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Sarah's Lessons Continue - Part 1

"Mom and sixteen-year-old daughter explore their new relationship"

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Author's Notes

"Part 2 of the "Teaching Sarah" series."

Linda Harris couldn’t believe what had just happened in those wee hours of early Sunday morning. She had just had a spontaneous sexual encounter with Sarah, her sixteen-year-old daughter! No question, there had been some buildup, especially over the last few days. Both Linda and her husband, Michael, had talked about how the young woman had become so attractive, even sexy, to the point Linda elicited a near-confession from her husband that he wanted to fuck Sarah during a bout of mischievous role-playing.

Lying there, naked, with her daughter still stretched out on top, she desperately tried to process the past fifteen minutes where they had passionately shared a delicious, wet climax. Basking in afterglow, she couldn’t help but hold her child in a strong embrace. Although Sarah had been the instigator, Linda couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. Still, she couldn’t find it in herself to feel regret.

What the fuck have I done? Oh, my god! But oh, how good it was.

Sarah, with her small voice, broke the silence. “Mom, I…” A tear streaked down her smooth cheek. “I’m sorry. I hope you’re not mad at me.”

Linda kissed away the tear. “Honey, no. What are you saying? It was just so unexpected.”

“You’re okay, then?” Sarah spoke what her mother was thinking. Linda almost rolled her eyes.

Jesus, she’s asking ME if I’m okay?

“I’m fine, love.” Another motherly kiss as she wiped away the tear. “I just need to process what happened.” Linda took a deep breath. “Oh, my!”

Sarah giggled, nuzzling the smooth, damp skin between her mother’s breasts. Linda responded by kissing the top of her head. Sarah looked up at her mother, her parted lips only an inch from a thick, erect nipple.

“That was pretty hot, huh?”

“Well, we both came pretty fast, didn’t we?” Linda said with complete honesty. Why downplay it? Still…

I can’t believe I’m saying this to my daughter.


The thought of pushing her breast back into her daughter’s mouth flitted through Linda’s brain for a moment. God, it felt so very good when Sarah sucked on them! But she refrained. They both fell silent for a moment, crickets chirping outside. Their syncopated mating sounds soothed the unexpected lovers.

“But I have to ask, young lady.” Linda squeezed her daughter’s small butt. “What precipitated this?” There was a long pause before Sarah answered.

“Well, I…” she hesitated.

“Sarah,” Linda put on her mother voice. “We didn’t raise you to be shy, or a prude. Sex and desire are totally natural, especially at your age.” She managed to chuckle. “I don’t expect most mothers and daughters do it but here we are, and I think you know you can say anything to me.”

“I know, I know, Mom.”

Linda rubbed her nose in Sarah’s blond hair, inhaling the scent.

“You’ll tell me if and when you’re ready, but I think it would help if I knew why we did this.”

Dammit, if I’m not pressuring her, but I have to know.

Sarah slowly rolled off her mother, taking her time, stretching out on her back like a lazy, contented cat. Linda smiled as she gazed down upon the young woman’s nude bodyscape, her small breasts capped with delicate, pale pink areolas, pointed nipples centered in each one, her downy pubic floss, slender thighs legs, and delicate arms.

“I just get so horny, sometimes.” She looked at her mother again. “And hearing you and Dad every night doesn’t help.”

“Oh.” Linda blushed, but she knew they didn’t take great pains to keep quiet in their lovemaking, especially in recent days.

“God, you two are just at it all the time.” Sarah giggled again. “It’s so hot listening to you guys, even if you’re my parents.”

Linda, somewhat embarrassed, shook her head slightly. “I’m glad you think so. From you, I would’ve expected just the opposite.”

“No, Mom, strange as it may sound. It also shows me how much you love one another, even though I never doubted it.”

“We do, honey.” Linda rubbed Sarah’s flat tummy in a slow, circular motion, her fingers only inches from the young woman’s velvety fur. “I feel blessed that our love and passion has stood the test of time.” She chuckled. “Don’t tell me how we’ve done it. I just go with it.”

“Fucking animals, you two.”

“Oh, you!” Linda gave her daughter’s hip a love smack. Hearing Sarah use the F-word again made her pussy throb involuntarily. “Naughty!”

I can’t believe I’m getting horny again, dammit.

“I did hear something different tonight.” Again, Sarah paused, as if finding the courage to say what she was thinking. “You and Dad, I mean…”


God, how thin are these walls?

Sarah exhaled. “You…you were pretending…” Another long pause. “You were pretending to be me.”

Despite her arousal, Linda felt butterflies rise in her stomach and chest. Busted!

Shit. I can’t lie to her. She heard it all.

Linda nodded. “You’re right, honey.” Her voice quivered slightly. “I can’t lie to you, and I’m sorry if it upsets you. I can see where you think it’s weird.”

“I didn’t say that, Mom.” Sarah rolled toward her mother, throwing a leg over Linda’s thigh. “You made Dad come really hard, and I couldn’t help but masturbate listening to that!” Another girlish giggle, and her pale cheeks flushed crimson. “I just HAD to!”

Linda couldn’t help but break into a toothy grin. “Oh…MY!”

I can’t believe she’s saying such things, this delightful girl, and she’s my daughter. So perverted, but I just can’t stop.

She embraced Sarah and, again, their bodies pressed tightly together. Butterflies escaped, fluttering aloft as the throbbing in Linda’s pussy intensified.

“Mom, I…” Sarah took her mother’s breast into her mouth.

“Yesss…” Linda hissed as electricity sparked from her nipple right down to her sopping wet orifice. This time there was no hesitation. She leaned into her daughter’s face, letting her take as much as she could handle.

Linda moaned as her daughter’s left hand reached up to massage her free breast, her delicate fingers rolling and tugging the turgid nipple. Soon, they returned to a familiar, rhythmic motion as Linda grasped her daughter’s butt. “Goddamn, honey…FUCK!”

Fuck is right! Hold on, Linda, just let it happen. Let go and relax. Both of you need this.

In the dim light of Sarah’s bedroom, their bodies undulated together and, as they had done only minutes before, they became lovers consuming their mutual, incestuous need. Linda took the lead this time.

“My love, I...” It was difficult to speak. Sarah’s oral play had put her into a trancelike state. “Let’s try this.”

Linda reluctantly pulled her daughter’s hungry mouth away from her saliva-coated areola. Quickly, she turned Sarah to where her head was pointing toward the foot of the bed.

“What are we doing, Mom?”

“You’ll see.”

Opening her legs, she slid between her daughter’s slim thighs, also spread, until their smoldering pussies pressed together. Linda said nothing, gazing into Sarah’s eyes as their swollen, tingling clits met. The spark was immediate. Mother nodded with a sly grin as Daughter, returning the expression, started moving once again. She understood. Within moments, they rubbed against each other brusquely, white-knuckled as hands gripped whatever they could find to anchor their undulating bodies.

“Oh, Mom!” Sarah gasped, her mouth agape as pleasure surged through her naked body. “Goddamn, this feels so good!”

“Yes, my love.” Linda shuddered as she felt sensations in her pussy intensifying. “God, my pussy’s on fire!”

“Uh-huh,” the young woman nodded. “Mmmm…yes!” With perfect rhythm, pleasure ever heightening, both mother and daughter spurred each other closer and closer toward their goal.

Linda, her attention partially diverted by the sensations building up in her pussy, couldn’t help but watch Sarah’s face and body. Her eyes closed, the young woman’s eyelids reflected the dim light. Her mouth remained open as she panted, eagerly moving against her mother. Her small breasts, capped with delicate areolas and small, erect nipples begged to be sucked. Her body glistened with perspiration.

So beautiful, she is, and so very sexy.

Linda could tell her daughter was getting there. Her movements quickened as her body stiffened noticeably, trying to concentrate the friction directly on her clit. Linda also felt it coming. Feeling the change in her daughter’s movements, it didn’t take much else. She huffed, smiling again. Such sweet insanity! Almost…almost…

Oh, yes! If we could only climax together yet again! Heaven!

Then it hit.


Sarah jerked, squeezing her eyes shut even tighter, bared teeth clenched. Then she squealed. “Fuck, Mom! I…I…”

“Let it come, honey, don’t hold back!” Mother yelped.

“Yes…that’s it…that’s…” Sarah started convulsing as she whimpered, controlling the movement of her body against her mother’s as she kept the friction going. “Coming! Coming! YESSS!!!”

“God, YES, sweetheart!” Linda coaxed, voice hoarse with passion. She took her daughter’s outstretched hand, trying to keep their bodies tightly joined. “Come for me…come for Mama!

That’s what pushed her into the fire.

Oh, shit, here I come, too!

Linda growled as she joined her daughter in orgasm, her brain focused on nothing else but that delicious instant as they shared a searing, liquid climax.

Ohhh, fuck! FUCK!!! Truly, incest is best! Goddamn!!!

“Ahhhhhhh!” Sarah opened her eyes, watching her mother surrender to wave after wave of pleasure. Again, their gazes met and the young woman nodded her approval. “Uh-huhhhh!”

For an eternity, they writhed together in an animalistic frenzy, groans and whimpers filling the room as they mashed out every last flicker of lust, every nerve ending in their clits vibrating at full frequency until they were entirely spent.

At last, they released their grip. The bedframe let out a loud squeak as both of them fell back, their bodies still pressed together as they pointed in opposite directions. Sarah, her arms hanging back over the foot of the bed, laughed breathlessly, joyful with afterglow, as her mother squeezed her thigh, savoring the warm, smooth flesh.

A parcel of time passed as they both stared at the ceiling. Linda pondered what had just happened. That made three orgasms she’d had with her daughter in those early morning hours and, by then, her brain was overloaded with love, lust, satisfaction, and the joy of incestuous discovery. Shame had been pushed aside for the moment.

“GodDAMN!” Sarah’s breathing was still labored as she raised up on one elbow. Mother and daughter still pressed against each other gently, maintaining the wet, musky furnace between their pussies. The parts of their bodies that still touched stuck together like they were glued. It felt so good, and so very right, that they were reluctant to break the spell.

"Goddamn is right, honey," Linda replied. Finally, she raised her leg, patting Sarah's, peeling her hot, damp skin away from her daughter’s. “Get up here, you.”

Immediately, Sarah slipped up between her mother’s arms and they held each other tightly, conditioned air wafting over them, cooling what parts of their bodies that didn’t touch. Sarah lifted her head so she could stare serenely into her mother’s loving eyes. Linda kissed her daughter on the mouth once, then twice, never breaking the gaze. The second time, she lingered for several seconds, making a smacking noise as she pulled back.

Mmmm, so very nice. My daughter…and now my lover.

Sarah wanted more, so she returned her mother’s kisses, only this time, her mouth was open.

“Mmmm,” Linda moaned again, opening her mouth as well to accommodate her daughter. Their tongues lashed together as they made out like two horny kids parked out in the woods on a first date.

Sarah sucked her mother’s tongue up and down like it was a small penis. Linda loved the sensation, but couldn’t help but chuckle, surprised at the young woman’s oral skills. With great effort, she managed to speak.

“Honey,” she whispered between copious wet, probing kisses. “Where did you learn all this?”

“Oh, here and there,” Sarah whispered against her mother’s lips, but she was hungry and more interested in necking with Linda than talking.

The vague answer was classic teenager-speak, firing Linda’s curiosity, but she fell silent as her daughter took her pleasure. It was a full ten minutes before Sarah pulled away from her mother’s face. She rolled on her back, silent, still draping a leg over Linda’s. A few minutes passed as Mother’s thoughts focused.

Jesus, what do I say after that?

Linda cast her gaze over the posters on Sarah’s walls. There were the obligatory rock bands of the day, then some movie hunk in tight jeans. On the far wall was an image of Einstein sticking out his tongue, hair wild and eyes mirthful. On the young woman’s dresser was a wind-up doll they gave her for her eighth birthday, one that would chime a simple tune when picked up. She sighed.

“Oh, what have we done?” Linda squeezed her daughter’s hand, their fingers intertwining. “So nice, but so very naughty.”

“We fucked, that’s what we did.” Sarah crinkled her nose with mischief, turning to look at her mother’s profile in the dim light.

“Sarah, such a pottymouth!” Linda snorted, returning Sarah’s gaze. She really got off hearing her daughter say that particular word, and couldn’t help but notice a strange gleam in her eye. “But it’s true, and what a great kisser! What else do you know?”


The next thing Linda knew, Sarah slid down the bed, rolling over until her face was only inches from her mother’s matted bush. Placing her hands on Linda’s thighs, the young woman again gazed up with a look of pure mischief.

Oh, my god! What the…?

“Honey, I…” But before Linda could utter another word, Sarah’s mouth disappeared into thick fur. In a heartbeat, her firm pointed tongue was circling her mother’s tingling clit before slipping inside. It all happened so fast, Linda just gripped the bedclothes, quivering with desire, surrendering to yet another round.

“Oh, f-fuck…nnnngg…” She clenched her teeth as Sarah’s face wriggled against her pussy. “Oh, yes, baby…YES!!!”

Holy fuck! My sweet, dear daughter is eating me out! Goddamn, it feels so sinfully good!

Linda couldn’t help but place her hands on Sarah’s head as pleasure surged up through her body. The young woman’s expert tongue found every nook and cranny, igniting countless nerve endings as she relentlessly lapped up the copious juices within.

Fuck, my pussy’s going to be so sore, but who cares? How many times can I come for my daughter?

The next moment, Sarah pulled back, a curious expression on her face.

“Hmmm…I can taste Dad’s cum.” She smacked her lips before diving back in. This time, her hands slid up to Linda’s breasts to tease and torment them.

With what had transpired in Sarah’s bedroom, fucking Michael the previous night might have well been a millennium ago for Linda. She forgot her body was filled with his ejaculate and the fact that Sarah could taste it and knew what it was broke something in Linda’s mind. It was at that moment she realized Sarah needed to taste it directly from the source.

God, if I could only make that happen.

The next moment, she returned to the overwhelming sensation of Sarah’s mouth on her pussy and the electricity sparking from her nipples. That familiar pressure welled within her body. She couldn’t believe that orgasm number four was on the way.

“That’s it, baby,” Linda said. “Make it come…don’t stop…I need to come for you, love!”

Sarah moaned as her head moved gently up and down, tongue firm and steady. She dug her thumbnails into her mother’s thick, well-sucked nipples and that did it.


“Agggghhhhh!!!” Linda shuddered and bucked, her hands pressing against the back of Sarah’s head. Her mind went blank, all thoughts blotted out by sheer pleasure as she rubbed her molten pussy into her daughter’s face. “OHHHH MY FUCKING GODDD!!!”

Fluids dribbled down Sarah’s chin as she tried to swallow as much as she could. Her face glistened like it had been dipped in oil.

The next moment, Linda released Sarah’s head, fearing she might suffocate her, but the young woman took it all in stride, watching as her mother again gripped the bedclothes, babbling, convulsing with climax. She smiled at the spectacle, licking her lips with a deep sense of satisfaction.

Linda forgot the world that had existed before she had sex with her daughter. She couldn't comprehend how they became lovers so quickly, despite her and Michael's sexual openness and permissive ways with their child.

God, do we ever know what’s really going on inside our heads?

As Sarah cuddled with her mother in the aftermath, what remained of Linda's guilt, fear, and apprehension dissolved into the early morning air. Of course, they necked some more, Linda tasting herself, and a hint of Michael's cum, as she licked her daughter's face clean of drying sex goo.

“Mmmm, this is so nice, Mom,” Sarah purred, placing a few more kisses on her mother’s face and neck before nuzzling the smooth valley between her hard-tipped breasts.

“Yes, my love.” Linda took a deep breath. “Honey, you certainly have a way.”

Sarah giggled, sounding like a little girl then, suddenly, she sat up.

“God, I’m hungry.”

“What, now?” Linda traced her fingertip around the small of Sarah’s back, then it dawned on her.

Silly Linda. Sex makes you hungry, too.

As Linda fished through the refrigerator for a nosh, her face and breasts illuminated by the glow emanating from inside the appliance, Sarah wolfed her way through a bowl of Rice Krispies, slurping down the milk as her mother turned to watch in amusement. The young woman burped, wiping her mouth with her forearm, then, not satisfied, proceeded to make another bowl, sprinkling a spoonful of sugar on top.

Linda nibbled on a piece of cold chicken from dinner a couple of nights ago, watching the nude waif as she shoveled spoon after spoon of cereal into her face, milk dribbling down her chin. Mother couldn’t help but stare at her daughter’s mouth.

Now she’s a child eating cereal, but less than thirty minutes ago, she was ingesting my fluids and her father’s cum.

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She also thought of her flight, which was leaving in less than four hours.

I’m running on just a couple of hours' sleep if that, but I'd do it again and again. Fuck it. I’ll sleep on the plane. Fuck my job!

Like a good daughter, Sarah rinsed her bowl, placing it into the dishwasher with the spoon. She walked over and embraced her mother, pressing their naked bodies together.

“We still have an hour or two before sunrise, Mom,” she...

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Written by nightwaves
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