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Sex With My Son

"I didn’t plan this, but I might have made it inevitable"

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I stood in my bra and panties, pretending to look closely at my face in the mirror. In fact, I was pretty sure that my son, Jeff, stood right outside the door and could see me. I’d have to turn my head quite a way to see him, but you know that feeling you get when someone is watching you? I had that feeling now and it turned me on.

I’m a pretty good mom, I think. I do the right things and I give Jeff his space. I don’t say anything about his masturbating, although I know he does it all the time. I think that even though he’s only sixteen, he’s done sexual things with girls, although I’m pretty sure he hasn’t fucked anyone yet. I had the talk with him – you know the one, birds and bees and condoms and love – we had that talk when he was thirteen. Maybe he remembers a little of it. I remember every word. He didn’t have any questions.

I pushed my breasts up with my hands. I reached down to feel my pussy through my panties and found they were soaking wet. How could I get so wet from my son watching me? Shit, I was nervous. I wanted to give him something to remember, but I didn’t want to scare him away. I unsnapped my bra and shook it off. My breasts, even though small, shook with my shoulders. My nipples were really hard.

I turned toward Jeff and saw the bottom of his leg as he raced away. It was just as well. I had no idea what I would have said. I looked at my breasts in the mirror and stood a little straighter. They were small, but they still had their shape and stood out fairly proudly. I rubbed a nipple and grinned at myself. Stupid, I know.

I walked out of the bathroom, topless, and heard Jeff messing about in his room, which was down a short flight of stairs. I put my bra back on and walked quietly down those stairs. The door to his room stood ajar. He’d clearly positioned it that way. Usually, his door was completely closed.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and moved a couple feet to the left. To my right was the bathroom he used and then the laundry room past that, but just to my left I could see his naked legs on his bed. I moved just a little more to the left and I saw his hard, naked cock grasped in his hand. Jeff was jerking off. The only surprising thing was that he apparently wanted me to see him do it, the reason he’d left the door somewhat open.

Taking one step towards the door, I glimpsed his face and saw that his eyes were closed. I carefully positioned myself so I could see him masturbating, but I couldn’t see his face, which I figured meant he couldn’t see me. He stroked his cock for maybe ten seconds, then paused, then did it again. I didn’t know why he masturbated that way. Maybe he always started and stopped or maybe he was doing it so he’d last longer? Longer for me? I touched my panties, which I’d forgotten were soaking wet. I put my hand inside and touched my clit. A jolt of electricity surged through me.

Jeff continued to stop and start as he masturbated. Not me. My two fingers rubbed slowly but steadily. I felt my arousal growing and could even hear, faintly, the sound of my fingers squishing in my cunt. I’d inserted both fingers and fucked myself gently, then pulled them up to my clit for direct stimulation.

I became bolder, although I was embarrassed. Jeff was my son, after all, and moms simply didn’t do sexual things in front of their children. At least, I believed that right up until that moment. I edged forward a little bit, allowing me to see his chest and even his chin, and presumably giving Jeff a view of his mother’s hand inside her panties. With hardly a thought, I pushed up my bra, exposing my breast, and rubbed my nipple. A hand on my pussy and a hand on my boob – delightful.

I think I moaned. I saw Jeff’s eyes open for two seconds and shut again. I knew he saw me. I continued to masturbate and so did he, his hand now jerking his cock even more quickly. He didn’t stop anymore. Fifteen seconds after opening his eyes, he came. He’d been holding his dick straight up and cum fountained up in the air, two long shots of cum that splattered down on his abdomen. Smaller spurts of cum flowed from his cock and over his hand. As soon as he finished cumming, I turned and half-ran to my room.

I closed the door and put my back against it. I was a mess. My pussy dripped. My bra was around my neck. I rubbed my clit a little and felt the tiny jolts. I wondered what I should do. My son and I had seen each other masturbating and I’d seen him cum. What did that mean? Maybe it didn’t mean anything?

At dinner that night, we talked as usual and never got close to the subject I knew we were both thinking about constantly. I saw your dick! You saw my hand on my pussy! My boob! We talked about school and his friends and the weather, which had been cooler than normal. After dinner, we wandered in our usual, different directions and didn’t see each other until breakfast, where we didn’t talk, we never do early in the morning.

The next night after dinner and another discussion of everything except masturbating, we watched TV together for half an hour. Jeff got up and looked at the floor.

“I’m, uh, going to my room now,” he said. “See ya later.”

That might sound reasonable, but he never, ever announced he was going to his room. I took it as an invitation and considered it. In for a penny…

His door was ajar as it had been the day before when I’d watched him jerk off. I could hear him taking off his clothes and I heard the sounds of him climbing onto the mattress. I glanced around the edge of the door and saw he was back in position: completely naked in the middle of his bed, his hand wrapped around his hard cock. With much too little thought, I pushed the door open and walked into his room.

“Hi, mom,” Jeff croaked. The volume of his voice was normal, but his throat sounded painfully dry.

I didn’t say anything, but sat at the edge of the bed. I was dressed in a T-shirt and bra, shorts and panties. My feet were bare, as they always were around the house. I touched his hip and saw him shudder. My hand slid over his tummy and began to rub it. Jeff took his hand off his dick and it fell to touch the back of my hand. I paused, then continued to rub his tummy as though he were a dog, my knuckles rubbing against the large end of his dick at the bottom of each circle. I could feel my cunt getting wet. The feeling of his cock was electric.

Jeff’s hand reached out and touched my breast. He gripped it through my t-shirt and massaged it a little. I gave an unconscious shrug and stopped rubbing his tummy for several seconds while I pulled off my t-shirt and bra, tossing them on the floor. I pushed my breasts in his direction, looking him in the eye. I pulled his hand up to my boob, stroking it with my hand pushing his. I moved my hand back to his cock and felt him continuing to massage my breast. It felt pretty good.

I used just my index finger to caress his dick, still rock hard. Back and forth, from the tip to his balls, my fingertip brushed his skin, pausing at the sensitive spot near the end to rub him in tiny circles. The fourth time I did that, a large drop of pre-cum oozed from the end of his cock and sat, waiting to fall, but it didn’t. I stroked him twice more and finally used the same finger to rub it into the head of his dick. Slippery. It reminded me of just how wet I felt, my pussy hot and thickly drenched.

His fingers slid toward my nipple, pulled it, then pushed back the other way until his palm pressed against my breast. It felt a little weird, but my hard nipple tingled. Jeff hadn’t said anything since, “Hi, mom,” and I hadn’t spoken at all. It was sort of as though not speaking meant nothing was really happening.

I pushed his cock against his pelvic area, mainly pressing the sensitive spot. I moved my fingers a little. Jeff groaned. I leaned forward and he raised his head to lick my nipple, giving me a shiver. I wrapped my hand around his dick and began to stroke it.

“Cum for me, honey,” I said, finally finding my voice.

I pulled my breast back and leaned farther forward to kiss him. Just a gentle kiss on the lips. My breast pressed into his chest. I jerked his cock quickly now.

“Cum, Jeff, I want you to spurt everywhere. Do it! I want to see you cum!”

I kissed him again. I licked his lips with my tongue. Jacking his dick fast now, mostly near the end of it, Jeff groaned again, longer, and said, “Mommy. You’re going to make it happen.”

He squirted streams of cum up his chest, the first surge hitting me in the face. I continued to jack him, finally feeling the short dribbles that marked the end of his ejaculation. I thought I could feel the cum when it surged through his cock. I kissed him a last time, a little of his cum getting on his lips.

“Holy shit, mom, that was awesome.”

“Yes, honey, it was.”

I got up and left, wiping my face with my hand. I left my T-shirt and bra on the floor, forgotten until the next day. I was embarrassed, but not surprised, to see that pussy juice had leaked out of my shorts and down my leg.

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The next night around 10 pm, I was reading in bed. I’d dressed in pajamas, top and bottom, nice but ordinary jammies. Jeff walked into the room – the door was open – and he was naked. Worse, I guess, his cock was hard and it bounced at me as he walked forward.

“What the hell are you doing, Jeff?” I asked.

“I thought you could give me another handjob and I figured I’d save the step of taking off my clothes. Kinda like yesterday.”

It was a lot to think about. If I did this, it would establish handjobs as a normal course of events. That wasn’t all bad. I enjoyed making Jeff cum. It seemed to me that many, even most moms would like to make their sons happy, wouldn’t they? Certainly, helping them ejaculate made them happy. His cock was still small, probably not five inches, and much thinner than a grown dick. Of course, my boobs were small, so I wasn’t exactly in a position to complain. And his dick would doubtless grow. My boobs, sadly, would not.

He stood next to the bed, his cock sticking out over it, still pointing at me. It had been two minutes since he’d walked into the room. I had to either agree or tell him to leave. Or…

“I’ll tell you what, Jeff. I’ll give you a handjob, but first, you have to make your mom feel good. Really good. Are you up for that?”

“Hell, yes!”

His enthusiasm surprised me. He climbed onto the bed. I thought about doing this with my pj’s on, but, fuck it, I unbuttoned the top and pulled it off, my breasts pointing at him the way his dick pointed at me. I slid out of my bottoms. We were both naked and I began to have second thoughts.

“Mom, you’re beautiful! I mean, you look great with clothes on. Obviously. But naked, you’re awesome!”

I could feel myself blushing. He was lying, or at least exaggerating. No one looks better naked and I suspect that few people even look especially good. I was thirty-eight years old and my most attractive years were behind me. Yes, I had a trim tummy, thanks to lots of yoga, a fair amount of walking, and a ton of doing things around the house, but still. My legs were nice, I guessed, maybe a little thin, and my ass felt bony to sit on. Whatever. My son seemed genuinely happy to see my body and I was surprisingly pleased to let him look.

“Lie here, liar. But thank you. Yes, face to face, hips to hips.”

I pulled his cock up so it nestled between us, rubbing my tummy. I kissed him gently on the lips. He tasted like he’d just had a Coke. I pulled his hand to my breast.

“Rub it,” I told him. “I’ll lay back and you do whatever.”

I did, in fact, lie on my back and felt his hand moving over my breast. Then, two hands, one on each boob, exploring. It felt nice, although not particularly sexual.

“Lick my nipples,” I told him.

I felt his tongue lapping my nipple, which almost immediately became hard. Perhaps noticing his success, he began to suck it. The combination of the feeling of having it sucked and his tongue sometimes pressing against it felt better than good. I could feel myself getting wet.

“OK, keep sucking, Jeff, but put your finger…,” I began and stopped.

Instead of trying to describe what I wanted, I took his hand in mine and pulled it to my cunt. I found his middle finger and encouraged it to insert itself into me. My own middle finger slid in, too, under his. I pushed my hand closer and felt both of us slide in a little further.

“Feel how wet I am, Jeff,” I said. “That means you turn me on. Get me hot. Arouse me. It’s a good thing.”


“Now move your finger around. In particular, curve it up a little and rub inside my pussy.”

My back arched as he pushed a little too hard and I asked him to ease up a bit. I removed my own finger and told him to use a second finger inside me. Curve them both. Slide them back and forth a little. Slower. Yes, like that. Now, suck my nipple again, but keep stroking inside me. Just the nipple, not my whole breast. I think you’ve got it, Jeff.

I enjoyed the tingling feelings for a minute, but knew he wasn’t getting enough contact with my clit. I pushed the two fingers that were fucking me hard against my clit. I couldn’t seem to get the idea across. I kissed him on the lips and asked him to sit up next to me. I pulled his hand to my cunt and pressed his middle finger against my clit.

“Rub me up and down, right there. Follow my slit. Just an inch or two. Do it gently, Jeff.”

He rubbed me pretty well, often touching my clit, giving me small flickers of electricity. I rubbed my nipples, something I’d been too embarrassed to do before, but I was getting more into the spirit. I still cared that it was my son who watched me do this, but less so? My cunt was sopping wet.

“Try using your thumb, Jeff. Put it inside me. Move it around.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been thumb-fucked, but it seemed like an idea worth trying. And it allowed me to use my own fingers on my clit. I began to masturbate with Jeff’s thumb moving back and forth.

“Slide down a little, please,” I requested.

While Jeff moved down the bed so his hip sat touching my ass, I moved my left leg around him. He now sat, sort of, between my legs, his thumb still busy. I continued to masturbate and felt the warmth of sexual arousal.

Jeff watched my pussy avidly. His thumb and my fingers moved quickly. I could hear my cunt slurping at his thumb and smelled sex in the air.

“Lick my pussy, Jeff.”

That’s all I said. I left it for him to figure out how to start.

He centered himself between my legs, which I spread farther apart for him. His head approached my cunt and stopped. Maybe he was assessing the situation? Just looking? I felt a hand on each thigh and his tongue tentatively licked near my clit, then touched it with his tongue.

“A little too hard, Jeff. Maybe start by kissing me. Kiss my thighs, kiss my pussy…”

His lips caressed my skin. Gentle pecks near my cunt and on my labia. Delightful. I let him do that for a couple minutes.

“OK, let’s try my clit again. That’s the bit at the top of my slit,” I said, knowing it had swollen somewhat.

His tongue tried again and when I didn’t say anything, he licked harder.

“Nice. Do that and suck it some.”

I groaned. I felt the roller coaster release getting closer.

“Put your finger in me. Two fingers, your index and your middle fingers. Keep sucking.”

I seldom stated my wishes so directly to a man, but Jeff needed the guidance, I figured. He finger-fucked me, his fingers moving back and forth, and sucked my clit. He’d somehow gotten it exactly right, sucking it into his mouth and creating a small chamber around it with his lips. He sucked quickly for a few seconds, then slowly, then quickly again.

My hips began to move, sort of fucking his mouth.  Suddenly, I came. It was far from my biggest orgasm and it lasted maybe ten seconds. But I got that final turn of the screw, that final clench before the awesome release, a release so sudden and complete it’s easy to understand why some girls pee when it...

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Written by lolitap
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