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The Grimm Twins I - Little Miss Muffet

"Jacob Grimm tells the first of many tales to his fair sister, Jenny."

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"Tell me a story, Jacob. Oh, please, you promised me!" Jenny pleaded whilst straddling her brother’s thighs, black lace panties pushed to one side to accommodate his throbbing cock. Running her hands through his shoulder length blonde mane, she giggled as she slowly rose and fell, her tight pussy squeezing his erection delightfully, her deep blue eyes full of impish delight as she gazed into orbs that matched her own. Jacob was the eldest of the pair by a scant handful of minutes, a fact that had molded their relationship as soon far back as they could both remember. He was the dominant of the pair and Jenny, although quite spirited, had always been subservient in their relationship, even before they’d been aware of the true meaning of the words.

"I don’t know, Jenny." Jacob feigned a stern frown, secretly delighting in the lovely pout it brought forth on his sister’s lips. In his eyes, and indeed, all others, his sister was the rarest of the rare, a true and natural beauty. Eyes the color of sapphires, and hair made of spun gold that cascaded down her back. Although her breasts were small and her hips slim, her narrow waist gave her girlish figure a shape that drew the eyes of both men and women, young and old.

"Pretty please?" she breathed, her breath warm against his lips as she kissed him, her tongue parting his lips as she lifted her hips once more, her sweet juices flowing like honey down the length of his cock.

"I suppose…" he groaned, his hands firm upon her tiny waist, holding her in place, only the tip of his cock parting her folds. He let out a breath, the knowledge that his was the only cock she’d ever known almost making him lose control. Jenny pulled back from their shared kiss, her eyes full of mischief, her uncanny ability to ‘read his thoughts’ obviously in play.

"Dear brother, if you wish to keep me as your submissive little slut, you’d best keep me well pleased, lest I find another more willing to give into my one desire. Father perhaps. Or mother…?"

He pulled her down suddenly, impaling her with his thick cock, a bark of laughter turning into a lusty grunt. "Behave, Jennifer, or not only will you not get a story, but I’ll turn you over my knee and spank you until you scream for mercy and then, send you to bed with a terrible need to climax while I slake my lust upon one of the maids."

Jenny met his hard gaze, surrendering quickly and casting her own eyes down in submission, causing him to soften his next words as he guided her upwards upon his swollen cock once more and leaned forward to kiss her tenderly on the nose.

"A deal, my love. As long as you continue to ride me thus, I will spin you a yarn, but if you should climax, or cause me to do so, that will be the end of it, finished or not, understand?"

Jenny nodded, daring to meet his eyes once more, her own bright with challenge. "Perhaps, if this game pleases you this night, dear brother, we can resume it upon the following night, and the one following that, such as Scheherazade did deal with the Sultan?"

"Perhaps, Jenny. For now, it will be but a single challenge. And, if we make it to the end of my tale and you wait until your brother has slaked his desire within your delightful honey pot then, and only then, do you have permission to partake of your own ultimate pleasure. Are we agreed?"

Jenny nodded, once more letting the elder of the twins guide her gently down, his slick cock sliding deep within her welcoming cunt until her bottom rested against his familiar thighs.

"Not so long ago, in a land far, far away," he began, his face set in concentration, while his sister slowly began unbuttoning his shirt with trembling fingers. "There lived a young lady by the name of Molly Muffet. A Buxom young wench, with raven curls that put the night sky to shame. She’d grown up in a small village and all the men, young and old, lusted after her. Many of the women as well, Jenny, for she was a rare beauty."

Jenny smiled, closing her eyes as her brother spun his tale, easily imagining herself in Molly Muffet’s place, even as she undid another button, revealing a chest covered with a light carpet of golden fur, rising and falling with each breath. "No doubt she had many lovers, dear brother."

"Shush, Jenny. No interruptions, or I’ll end my tale now." He admonished with a raised eyebrow, and a sharp smack on her bottom. Satisfied at her sharp intake of breath and her blushing nod, he continued his tale, enjoying her feel of her fingers caressing his bare chest.

"As I said, she was beautiful beyond compare and the object many a late night fantasy, some as simple as spending an idyllic afternoon picnicking between her legs beneath the warm summer sun. Some, however, were much darker. Much like the ones that fill your pretty little head, those secret desires that you are won’t admit to, Jenny. Don’t look at me like that, we both know the truth." He said, lifting her chin, he gaze boring into her.

In the town where Miss Muffet lived, there dwelt such a man. Charles Ashford Spideton was his name, and his thoughts concerning Young Molly were anything but pure. Master Spiderton was a moneylender, a dark hearted man, and yet, he was handsome and full of charm as well, and quite rich."

Jacob paused in his story, his eyes closed in pleasure as he felt Jenny’s skilled cunt squeezing his cock, managing only a low moan that mingled with her breathless giggle.

"Careful, dear sister, if you want this tale to last until the very end. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Master Spiderton or, as they called him behind his back, The Spider, could have had any girl he wanted. Indeed, he was the town’s most eligible bachelor. It was Molly, however, upon whom he’d set his sights. Not a week would go by when a bouquet of flowers wouldn’t show up at her door or a note wouldn’t be delivered to her modest little cottage, all gifts from a ‘secret admirer’."

"Molly, naïve in affairs of the heart, puzzled over them, never once suspecting their true origin. She had, in turn, drawn up a list of suspects, none of whom included Charles Spiderton. Michael the butcher’s son, a handsome man if a bit lacking in cleverness. Professor Rasputin, charming and newly arrived from far away lands. Nicolas Nightengale, once a soldier in the King’s army who looked quite dashing in his uniform, or so she thought. But never, ever, ever did she suspect the true origin of the offerings, a fact that The Spider was gleefully aware of. You see, he had hatched a nefarious plan, one with which he intended to ensnare Molly Muffet."

He felt Jenny shiver against him, and smiled, wondering what delightful thoughts were going through her head as he unbuttoned her blouse, freeing her firm breasts. Her nipples were a lovely shade of rose, hard points that, judging from her reaction as he twisted them, must have ached something terrible. Her gasp of mingled pain and pleasure gave him pause to chuckle before continuing.

"One morning, Molly awoke to find an envelope upon her front stoop, addressed to her in the spidery handwriting that she recognized as belonging to her secret admirer. With a girlish giggle, she hurried to her room and threw herself upon her bed, opening the missive, and reading it over, not once, but twice, her breath quickening with each word."

My Dearest Molly,

Too long have I watched you from afar, my desire for you held closely guarded. Today, it is my wish to reveal my true identity. No longer content to admire you in secret, I would like to make my face known. If you hold any affection for me, then your role is simple. Upon the shore of the old Mill pond stands a pair of oaks. Meet me there, an hour before dusk, and I shall reveal myself to you.

Your Secret Admirer.

"Molly, of course, could hardly contain her delight. She spend the remainder of the day with her head filled with images of Michael, Professor Rasputin, and Nicholas who, she confessed to herself, she truly hoped with the author of the letter. In some, she shared kisses, and yet, in others, she shared erotic delights that made her blush. I’m sure you can well imagine what those might be, sister dearest, hmmm?"

Jenny moaned softly, rising one more until the tip of her brother’s cock barely brushed the edges of her dripping folds, and then slowly lowered herself once more. Her nipples felt like they were on fire as he roughly abused them, twisting and tugging at them.

"Yes…" she managed, her head falling back, the sound turning to a hiss as he suddenly took one in his mouth and sank his teeth into it. The sensation was almost too much for her, and she fought for control as intense sensations traveled up and down her spine. With a shiver, she held on, panting as she gripped his cock once more with her drenched pussy.

"Good God, Jenny…" Jacob murmured, letting go of her nipple, his teeth leaving their mark in it. "Let me press on while I still can, or I will have to complete my story another day. So, while Miss Muffet was dreaming of her upcoming tryst upon the bank of the old mill pond and pondering whether she should wear this blouse with that skirt, or perhaps this dress with these stockings, Charles Spiderton was making his own preparations."

"You see, weeks before, he had purchased several coils of rope with almost magical properties. For one, it was very nearly invisible, so fine was it. For another, it was sticky, much like a spider’s web, which suited him fine. The irony of his surname, after all, didn’t escape him. It could only be handled with a pair of treated gloves which he had also purchased. Anything else it touched, it would ensnare. You must understand, Jenny darling, that The Spider’s intentions were anything but honorable towards Molly, something I am sure you appreciate."

Jenny answered with a soft whimper, her command of language slowly being lost as desire filled her, robbing her of thoughts that didn’t involve the pleasure that Jacob had promised her and his slowly unfolding tale.

"So it was that Molly set out upon the path to the old mill pond, with visions of romance in her head.

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She’d finally settled on a pretty summer dress that buttoned up the front and left her shoulders bare. It was sky blue, as where her slippers, while her stocking were white as were the ribbons that gathered her dark tresses. She had no trouble locating the twin oaks beside the pond, nor the spread laid out before them; a pair of tuffets, separated by a picnic basket. Of course, she missed the web of ropes that Charles Spiderton had secured between the tress, as was his plan."

"She paused, Jenny dear, gazing about the clearing, wondering where her secret admirer might be hidden, her curiosity and excitement at a peak. After all, it had been nearly 6 months since the first of the gifts and letters had arrived upon her doorstep, and her desire to put finally put a name to the mystery suitor filled her thoughts to over flowing. Much like your need, if I’m not mistaken."

"My God, dear Jacob." Jenny managed, her words spilling from trembling lips as he ran his hands down her spine, his fingers slipping beneath her lace panties, fondling and squeezing her tender bottom. "Hurry, if you love me at all."

"Never doubt my love, Jenny." He said, his hands sliding back to her waist, and pulling her down suddenly, his cock sinking deep inside of her. "Now, be still until I finish my story. And then, I will show you just how much I truly do love my beautiful little sister by filling her full of my seed."

Jenny responded with a frustrated whimper, her thighs squeezing his, even as her cunt tightened around his cock, obviously doing her best to be both still and quiet, and failing somewhat, much to his amusement.

"Next time you interrupt me, I’ll dump you on the ground and finish myself off in the privacy of my room, understand?"

Jenny was wise enough to simply nod, her hands framing his head as she ran her fingers through his mane, her face so close to his that he could smell the faintest hint of peach on her breath. He met her gaze, bright blue eyes boring into her matching set, his brow set in a stern line until she nodded once more. Then, and only then, did he continue his tale.

"Deciding to investigate, Molly took a seat upon one of the padded tuffets and peered into the basket. There she found a potpourri of delights. Cheeses and fruits. Various cold cuts and greens and a variety of desserts. Unbeknownst to her, while she was exploring the contents of the basket, Chareles stealthily approached her from behind. Soon, he was hovering over her, a wicked smile upon his face, much like mine, Jenny, and his thoughts were just as impure."

"’Boo!’, he exclaimed, causing her a fright. She let out a scream and leapt to her feet, turning to confront her surprise guest. With a chuckle, The Spider reached out and gave her a push, sending her off balance and into his invisible web where she stuck fast, her arms out to either side of her, her legs spread slightly apart."

"’Well, well, well. Look’s like I’ve got myself a greedy little fly, hovering around my dinner.’ Charles exclaimed, his eyes glittering with mischief ‘And now she’s trapped in my web. What ever shall I do with her?’"

Jacob leaned forward and kissed his sister heatedly upon her lips before whispering. "If you’re good, perhaps I can spin a web of my own. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be hopelessly trapped between two pillars, my hands wondering where ever I willed them, unable to stop me from doing anything I wanted?"

Jenny shivered, imaging just that. She bit down hard on her own lip, willing herself not to go over the edge of desire that she now balanced precariously upon, her twin brother’s thick cock deep inside her dripping wet cunt as he continued speaking, seemingly oblivious to her plight.

"Now, as you may have worked out by now, sweet Jenny, Charles was a cad. Had he been man of good moral character he might not have been named The Spider, no matter what his ancestry. Thus, it was that, instead of apologizing and helping to free young Miss Muffet, he gave her a wicked smile, and spoke."

"’My Dearest Molly’. He said. It was, by the way, not lost on Molly, how handsome his face and broad his shoulders were. ‘I have always been of the thought that actions speak louder then words, and so, I won’t bore you with some carefully prepared speech. Instead, I intend to show you the delights you might enjoy should you decide to become my intended. Hopefully, before the day turns to dusk, and dusk to twilight, I will own your heart and soul, rather then just your body.’"

"With those words, Charles Ashford Spiderton slipped his carefully treated glove on and did indeed, lay aside words for deeds. First, he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her. She struggled at first, pressing her lips together definitely. Then, something strange happened. Her heart, which had been beating with fright moments before, began to beat with desire. His kisses, tender at first, grew passionate, and she returned them in kind, her body recognizing a truth she’d never known. She was a slave to a dark and secret desire and, being trapped as she was, slowly awakened to the truth."

Without pausing his tale, Jacob began lifting Jenny by the waist once more, helping her to rise and fall slowly on his cock, fucking her slowly, her juices dripping over his thighs as her sultry moans took on a new intensity, her flesh growing heated as her breasts heaved with each indrawn breath.

"He began by undoing the buttons of her dress and freeing her tits, Jenny, just like I did with yours earlier, fondling them until her nipples were hard as rocks, just like yours are now, enjoying the music of her soft moans. He ran his hands over her bare shoulders, along her arms, over her face, exciting her in ways she’d never dreamed of, all the while aware of how helpless she was to stop him. Soon, she felt a growing heat at her core, and her lacey white undergarments became soaked with the sweetest honey known to man. Just like yours are now. No use denying it, sister. After all, my cock is stretching out the walls of your needy little cunt."

"I would never deny that, Jacob. My cunt belongs to you, and only to you."

"Never forget that, Jenny." He reached behind and pushed her panties aside, pressing his fingertip against the tight ring of her anus, causing her to suck in a deep breath, only letting it out as a gasp as he began pushing it slowly into her puckered ass.

"Next, he lifted her skirts, revealing her soaked underpants. Grinning, he spoke softly into her ear. ‘It is your choice, my beautiful fly. Simply ask, and I will free you from my web and send you home. No more letters, no more flowers, never again a chance to be trapped on my web and used like the dirty little creature you secretly wish you were. What do you say?’"

"What do you think she said, Jenny, my love? What would you have done?"

"I’d have...

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