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The Girls of ΛΕƩ- Part 4- The Toga Party

"Proving they are not only lesbian the girls enjoy an evening with the boys."

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I dragged my ass down to the dining room for brunch. My body ached from the effects of yesterday’s orgy, it felt as if I had been hit by a steamroller. My mind was not in much better shape.

The past week had suddenly caught up with me. I no longer knew what I had become. It had started off with my discovery of erotic submission, moved on to my bisexuality, and ended up yesterday with the discovery of a streak of dominance I didn’t know I had in me.

Was I a Sub, or a Dom? Was I lesbian, or bisexual, or none of the above? I had undoubtedly discovered that all the experiences I’d had over the past six days had revealed a sexuality that I had not known I possessed.

Sitting there in the dining room idly picking at my food, my mind raced to make sense of it all. I had loved all of it. However, I realized I was no longer the same person who had walked into the sorority house a week ago.

Tonight was the toga party where the guys from the Zeta Omicron Beta fraternity were to come over to party with us. I had heard rumors that the ZOB’s were our male counterparts, and that they were as randy as we were.

I wondered what the night would bring as further experiences for me.

“Good morning, Evie. How are you feeling this morning?” Angel walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a passionate wet kiss as she sat down next to me.

“I’m feeling physically good, but mentally confused. Angel,” I replied.

“What’s confusing you, love?”

“I no longer know who or what I am sexually.”

She looked deep into my eyes and smiled at me. “Evie, you like the rest of us here are just a horny, dirty little slut who loves sex in all of its varieties. We’re honest enough to accept who we are and not to judge ourselves or let others judge us. If you are not harming yourself or harming others accept it and enjoy. In time you might choose a particular path, however, by then you will have experienced a range of situations that will let you choose what you want.”

“Well, tell me about tonight. What can I expect?”

“Evie, tonight we have as our guests some of the most handsome and sexy guys on campus coming over for a party. Most of the girls are dating guys they met at their first toga party. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Nothing will happen to you that you don’t want. You have the right to say no to any proposition you don’t desire.”

I felt a surge of relief at her words. I was no virgin; however, I wanted to be able to pick and choose my experiences.

“Make sure you get some rest today as it could be a long night for you.”

I smiled and said, “You think so?”

“Oh yes. I think you will love the experience,” she replied.



I returned to my room after brunch and lay down on the bed. I must have fallen asleep instantly. I was vaguely aware that at some point Angel joined me and that we cuddled. I woke up a few hours later feeling much refreshed. As I got out of bed Angel walked in and said, “Time to get ready.”

“Get ready?”

“Come on love, time to shower and get dressed.”

“I thought all we had to do was drape a white sheet around our body to be ready.”

“Yes, there’s that. However tonight I want you to look your best. This is where you will meet all the movers and shakers on campus. It’s your opportunity to latch on to a great boyfriend who will squire you and entertain you. I met my boyfriend, Tony, at my pledge toga party, and we have been together for the past four years.”

“Does he know that you swing both ways, Angel?”

“Sure. He’s even joined me with other girls from time to time. He says it heightens my appeal for him.”

“So if I understand this correctly you two have had threesomes and maybe foursomes?”

Angel smiled at me and replied, “Yes girl, and I plan to introduce you to him tonight in all senses of the word if you are willing.”

Again my head went into a spin. I had looked forward to meeting some nice guys, but this was another new experience that I would face tonight. Something else to sort out in my muddled mind.

Angel escorted me to the kitchen where we chowed down on a roast beef sandwich accompanied by a cold beer. Once finished she led me to the showers and we washed each other from head to foot. We shampooed each other and washed our bodies with jasmine scented body gel.

Not an inch went unwashed, and Angel paid particular attention to my pussy and to my ass. By the time she was through I was totally aroused, my pussy was dripping with arousal. When I asked her to finish me off, she just smiled at me and told me to save it for later. She let me wash her but again pushed me off when I tried to get her to cum.

“You’ll get more than your share later, Evie. Just be patient.”

She dragged me to her bedroom and sat me down at her makeup table and proceeded to dry my hair before doing it so that it fell in loose waves down my back. She continued by braiding it into a tress that she pinned up in a crown around my head.  She had me close my eyes as she applied eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. I felt her apply lipstick to my lips and then she asked me to open my eyes.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and tried to fathom that I was staring at myself. I could scarcely recognize myself. I was looking at the image of a highly sophisticated woman. My blue eyes were highlighted with a deep purple eyeshadow which made them seem twice their usual size and really stand out. She had matched the color in the eyeliner, and the effect was dramatic. My lips glistened with a pale coral lipstick.

“That’s beautiful, Angel. Where did you learn to do that?”

“I have been thinking of how to accentuate your face ever since I saw you the first time. I also asked my favorite makeup artist to suggest some things,” she smirked.

“Now let’s get you into your toga.”

She proceeded to go to her wardrobe and pulled out some white linen material which she draped around my body.

“Wait shouldn't I put on some panties and a bra?” I asked.

“No, the Greeks did not wear panties and bras. I strive for authenticity,” she giggled.

She wrapped the material around me draping it over one shoulder but leaving one breast uncovered.

“Hey wait! Do you expect me to meet these guys with one tit flapping in the wind?”

“Your tits don’t flap. You have gorgeous tits, and you will display them. We all will be wearing our togas like this. The one rule I have on these occasions is that the girls can always say NO. These guys are too scared to not be invited again so they will behave as perfect gentlemen. We girls are always in control here. Don’t ever forget that fact. Now for the finishing touches.”

She proceeded to get some rouge and apply it to my protruding nipple and then sprayed me with perfume.

“What perfume is that?” I inquired.

“Clive Christian’s No. 1. I find that the undertones of jasmine complement the smell of the body wash we used in the shower. It is not inexpensive, but it’s one of my favorites. Now slip on these sandals. Okay, you’re ready to be unveiled and eaten alive. You look totally delectable. Look at yourself in the mirror.”

I examined myself in the full-length mirror and honestly, I was totally transformed. Gone was the cheerleader look. I resembled the ancient Greek courtesans the 'hetaera' as they were called and which I had seen depictions of in my history books.




As soon as Angel had donned her makeup and draped on her toga, we went downstairs to greet the men who would soon arrive.

The furniture had been removed from the main salon and replaced with couches arranged around the room. There was a band at one end with a dance floor set up adjacent to them. The musicians were trying to get ready, but were having difficulties as they kept staring at the girls who were now assembling. They could not keep their eyes off us as we all were sporting one bare tit.

The dining room was transformed into an open bar, and a hot and cold buffet had been laid out. Seeing the other girls dressed much as I was calmed me down. We were indeed a sight to behold.

I had been intimate with all of them, and they indeed were mouthwatering. My examination of the group was interrupted by the doorbell and Mia went to usher in our guests

I was instantly impressed. They were dressed in togas however the togas ended at mid-thigh leaving their legs bare. They were an outstanding collection of very handsome individuals.

Angel rushed forward and kissed a tall curly haired Adonis. She escorted him to me and introduced, Tony, her boyfriend and the president of his fraternity.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Evie, and I must say that Angel did not exaggerate your beauty,” he said in greeting.

“Well thank you, kind sir,” I replied blushing furiously.

Turning to Angel, he asked her if the same rules applied as in past years. When she replied in the affirmative, he said, “Evie, the custom is that we pair the new girls with our own pledges for this party. This year my brother, John, is joining our fraternity. I would like to introduce you to him, and if it clicks between you two, he would be your date. Is that agreeable to you?”

“Uh! Sure why not.”

Tony walked away and quickly returned with a stocky young man. This guy was built like a Greek wrestler.  He had short dark hair, dark eyes, lean, and naturally very muscular.

“Evie, this is John. John, Evie.”

He smiled shyly at me unable to take his eyes off my bare breast. We shook hands, and he said, “Glad to meet you, Evie.”

“I’m very pleased to meet you,” I answered with a bright smile.

Tony asked me if John met with my approval as my date for the evening and I smiled at him and said that it was fine with me. He turned to Angel and told her they should go introduce my fellow pledges to their dates.

I looked at John and noticed that he was still staring at my tit. I smiled at him and told him that if he was a good boy, I would let him see its sister a bit later.

He blushed and told me that he was sorry that he had been so obvious but that my breast was mouthwatering and he had never seen a prettier one.

Now it was my turn to blush. To cover up my embarrassment, I asked him if he would like a drink. He told me that he did not drink a lot, but he would be glad to have one with me.

We went to the bar, and we ordered a weak scotch for John and a glass of white wine for me. We went back to the living room and settled on one of the couches.

Looking around I noticed that the other couples were sprawled on the couches, cuddling and making out with their dates. I could see that most of the girls were letting their beaus fondle them right in public.

I felt that I wanted to get more acquainted with my date before going that far. He must have felt my reticence as he lay down next to me on the couch and kept his hands to himself. We went through the introductory phase of asking each other what we were studying, our families and the usual chit-chat.

Out of the blue, he asked me, “Evie, do you like to dance?”

“I love it,” I answered.

He took my hand helped me get up and escorted me to the dance floor.

It quickly became evident that John knew his way around a dance floor. His lead was firm and controlled. He led me with a sure touch and knew the steps to all the dances. I was really enjoying myself and was less conscious of my seminude state.

“You must dance a lot,” I remarked.

“Not really.”

“Where did you learn to dance like this?”

“When you see my mother you can thank her. She had both Tony and myself take a few years of ballroom dancing. She thought of it as an essential part of our education,” he replied.

“When and if I ever meet your mother I will do so.”

“I think you already know her. She told me at breakfast this morning that you were an amazing young woman.”

“She did? When did I meet her?”

“Evie, you spent all day with her yesterday. My mother is Rachel.”

I felt my face turn flaming red as I pictured myself and Rachel and our amorous pursuits of yesterday.

“Hey there, don’t blush. Our family is very liberated. I know mother’s tastes, and I don’t have a problem with what you did yesterday. I must say it got me very interested in meeting you.”

He stopped held me in his arms and brought his face to mine. Sooner than I had expected, we were exchanging a passionate kiss. My lips parted, and he slid his tongue into my mouth. His breath was fresh and clean, and we finally had to stop before we passed out from lack of oxygen.

“Phew! Where did you learn to kiss like this?” he asked.

This guy had the talent for making me blush. I didn’t answer and just put my arms around him and held him closer than I had before. My face was snuggled against his neck, and his cologne was intoxicating. I realized that he had an erection. It was firmly nestled against my lower stomach.

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“Am I doing that too you?” I asked.

It was now his turn to blush. “Yes, you are, Evie. You have turned me on from the first moment I laid my eyes on you.”

“How about we go sit and have another drink. I’m parched.”

We went to the bar to get drinks and returned to our couch.

“John, what are you wearing under your toga?” I asked with a smile thinking of my pantiles state.

He smiled and again blushed as he told me that all the guys were going commando tonight.

I rested my hand on his knee and slowly let it slide up his thigh. I got quite a shock when my hand reached his cock. Well-endowed did not describe it. He must have been well over seven inches, and my hand could barely circle it. My pussy got tingly, and I knew that I had to sample those goods.

“Evie, if you are going to do that you’d better realize where this is going to go.”

“Mmm! I do,” I said taking his hand and leading him up to my bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, he just stood there and looked me up and down for a minute. “You’re gorgeous. I have never wanted a woman like I want you.” With that, he took me in his arms and kissed me again while playing with my bare breast. I felt his hands unpinning my toga which he stepped back to let it slide to the floor.

“You are stunning,” he said as he stood gazing at me standing there wearing only my sandals and perfume.

I smiled at him and said, “Your turn,” as I stepped up to him and unwrapped his toga from around him.

He stood there looking like a Greek god. His body was well defined with a flat stomach, slender and well-toned. His masculinity was overwhelming, and his cock was standing straight up and twitching at me.

I dropped to my knees in front of him and reached out to encircle the massive member with my hand. I flicked my tongue to scoop a drop of pre-cum that glistened at the head before running my tongue over its whole length. I felt him hold my head as I swathed him from balls to the tip back and forth. His moans told me that he was enjoying the experience.

I wrapped my lips around the head and sucked at it as I would a lollypop. Stretching my mouth, I took the well-lubricated shaft into my mouth. He was spreading my jaw wide with his girth, but I was determined to take down all his seven-plus inches into my throat. I slowly worked my lips up and down taking him deeper into me an inch at a time. He tasted so very good with a very slight musky aroma. As I worked his cock my hand found his balls and massaged them.

His hands guided my head without forcing me, and I could feel him throbbing more and more. His moans grew louder as I finally got it entirely in my mouth and down my throat.

“Evie, I’m going to cum!” he gasped as he shot stream after stream of his hot spunk down my throat. I swallowed every drop of his sweet cum before slowly releasing his cock.

“My god, that was amazing,” he smiled at me. “Now it’s my turn.” He scooped me off my feet and laid me down on the bed.

“You have such a pretty pussy I just have to eat you up,” he said while spreading my thighs wide open.

He bent my knees back and started his tongue licking and kissing the soft inner flesh of my thighs. I was pleased when he did not immediately dive into my overheated pussy. He lovingly passed his tongue up and around the outer lips. He stooped lower, and I felt his tongue rim my pucker which sent electric shocks coursing through my body.

“You taste sweet all over,” I...

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Written by ChrisM
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