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Sexual Awakening Part Five

"The Sexploitation's of Meagan, Still in Disney"

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"Our Disney Vacation, Part Three"

Even with her crazy comment and being completely spent, I fell asleep in her arms. It was another pool day as our rhythm continued for two park days and then a park day; we slept in until nearly eleven. We only woke to my dad barking through the door.

"Come on, ladies, I'm hungry."

We rolled away from our spooning with a stretch from much-needed extra sleep and a yawn; I looked into her eyes hesitantly. A tiny panic raced through my soul. Did she hear us last night? Could she smell sex on me? A million thoughts tore through my mind as she rolled back toward me, smiled, and stared into my eyes without saying a word.

"Well," she said. "should we shower and get ready for breakfast?"

I giggled and added, "It's nearly noon; by the time we're there, it'll be lunch." We laughed and crawled out of bed.

I headed first to the shower. To my surprise, Zoe followed me through the door into our open rain shower and reached for the nozzles to start the water. Of course, it started cold, and we squeaked and jumped back, giggling as we waited for the water to warm.

As often as we've showered together at school, this seemed different. More awkward and yet sensual all at the same time. The three shower heads quickly covered our two bodies, but I was looking at Zoe's perfect breasts and tiny waist with a completely new interest. I was getting slightly excited by our brand-new tan lines and her wet body.

She squeezed a handful of shampoo from the bottle and raised her hands over her head to lather it with an OMG, how have I never looked at her like this? She was a goddess; no wonder my dad was fucking her. Which immediately snapped me back to why I was hating her.

I hated her and strangely wanted to touch her. My mind wandered back to her touching me in our embrace. Desperately hoping she was going to touch me further until she fell asleep. She was the reason I got so horny and brave, driving me to my dad's room.

I grabbed a handful of shampoo and began to lather myself as Zoe turned slowly towards me. Her eyes closed, and her fingers slid through her long, thick, dark brown hair. Her skin tone has always been darker than mine, and with her perfect boobs, well. She opened her eyes to catch me staring at them.

She smiled coyly at me, like, do you like what you see? She closed her eyes again and rinsed the soap from her hair. My god, I was getting turned on by watching her. The water cascaded off her breasts, and her nipples seemed to be perpetually erect. I felt myself getting moist and not from the shower.

I closed my eyes, dreaming of her perfect body, as I rinsed the soap from my hair. Zoe's hand was on my hip as she strolled behind me and began soaping my belly. I loved the smooth, round shape of the bar as she gently rubbed me in circles. My hands were still over my head, rinsing my hair, making me feel fully exposed to her hands.

Without thinking of the consequences, I involuntarily moaned as she circled under my breast. She stepped into me tightly from behind; I felt her pelvis touch my bum as her hands slid over my nipples. Her warm breath whispered into my ear.

"Do you like that?" I 'ummed' under my breath as she continued to lather around my body.

Every circle of her hand came lower and lower on my belly. Her left palm rested on my now fully erect nipple as she whispered back in my ear.

"Yes, I guess you do like this."

Oh fuck, please just touch it, I think as her hand got closer yet; she was right on my pelvic bone, half an inch from touching my button. I dropped my hands from my hair and reached behind her, grabbing her hips firmly. I pulled her hard into me as her hand fell between my legs. As softly as a bunny, she started to wash my parts, her soapy hand gliding the length of my slit. I began to ever so slightly rotate my hips. Desperately trying to get her to put more pressure on my vagina and instinctively opening my legs an inch or two as her hand started to massage me.

She pushed her face into my neck and started to nibble on my shoulder up to my ear. Again I moaned under my breath, and she pushed her tongue into my ear; it was like a tiny cock as she dug it in with every firm push of her hand. She was simulating fucking me with her tongue and a bar of soap. I could feel my orgasm starting to build.

I both felt and heard the soap bar hit the shower floor as she spun me around to face her and immediately placed her lips on mine. Her arm around my waist, her right hand grabbing a handful of my hair, pulled me tight. Her kiss was the most delicate but erotic thing I've felt yet. It's so different from the boys I've kissed and much more passionate than my dad's. Our tongues touched, and I felt white like I would pass. The emotions of my first girl encounter were about to overwhelm me. Our tongues started to swirl in an oral dance that only girls could understand.

The warm water cascades down our bodies. My breasts pushed into hers; I could feel the erectness of my nipples as hard as they'd been rubbing on Zoe's wet, warm flesh. I Wrapped my two arms around her, pulling her as tight as I could. Moving my nipples over her created a sensation not yet experienced. Pushing my pelvis into hers in a smooth soap-lathered grinding hump

I felt her middle finger slide down the crack of my ass as she massaged my anal bud. She never went too deep, just expertly up and down, getting closer to my entrance with every push. Her finger found my opening and slid into the first knuckle as my knees nearly buckled. I wanted to drop my weight on her hand to drive it in when we heard a pounding on the bedroom door.

"Come on, you two, I'm starving."

I murmured into Zoe's mouth as we kissed. "Oh, Zoe,"

"I know, Baby, I've wanted this for so long." She whispered.

Then did the unthinkable: Stepped back from me, took a long look at my body, and said.

"I am going to fuck you so good."

She leaned in to suck on my fully erect nipple and rub quickly over my desperate-for-completion cunt. My mind swirled from this, and I was speechless. Again, with the ten million things running through my head. She just moved right in on me, and I let her. Probably the same thing she did to my dad. She's just a horny slut and has been my best and sometimes my only friend since Sandbox. How could I not know this? I love and hate her so much, all at the same time. I desperately want her to have me, but I'm not a lesbian. Three weeks ago, I was a virgin, and now I've been with my dad twice and my very best friend. Is she making me a slut too?

She spun me back around and started to wash the soap from our bodies, carefully coming close but not touching my parts. She turned the taps off and walked like nothing happened from the shower. I followed like a puppy dog into the room; what was happening to me? I'm the alpha in this relationship, the most popular at school, and consistently voted the most pretty. I hear all the boys talk at parties; I make the decisions when we group. But she just started to banter again as if nothing had happened. That's when I noticed our bedroom door was ajar. I know darn well I closed it.

We haggled back and forth about our outfits for the day; Zoe, of course, wanted slutty I did not; I wanted cute like always. That was when she walked right up in my face and said

"Cute was last month. You're a new girl; You'll wear this today."

She unbuttoned my purple blouse, my favorite one, unsnapped my bra, and pulled out her sexy mini mouse T-shirt. She pulled it over my head, tied it in a knot halfway up my belly, and stepped back to gawk.

"There's my girl," she almost boasted.

We walked out of our room to Dad on the phone with someone; he looked my way and stopped in his tracks.

"Wendy, I'll call after dinner," he said and hung up on her.

Dad was staring at me, and Zoe was taking it all in. I said, "Was that Mom."

Still staring at my nipples shining through the thin cotton top, he said, "No, Actually, that was Grandma Wendy. She will pick Mom up and bring her out. She's taking the whole family on a cruise while we're here. I've already told Zoe's parents we'll be an extra ten days."

And all I could think of was that I didn't want Mom here. That would ruin everything. This holiday was supposed to be just Dad and me. God dammit. I smiled and nodded my head like a good girl.

Dad said, "Well, my two gorgeous Disney princesses, Let's get something to eat."

The three of us spent the rest of the day at the pool, lazing in our cabana, and Zoe constantly flirted with my dad and me. It was like a tiny competition to see who Zoe could get the hottest. Strangely I stopped hating the fact that she was fucking my dad behind my back. After all, I was still his baby; She was just his fuck toy. I was still too naïve to know I was hers.

We had made plans a solid week before we came to hit the Revolver nightclub. The only problem was getting through security, being underage in Florida. We hoped our new dresses and my dad as our escort things would go our way. After dinner, we dressed in the hottest, tightest little black number I could fit in. Zoe did my makeup, and Damn, I looked hot. Zoe always looked older, especially with her perfect tits on full display, and we headed out.

Our Black car service dropped us at the door like we were somebodies, and the bouncer immediately started with the up and down my body. Oh shit," I tried my best to give him my most mature look and smile; my dad handed him a handshake with an, I'm assuming, a bribe. He smiled at him and said right this way, ladies, past the long line of not-so-happy people.

I felt so mature and special. I have lived a life of privilege, as my parents, but mostly my Grandma, are very wealthy. We go where we want back home, but this is a different country. I was overwhelmed when I got inside. The noise, the music, the lights, the crowded spaces—it was like we entered heaven. But now what? Do we start to dance? I felt a wave of insignificance.

A well-dressed man approached my dad and yelled over the music, "Mr. Mallory."

How does he know who we are? He led us through the crowd to a roped area for VIPs and hand-held me onto the bench. A bottle of champagne was in a tub, and three flutes were nicely wrapped in towels. Another man in a white coat approached, popped the cork, and filled our glasses. I'm thinking Oh My God, Dad is going to let me drink.

He raised his glass and said, "Happy birthday, my princess."

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I immediately started to cry, and Zoe latched right onto me. She wiped my tears, kissed me on my lips before my dad, and grabbed my hand to pull me from behind the table. She grabbed my dad's hand on the way by and dragged us out onto the dance floor.

We danced and danced, and even though my dad only let me have that one drink, I had the third-best night of my life. Dad got tired of dancing and sat between the table and the bar as Zoe, and I danced together and all the horny guys that couldn't keep their hands off us. We were overwhelmed with guys waiting their turn when she grabbed my hand and hurried us back to our table. She snuggled my arm, leaned in, and nibbled on my neck. I wanted to push her away, but I think the euphoria of the night I just let her play.

We emptied the last half glass of champagne from the bottle and drank it before my dad found us. She was staring into my eyes, leaned into me, and kissed me full on the lips. Again, I wanted to push her away, but I was lost in her passion when my dad slid onto the bench. I quickly pulled away, as there was no way he would see us kissing. He said nothing but looked around like nothing had happened.

Lost in time, he said, "I think it's time to go, ladies; it's nearly two."

We clawed our way through the still, very crowded club to find our same driver standing beside his car.

He opened our door and said, "Miss Meagan, Miss Zoe, Sir."

How did he know our names? How did we rate a private table? How did the bartender know my dad's name?

Dad piped in and said. "When you see Grandma Wendy, you can thank her for most of this."

Zoe snuggled, smiled at me, and leaned her head on my shoulder like a tired puppy. Now, this is more like it. I just got my place in the pecking order back. We got back to our suite and said our good nights. Dad poured a drink and went to his room while Zoe headed to ours. I motioned her with a one-minute finger and followed my dad into his room. He put his drink on his nightstand and turned to see me approach.

I raised my arms around his neck and said,

"Thank you so much, Daddy; I love you."

I tried to pull him down to me, but he resisted.

He whispered back to me, "Oh baby, you have no idea how much I love you," and stared into my eyes.

Again, I tried to pull myself up to him; I desperately wanted to show him my love. I practically pulled myself off the ground to kiss him as he relented. Our kiss quickly turned passionate; our tongues swirled together as my feelings started to grow. I wanted desperately to feel him in me again. I started to lower my hand to his cock and quickly began to rub him through his pants. He began to thrust his hips towards me as I got more aggressive, squeezing his cock in my hand and jacking it long in his pants.

I was a second away from telling him to fuck me, fuck me like you do, Zoe, fuck me hard just like that, when he pulled away from me and whispered ever so softly.

"No baby, we can't do this, not tonight. I have something planned; I can't tell you tonight. Now go to bed."

He kissed me again and pushed me away. Oh my God, not now I'm so fucking horny I want to beg him to fuck me. I smiled somewhere between heartbroken and disappointed and went to our room. As I entered our room, I put on a brave face, and Zoe stood there with a strange look. She walked over to me, looked into my eyes, brushed the hair from my face, and turned to the side with a pull of her hair as A unzipped me. I pulled the zipper down her back, admiring how perfectly it followed her shape.

She let the straps fall off her shoulders, and her dress hit the floor; She was completely naked. How did I miss her commando as we dressed? She turned to me, placed her forefinger under my chin, and gently kissed me. Then pulled back, looked deep into my eyes, and kissed me again. Our tongues touched, and I let out my telltale moan as I was hers again. She turned me in her arms and pulled my zipper down my back. I pulled my dress off my arms as it fell to my hips, and she unhooked my padded bra—the one I like most to hide my exaggerated nipples.

She pulled me back into her kiss as she fitted the dress down over my hips to the floor. She broke our kiss and stepped back into our bed. I pulled the covers back for us to crawl into, but she pushed them over. It was chilly from the AC, and I wanted my covers, but she wanted to see my body. Once more, she was taking charge; she laid me on my back and hovered over me. She leaned down on her side elbow and kissed me on the lips. It was even hotter than the one in the shower. She was so soft and passionate, and my heart started racing.

I realized earlier in the shower I was both surprised and horny; this was different again. This was passion; Zoe was making love to me with her kiss. Every touch of her tongue on mine was soft and deliberate. She feathered, touched my cheek, and ran her fingers through my hair. Her hand brushed down my face further down over my shoulder, sending goose bumps down my arms. Her every movement leads to pleasure. Her hand fell softly over my nipple, barely touching it, then circled it.

She laid the palm of her hand on it and gently maneuvered in tiny circles, driving more chills down my body. Tracing the outline of my breast, she moved to the next and the back, all the while teasing my tongue with hers. I reached behind her head, pushing...

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Written by Happygirl22
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