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Adadeyodi Chapter 3: The Calling

"A growing power ignites further and propels two couples deeper into their erotic awakening."

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As sunlight peeked through the blinds in Damian’s bedroom, Erin slowly woke to the sounds of birds chirping and the scent of coffee wafting from the kitchen downstairs. Her naked body nuzzled against Damian’s as she replayed the events of the previous day in her mind. She and Damian had enjoyed a nice drive on a beautiful spring day. As Damian drove, his fingers had roamed. His hand had caressed her bare thighs and along her panties even as they’d arrived at his parents’ house. She smiled and slightly rolled her eyes as she recalled their arrival. Before she noticed they had arrived, Damian was pressing the fabric of her panties between her swollen lips and over her clit, with her knees pointed outward and ass forward on the seat. When he parked the car and she realized where they were, she had playfully scolded him.

Damian’s mother, Dara, had welcomed Erin with a tremendous amount of warmth. Angus,  Damian’s stern father, had greeted her with surprising interest. Damian had warned Erin that his dad could sometimes be distant and slow to warm up. That had not been the case with her. 

As she thought about Angus’s reaction to her, and hers to him, a shiver ran through her body. She recalled the faint drum beats that resounded in her head when Angus shook her hand. In her mind, she started to replay the course of events that followed and thought to herself “My God, did that really happen?” 

Erin’s well-sated body held the answer. She closed her eyes and remembered each touch. The strength and power in Angus’s handshake had immediately impacted her. There was more than that, too. It was something she was unable to identify. But she had felt it. Immediately. She still felt it. And then her toes had accidentally brushed against Angus’s leg under the dinner table. She remembered the way he had looked at her, with intensity and command. It was almost hypnotic. She felt it all over again as she remembered it. As she remembered, she softly gasped and realized she was becoming aroused. She recalled that she had somehow summoned the courage to purposefully brush Angus’s leg with her bare foot under the table. The sparks were certain, immediate and powerful. 

From that moment, the need grew. It intensified. Erin, spellbound, ached for Damian’s father. It wasn’t long before she asked Damian to organize their things upstairs and Angus had sent Dara to bed. Angus then bent her over the table. He made her fingers grip the edge. He spread her legs. And he took her. Oh how he took her. It was glorious. It was powerful. It was intense. He fucked her as she had never been fucked before. And, as he thrust his alpha cock deep inside her, Damian had come downstairs. Erin recalled the expression on Damian’s face. 

She saw surprise, and then arousal. Finally, an expression of acceptance, love, permission and encouragement spread across his face. She was overwhelmed by his reaction and able to fully surrender to the moment, to let go and give in and turn herself over to Angus’s overwhelming power. To have an intense, overwhelming orgasm as Angus flooded her with his seed. She thought of Angus telling Damian that she was “perfect” and of the intense sensations she had experienced with Angus’s alpha sperm inside her body. She had felt almost wild. She felt raw, primitive and empowered. She had pinned Damian to the bed when they’d gotten upstairs and commanded him to eat that raw, primal seed. And he had fed, greedily and hungrily.  

“My God,” Erin thought again as she remembered it. 

And then Damian had taken her with an unrelenting fury that nearly matched his powerful father’s. Afterward, as they lay in bed, they heard the sounds of Dara’s moans. Angus had been hungry again after taking Erin. Aroused by the sounds, Damian and Erin made love as they listened to Dara’s moans. 

As Erin lay there, recounting the evening in her head, and remembering that Angus told Damian this was all supposed to happen. What did that meant? Erin knew that it had been a momentous night, of course, but also sensed that there was a strange power at work that she did not understand. 

With the taboo recollection that father and son, two powerful men, had both taken and filled her last night, she realized again that she was becoming aroused. Cuddling in closer to her loved and loving man, she lazily stroked her fingernails along Damian’s chest as he slowly awakened. Damian turned his head and smiled at her. For several moments, they just met one another’s gaze. 

“Beautiful,” Damian softly whispered and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. “You were beautiful last night. Powerful. Amazing. Did they really happen, or was I dreaming?”

Relieved that Damian still felt that way — that she was beautiful and amazing — Erin’s face spread into a small grin as she caressed Damian’s hip and replied, “it was definitely not a dream.”

“I can’t wrap my head around it.” Damian continued. “But somehow, from some intuitive place I can’t logically understand, I feel like it was somehow meant to be. That may be the craziest thing I have ever thought or said. But it’s true.”

Although she could not find the words to express or explain it, Erin felt the same thing. And it was somehow, in some unimaginable way, perfectly right.

“Damian, at any point last night, did you hear the drums?” Erin asked. 

“I did,” he responded. “As soon as I came downstairs and saw you with my father. That’s part of why I feel as if it was meant to happen. For whatever reason.” Damian pulled Erin’s warm body closer to his naked flesh and said, “Just like I know you, and we, were meant to happen.”

Erin smiled at him. Damian leaned to her and their lips met, softly brushing, feeling the communion of their togetherness. Their kiss deepened. Erin wrapped her leg over Damian’s as her fingers slid down his side, over his stomach and against his awakening penis. As Erin’s fingers gently brushed, feeling Damian swell, he felt the softness of her palm on his growing flesh. 

As they lay there kissing and caressing, they talked about the previous night — recalling how they had heard Dara’s moans of pleasure echoing across the upstairs of the house while Damian and Erin made love. Erin told Damian that she knew exactly how Angus’s cock felt going into Dara. As Erin’s fingers gently stroked Damian’s now fully rigid heat, they discussed whether it would happen again — whether Damian’s father would take Erin again. There was no doubt that, deep down, Damian and Erin both wanted it. In fact, somehow, for reasons they didn’t entirely understand, they needed it to happen again. 

They were both becoming more aroused as they relived the intense events of the previous evening. “Mmm… babe, I wonder if your dad told your mom what happened downstairs - and that’s what led to their incredible fucking.” Erin said in a teasing tone as she gripped Damian’s cock tighter and stroked him more firmly. 

Just then, there was a light knock on the door. After Damian called out, “Come in,” his mom, Dara, poked her head in, dressed to walk the dog

Though Damian and Erin were bare and mostly covered, amazingly enough, they felt no awkwardness or shyness. Damian’s arousal, if she looked, was apparent through the sheets, raising them. She smiled a loving smile with just a speck of a knowing wink. Dara’s look conveyed what Damian and Erin assumed — that the sounds of Angus and Dara’s fucking last night came after Angus told Dara what had happened. She may even have known what was going on when Angus had sent her upstairs to bed.

Dara looked directly at Erin and, with a warm smile, said, “Erin, my husband very much enjoyed you last night . He has asked that you go see him this morning. Before you are dressed. Damian, you may accompany her if you wish.” As Dara closed the door, she added, “Don’t keep him waiting for long.”

When Dara closed the door and walked away, Damian and Erin looked at one another. Damian said, “I guess you will have him again — sooner than we expected!”

“And,” he added, “she knows!””

“I thought she might,” Erin replied, “And she obviously approves, which makes me feel so much better.” 

Smiling excitedly, Erin kissed Damian hard on the lips and squeezed Damian’s swollen cock, which she felt throbbing in her hand. She gave him a long, slow, deliberate stroke, kissed him deeper for a moment, and then jumped out of bed and said, “Come later if you want, babe. But I am going now. I won’t keep him waiting.”

Damian watched Erin’s eyes light up. He saw not only arousal and excitement, but the comfort of knowing she was completely, unconditionally, and truly accepted in ways she had never before imagined.

Moments later, standing naked in the hallway, feeling warm and buzzing with anticipation and nervousness, Erin knocked on Angus and Dara’s bedroom door. When Angus answered, “Come in,” Erin opened and entered, leaving the door open behind her.

“Good morning, Erin,” Angus said to her as she entered. He sat on his bed, robed and leaning against pillows at the headboard. His eyes traveled down her body. She felt a warmth radiate from her core as she recognized a pleased smile forming across his face.

Erin stood at the foot of the bed, looking at Angus, with a serious look and the slight hint of a nervous smile. Her eyes, twinkling with excitement, gave her true desires away.

“Good morning, Sir,” she answered.

“Are you here to please me?”

“Yes, Sir, I would like to please you.”

“Good girl,” Angus answered. “But please call me Angus.” Erin nodded in acknowledgement. 

“Did you and Damian both sleep well, Erin?” Angus said as he rose from the bed and stepped towards her.

“Yes, we slept very well after we..” Erin trailed off, blushing and looking down at her feet. 

It seemed like forever before Angus stood. Finally, he walked over to her. He stood, towering before her. She looked up into his eyes and then down at his cock tenting the front of his robe. He was already swelling, thickened and aroused but not yet fully rigid. The look he gave her reflected pure energy and the familiar glimmer of flickering flames. The rush of commanding power from his look washed over and through Erin and made her knees go momentarily weak. 

“Erin, there is no need to be shy with me. Dara and I heard you two late into the night and we could not be more pleased about your arrival into our family. For so many glorious reasons.” Angus placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face and stared intently into her wide eyes. “Plus, my dear, you are bare in front of me right now. You are free and accepted here.” 

“I wish I could tell you more about what this all means, but now is not the time. There is something else I believe we both need first.” Angus leaned down to kiss Erin lightly on the lips. There was so much tenderness in that kiss. Not exactly like a lover, nor like a father, but something in between, conveying both caring and acceptance as well as lust and eagerness.

“On your knees, Erin.” Angus whispered to her as his lips left hers. 

Erin’s breath caught and her heart thumped. She lowered her knees to the floor before him. She looked up at him, aware for her nakedness, reading, waiting and needing to please him. 

Angus untied his robe and pushed it back off his shoulders, revealing his naked body and swollen cock. As he took one step closer to Erin, his cock stood rigid and glorious before her eyes. She stared wide-eyed. This cock had been buried to her hilt just hours before but she had not had a complete view of its magnificence. This powerful, thick rod of flesh that had fucked her like no other cock had ever fucked her before. She drank in the sight and shivered as she felt the compelling urge growing within her. 

She understood. She extended her fingers and wrapped them around his shaft. Leaning to him, she opened her mouth and extended her tongue until the tip of her tongue met the engorged head of his cock. She circled his tip, feeling the smooth, taut, warm skin. She slipped her lips around it and looked up into his eyes. Angus lifted his fingers to her face and gently caressed her cheek. Looking down at her, Angus said with a mild growl in his throat, “Good girl.”

Erin closed her eyes and sighed as her lips and tongue explored Angus’s powerful cock. Her tongue brushed his frenulum. And then her lips curled over and against it as the tip of her tongue traced the ridges of Angus’s thick, engorged shaft. She gasped softly as she felt the intense power of his heat. She felt his reaction to and desire for her. His power and strength loomed over her. She felt almost worshipful kneeling before him, bare, feeding on his heat. And it awakened a deepened hunger inside her that evoked intensity and passion. Her lips stroked and caressed Angus’s alpha cock. His power blanketed her and she basked in it.

Angus’s fingers slipped through her hair and her lips squeezed tight around him as he pressed into her mouth. For several moments, the world around melted away. There was only his powerful heat, and her delighted submission. Strength and power flowied between them. From him. She could feel it blanketing her body and mind. Possessed in more than one sense of the word. But it was not constricting. Instead it was liberating. And she feasted all the more. Grateful for what he was doing to her. It made her hungry. She began slurping at his alpha rod. Greedy. Lapping at his balls as her fingers wrapped around his burning heat.

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Soon, Damian entered the room, although Erin was not yet aware. The view before him was exquisite and intensely arousing. Erin was on her knees near the foot of the bed, her back to him and just to the side of a bench along the foot of the bed. Standing in the doorway, Damian’s view took in Erin’s feet, her bare ass, the curve of her lower back, her hips and her waist. Damian’s eyes continued to explore her, climbing up her hair cascaded down her back, and landing on her hands placed firmly on Angus’s thighs.

Damian’s cock instantly began to ache, just like last night - the arousal began to consume him. He craved a closer look. His ears filled with the soft sounds of Erin’s sucking and slurping. Her accompanying light moans echoed quietly in the otherwise silent house. Damian walked to the bench and sat, right beside the two of them. There, before his eyes, was his girlfriend eagerly sucking his father’s powerful, swollen cock. Damian could see the way Erin’s cheeks sucked in as she took Angus’s rigid cock into her mouth. He could hear the slurping of her tongue. See Angus’s thick heat disappear into her mouth, between her lips. 

Damian knew Erin’s mouth well and he could imagine the sensation of Angus’s tip dragging across her tongue. The touch of her lips grazing his balls as her soft, warm mouth accommodated his entire, powerful length. The erotic and taboo realization of sharing her delicious mouth with his father increased his arousal even further.  

Angus and Erin became even more immersed in their union. Angus thrusted rhythmically with long strokes gliding across the entire length of her tongue, filling her mouth. As Damian watched that thick, powerful cock press into her mouth, Erin gagged slightly but did not miss a beat. Angus and Damian both groaned in response. Erin continued sucking and added her hand to stroke Angus’s cock, gripping him tight and pumping him.

“Good girl,” Angus gasped softly, and Erin licked down to his balls. 

“Yes, that’s it, Erin,” he growled. “Lick my balls.”

Erin complied immediately, her tongue stroking and brushing his scrotum. She slurped one and then the other testicle into her mouth, tracing each with a roaming tongue.

Erin looked up at Angus and saw his head turn toward the bench. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Damian and felt his presence. She could sense and feel his arousal. As Angus looked over at Damian, he told Erin what a good girl she was.

Erin turned to smile at Damian and licked her lips. Damian felt a surge through his cock. He marvelled at the intense visual and physical stimulation. She was consumed. She was aroused and possessed, willfully submitting to Angus’s power. For the moment, she was entirely his.

And then Erin turned back to Angus. As her lips and tongue resumed caressing, stroking, and lapping at his heavy, hanging balls, Angus said,  “You like my balls?”

Erin hummed and nodded, looking up at him.

“You want what’s in them?”

“Yes, Sir. I do. I’m hungry for it. I crave your sperm.” Although Erin had yet to grasp why she was so eager and hungry for it, she just knew she needed it.

“Yes, that’s right, good girl,” Angus answered. “My sperm. For you.”

Erin nodded her understanding and desire.

She pulled her mouth off Angus’s cock and stroked to his base as she looked deep into his eyes. Her eyes glowed, and she smiled, almost shyly, before swallowing Angus’s cock again. Her lips wrapped tight around his shaft, stroking all the way to the base before wrapping tighter and sucking upward, stroking his cock with her lips and tightly pressed tongue.

As Damian took all this in, he felt a desire to stroke his arousal but restrained himself. However, he couldn’t resist pressing his fingers against his strained cock under...

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Written by wesa
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