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The Little Brother Alternative Part 1

"After being frustrated by his girlfriend, Bryce Callahan seeks satisfaction from her little brother."

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Author's Notes

"All events in this story are fictional. All characters in this story are over the age of 18."

Sophia moaned underneath him, her pussy grinding against his hard cock. Bryce Callahan wanted more though, always more. His finger traced a line from the cleft of her crotch around her hips and came to rest against the rosebud of her asshole. He pushed, applying pressure to the tight entrance while his body never ceased its rhythmic movements into and out of her twenty-one-year-old body. Sophia’s eyes widened, and she made a groan of dismay. Bryce ignored that protest and continued to move his finger deeper into his girlfriend’s ass. Sophia liked to whine, he knew, but she pretty much always went along with what he liked. He was surprised when a few moments later her own movements stopped and her high-pitched but hushed voice rang out in the silence.

“Fuck Bryce, not again, not tonight.”

Bryce responded nonverbally, capturing her mouth with his own in a deep kiss while doubling down on his assault on her ass.

“God Bryce, seriously, you’ve done me there two nights in a row. It’s sore. Not. Tonight,” she insisted firmly.

Bryce abandoned his attempt for the moment, and began fucking into her in earnest, his thick rod driving into her tight wet snatch.

Sophie mewled in response to the intensity of eight inches of hard flesh being driven into her. She really did like this. In the years since she’d lost her virginity, she’d learned that when it came to sex she lacked restraint. She heard the warnings from sex-ed class, from counselors and TV and her mom, but somehow all that went right out of her head when it came down to the moment, the urgent touching and the sight and feel of dick in front of her.

Bryce took advantage of that, she knew, and she normally appreciated the way his casual dominance cut through the bullshit and let her give in to her deep urges without too much thought. Tonight though she was sore and tired, and the pain in her ass had translated to her being limited during her cheerleading practice at the university earlier that day. She had even noticed a group of her teammates laughing at her, and had distinctly made out something along the lines of ‘slut can’t even walk straight.’ That rankled her: jealous slut-shaming bitches, the whole lot of them. She remembered the person most prominent in that group and smiled to herself.

She continued to enjoy the feeling of the cock sawing into and out of her. His thick meat was absolutely filling her and she brought her hand to her clit and with a light touch kicked off a massive orgasm. All restraint abandoned, she screamed out her pleasure as her hips bucked wildly under the beefy mass of her well-endowed lover. Bryce smiled the smile of a job well done and moved to push his advantage once again. He withdrew from his tight young girlfriend and swiftly moved to reenter at a different spot, his still hard dick pushing against her ass. She reacted quickly and furiously, pushing herself forward and slapping him away.

“Jesus fuck, Bryce! I said no!” she exclaimed, crossing her arms in front of her and glaring at her boyfriend.

“I know baby, I know, but usually you’re willing to go along with it,” he responded, some mostly insincere regret tinging his voice.

“Well, not tonight. Like I said, I’m sore. You’ve fucked me so hard back there the past couple of nights I could barely move today. Even Tyler was calling me a slut during cheerleader practice, the jealous little bitch.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, baby. You’re right, that little queer is just jealous. You’re my slut though, and I love you for it.” He moved to wrap her in an embrace and re-engage in making out, but Sophie put out her hand to prevent him making contact. 

“Don’t call me a slut right now. JEEZ you just can’t read the room tonight, can you?“ Bryce started to protest but was quickly silenced by another glare, his face settling into a downcast set. Sophie sighed.

“Why is it so hard for me to stay mad at you?” she asked.

“It’s because I’m soo cute,” he replied

“Mmm, yeah, I guess that might be it.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“The fact that you have a really nice dick is part of it too.” She moved her hand down and patted his member, still mostly erect.

 “Well, I’m going to bed. You’re welcome to stay the night though.” She turned on to her side and reached over to turn out the light.

“What, you’re going to bed right now, just like that? What am I supposed to do with this?” He motioned down to his crotch.  

“You should have thought of that before you pushed so aggressively. You could have finished in my tight little pussy by now.” She looked up and flashed him an evil little grin. “But if it’s anal that you want, maybe you should be trying someone like Tyler Lloyd.” Bryce snickered at that.

“Ha yeah, I guess you’re right. Sorry again, babe. And I can’t stay tonight, got practice at the crack of dawn tomorrow.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against his girlfriend’s smooth skin. “I might grab a snack on my way out. See you tomorrow.” 

“Mmhmm,” came the soft reply from Sophie, already drifting off to sleep. Bryce drew himself up and off the bed, gathered his clothes and made to leave. As he left the room though, one thing his girlfriend had just said continued to ring in his head...




As a college freshman, Michael Nichols sat on his bed listening to his sister and her boyfriend fuck in the next room, his mind was a jumble of conflicting thoughts and feelings. The sounds of the lovemaking were distinct coming through the thin walls that separated his room from his sister, and the images he conjured to accompany them were vivid. Bryce, the top jock at their university, a thick muscular specimen of young adulthood and his sister, a spitting image of feminine perfection: all curves and softness and sultry appeal. As he lay there in bed stroking his slender cock he could picture himself in Bryce’s place, mounting his sister, pinning her down as he thrust eagerly into her tight wet snatch. He could also picture the other side, though he usually tried to suppress that part of his psyche. He could imagine being Sophie, lying open and vulnerable, while Bryce with what he was sure was a large and perfectly shaped dick took his liberty on him.

In his eighteen years, Mike had never actually done anything with a guy before, had only dreamed about it in fleeting moments where peak arousal broke down the walls of fear in his mind, but right now he imagined that perfect dick at the entrance of his virgin asshole, pushing insistently. Mike brought a finger down to that spot and pushed. A soft moan escaped his lips, matching ones coming from the next room as his finger invaded the tight sphincter creating a sense of fullness that only left him wanting more. As he stroked his dick with more intensity he noticed that there had been a break in the sounds coming from the next room. The show must be over for tonight, he thought, but he still had plenty of mental scenes to play out in his head as he continued to stroke himself.

After a few moments though, he heard Sophie’s door close and loud footsteps in the hallway, and then suddenly, before Mike even had a chance to react, the door opened and Bryce, Bryce fucking Callahan, stood there in all his glory. He was naked, and Mike in his lust devoured the sight. Bryce was..a man... there was no other way for him to process it. Six foot three of timeless good looks and pure unadulterated masculinity. His dick was...Mike shuddered involuntarily, it was perfect, nine inches of glistening veiny flesh that was jutting out, semi-erect. Bryce noticed Mike's entranced gaze, and a predatory grin swept across his face.

“Evening Mikey, what you up to?” His voice was light, casual.

“Uh, you know, uh just-” Mikey started to stutter, but Bryce cut him off immediately

“Just sitting in your bed, jacking off to the sound of me fucking your sister.” He cast a glance down to Mikey’s crotch. Mike belatedly realized that he was still sitting on top of his covers, with no pants on, his own semi-erect dick exposed to the unimpressed view of the adonis in front of him. Bryce stepped further into the room, and quietly closed the door behind him.

“What I’m really wondering, Mikey, is what exactly you were thinking about. Did you want to be me? Hm? Your sister is goddamn hot, were you wishing you could hit that?”

His voice was soft, but intense. Alluring. Bryce stepped further forward, he was now just a few feet away from where Mike sat on his bed.

“Or did you want to be her?” His hand went down to grasp his dangling member, and he started to slowly stroke it. 

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“I’ve heard some things about you Mikey, about gym class, and wrestling practice.” Mike blushed, and pulled his covers even tighter around himself. He knew he had fucked up a few times back in high school, letting his gaze linger too long a time or two in the locker room, a boner not suppressed quickly enough during a match, but he hadn’t dreamed that there were any rumours, especially ones that would have followed him all the way to university.

Bryce stepped closer yet again, and now he was right in front of Mikey, still stroking his rapidly hardening cock. Mike couldn’t help himself, his eyes were fixed on the beautiful rod that was inches in front of him.  He could feel his heart beating faster now, and a strange combination of dread and excitement churned in his belly.

“Yeah, that’s right, take it in. Ricky told me you like looking at his cock in the showers, well this is the advanced version,” Bryce murmured. Mike unconsciously licked his lips, and Bryce smiled victoriously.

“So now I got a problem here, Mikey. A big, hard problem.” He thrust his hips forward slightly, and his now fully hard cock came within an inch of Mike’s lips before retreating. “See, your sister is normally a good little slut for me, you know? You’ve heard the stories right?” Mikey was barely processing anything at this point, but he nodded slightly. He had indeed heard ‘the stories’ about his sister.

“Yeah she’s normally down for anything, anytime, but tonight she’s copped an attitude. Won’t let me fuck her tight little ass, tried to leave me with blue balls.” He smirked.

“Well, she told me if I wanted anal I should go talk to Tyler Loyd from the cheerleader squad. I’m not going to do that though. Tyler ain’t it. Your sister doesn’t understand something. Wanna know what it is?” He paused, waiting for a response.

Mikey gulped and then croaked out, his mouth dry and cracked, “What is it?”

“A Slut is a Slut is a Slut, doesn’t matter what parts they have, it matters that they all love, they all need this.”

Bryce took another step forward and thrust his hips again, and suddenly his cock was pushing against Mike’s mouth, who, without consciously registering it, parted his lips to let in. But just as his mouth engulfed the bulbous tip, Bryce’s large meaty hand came forward and pushed him and Mike toppled onto his back.

“Goddamn eager little bitch, aren’t you? Heh, I like that. But I can get head anytime I want, and your sister is the best cocksucker I’ve ever had. That’s not what you’re going to give me, slut.”

Mike moaned softly, more of a whine, it was a noise of anticipation and frustration and dread. Because in this particular moment he knew Bryce was right. He did need it, that beautiful cock that he could still taste. And now Bryce was on the bed with him, now he was on top of him, pinning him down. Bryce’s thick hands were running down Mike’s slender arms, now down his chest and then around. Now there was a finger poking at his asshole, it pushed in. Mikey moaned again, this single digit already filling him more than anything he’d ever had back there.

“Shh, quiet, slut. We wouldn’t want your sister to wake up.” Bryce removed his finger, he backed off from his position on top of Mike, and spat a gob of saliva onto Mike’s asshole. He brought two fingers now, and Mikey was cringing as he desperately tried to suppress his reaction to the mixture of pain and pleasure he was experiencing as Bryce started to move his hand in and out, fingering him slowly. The fight to stay silent was lost when a third finger joined and the pace of the fingerfucking increased. Mike moaned again, the loudest noise he had made since this encounter started. Bryce brought the hand that wasn’t busy invading Mike's ass to cover his mouth, but didn’t stop this assault. Suddenly the assault did cease, the fingers withdrew and Mike was stunned by the abrupt emptiness he felt. It was only a momentary reprieve, as he felt another glob of saliva make contact with his ass and now Bryce was positioning his thick cock at the entrance to Mike’s tiny ass, and pushing.

“Fuuuck...” Mike groaned out, as slowly, his ass stretched to accommodate the dip of Bryce’s thick cock. That stretching continued as Bryce thrust forward again, pushing several more inches of flesh into the tight hole. Mike whimpered.

“Shh. It’s okay. You can take it, babe, your ass is made for this.” With that Bryce plunged forward, mercilessly burying his cock to the hilt in the eighteen-year-old’s ass.

“Oh my gawd” Mike moaned out yet again, the loudest yet. The entire thing was inside of him now, every fucking inch, and he couldn’t even imagine feeling more full than he did now. Instead of a hand, Bryce brought his mouth forward to silence the boy, his bulk now covering Mike’s in a missionary position, his entire dick still buried down to the hilt. His lips touched Mike’s, and now his tongue shot forward into the younger male’s mouth, capturing him in a dominating kiss. Mike closed his eyes and lost himself in the jumbled rush of sensations. Pleasure at the stimulating fullness, pain at the continued stretching and intrusion, humiliation at how helpless, vulnerable, submissive his position was. Abruptly, Bryce went to switch positions. He withdrew his cock, drawing a grunt of protest from Mike.

Bryce chuckled to himself, reached down and with ease rolled Mike, the younger guy instinctively assuming a position on his hands and knees. Bryce delivered a hard smack onto Mike’s ass, causing him to shudder.

“Don’t worry, slut, I’m not done with you yet.” Bryce sneered. He smacked Mike’s ass again, and took up a position at the entrance to his asshole.

“Now you’re really gonna get fucked.” With a single motion, he drove his cock into MIke’s ass, burying right up to the hilt.

“AH GOD!” Mike screamed. “UUUH.”  

Bryce grabbed the back of Mike’s head and drove it down into the bed, muffling Mike’s continued loud cries of pleasure and pain as the older jock drove his massive cock rapidly in and out of his ass.

“Play with yourself, slut,” Bryce commanded. “I want to feel you come on my dick”

Mike complied, he reached down to his crotch and wasn’t surprised to find it hard as steel and already dripping precum. It only took a few more strokes combined with the overabundance of stimulation the rest of his mind and body was going through for him to start cumming, shooting strands of white onto the sheets beneath him.

“Good girl!” Bryce cooed to him, and Mike shuddered again at that second word.

Girl. It didn’t quite fit right, but it did raise an odd flutter in his stomach. That line of thought was cut off though as Bryce increased the pace of his onslaught yet again, leaving gasping and groaning and moaning. After an interminable amount of time, could have been hours, could have been minutes, of pain and humiliation and enough pleasure that his deflated dick was stirring again, he felt Bryce’s cock erupt deep within his ass, spurts of fluid filling him. Bryce collapsed down, and Mike collapsed with him, Bryce leaned down and nipped at Mike’s neck briefly, and then rolled off his barely legal lover. The two of them were so wrapped up in the aftermath of their lovemaking that neither of them noticed the sound of the door softly closing behind them.

“Mmm,” Bryce said, to an accompaniment of heavy breathing from both boys. “That was great. Thanks, slut.” Bryce let out a loud post-coital yawn, and then moved to retrieve his clothes and get dressed. He made his way to the door, and turned to look back at the still crumpled form of his girlfriend’s little brother.

“See you around, babe,” he muttered, before opening the door and making his way through the house and out into the night. For his part, Mikey continued to lay sprawled on his bed, all too aware of the puddle of his own cum beneath him, and the feel of Bryce’s cum leaking from his ass. Aside from these physical artifacts, what had just transpired felt like a surreal dream. The walls he normally maintained in his mind were rising back up, and when he considered the details of what he’d just done, what he’d just let be done to him, he was a bit disgusted. And again that last word, babe. The same term the man who just fucked him called his sister. It made him flinch to consider, but there was still that flutter in his stomach. And the fact that it was his own sister’s boyfriend who he had just fucked was beginning to re-dawn on him in the aftermath, a thought that filled him with dread. Lost...

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Written by SasquatchMD
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