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The Former Paperboy

"A forty-year-old man returns to the town where he used to be a paperboy and hooks up with his former employer"

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Chris Elliott had returned to the town of his birth because his mother had been quite unwell but was thankfully now on the mend. He owned and ran a Company but was not office based so he was able to work from his former town.

Chris was now aged forty but had originally left the town as an eighteen-year-old to go to university and, having met his now ex-wife at uni, he had not lived there since.

He had been back for visits a few times over the years but now recognised very little of the town of his teenage years.

One thing that he did recognise though was the newsagents for whom he did a paper round and occasionally did restocking in the shop when he was in his mid-teens and it still bore the name that it bore then, Sharma.

When Chris did his paper round the shop was owned by Pankaj and Meena Sharma but was basically run by their only daughter, Sujata.


At the time that Chris was sixteen, Sujata was aged thirty-eight and Chris had a massive crush on the exceptionally attractive Sujata.

Sujata had had a brief and unhappy marriage a few years prior to that time but she had given birth to a daughter, Sunita, who was four years younger than Chris. After her marriage, Sujata reverted to the name of Sharma but Sunita retained her father's name of Chopra.

Sujata was usually in the teenage Chris's head when he wanked his quite impressive penis and he often came thinking of the curve of the woman's buttocks as evidenced by the tight jeans that she often wore.

At the time Sujata was aware of the young man's interest in her and she did sometimes tease him by bending over when she knew that he was looking at her arse but she would certainly not have taken or allowed things to go too far.

Chris, back then, was well-built and good-looking but also a little shy and his knowledge of the female body was from soft porn magazines with which the top row of shelving in the shop was stocked.

One day Sujata, knowing that Chris was behind her, suddenly bent over and her buttocks made contact with Chris. "Oh, so sorry Chris, I did not know that you were there," smiled Sujata as Chris blushed and his penis hardened.

That night's masturbation for Chris was intense as he relived the fact that he had touched that woman's arse or rather her arse had touched him.


Back in current times Chris was chatting with his rapidly recovering mother and his sister, who still lived locally, and brought up the subject of the shop. "I see that Sharma's is still going," said Chris.

"Yes, still there; Sujata still runs it," replied Chris's mum.

"She must be over sixty now but I hope that I look as good as she does when I am her age," added Chris's sister.

"Yes, she must be about that age. Do you remember when you worked there, Chris?" said Mrs Elliott.

"Yes I do, my first ever job," replied Chris, although he remembered it far more because of the beautiful woman that ran the shop.

"Her daughter Sunita works there too," said Chris's sister.

"Oh, I assume that they are both married," said Chris.

"No, neither of them. Sujata was married years ago but Sunita never has married," said Chris's mum.

"You should go and say hello. Show them what their paperboy has grown into," suggested Chris's sister.

"Yes, maybe but I don't suppose that they will remember me," replied Chris, weighing up in his mind whether to visit or not.

Despite his marriage failing, or perhaps because of it, Chris was seldom short of female company. He was very good-looking, quite rich, and, by reputation, pretty good in bed and he had certainly lost the shyness that he had as a teenager.

Sujata Sharma had never disappeared from his thoughts completely and he thought that he would follow up on his sister's suggestion and visit the shop. He had no preconceived plans or ideas about what might happen but it would be a shame to leave town without calling in.

With his mother now much better he was not likely to be staying in town for much longer so he wandered into the shop.

A very attractive Indian woman of about Chris's age was behind the counter so Chris assumed that to be Sunita. The woman looked up to see who the potential customer was but obviously did not recognise the man that she had not seen for almost a quarter of a century. She did smile a very attractive smile though.

"Excuse me, are you Sunita?" asked the handsome Chris.

"Yes, um..," started the woman, looking at him quizically.

"You won't remember me but I used to be a paperboy here. I'm Chris, Chris Elliott," said Chris, introducing himself.

"Haha, of course, I remember you, I used to fancy you," blurted Sunita, who then started giggling.

"Did you? Oh, that is nice to know," smiled Chris, thinking how much Sunita looked like her mother had at a similar age.

"Mum, Mum, you will never guess who is here," Sunita called through to the back of the shop.

From the back of the shop emerged a stunningly attractive and curvy middle-aged Indian woman and her brown eyes alighted on the man that her daughter had called her through to see. There seemed to be a flicker of recognition from the woman but her daughter spoke again. "Mum, this is Chris Elliott, you remember him don't you?" said the smiling Sunita.

"I don't expect she does. Hello Ms Sharma," said Chris, almost with the shyness of his youth.

"Chris! Of course, I remember you," said Sujata, moving from behind the counter to throw her arms around the visitor.

Chris, uncharacteristically, was a bit reticent but he put his arms around the woman and thought how sexy she looked, felt, and smelt. Chris assumed that Sujata would be able to feel his bulging crotch against her as they hugged. "Call me Sujata. Come through the back and we will talk... Um, if you have time," said Sujata.

"Yes, yes, I have time," replied Chris who hoped that Sunita did not notice his eyes go to her mother's backside as Sujata led him through to the back.

Sunita did notice and she also knew from conversations with her mother from years ago that she was not the only one of the Sharma females to fancy Chris Elliott.

Sujata offered Chris a drink but as it was mid-morning they settled on coffee and they sat down all smiles and flashing eyes, the atmosphere was highly sexual.

To start with, Sujata asked about Mrs Elliott's health. "I heard that your mum is getting better, that's good," said Sujata.

"Yes, thanks. She is much better now," replied Chris, thinking how hot Sujata looked for a woman in her early sixties.

In the shop, which was not busy at the moment, Sunita was smiling to herself wondering how long it would take her mother to ask Chris to fuck her. The mother/daughter relationship was more like sisters or best friends and they shared a house on the edge of town. There were also rooms above the shop.

It was not uncommon for one of the women to find the other in bed with a man or occasionally, a woman.

Sujata and Chris continued talking and Chris spoke of his former marriage and of his work. Both of them, indirectly, let the other know that there was nobody special in their lives at the moment.

Chris had been thinking of trying to bed Sujata since their eyes first met after all those years so he upped the ante. "I really fancied you when I worked here," said Chris.

"I know you did sweetie," replied Sujata, reaching out and stroking Chris's arm.

"Did you? Did you know that I used to masturbate thinking of you?" asked Chris, his eyes on hers.

"I didn't actually know that but I did think that you probably did," said Sujata, holding the eye contact.

"You won't remember but I accidentally touched your bottom once," said Chris, his mind going back to Sujata's big arse bumping into him.

"I do remember but it was not an accident. I deliberately stuck my arse into you to tease you," confessed Sujata.

"Did you?" said Chris, in genuine surprise.

"Yes, because I fancied you too but nothing could happen back then but it turned me on to have you making contact with my arse," said Sujata.

"Fuck!" said Chris, in astonishment because he had no idea that the gorgeous woman found him attractive.

"Ha, is that a request or an instruction?" smiled Sujata, flashing her perfect white teeth.

It took Chris, for all his knowledge of women now, a moment to absorb that. "Um, I suppose there is no reason why we can't is there?" said Chris.

"Well, we are certainly now consenting adults unless you would rather just wank?" teased Sujata.

"Oh Sujata, I have wanted to fuck you for nearly twenty-five years," replied Chris.

Despite her efforts, Sunita had not heard much of the conversation because she had had customers in and out of the shop but she heard that line from Chris. She put her hand to her mouth and thought both joy for her mother and jealousy because it looked like her mother would get fucked by Chris Elliott.

"Today you shall, if you still fancy me," replied Sujata, and her daughter heard that too.

"You are as gorgeous now as you were then," said Chris, and Sujata lifted her arse off the chair that she was seated on and moved towards Chris and planted her lips on his.

This kiss had been about twenty-five years in the making and the seated Chris stroked the standing Sujata's hips as their tongues danced together. They would both have gladly stripped off and fucked right there and then but there was the matter of the shop to consider.

The time was close to eleven in the morning and normally at noon Sujata did a couple of hours in the shop whilst Sunita took a break. "Um, I just need to have a word with my daughter," the highly aroused Sujata said to Chris.

Sujata went into the shop which was empty other than her daughter. "Sunny..." Sujata started to say.

"It's okay mum, you take him home and fuck him. I am fine here," said Sunita, pre-empting her mother's request.

"Are you sure baby?" said Sujata.

"Yes, I am sure. Who knows, he might fuck me too," smiled Sunita, and Chris, who could hear the conversation, thought that he just might.

Sujata gave her daughter a hug and then went back to Chris. "Did you hear all that?" Sujata asked, judging by Chris's expression that he did.

"I did," confirmed Chris.

"Well whether you and my daughter get it on is up to you two but now you are coming home with me, okay?" smiled the beautiful Sujata.

"You're the boss," grinned Chris.

"I used to be," laughed Sujata, brushing her hand over the very obvious bulge in Chris's trousers.

Sujata led Chris out through the shop. "Have fun you two," said Sunita, with just a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Oh, we will, won't we Chris?" said Sujata.

"I am sure we will," said Chris.

"See you again, Chris," said Sunita, with hope in her voice this time.

Chris turned to speak but the arrival of a customer in the shop stopped him from saying anything confirming Sunita's hopes.

"I will be back as soon as I can," said Sujata to her daughter although both women knew that that meant after she had had a good fucking.

Sujata's car was parked nearby and as they drove towards her house they giggled and flirted as they both eagerly anticipated the sex that they would soon be having. They arrived at an impressive detached house and were soon inside and once there they were snogging with hands all over each other.

"Come with me young man," giggled Sujata as she took Chris's hand and led him towards the stairs.

"I wish that you had said that when I was sixteen," laughed Chris.

"So do I," replied Sujata and now she meant it although she had not seriously thought about it at the time.

Sujata took Chris into a large bedroom with a huge looking bed and the couple kissed again, this time more tenderly than downstairs, and Chris got his first feel of Sujata's glorious buttocks.

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"You had a fascination with my arse back then, didn't you?" smiled Sujata as Chris continued to caress her backside.

"Oh I did: I wanked thinking of your arse," confirmed Chris.

"Why don't you have a good look at it now," suggested Sujata, turning her back on Chris.

Chris caressed her buttocks once more over her jeans before reaching around and undoing and then lowering the jeans to reveal a wonderfully rounded large arse in black knickers. The knickers then came down and Chris marvelled at the naked backside of the beautiful mature Indian woman.

"You like?" asked Sujata, as Chris stroked and kissed her bare buttocks.

"It is beautiful, Sujata," replied Chris, gently caressing the globes.

"I need to see your cock now, Chris," said Sujata, as with Chris's help she stepped out of her jeans and knickers.

Sujata turned to face Chris, revealing hair around her glistening vagina, and she undid the belt, button, and zip of his trousers. She pulled them down, moving down with them, and was then facing a huge bulge in the younger man's boxers.

"Oh Chris, you are huge," said Sujata as she gently caressed the bulge.

Chris did not answer but he was loving her touch. Sujata then put her hands to the top of his boxers and pulled them out and down so that Chris's erection was exposed in all of its glory. Sujata put her lips around the head of Chris's penis as she pulled his boxers all of the way down.

Sujata took her mouth away from Chris's cock and helped him get out of his boxers and trousers. She then stood and they kissed, both naked in their lower bodies. The nakedness was soon added to their upper bodies and Chris licked and kissed Sujata's impressive breasts as he fingered her wet cunt and she stroked his erection.

They were then on the bed and, after almost a quarter of a century of waiting, Chris Elliott's penis slowly entered Sujata Sharma's vagina and they both sighed in pleasure.

Sujata had had a lot of different cocks between her legs over the years, some quite a bit bigger than others, but the one inside her right now felt as big as any. Chris wanted to savour every moment of his first and possibly only fuck with the woman of his teenage dreams.

The lovemaking was slow at first and with both of the participants being rather good at the art of fucking it was very sensual and exciting. There were changes of pace and of positions and Chris had got Sujata very close to orgasm a few times before a couple of quick thrusts took her over the top. "Yes, oh yes, Chris, oh yes," panted the beautiful Indian woman as she started cumming.

With Sunita back in the shop knowing that her mother was currently very likely getting a good fucking, Chris and Sujata continued but the pace had increased and they were both panting and grunting.

"Oh fuck, yes," squealed Sujata as she came again and Chris kept thrusting.

Their efforts now had them both sweating and Chris was starting to find it difficult to hold off his ejaculation for much longer. It was now a fucking, pure and simple, and Sujata screamed through another orgasm before Chris could hold no longer and he came. He came hard and fast as his spunk spurted into Sujata and they both laughed.

It took a while for them to calm but then they lay kissing and cuddling.

"I would love to stay here with you all afternoon but I will have to get back to the shop," said Sujata.

"I know," said Chris.

"It was sensational, thank you, Chris," said Sujata, kissing her latest lover.

"It was everything that I had hoped it would be," responded Chris.

"I had better have a shower and get to the shop: Will you come back here this evening, I am sure that Sunita would like that too?" said Sujata.

"Sunita? Do you mean, um...?" asked Chris, pretty sure he knew what Sujata meant.

"I mean if you come back this evening you can fuck both of us," confirmed the smiling Sujata.

"Oh, that would be nice," replied Chris, thinking that the now thirty-six-year-old Sunita looked almost identical to how her mother looked at a not dissimilar age.

"Fucking hot rather than nice but yeah, will you come back?" laughed Sujata.

"Yes, yes, I will but I can't stay the night," said Chris because he did not want to explain to his mother in whose house he was staying, what he was up to.

Sujata got off the bed and Chris looked at her wonderful arse as she headed for the shower. He worked out that he had a few hours to recover from this fuck before he had to try to please two beautiful Indian women.

Sujata showered and got dressed, as did Chris, and then she drove them back to the shop.

Sunita smiled when they walked in. "Oh, I can see that you had a good fucking," she said to her glowing mother. There were no customers in the shop, fortunately.

"Oh I did and Chris is coming back to the house this evening so you can get your share too," smiled Sujata.

"Really? Fuck, I would love that," said Sunita, flashing a gorgeous smile at the former paperboy.

"Um, well I had better go back to see my mum, what time shall I see you lovely ladies?" said Chris.

"We close the shop at seven so you could be at the house for eight: Will you find it okay?" said Sujata.

"Yes, I will find it. See you then, bye," said Chris.

"Bye," echoed the two smiling women.

"Shit, he is good," Sujata said to her daughter after Chris had gone.

"You should have fucked him when he worked for you," said Sunita.

"Maybe but I doubt if he was that good then. He is fucking huge too," said Sujata.

A customer entered the shop...

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Written by PJH
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