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Saturday With the Pervs

"a typical saturday spent with the Pervs, a typical Family. A very loving, incestuous, kinky family."

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Saturday with The Pervs

(Author’s note: The following story is a fantasy created by the author and nothing more. It is intended in NO WAY to condone or encourage incest as an action or lifestyle. As I wrote this I had a certain image of what the Perv women would look like and picture certain ladies in the adult film industry in their roles. You are of course welcome to imagine however you like. Now, without out further ado, enjoy J )

Saturday morning came bright and quiet to Perv house. Sam Perv, aged 18, lounged on the living room sofa, absently petting the family cat Clit and watching his aunt Jillian’s latest DVD on the flat screen. He was a tall, slim youth, with uncombed light brown hair clad only in a pair of boxers. His erect cock jutted unabashedly from between his legs.

The movie’s plot was simple but fun. Jillian played a dedicated teacher who was giving extra instruction to a student who was struggling with sex-ed after school. She had removed her top to give him a better idea of the breasts and was sliding out of her panties when Sam heard footsteps shuffling down the stairs.

“Morning Mom” He called, setting his OJ down on the coffee table, next to weathered photo album that had been left out.

“Morning sweety,” Alice Perv said, smiling, she glanced at his hardon and cocked her eyebrow “You’re up early,” she said. She was a curvaceous woman, with auburn hair that fell just above her shoulders, dressed in a sheer pink nightie. She stooped over the back of the couch and gently ran her fingers through Sam’s hair. Her lips touched his and Sam’s tongue slipped casually into her mouth. She stroked his cheek and her fingers glided gently down the length his body, caressing his erection.

“Mmmm” Sam sighed, as she broke away, “careful not to start something.”

“Looks like it started already.” Said Alice, turning and walking into the kitchen. She poured hot, strong coffee into a “World’s Greatest Mom” mug and walked back to the couch. “So,” she said as she sat down, “How was you’re night?”

Sam grunted, “A bust. Went to see the new ‘Twilight’ movie with Jennifer.”

“Is she the brunette with the cute little butt I saw you with last week?” Alice asked, sipping her coffee. On the TV Jill and her student were on top of the desk, straddling each other’s faces.

“That’s her. Anyway, we were in the theater, making out you know? I’ve got my hand on her tit and everything, hard as a rock. But as I try to put my hand up her shirt she stops me. Says she doesn’t want to have to stop, that we should wait til’ we have privacy.”

“Well that’s kind of understandable dear. Why didn’t you just bring her back here?”

“I was going too, but half way through the movie she runs off to the bathroom. When it was over she said she’d just gotten her period, totally killed her mood. So I just came home alone and jacked off into a pair of Susan’s panties.”

Alice frowned sympathetically, “Sorry to hear that dear. Why didn’t you knock on my door? You know my legs always open.”

Sam scooted up a little and cocked his brow as he grinned cheekily. “When I got home you sounded a little busy. This sound familiar, ‘oooh! Oh! Fuck me! Harder! Harder!’” He stuck his tongue out at her and winked.

Alice tittered and blushed a little. “Well, your Aunt Jill and I went out to the bar. I met the nicest young man. He was in the army. Or was it the Navy? Anyway, he was so cute and so proper it was just adorable. I could tell he was desperate to get into my pants, but he was too nervous to make his move. Finally he said ‘ma’am, may I buy you another drink?’ and I just smiled at him and said ‘what if you just fucked me instead?’” She giggled.

Sam rolled his eyes. “Oh mom.”

“What can I say, I support our troops.”

“Where’s the nice young man now?”

“Hmmmm, after four goes he was pretty spent. He left at about 2 in the morning.”

Sam sat up and scooched closer to his mother. He nuzzled his head into her shoulder. “So mom….” He said innocently.

“Yes Sam?” Alice asked warily.

“I haven’t eaten breakfast yet….”

Alice sighed, “I see, and you want me to feed you I suppose?”


“Oh alright” She ruffled his hair playfully, “Whatcha wanna eat?”

Sam look at her musingly, putting his hand to his mouth, as if contemplating carefully. “I don’t know. I’m in the mood for something sweet and salty….” His other hand rested on her bare thigh. “Something juicy….can you think of anything mom?”

Alice laughed and played along, “Hmm, do you want…eggs?”

Sam’s hand slid further up her leg. “Noooo….”

“Do you want…. waffles?”

Sam kissed her neck, “Nope, uh-uh.”

She laughed again and petted his cheek. “What about my pussy? Want to eat that?”

“Mmmmm, that sounds good.” Sam said, continuing to kiss her cheeks and neck.

Alice giggled, “Well eat up then.” She shifted her butt off the couch cushion and pulled her wispy thong down over her legs and kicked them aside. Sam began to kissing his way down her body His lips ventured down the length of her thigh, over her knee, down her calf. Then he started his way back up her other leg. She opened her legs wide, revealing her neatly shaven pussy. He kissed it as well. His tongue worked its way up her slit and as it reached her hard clit it rolled in a deliberate circle. Alice gasped.

“Ohh, you do that good dear…”

“I had good teachers.” Sam mumbled from between her thighs. “God you taste good mom….”

His tongue pushed down harder. It circled her swollen nub firmly. His hands gripped her hips. Alice groaned contentedly and laid her head back. Her fingers slipped into Sam’s hair. He opened his mouth wider, his lips covering hers.

The speed of his tongue increased. “Oooohyes…. oh, that’s good sweetie….”

He let one hand fall from her hip. Gingerly he slid his pointer finger up her dripping vagina. Alice gasped again. His middle finger joined it. He pushed them neatly against the upper wall, baring down firmly on he g-spot. He knew it’s location well. He motioned his fingers back and fourth, come hither, rubbing harder, and harder. Beckoning her to cum. All the while his tongue still danced on her clit.

“Mmnn! Yes! OH fuck! Right there! Keep going! Finger me! Finger mommy’s pussy!”

He moved them in and out, pistoning them vigorously, not slowing down, building in intensity gradually. He suckled on her throbbing nub. A soft whimper escaped her lips and her toes curled. Her hips bucked as he shot his fingers inside her once more.

“MMMMMNNNNNN!” Sam felt a rush of warmth envelope his hand. He kept going, not stopping right away but slowing, letting her ride his fingers through the crescendo of the orgasm. After moment he easily slipped them out. He smiled up at her, chin dipping with her juices.

“Yummy.” He licked his lips. Alice grinned back her eyes alight with desire.

“Quick, stand up, get your shorts off. You’re gonna fuck me.” She ordered. Sam was happy to obey.

“Well, something has certainly gotten into you.” he said as he got to his feet.

“Yes,” said Alice, as she brought her feet up on the couch and held her knees, pussy open and inviting, “you, in a second. Now get that cock out!”

“Yes ma’am!” Said chirped, pushing his boxers down his legs, his cock spring out and throbbing between his legs. As he leaned over her, his hands resting on the couch behind her a thought struck him and he laughed to himself.

“What’s so funny?” Alice asked, flushed with anticipation.

“Oh nothing. I was just thinking, you with your legs up like that, the first time you and I were in this position I was coming out of you and now I’m going back in. Visiting my old bedroom”

Alice rolled her eyes. She swatted his tush playfully. “You dirty little devil. Well come on in then, it’s just like you left it.” The engorged tip of his member rested right on the edge of her vag. He relished the warmth pouring off of her, before pushing himself forward, inch by inch filling her as he had so many times before, each time like the first. She groaned pleasantly.

He felt his balls touch the crack of ass, pulled back to the tip and thrust back in. “OH!” she cooed, as he thrust into her again harder. And again. And again.

He built his speed steadily. His mother grunted, moving her hips into his. The couch squeaked with the movement. He watched her tits bouncing beneath her nightie. He could hear the familiar ‘thwap!’ of his sack hitting her bum. She grabbed hold of his head and shoulders. She racked her nails down his back and he moaned softly, eyes closed. He speared her harder. Her thighs pressed against his body.

He began to pant. She was so tight, so wet. “I love fucking you!” He muttred between breathes.

“I know! Oh god yes! I know, mmm fuck me baby! Fuck me!” She whispered back. Her eyes wrenched shut. Her mouth opened and hung there without sound for a moment before emmiting a long moan. “Uuuuuuuuuuh!” He felt the same rush of warmth spill out of her and soak his balls.

It was all Sam could take. “I’m gonna cum!” he cried. Alice placed a hand firmly between his nipples and pushed him back. He slipped out of her and stood red face, panting as she fell to her knees, hand wrapped around his slick cock.

“Cum in my mouth.” She whispered, as she pumped his shaft.

“Mmm, mmm, oooaaw!” A jet of white jizz rocketed from the swollen tip of his dick and into Alice’s mouth, Then another and another. She swallowed every drop.

Sam stood his head swimming for a moment, before collapsing on the couch. He giggled stupidly and childish smile on his face. Alice sat next to him, wiping the dribble of sperm from her chin as she did. “So, how’d you like your breakfast Sam?”

“Delicious….my all time favorite.” Said Sam dreamily, his face a deep red. Alice laughed and ruffled his hair again.

“Well good morning you two.” Said a voice behind them. Sam nearly jumped in surprise. Both thier head’s swiveled at the sound. Susan stood in the kitchen doorway, a knowing grin on her face. She was a chubby young woman of 20, with short hair, a shade darker red than her mother’s. She was carrying an overnight bag.

“Oh Hey sis, didn’t hear you come in.”

“That’s understandable.“ Susan said, kicking her shoes off and setting down her bag on the kitchen table. “You just getting in dear?” Alice asked, “Must have been a good date.”

“Yep, spent the night at Roger’s. And good doesn’t begin to describe it. He is so romantic! Such a sweetheart, is there coffee?”

“Enough for a cup. So sit down, give us the details.”

Susan came back into the room, blowing on her steaming mug and sat down in the armchair across the way. She smiled brightly; “well” she began “To start off he took me to this amazing restaurant, candles, music the works. Then we went to see a play at the campus theatre. I nuzzled up close to him. And he was such a gentleman, he kept just barely trying to cop-a-feel. Finally I just grabbed his hand and planted it on my tit to let him know I didn’t mind!” She laughed.

“Afterward we went for a long walk and finally we got back to his apartment. I asked to come upstairs and he opened a bottle of wine.” She laughed and smiled as she remembered. “I looked him in the eye and said, ‘Roger…. treat me like a whore.”

She giggled girlishly and Alice did as well. “So next thing I know I’m on all fours and he is plowing into me doggy style. He’s pulling back on my hair, slapping my ass, calling me a bitch, a whore, a slut. Mmmmm, he is so sweet. Think I’m falling for him mom.”

Alice put her hand to her mouth her eyes filled with pride, “Aaaaw! I’m so happy for you dear, finding a wonderful boy, who treats you right. Thinking of you, my little girl, on your knees like that, like a bitch in heat, howling and moaning in pleasure like a tramp as a hardened member spears you…. warms my heart.”

Susan flushed “Thank you mom, that means a lot.”

Sam snorted in consternation, “guess I’m the only one who had a boring night.”

“Sorry Sammy” said Susan sympathetically.

Sam shrugged, “Oh don’t be, you actually helped me in a way.”

“I did?” Susan looked at him quizzically.

“Yep, found a nice pair of your undies in the hamper to jack off with while I listened to mom and her soldier.”

“Oh! Heh, well, I’m glad my sweaty undies could come in handy.” She said chuckling. Sam rose and started down the hall, “I’m gonna take a shower.”

“Mind if I hop in with you?” Susan asked getting to her feet, her hands already pulling at her T-shirt.

“Not a bit.” As he reached the bathroom door Susan was close behind, leaving her clothes in a trail behind her. She shut the door as he was turning the faucet to let the water heat up. Sam looked up and regarded her as she slid out of her purple boy shorts. Her milk white skin, her plump figure, double D breasts, topped by bubblegum pink nipples, cleanly shaven pussy. He felt a stir between his legs again.

“Just gotta pee quick.” She said as he was stepping under the stream of hot water.

“Ooh, lemme see!” Sam said with childlike excitement. Susan rolled her eyes and shook her head, “What is it with you and watching girls pee?!”

Sam shrugged “I don’t know, what is it with you and getting spanked?”

“Fair enough. Ok hang on.” She stepped into the tub, placed one toe on the far edge.

“Ready?” Sam nodded enthusiastically. He smiled toothily beneath the flow of water. Susan laughed, and delicately spread her pussy lips with her fingers. She sighed and smiled, as a stream of piss trickled out between her legs. Sams cock, more than stirring shot to attention. He stared wide-eyed as the liquid rained from her body onto the tub floor.

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After a moment it tapered off.

All done. Now it seems like you’ve got a bit of a situation down there Sammy.” She cocked her head towards his erection. Sam looked down. “Oh wow, look who’s up. It’s a standing ovation to your beauty sis.” He winked.

Susan stuck her tongue out and walked closer to him. “Is that so?” Her body was flush against his. His cock pressed against her thigh.

“Let’s make sure you get nice and clean Sammy,” she said as she fell to her knees.

Sam leaned back against the shower wall, enjoying the hot water in his face. Susan wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked him gently. Her lips parted. Gingerly her tongued ran up the length of his dick and circled the head. Sam exhaled slowly. Her teeth nibbled him very, very softly as her skilled tongue swirled.

“Mmmm, I can still taste mom’s pussy on you.”

“It’s good isn’t it?” Sam said absently, stroking his sisters wet hair.

“I’ve tasted a lot of vaginas and hers is still the best.” Susan said, before taking him to her mouth again. Her head bobbed back and fourth. Sam breathed in and out deeply. Sighing a little. She leaned into him, relaxing her throat and took the full length of him into her, wet, hot mouth. Her hand cupped and massaged his balls.


She slipped back off him and again nibbled her way softly up his shaft. She pushed him up to get a better angle, before taking his balls into her mouth. This was her absolute best trick Sam knew. Her hand very gently stroked his shaft, while her lips sucked the family jewels. Her tongue seemed to massage each one, as if she was making out with the testicle.

His breath caught in his throat. He was seconds away, he knew. He would explode in her mouth just as he had Alice’s moments before. But then she stopped. She stood up deftly. He looked at her confused and flustered “Hey! Your not quite done down there!”

She grinned evilly “yes I am.”

Sam stared horrified, “I don’t know if you’ve forgotten what is looks like sis, but there’s a pretty big finish.”

Susan laugh. “I got you clean, that’s all I said I would do. Now it you’re turn to clean me. And If you do a good job and are a good boy and don’t touch yourself while you do, I’ll let you finish.”

Sam laughed despite himself. This had been a favorite game of theirs for some time. “Oooh you bitch!”

Susan handed him a bar of soap, “Say that again.”

Sam’s cock was throbbing painfully. His head swum, it was a pain pleasure mix he both loved and couldn’t bare. Grinning he slipped the soap between her legs and ran it over her mound “You bitch.” He said, softer this time.


The soap slipped from between his fingers and thudded to the floor. He could feel the blood throb in his cock head....

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Written by SanchoHardbottle
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