re gone.”

Sarah paused another beat, her eyebrow raised, eyes mischievous. The sisters were thinking the same thing. “Squeak squeak squeak squeak…” Sarah started, imitating the night before when they heard the sixteen-year-old masturbating in his bedroom, then broke into laughter.

“Quiet,” Linda whispered, trying not to laugh as well. “He’ll hear us.” A kiss on the cheek. “Let me pee before we go.”

Linda quickly washed her face and urinated. The thought of masturbating again crossed her mind, but she quelled it. She peeked into Billy’s room and he appeared dead to the world, sprawled out on the bed, entangled in a mess of blankets. His erection from last evening crossed her mind, making her shake her head and smile.

God, son. I wish I could sleep that well. I know how masturbating helps, eh?

Back in the kitchen, she scribbled Billy a brief note on some ruled paper explaining where they had gone, leaving it on the counter.

The two sisters slowly made their way around the crags, keeping just beyond the water’s reach. Crashing waves echoed off the rocks, almost overpowering them with its sonic intensity. At certain points, they couldn’t help but stop and marvel, hand in hand, at the fury surrounding them. Linda’s pussy was about to burst and she so very much wanted to go out in the water.  Suddenly, Sarah released Linda’s hand.

“Come on, Sis!” Kid sister called as she trotted away, bringing Linda back to the moment.           

“Oh, my lord! Wait for me!” She ran clumsily to catch up with her sister, kicking up sand in her wake. 

After a mile or so, they reached that particular stretch of sand where clothing became optional.  The sign said so. As they continued to walk, fewer beachgoers wore clothes until none of them wore anything at all.

“My, my,” Sarah said, eyeing one hulking stud sporting a pair of solid pecs and a semi-erect monster of a penis.

"Oh…"  Linda caught herself and shut up. She had no business protesting at this point and joined her sister in marveling at the smorgasbord of glistening flesh of both sexes dotting their viewscape. 

Of course, not everyone on the beach would win a beauty contest. There were plenty of flabby middle-aged men and women, and older couples just soaking up the sun and enjoying some freedom from the restrictive outside world. Some were beyond middle age. Linda admired how they bravely exposed themselves, wishing she could feel equally confident about her body.

“My god.” Sarah kept her voice low to not draw attention. "Her areolas are huge."

“You mean her?” Linda tried not to be obvious. 

A matronly woman, certainly older than Linda, sat cross-legged on a flower-patterned beach towel while what appeared to be her son rubbed oil on her back, his limp penis swaying as he did his work. Her breasts already glistened, prompting Linda to wonder if the boy had taken care of her front, too. 


The woman was clearly overweight, but not unattractive. It was her huge, pendulous breasts capped by deep-red areolas the size of a man’s hand that fixated them. 

“Those things must be triple-D’s or bigger.” By the tone of Sarah’s voice, she was impressed.  “That boy must have stretch marks around his lips.”

Linda couldn’t think of anything to say, merely shaking her head, trying not to be obvious in her laughter.

“Those nipples must poke out like thumbs when they’re erect.” Sarah was on a roll again, and such a tease. It didn’t help that Linda was still fully aroused, and now she was thinking about mother nursing son.

“Aren’t we looking at the guys, my love?” Linda smacked her on the butt, giving it a squeeze.  Sarah pressed up against her sister, nuzzling a bare shoulder, arm again around her waist.

“Hey, I can appreciate all of it, if I want.” Her face found cleavage, sighing.

Linda paused, rubbing her nose in Sarah’s hair, smelling her sun-kissed tresses.

God, I love this closeness. The touching. But it’s driving me crazy!

 “What do you mean?” Big Sis mumbled.

“Well, women can be attractive too.” Sarah looked up, into Linda’s eyes. She had an expression like she was trying to communicate something. “You should know that.”

Despite her relationship with Dolores, Linda couldn't imagine what her sister was suggesting.  Surely nobody suspected them of being lovers. They were way too careful.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Oh, nothing.” Sarah tossed off the conversation, ambling away. The next moment, her top came off.

“Sarah!” Linda fought to keep her voice down and not draw attention to herself.

Then her bikini bottom slid down her legs. 

“Jesus Christ,” Linda hissed under her breath as her naked kid sister rolled what little she had been wearing into a ball, tossing it on the sand without a care in the world. “What are you doing?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sarah’s brow furrowed. “It’s a nude beach, for god’s sake!”

By now, Linda was in such a state, that she just kept on walking, following her sister.

“Why don’t you take your clothes off, too?” Sarah ran circles around her sister, kicking sand at her legs. “You look kind of silly being the only one clothed. Unclench your butt cheeks and get naked!” Playfully she pinched Linda’s ass, and hard, making her yelp.

"Sarah!" Despite her protest and indignation, Linda was about to come on the spot.

Shit, I think I’m going crazy! I don’t know what to do!

“Well, it’s obvious you’re some kind of voyeur.” Sarah was moving in for the kill. “You’re some kind of perv, getting your rocks off by looking at naked people.”

“I am not! Goddammit!” At that moment, she realized people were starting to stare at her.

Damn you, Sarah! I just want to run away!

That was when Linda, panting with anxiety and frustration, realized she was the only clothed person within eyeshot. Suddenly, she felt very self-conscious.

Jesus, I wish Dolores was here. I wouldn’t feel so out of sorts. She would never provoke me like this.

Then she made the big decision.        

“Oh, what the fuck.” Linda whispered under her breath. With a huff, she unbuttoned her top, letting it slide off her shoulders. The bra might as well have not existed, so her breasts fell free.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Sarah cheered. Linda’s hands shook.

What a fucking spectacle we must be creating. Every damn eye must be on me.

“Now take it all off.” Sarah acted like a horny man at a striptease show. “Take it off! Take it off!  Hubba hubba!”

Linda almost fainted from embarrassment. The heat of the sun made her dizzy, but she managed to slide her shorts and panties down her legs, revealing her ample, brown bush.

“About time, Sis.” Overjoyed, Sarah ran up to her sister, giving her a big hug, pressing their bodies together. “Now let’s enjoy ourselves.”

By the time Linda bundled her clothes and placed them on a nearby rock, Sarah was a hundred yards down the beach, running toward another outcropping of black rocks. Just the sight of this particular formation always made Linda’s insides flush with warmth. The side of the outcropping facing the beach contained a wide, shallow cave, one that Linda and Dolores had used for years to hide from the world and make love. In many ways, it was like coming home.

Oh, dear Sarah, you’re running toward my special spot. If only you knew.

Linda, feeling the sun’s caress on her bare flesh, ran after her kid sister, catching up right as they both disappeared around the rocks. The moment she spotted the cave, memories came flooding back and her demeanor suddenly changed. 

Oh, my god, yes! Yes!!!

She felt like a child again as she ran past Sarah, disappearing into the cave’s dark recesses. She only stopped to rest once she reached their particular spot. Gasping for air, she couldn’t help but smile, trying to hold back a joyful tear as she ran her hands all over the rock, made silky smooth by eons of rising and falling tidewaters. Here, the water’s sound raged at its peak. Linda’s level of arousal was almost painful.

I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve made love here. And we will again. So many orgasms.  The ocean’s noise masking our cries of pleasure.

Without thinking, slender fingers rubbed against her soft pubes, finding an erect clit.

Oh, god, I can’t help it!

Her middle and index fingers slipped inside her throbbing pussy as she tugged an erect nipple. She hissed with pleasure, closing her eyes, forgetting everything as she envisioned what she and Dolores did on that very spot the previous year, and the years before that.

God, yes, this feels so good.

Only a moment passed before she felt pleasure in her body building, swelling ever more urgently until it was about to burst.

That’s it, Dolores, that’s it, my love. Keep touching me that way and it will come. Oh, yes, here it comes. Coming for you. Here it…

Suddenly, Sarah came out of nowhere, smacking Linda on the thigh. “Gotcha!” Her voice was amplified by the cave, making it sound like it came from everywhere. Then she saw what her big sister was doing.

“Oh, my!” She giggled, eyes wide.

Linda, rudely snapped back into the here and now, jerked upright.

“Sarah, you little…”

“Oops!  Sorry about that, Sis!” Sarah’s voice didn’t sound very convincing as she backed away.

More embarrassed and ashamed than enraged, Linda hopped up and ran after her sister. Sarah, with a squeal of delight, easily bolted away, out of reach.

“You little devil!” Linda shouted at her retreating sister. Having been robbed of her climax, she was more frustrated than angry. “Such a naughty girl!”

“You don’t know the half of it, Sis!” Sarah’s voice echoed.

Linda, giving up the chase, returned to her sacred...

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Written by nightwaves
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