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The Policewoman - Part 3

"Trent pays another visit to Helen during which he canes her. Sexual attraction develops between Trent and his mother"

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Author's Notes

"This part will probably be in the 'incest' category although there is hardly any physical incest in it."

Eighteen-year-old Trent Potts was going to have a night at home. He had been up very early that morning to do his shift at the fast food outlet at which he worked, and he had not gone to his bed very early the previous night as he had spent the evening fucking fifty-year-old policewoman, Helen Ladbrooke.

He was also going to be spending the whole of the following night at Helen's house, during which he would be caning Helen's substantial arse.

Trent had several lovers on the go, all of them mature and some of them married, and he had reluctantly turned down the offer of a fuck for this night from a fifty-four-year-old married woman that he sometimes serviced.

Trent was at home with his forty-three-year-old mother, divorcee Sharon Potts, and he was currently getting a stirring in his boxers as he looked at Sharon's large and shapely backside as she bent over in tight trousers. He had quite fancied his mother for some time, although she was slightly younger than almost all of the women that he bedded.

He sometimes wondered if Sharon was getting any, but as he was very often out himself and in between a mature pair of legs, his mother would have plenty of home-alone time.

As it happened, Sharon was quite frustrated and she only usually got a sexual release with the aid of her dildo, although she had had sex with Helen Ladbrooke a number of times, unbeknown to Trent. She had not had a genuine penis in her for quite a long time.

Despite fancying her, Trent had never thought seriously of fucking Sharon, but that arse was so tempting. If she had not been his mother, he would be wanting to give the woman a good shafting from behind.

"It makes a change to have you home in the evening," said Sharon, now straightened up and facing her son.

Sharon assumed that her son's evenings and nights out were in the company of a girl, but she did not like to quiz him about it. Her son was very good-looking, hunky even, and she was sure that there would be many females interested in him. If he was not her son... Sharon thought to herself, and her knickers started to feel a bit damp.

"Yeah, well I am tired after the early shift this morning," replied Trent.

Sharon was longing to ask Trent about the girl that he was seeing, Sharon assumed it was just one girl, but she felt uncomfortable doing so.

Mother and son spent the evening together, the television was on but neither of them was really watching it. Both were having sexual thoughts and in both cases, the sexual thoughts were about the person that they were currently sharing a room with.

When Sharon had a dildo between her legs in bed that night, she imagined that it was her son fucking her. She bit on her hand when she came, for fear of crying out, or more specifically, crying out her son's name.

Trent slowly stroked his huge erection, thinking of his mother's arse in those tight trousers, and wondering what it looked like naked. His wanking produced a lot of spunk.

Trent worked the next day, although his hours were more civilized than the previous day.

"I am going to be out all night tonight, mum," announced Trent that evening.

"When are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Sharon heard herself blurting in response.

"Ha, maybe one day," said Trent, knowing that his mother would not approve of any of his lovers, particularly his most recent one.

"Do you want a lift?" asked Sharon, wondering if doing so would give her more knowledge of who her son was seeing.

"No thanks, mum, I will walk; see you tomorrow," replied Trent.

At least she would not have to bite her hand for fear of crying out her son's name when she came during masturbation tonight, thought Sharon.

Helen and Trent had only got together because Sharon asked her friend to talk to her son in her capacity as a policewoman. Trent had been caught spraying graffiti, and although he was let off with a caution, Sharon wanted his habit broken before it escalated.

During the one-to-one chat between sergeant Ladbrooke and Trent Potts, Helen mentioned that what Trent had done might earn him a caned backside in some Countries and the conversation led to Trent suggesting that Helen would like to cane him.

Helen did cane Trent, very proficiently, and the two of them then had a night of fucking. Trent returned the next evening for more sex and he was now off to spend another night with Helen. He had said that he would cane Helen this time, and she was looking forward to it.

Although Helen caned a number of her lovers, male and female, she also liked to receive a caning from time to time.

Trent had sent Helen a text earlier that day.

Can you bring your uniform home? I fancy starting your caning over your uniform trousers.

Helen was up for that, although the suggestion was that she would not be wearing her trousers for the duration of the caning, that was okay too. She texted a short reply.

Yes sir!

Helen did not know if Trent intended to give her her caning on arrival or not, but she did not dress in her police uniform.

Helen and Trent had a long kiss on the youth's arrival, their hands roaming over the other's bodies.

"I did not know what your plans were, so I did not put my uniform on," explained Helen.

"I think that I will make you wait a while for your caning, I want to give you a good fucking first," smiled Trent.

"Oh, so dominant, so masterful," laughed Helen.

"You will find out how masterful when you are bent over getting your arse caned," responded Trent.

"I am looking forward to it, baby, and the fucking that will follow it," replied Helen, who in the past had found getting fucked whilst her arse was on fire from a caning, to be a hell of a turn-on.

"That will be a later fucking, when are we going to have the first fuck?" said Trent.

"I think that now is as good a time as any, don't you, baby?" replied Helen.

"Yes, I certainly do," said Trent, unbuttoning Helen's blouse.

"Oh, you are getting frisky before we get to the bedroom," said Helen, undoing and unzipping Trent's jeans and feeling his cock through his boxers.

They snogged again, and as they kissed, Helen managed to get Trent's jeans lower and his boxers down below his now stiff cock.

Trent got Helen's trousers down as far as her thighs, and he fingered her cunt through her knickers.

"We are going to be falling over if we try and go upstairs like this," said Helen, with them both having clothing in a position that would make movement difficult.

"What do you suggest, sergeant Ladbrooke?" said Trent.

"Well, it is my considered opinion that we would be better fucking down here," replied Helen.

"Good thinking," said Trent, giving a sharp tug on Helen's knickers and having them down to her thighs with her trousers.

They teased each other with kisses, mouths open and just brushing the other's lips.

"How about you sit on the sofa and I ride you?" suggested Helen.

"Sounds good to me," replied Trent.

They kissed some more, with Helen slowly wanking Trent's cock and Trent fingering Helen's wet vagina.

They shuffled into the lounge, still with their clothes at thigh or knee level.

Helen sat Trent down on the sofa and pulled off his jeans and boxers, she then removed her trousers and knickers.

Helen took off her undone blouse and bra, and Trent took off his T-shirt and socks, leaving them both naked.

Helen bent forward and gave Trent's erection a couple of sucks before putting her knees on the sofa next to Trent's hips and feeding Trent's cock into her cunt. Helen got comfortable and they kissed, tongues twirling, before Helen slowly started rising and falling on Trent's rigid penis.

The process continued at a very slow pace, kissing was almost continuous as Helen went up and down.

They stopped kissing and looked lovingly into each other's eyes, Helen still rising and falling.

Helen smirked and then suddenly increased her pace, bouncing and giving herself a good fucking that she knew would soon have her cumming. Trent was panting and groaning as the mature woman rode his pole.

"Yes, yes, yes, shit," shouted Helen, as she came hard.

"Going to turn around," said Helen when her orgasm stopped, and she dismounted, turned around, and fed Trent's cock back into her cunt now with her arse towards her lover.

Helen started slowly in the new position but soon picked up speed and she came again.

Getting his cock wanked by Helen's cunt was taking Trent to the edge and he put his hands on Helen's tits and played with her nipples.

Helen had started cumming for a third time, when Trent suddenly shot jets of semen into her, massaging her tits as he did so.

"Shall we go upstairs and have a cuddle on the bed now?" asked Helen, dismounting and giving Trent a great view of her backside.

"That would be nice, I want to have a good look at your arse before I cane it," replied Trent.

"I have brought my uniform home as you said, but you already know that," responded Helen, leaving her clothes scattered around the lounge floor and heading for the stairs.

"Your caning will start with your uniform on," said Trent, also leaving his clothes on the floor as he followed his lover up the stairs.

"Yeah, so you told me," answered Helen.

They lay kissing and cuddling on the bed for a while, and then Trent got Helen to lay on her front and he caressed and kissed her buttocks.

"Has this lovely arse of yours been caned many times over the years, Helen?" asked Trent, as he continued to stroke Helen's cheeks.

"Quite a lot, the first one was from my headmistress at school when I was seventeen," remembered Helen, who went to an all-girls private school.

"Did you like it?" asked Trent.

"She gave me six strokes over my knickers and it fucking hurt, but later I was incredibly turned on," replied Helen.

"And you have liked being caned ever since?" asked Trent.

"Not sure if liked is the correct word, but I do find getting caned to be a hell of a turn-on," answered Helen.

"Who has caned you since school?" asked Trent, still caressing Helen's buttocks.

"Oh, various lovers, both male and female, and I went to a female disciplinarian for a caning once," said Helen.

"So you are into women too then?" asked Trent.

"Yeah, I like women too," replied Helen, smiling to herself because the youth's mother was one of them.

They lay naked together for a while, with some kissing and petting.

"Are you ready for your caning?" asked Trent, after a while.

"Are you ready to give me a fucking after it?" responded Helen.

"Yeah, put on your police uniform, sergeant Ladbrooke," said Trent.

"Are you putting on any clothes?" Helen asked Trent, as she put her uniform on.

"No need is there?" responded Trent, with a smile.

"No, I suppose not," answered Helen, now in her complete police uniform.

"Where do you keep your cane?" asked Trent.

"In here, but I have more than one," said Helen, indicating a wardrobe.

There were two canes but they looked much the same to Trent.

"Which one did you use on me?" asked Trent.

"This one," replied Helen, indicating that there must be a difference.

"Okay, then that is the one that I will use on you, I want you bent over the desk that you caned me over," said Trent.

"Of course," replied Helen, leaving the bedroom with the naked, and aroused, young man following her, with the cane in his hand.

They went to the room where Helen had administered Trent's caning, and Trent went to the far side of the desk and sat on the chair, leaving Helen on the other side of the desk standing and facing him.

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"Sergeant Ladbrooke, I understand that a friend of yours asked you to have a word with her son, is that correct?" said a smirking Trent, absolutely loving this.

"Yes, that is correct," replied Helen.

"And did you have a word with him?" continued Trent.

"Yes, I did," answered Helen.

"Only a word, or did you do anything else?" asked Trent.

"Well, I caned him," replied Helen.

"You caned him? Did his mother ask you to cane him?" asked Trent.

"No, but he did," responded Helen.

"That is as may be, but it was not the youth's mother's suggestion that you cane him, was it?" Trent went on.

"No," replied Helen.

"And after you caned him, did anything else happen?" asked Trent.

"Well yes, we had sex," answered Helen.

"You had sex, did you? Was that at the young man's mother's request?" said Trent, resisting the urge to laugh.

"No, it was not," replied Helen.

"Well sergeant Ladbrooke, you seem to have exceeded your authority and you should be punished, do you agree?" said Trent, almost with a grin.

"I suppose so," answered Helen, who was very turned on.

"You will be caned sergeant Ladbrooke, you will bend over this desk and receive six strokes of the cane on your buttocks over your trousers," said Trent.

"Is that necessary?" asked Helen, longing for the feeling that she would get from being caned.

"More than necessary; you will then remove your trousers and underwear and receive six further strokes on your bare buttocks," said Trent, his penis rockhard.

"But it was the youth who suggested I cane him, and he wanted the sex too," said Helen, not protesting seriously.

"But it was all without the youth's mother's knowledge wasn't it?" said Trent.

"Yes, so what?" said Helen, defiantly.

"Maybe his mother should cane you?" suggested Trent, not immediately seriously, but then that seemed a good idea.

"I will take my caning from you," replied Helen.

"Okay, bend over the desk," said Trent, standing up and picking up the cane.

Helen bent over, Trent loved how her buttocks stretched her trousers.

Trent had never used a cane before but CRACK he landed the first stroke on Helen's arse.

It stung like fuck, but Helen loved the sting.

When Helen had caned Trent, she left long delays between each stroke, but Trent delivered the next five strokes rapidly.

"Remove your trousers and underwear," said Trent, who was dying to fuck.

Helen slowly got up and took off her trousers and knickers, she resisted the urge to rub her arse cheeks.

"Bend over," said Trent.

Helen bent over again, her buttocks were marked but not symmetrically as Trent's had been.

Trent gave Helen the other six strokes rapidly, and the woman twisted and groaned, but did not cry out.

They were both breathless, Trent still holding the cane and looking at Helen's cane-streaked backside.

Helen did not know if she was going to be fucked over the desk, but she urgently needed a fucking somewhere.

"Are you going to fuck me here?" asked Helen, her voice crackling in excitement.

"Yes, I will fuck you here," replied Trent, putting the cane down and moving up close behind Helen.

Trent slid his rigid penis into Helen's wet cunt and fucked her hard and fast, they were both so turned on that this would not last long.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes," panted Helen, as she rapidly reached climax.

Trent fucked her at top speed and she was cumming again when Trent almost roared as he ejaculated into her.

When they had stopped cumming, Trent withdrew and Helen slowly stood up. She put her hands to her caned buttocks.

"Thank you," said Helen, turning to face Trent, and kissing him.

They had something to eat, and a drink, with Helen not sitting down, and then Helen collected her uniform trousers and they went upstairs.

They both showered and then went to bed. There would be no more sex until the morning but as neither of them was working, there would be no hurry to get up. They got some sleep, Helen on her front.

When Trent had stayed the night a few days earlier, Helen had to get up for work, but they did not have that problem this time.

When they had both awoken and after some kissing, Trent mounted Helen and they made love slowly. She was on her back and her arse in contact with the bed was hurting, but if anything, that added to her pleasure.

Helen had one climax, and after the fucking had sped up, she had a second one, before Trent shot his cum into her.

They lay naked after their lovemaking when Helen's doorbell rang.

"Shit!" exclaimed Helen.


Sharon Potts had given herself a good fucking with her sex toy the previous night and had a monumental orgasm as she imagined her son ejaculating in her. She cried out his name as she came.

Sharon was still horny in the morning and thought that she had not had sex with Helen Ladbrooke for a while. She did not know if Helen was working or not but she lived close by so it would only take a moment to drive around and, if Helen was there, see if she fancied some lesbian sex.

Sharon put on her tightest trousers because she knew that Helen absolutely loved her arse, put on some makeup and perfume, and drove to her friend's house.

Helen's car was there so Sharon was hopeful of some lesbian sex as she rang the doorbell.


"Leave it," said Trent.

"No, it might be important," said Helen, getting out of bed and giving Trent a view of her caned arse before she put on a shortish dressing gown and went downstairs.

"Sharon, what are you doing here?" said Helen, when she had partially opened her door.

"Well that is nice, I wondered if you fancied spending a couple of hours in bed with me," said Sharon.

Trent had gotten out of bed and was on the landing, he was surprised to hear his mother's voice, and what she said.

"Um, well Sharon, it is not really convenient right now," said Helen, thinking that Sharon looked incredibly sexy.

"Oh shit! You have got someone here with you, male or female?" laughed Sharon, knowing that Helen was very much bisexual.

Trent was trying to get his head around the fact that his mother and Helen were lovers, but it caused his cock to stiffen.

"It doesn't matter which, Sharon, can we...

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Written by PJH
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