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Summers With Aunt Jackie- Part 3

"The tales of a young man discovering manhood and love from his sexy aunts"

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Author's Notes

"Advise to read the first two parts of the series before reading this one."

As I woke up the next morning, I had a little extra pep in my step. Maybe it was because I got a great night of sleep. Or it was because my aunt had jacked me off into her mouth for the first time. Whatever it was I felt great and ready to take on the day...and then the phone rang.

"Hey hun, how is your trip going? Haven't heard from you in a few days and wanted to check in," my mother’s voice echoed in the room through the speakerphone.

"Oh, hey mom, things are going great. I was going to call last night, but I passed out early," I replied.

We made small talk for the next few minutes before she got to the point of why she really called.

"So, your grandmother called yesterday and told me you had only been over there a couple of days this summer. She is hurt because you are not spending more time over there," she said in a stern tone.

"Mom, I've been back here almost a month and saw them for three days. The entire time I had to sit in their house, inhale cigarette smoke all day, and had nothing to do. I know they want to see me, but there is literally do nothing," I shot back.

"Philip, they are your grandparents, and they want to see you more, so make it happen," she fired back at me.

"Easy to say, mom, when you are 1200 miles away. You don't have to deal with three packs a day being blown in your face. You don't have to deal with bloodshot, burning eyes for an entire weekend. But, since I'm not really being given a choice, I'll call them today and set something up," I exclaimed angrily as I hung up the phone.

I was riding high on cloud nine and now I was brought back down to earth. Fuck this shit, I just wanted to have fun and get my cock squeezed by my aunt.

I walked out of my room to find my aunt standing down the hall doing some laundry. I walked down to break the news to her about the change of plans.

"Hey baby," she said with a huge grin, "Everything okay? You looked a bit annoyed."

"Yeah, I'm fine, but my mom just called and told me I need to go and spend some time with my grandparents. They called and complained to her last night," I replied. "I'm going to call them now. Any chance you'd be able to drop me off today and maybe pick me up on Friday?"

A sad look came over my aunt's face as she listened to me talk, "Yeah, whatever you need me to do."

I dragged my feet as I lumbered back to my room to make the call.

"Hey grandma, it's Phil. I was thinking about coming over today and staying until Friday night. Would that work for you?"

She agreed that would be great and that I can come over whenever I'd like today, as she and grandpa had no plans. What a shock, those two with no plans.

As I turned around, my aunt was standing in the doorway with a basket full of clean laundry for me.

"What time do I need to take your over today?" she asked.

"Ugh, I'd say sooner the better. The quicker I can get the next four days over, the better. The more time I put in this week, the less time I need to spend later this summer," I replied

"Okay, well why don't you pack some stuff up, have a quick breakfast, and then I'll take your over," she responded.

I grabbed my least favorite shirts and pants, given they were about to be destroyed by smoke and threw them in a bag. I quickly slammed down a bagel for breakfast and was ready to go.

Let's also be honest, I was pissed because my uncle was still out of town for another week and a half. I was planning on there being several more nights of massages and hand jobs over the coming week or two. I was being cock blocked by my grandparents and I fucking hated that.

The ride to my grandparents was a quiet one. My aunt kept glancing over at me, clearly reading my pissed-off demeanor well and not saying much. At one of the traffic lights, she placed her hand on my thigh and gently rubbed it up and down.

"It's going to be alright, it's just four days and then you'll be back with us," she said as she continued to rub my leg.

What was usually a quick twenty-minute drive began to feel like an eternity. If this is what the next few days were going to feel like, then I did not know how I was going to last.

As we were about two minutes my grandparents, my aunt suddenly made a sharp turn down one of the side streets. It was a street where we could continue down and get to my grandparents’ house, but it did not feel that was the reason for her sudden turn. Near the end of the street was a left curve, with a small outlet road that went straight and led to a small town park that was hardly used by anyone. As my aunt approached the curve, she stayed straight and went down the outlet road. It led us to a small parking lot that was completely empty. In front of us was a set of swings, a small jungle gym, and a couple of those spring-based rocking horses. There were no people at the park as far as I could see.

"Everything okay? Why the hell are we here?" I asked as I continued to look around.

My aunt looked me in the eyes and reached her hand across the center console. She placed her hand on my loose athletic shorts and began to feel around for my cock, which she quickly found hanging down my left thigh. It became noticeably clear to me why we were now here at this abandoned park.

She began running her hand up and down the outline of my now-growing dick. The more she touched and gently squeezed, the faster I grew.

"Looks like I am making you quite excited right now. It must be so constricting for you, with such a big dick and all. How about you let it out," she said with a highly seductive tone.

I don't think I had ever moved so fast in my life as I lifted myself in the seat, grabbed my waistband, and pulled my shorts and boxers down to my ankles in one swift motion. My heavy, bulbous, and now fully erect cock sprang out with vigor as it was released. As I settled back down into the seat, my cock began to slightly bounce with my now increasing heartbeat. I looked over at my aunt, who was staring down at my cock with a glimmer in her eye and a smirk on her face.

"You have such a pretty cock, it's quite ridiculous," she said as she grabbed ahold of it with her right hand and gently began to stroke me. "It's also the biggest real cock that I have ever played with in my life."

I knew what she meant by "real cock" as I remembered watching her two weeks ago take a twelve-inch black dildo deep into her cunt.

She then removed her hand from my shaft and put it up to her mouth where she licked it a few times. She then spit on it twice for some needed lubrication and placed it back around my shaft.

"I never, ever thought I would be fucking around with my nephew. But that first night I accidentally heard you masturbating and groaning my name, it was such as turn-on," she said as she began to stroke me a little faster. "When I peeked in and saw how big your cock was and how heavy you came, I got extremely wet."

I was listening to my aunts’ words, but I was also fading in and out as her hand massaged my throbbing monster. I tried to remain focused on what she was saying, as I was getting an explanation for all of this.

"I did those shows for you intentionally, I think you obviously know that. I at that time was only comfortable with doing that, but that even felt wrong. Every time I would come back down and watch you cum for me, thinking about me, it made me even wetter than that first time. I am still not sure how far this will go, as I know how taboo this is and how much trouble we'd be in if anyone found out," she said as it almost felt cathartic for her to get this off her chest.

The whole time she was speaking she was rubbing my cock. My precum was now serving as lubrication as she stroked.

"I can't guarantee this is going much farther than massages and hand jobs," she said in a somber tone. "I have urges to do more, much more, but I am battling with the idea of what is right and what is wrong. Societal mores will tell us all this is wrong."

"I cannot tell you clearly in words how fun all of this has been. I thought and still get from time-to-time feelings this is wrong, but it feels too good. If we continue what we have been doing and went no further, I'd be happy. But, I too want to go a lot further with you," I finally replied to her in an assuring tone that I was feeling all the same things she was.

She got a smile across her face after hearing what I said. "Tell me, what is your favorite thing we have done," she then asked.

"Well, all of it has been fun! I'm a sixteen-year-old virgin getting to play with this hot aunt! But, if you really want me to name something specific, it would have to be last night when you jacked me off into your mouth," I said in a joyful manner.

"How did I know that would be it?" she said sarcastically. "I'll tell you a little secret, it was my favorite too! I love the taste of cum and the feeling of a cock in my mouth."

She then looked down at my shaft in her hand. Her fingers and palm were completely covered in precum that was just oozing out of my tip. She brought her hand to her mouth and began to lick her palm while staring me in the eyes. She then took each finger, one by one, and sucked them clean of my residue.

"Mmm, you taste so fucking good," she moaned as she smiled at me. "I love how excited you get for me. All that delicious precum leaking from your bulbous cockhead. You've been nice and hard for quite a while this morning."

She gave me a huge smile, which transformed into a wicked grin. She went and lifted the armrests on her seat and mine and began to lean over the center console. She once again grabbed onto my pole with her left hand this time and began to stroke me fast and hard. The squishing, sloshing sound of her hand going up and down my precum-covered cock filled the car. I tilted my head back into the headrest as the sensation of my aunts’ hand around my knob felt so damn amazing. She had been stroking me for over fifteen minutes as we talked and now she was really working me over.

My aunt continued to lean over the counsel lowering herself sideways so that her head was nearly resting in my lap. I watched her eyes as she stared at my dick with such desire and passion. The glisten in her eye was there anytime she touched or saw my hammer. Her hand continued to work me, going from tip to base in firm long strokes.

"Fuck, I love the way you touch me, aunt Jackie. Please keep rubbing my cock just like that. You're going to make me cum if you keep rubbing me like that," I groaned in immense pleasure.

"Mhmm, good baby, I want you to give me a big thick load this morning. You want me to suck it out of you again baby?" she asked.

I looked down and made eye contact with her and nodded hard in approval. She gave me a sultry smile and moved her face toward my dick. She placed her mouth above my tip and slowly lowered herself onto it. As soon as my head was in her mouth, she began to suck and suction it like a vacuum. She grabbed a firm hold of my base and stroked me harder than ever before.

"Oh fuck, that feels so fucking good," I growled in approval.

My aunt's head bobbed on my tip in rhythm with her hand motion. I was battling to hold on as I didn't want this to end. Her mouth on my tip just felt too damn good and I wanted more!

My aunt suddenly stopped sucking and stroking as she lifted her head from my rod. She gave me a look, with a bit of an inquisitive nature to it.

"Hmmm, you're going to be at your grandparents until Friday, that's four long days of misery," she stated. "I think I have something in mind that will help you get through this tough time."

She then went and grabbed her hair and put it up into a messy bun. She followed that by grabbing my rod with her right hand and positioning it in front of her mouth again. She lowered her head down on the tip, just like before, except she kept on going. Before I really realized what was happening, she had nearly half my cock in her mouth.

"Oh fuck," I practically screamed in pleasure as I grabbed hard onto the door handle to control myself.

Jackie quickly started bobbing up and down on my cock taking at least half of it on every pass. She continued to stroke the base of my cock as she sucked. I definitely was not going to last long with what was going on.

"Take my whole cock Aunt Jackie, please take all nine inches," I begged as that was something I desired.

Without flinching on her next bob downward she swallowed the remaining portion of my cock. She took it all the way down to the balls and held herself there for what had to be fifteen seconds. She then came up quickly for air, then went right back down, making all nine disappear again. She continued to do this for the next couple of minutes as she loved giving her nephew what he wanted.

With my primal urges taking over and knowing what my aunt was capable of from our sex shows, I placed my hand on the back of her head. I grabbed ahold of the messy bun and began to apply force, controlling the rate at which my aunt's head moved on my cock.

"Shit, just like that. Suck my dick just how I want you to, auntie," I moaned as I was near climax.

I continued to move her head up and down on my spit-covered dick. I was forcing her to take it all on every pass of her mouth. But, with my cock ready to pop, I wanted to try something else quickly.

I shoved my aunt's head down so that six inches were in her mouth and told her to stop and wrap her lips firmly around me. I then began to thrust in and out of her mouth, picturing her tightly closed lips were her pussy. I held her head down firmly so that she could hardly move as I fucked her throat. Eventually, her lips had to part as my cock was just going too fast in and out. I was at my breaking point though and ready for lift-off.

"Here it comes, Jackie, here comes your nephew's load. Swallow every fucking drop," I yelled out.

I shoved all nine inches down her gullet and blasted my load. I held her head firmly down as I pumped each shot directly down her throat. Doing something I later learned was called a throat pie. After thirty seconds of pure explosive bliss, I shot my last rope into her mouth. My aunt came up quickly, gasping for air as drool, saliva, and cum leaked from her mouth, and down her chin. Her eyes were watering, which she quickly gave a wipe to before going back down and sucking my cock some more. Her mission now was to make sure every drop of cum was cleaned off my cock and balls. She sucked and licked me until I was flaccid and clean. When she was done, she came up and wiped her face with her hands and sucked any remnants that she could find.

She then leaned in and gave me a wet kiss on the lips. "Thank you for feeding me a snack baby."

I pulled my pants up after my aunt had finished and we were back on our way to my grandparents. As we pulled in, the feeling of dread struck me again, even after my aunt had just taken my load five minutes ago.

"Well here we are, what time do you want me to get you on Friday?" she asked.

"Fuck, I don't know, just to get everyone off my back, let's do 6:00 pm," I replied with plenty of frustration in my voice.

My aunt then leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. Without any thought or care, I kissed her back with some force. We both pulled away and stared at each other briefly before moving back in and planting a much more sultry kiss on each other. Moving our lips slowly over each other with deep intent and passion. Before I could let my tongue dance inside her mouth, she pulled away.

"We have to be careful with all this shit, your grandparents could have seen us," she said with concern.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just wanted...

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Written by Pms3190
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