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My Daughter’s Sleepover 2: The Next Day

"The fun continues as my daughter has a sleepover with her two best friends."

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“Oh, fuck,” I said exasperated, and collapsed on top of my daughter’s nude body.

Liz picked up my head and kissed me gently on the lips, “Thank you, Daddy. I love you,” she said sweetly.

“I love you, too,” I said and gave her another kiss just as Emma pulled her fingers out of my ass.

“Can we stay all weekend, Mr. Tanner?” Ashley asked as if nothing had happened.

“That sounds great,” I replied and smiled to myself.

Part 2

After gathering my clothes I went to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. I didn't even bother to cover my body before passing out.

The next morning I woke up with a raging hard-on as I recalled the events of the previous night.

I didn't bother to relieve myself as I was more curious about what the girls might be doing, if anything.

I threw on a pair of basketball shorts over my nude body. I knew my erection was obvious but that was the desired effect I wanted at that moment.

I left my bedroom and quietly walked down the hall toward my daughter's bedroom. Her door was closed so I stopped outside her door and listened for anything inside.

I could not hear anything except for the sounds of peacefully sleeping breaths. I considered opening the door to peek in but decided against it.

I gave up on my perverted spying and moved on to the kitchen. After brewing myself a cup of coffee I sat on the couch and lost myself in my inner thoughts.

My erection had subsided and I was still deep in thought when I heard Ashley say, “Good morning, Mr. Tanner. I mean Jake.”

Her voice startled me but was immediately replaced by butterflies in my stomach as she walked around the front of the couch.

She was wearing a long T-shirt and I wondered what she was wearing underneath. I quickly looked her up and down, and said, “Good Morning, Ashley. What are you doing up?”

“Good morning. I think the smell of coffee woke me up. I usually wake up and cuddle with my daddy in the mornings while he drinks his coffee. Do you think I can do the same with you?”

“Yes. I would enjoy the company,” I replied.

Ashley sat on the couch right next to me and wrapped her arm through mine. She rested her head on my shoulder and her eye line seemed to be directed toward my crotch.

“So what's new with you?” I asked her.

“Nothing much, I guess. What's new with you?”

“Besides the events of last night? Nothing much.”

“Yeah, that was a lot of fun. Thank you,” she said, as she picked her head up to look at me and then leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“Oh,” Ashley said excitedly, “I just thought of something new.”

“What's that?” I asked with curiosity.

“I just got a new belly button piercing. Would you like to see it?”

“Sure,” I said, trying not to sound too excitable.

Ashley grabbed the bottom of her shirt and started pulling it up. I watched closely as her upper thighs came into view. She had to lift her ass slightly so she could continue to pull it up.

That's when I got my first look at her panties. They were plain by panty standards but still sexy. They were lavender in color without any patterns or prints. But the best part was they had been pulled up tightly against her body and her puffy pussy formed a perfect camel toe.

I was still staring at her pussy when she exposed her belly, “What do you think?” she asked.

“It's beautiful,” I said honestly, referring to her luscious pussy.

“Do you want to touch it?”

I nodded my head and reached my hand out. I was just about to place it on her panties when I remembered that she was talking about her belly button.

I looked at her smooth pale skin and noticed the gem attached to her belly button for the first time.

I moved my hand upward and touched the gem. It wiggled slightly from my touch but it was firmly secured, “Did it hurt?” I asked.

“No. It felt kinda good actually.”

I rested my hand on her slim belly and slowly moved my fingertips as I looked up at her and made eye contact.

“I'm thinking of getting another one soon,” she told me.

“On your belly button?”

“No,” she laughed.

Ashley grabbed my hand and slowly slid it up her body, under her shirt. She moved it until my hand was over her left breast,” Here.”

“Oh,” I said as I cupped her tit.

I felt her nipple begin to harden under my hand. Without letting go of my hand she moved my hand over to her right breast, “And here.”

I curled my fingers in and softly grasped her nipple, “Right here?” I asked and I moved my fingertips in small circles, rubbing her now erect nipple.

“Mmm hmm,” she said in a subtle moan.

I continued to manipulate her nipple until she pulled my hand back down the front of her body. I was disappointed that she wanted me to stop and that I could not touch her erogenous zone anymore.

I thought my fun was over until my hand passed over her belly and continued south. She moved my hand over her panties and stopped when it was directly over her pussy, “Or here.” she said in a whisper.

I rubbed my hand over her pussy and pushed one finger into the middle fold. I slid my finger up and down inside her panty-covered slit as her head dropped down to my shoulder and she wrapped her arm through mine again and squeezed.

“Yeah,” she said, “Right there.”

I felt her panties begin to get moist as I worked my finger against her pussy, “Where, exactly?” I asked.

Ashley grabbed the finger that was teasing her and lifted it up. With her other hand, she lifted the front waistband of her panties. Then she moved my finger and set it directly on her clit, “Right here.”

Without saying anything, I set my finger in motion and rubbed her swollen clit.

“Oh yes. Right there. That's where I want it.”

My cock had become hard now and was making a prominent tent in my shorts.

Ashley reached out and slid her hand under my shorts, grabbing my shaft, “It looks like that is where you want it, too.”

“Yes,” I said.

Ashley stroked my cock as I played with her clitoris and pussy. Her hand felt so good on my cock, but I didn't want to cum in my shorts. I focused my attention on my efforts and found her pleasure zones. She seemed to really enjoy it when I rubbed her clit more than anything else.

“Oh, God,” she moaned in my ear, “I'm cumming.”

Her body convulsed and her thighs clamped closed. She removed her hand from my cock and grabbed my thigh tightly as she rode out her orgasm.

“Mmm,” she exhaled as she came down from her high.

She opened her eyes and smiled at me, “Thank you. That's just what I needed.”

Ashley gave me a kiss on the lips, and said, “I'm going to go back to bed now. I'll see you later.”

I removed my hand from her panties and she stood up. I watch her walk away as she pulled her shirt back down.

After sitting there for a moment with my cock still hard, I thought about what she told me earlier, that she cuddles with her dad in the mornings. I wondered if they had the same interactions or if ours was unique.

I sipped my coffee and decided to go check my emails on my office computer. I brought my coffee and erect cock with me.

As I passed by my daughter's room I stopped to listen again. I leaned in to put my ear close to the door and my cock poked against the exterior of the door.

I didn't hear anything as I wished my cock was poking something in the interior of the room. I gave up listening and went to my office. I tried to close the door quietly but the latch snapped back as it closed with a loud click sound.

I sat down at my desk and fired up my computer. Once it was up and running I just sat there and stared at my desktop. I contemplated opening a porn site and jerking off when there was a quiet tapping sound at my door.

“Yes?” I said, just loud enough to be heard without being too loud.

The door cracked open slightly and Emma peeked her head around the corner, “Are you busy? Can I come in?” she asked.

“Yes, you can come in,” I told her.

Emma stepped into my office and closed the door behind her. She managed to close it without the loud clicking sound.

I watched Emma as she walked toward my desk and stood on the opposite side, “I wanted to apologize for last night.”

“Apologize? What do you have to apologize for? I had a great time last night.”

“For taking your picture and blackmailing you. I came to delete the picture in front of you and maybe find a way to make it up to you.”

“Oh, that. You can keep the picture if you want. I don't think it will get me in trouble with Liz anymore.”

Emma smiled at me. She was wearing the same crop top and boy shorts from last night. I figured she was still without a bra or panties. My cock was still hard and pointed straight into the air, just out of Emma’s view.

“Thank you,” she said, “But I still feel bad about it. Will you let me try to make it up to you so I can at least feel better?”

Emma started walking around the desk as I said, “There's really no need, you are fine.”

Emma suddenly gasped when my hard cock came into her view, “I'm sorry. Were you in here playing with yourself before I came in?”

“No, but I was thinking about it,” I told her honestly.

Emma walked closer and stood directly between my knees, causing my legs to spread open further, “Maybe I can help you with that. Would that make up for last night?”

“I suppose it would be a good start,” I replied with a mischievous grin.

Emma smiled and pulled her crop top off, over her head. She kneeled between my legs and grabbed my basketball shorts. I lifted my ass and she pulled them off quickly.

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My cock sprang free and I looked at Emma as she looked closely at my cock. Without even looking up at me she wrapped her fingers around my shaft and slowly moved her hand up and down from the base of my cock to the rim of my helmet.

“Mmm,” I moaned quietly.

She stroked my cock for a minute before letting go of my cock and looking up at me, “Why don't you turn on one of your porn videos while I do this?”

“I'm happy just watching you.”

“But I want you to.”

“Okay,” I said as I moved my mouse and typed into my web browser, ‘Daughter gives Daddy a blowjob,” and then clicked on the link that came up.

It was a video that I had not seen before but I was familiar with the actress. She was one that looked a lot like my daughter.

Once the video was playing I sat back down and leaned back in my chair. I looked at Emma to see that she was looking at the screen and then back at me.

Apparently satisfied with my selection she went back to work on my cock. She stroked my shaft several times and then sat up on her knees. She positioned her mouth over the head of my cock and let a string of saliva drop down onto my cock.

She rubbed the saliva into my cock and started stroking it again. It felt so much better than using my own hand.

I looked up at the screen and saw the daughter giving her daddy a hand job at the same time. I started to imagine that it was Liz that was giving me a hand job.

Emma was clearly experienced in giving hand jobs. She was twisting her hand as she pumped up and down. Then she brought her other hand up and started rubbing the head of my cock at the same time.

She alternated between using her palm and fist on my head to using just a finger to play with my piss hole. I was exuding pre-cum as she played with me and she seemed to enjoy playing with it between her fingers.

“Do you like that, Daddy?” asked the actresses on screen.

Emma repeated the sentence to me, Do you like that, Daddy?”

“Yes, baby,” I answered.

Emma increased the speed of her strokes and sat up over my cock again. She hovered there for a moment before sticking out her tongue and licking the tip of my cock, “Mmm,” was her response after tasting my pre-cum.

Emma opened her mouth and lowered it down over my cock. She sucked on just the head as she stroked my cocked and fondled my balls.

“That feels so good, baby,” I said between deep breaths.”

She didn't stop to respond, instead, she just hummed, “Mmm mmm,” on my head, sending vibrations down my cock.

Emma slowly lowered her head further, taking more of my cock into her mouth. She sucked hard and then started bobbing her head up and down.

One hand continued to fondle my balls while the other squeezed the base of my shaft.

“Oh, fuck! Where did you learn how to do that so well?” I asked rhetorically.

Emma lifted her head and my cock came out of her mouth with a ‘pop.’

She looked up at me and said, “A special man in my life taught me.”

Before she could even see my response, she lunged her mouth over my cock and deep-throated me. She held it there for as long as she could while her tongue swirled around my shaft.

“You’re going to make me cum!” I exclaimed.

Emma pulled her mouth back up to the head of my cock and then pumped my shaft with renewed vigor. She squeezed my base hard and as I moaned loudly she released her grip and my cum flooded her mouth.

Emma didn't move her mouth until I was completely empty. Then she sat back, opened her mouth, and showed me a puddle of cum on her tongue. She smiled at me with her eyes and then closed her mouth and swallowed.

She then grabbed her shirt from the floor and put it on, “Thank you for letting me start to make it up to you.”

Emma rose to her feet, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked out of my office.

After a moment of reflection, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them on. Then I walked out of my office and went to the bathroom. I started the shower and used the toilet while the water warmed.

I stepped into the shower and just let the water run over my overheated body. As I closed my eyes I imagined the events of the morning, but I couldn't stop thinking about my daughter.

I didn't know if I would ever have another chance with her, but I would always thank my lucky stars for the one time that I did have.

Just then a gust of cold air sent a shiver down my spine. I didn't know what caused it until I heard a sweet voice say, “Daddy?”

It was my daughter. She had entered the bathroom while I was showering, “Yes, baby girl? What is it?”

“I wanted to talk to you.”

‘Oh no. This was the talk. She had regrets and now she was going to let me have it.’

“Okay. I will come and get you when I'm out,” I said, hoping to delay the inevitable.

“I'd rather talk now. Do you mind?”

“No, I don't mind.”

I looked through the frosted glass and could just make out my daughter's silhouette. She moved closer to the shower door and stopped.

She appeared to put her hands up in the air, and then she bent over at the hip. ‘What was she doing? Stretches?’

My questions were quickly answered when she reached for the shower door and pulled it open. She was standing there naked with her clothes in a pile at her feet, “Can I join you?”

“Oh, umm, are you sure?”

“Yes, I'm sure,” she said as she stepped into the shower and pulled the door closed.

She glanced at my thick softened cock between my legs and then back up at me.

My jaw must have been on the floor as I looked at her beautifully nude body standing in front of me.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yes. I'm sorry. I just didn't think you were happy about what happened last night.”

“Turn around,” she told me.

“Oh, right. Sorry.”

I figured she wanted me to turn around because she didn't want me looking at her until I felt her soapy hands start rubbing my shoulders, “Let me help you wash, while we talk.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“I want you to know that I enjoyed what happened last night. And I want to do more with you. Is that okay?”

I spun around in the shower and grab Liz by the hips and pulled her into me. I kissed her and we began to make out passionately.

I broke our kiss for a moment just to say, “Does that answer your question?”

Liz responded by locking lips with me again. I ran my hands down her body and squeezed her ass as my cock began to awaken.

My cock started rising between Liz’s legs when she finally felt it. She pulled away from our embrace and looked at my cock.

She smiled and said, “Does that mean you want to do it again, right now?”

“Yes. Now and every chance I get.”

Liz reached down and grabbed my cock, “Good. Because I do, too.”

She stroked my cock and started kissing me again. I reached one hand up to fondle her perky tit while I groped her ass with the other.

“Mmm,” my daughter moaned into my mouth. Then she pushed her tongue into mine and I happily greeted it with my own.

My cock was fully hard now and Liz angled it...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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