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Sandy Does Dad

"Sandy had had the hots for her dad and it was time to act."

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Sandy sat on the sofa looking at him from across the room. The computer was open on the dining room table with his fingers tapping away. She’d rather them be tapping on her pussy or over her clit. She could see beneath the table and onto his groin. His shorts were loose and she took that to mean that his cock was a nice size and needed plenty of room.

She didn’t know what he was doing but she had the hots for him since she got home and it wouldn’t be for the first time either. Her urges came and went and depended on how long she had been home from college. At just gone nineteen, she always seemed to have the hots for some bloke, but this was different.

When he looked at her and smiled, she pulled her book up and pretended to be reading. But she knew what she was doing and she suspected that he did too. It was obvious. At least she thought it was obvious.

She must have read the same paragraph about seventeen times and right now all that was going through her mind was – what’s a girl to do.

Sandy wore a one-piece stretch-cotton skirt, no bra, and on this occasion, she had forgotten to visit the knicker drawer when she got dressed. She almost giggled at the thought of getting dressed, she only had on one item of clothing. Sitting down, her one-piece had ridden up her backside and her bare slit was on full display and pointing towards him. She had positioned herself appropriately, her knees were bent but together and one foot poised on the edge of the sofa while the other tucked itself into the groove at the back.

‘On display,’ was a bit of an understatement, or so she thought.

A voice startled her and when she looked up she saw her father standing at the end of the sofa asking her whether she wanted a cold drink. He was pointing to the kitchen; indicating he was fetching one for himself.

Sandy shook her head but smiled as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. She was acutely aware of his gaze and his hesitation in moving towards the kitchen was obvious.

Sandy rewarded herself with an inward grin as she saw him walk off towards the kitchen. Her dad re-appeared with a beer in his hand and made a point of sitting on the arm of his sofa and engaging his daughter in conversation about her English course.

She resisted the urge to lower her legs for as long as she could. She wanted him to see her smooth sex peeking from between her thighs. She wanted him to react to the view, to make his cock fill with blood, and to make his erection visible to her.

It didn’t seem to be working and she, reluctantly, lowered them as the conversation drew onwards. She placed the book by her side which only caused her breasts to wobble slightly underneath her dress. Her father indicated that he should get back to work and he stood to walk back to the dining table.

Sandy watched him stand up, her eyes fixed on his pants and she smiled as she saw a semi-hard cock press forwards against his shorts and tent them slightly. Inwardly, she was pleased with herself. Pleased that she had had that effect on her father.

Later that evening, Sandy offered to cook dinner for her dad. Her father had taken up residence on the sofa but facing away from the table. Sandy had planned to call him for dinner and lean over the table. As he turned to get up he would see her pussy on show. She was carrying two plates into the dining room and came upon her father from behind.

She nearly dropped the plates when she saw that he was watching porn. She crept closer. On the screen, she could see that the older man’s cock was brushing over the younger woman’s pussy lips before he parted them. Her juices coated the man’s cock and she watched, in awe, at its disappearance inside the woman’s wet cunt. Sandy almost flooded her pussy as she looked at her father and the action on the screen.

Sandy craved the same. If she wasn’t holding the plates she would have pushed her hand onto her pussy and stroked it. Instead, she took a few steps backwards until she was back in the safety of the kitchen and she shouted that dinner was ready. She walked around the corner as her dad was shutting the laptop lid. She walked confidently past him and bent over the table as per her plan. She placed his plate on the far side, reaching over to do so.

Her pussy was once more glinting from between her thighs as her cotton dress rose over her backside. She knew he could see everything, she knew her pussy was wet, almost dripping because when she walked back into the kitchen, she put the plates down and fingered it until it was leaking.

She wouldn’t have been surprised if he could smell her arousal as he walked past.

It took her father a while to walk past her to the table. He stared at his daughter’s sexy display. He could see her moist pussy part slightly as she leaned over the table. His thoughts were not typical of a father’s thoughts.

His daughter had turned into a lovely sexy woman. Although she was slim, her figure had filled out, especially her breasts, and her nice rounded bottom looked elegant in just about anything from jeans to dresses. Though, it was only earlier that day that he had feasted on her pussy for the first time and he put it down to the fact that she hadn’t realised the position she had put herself in. This, however, was different. He suspected that she knew what she was doing as she leaned over the table in front of him which was why he wasn’t making a point of moving too quickly to sit down.

When he walked past her he wanted to rest his hand on her bare bottom and slip his finger into her sex. He wanted to turn her around grasp her around the neck and kiss her passionately and he wanted to spread her legs wide on the dining table and do exactly what he had just watched on his laptop.

He wanted to do all of that. He felt ashamed thinking those thoughts, but he did think them.

What he did do, was put all those thoughts out of his mind as he walked past her and sat down to the wonderful meal she had prepared. They chatted about just about everything and she caught her dad blush when she asked what he did all day on the laptop. He recovered quickly and just said that he worked very hard, harder now that he didn’t have to go into the office so frequently. He confessed that having her home for the summer holiday was a bit different to him living on his own.

When she pushed him on that comment, he confessed that he sometimes walked around the house in the nude.

Sandy looked shocked, but deep down her mind was working overtime.

“Tomorrow is Wednesday, right?” she had asked. Her father agreed that it was indeed Wednesday.

“Right,” she said, “Wednesday will be nude day then,” she smiled. “I don’t want you blaming me for changing things around here just because I’m home.”

Her father’s mouth dropped open and he quickly filled it with food. He didn’t know what to say, so he said nothing. They finished their food and in the evening, they watched television until her father announced that he was retiring to bed.

Her father didn’t sleep well and neither did Sandy, at least not until after she ploughed her pussy with her favourite dildo.

Sandy opened her eyes at around nine in the morning, showered and dried, and walked downstairs. She entered the kitchen from the corridor and started to make a cup of coffee, one for her and one for her dad. She waltzed around the corner to see him in a T-shirt and shorts sitting at his computer.

He looked surprised. Sandy was angry.

“It’s Wednesday, clothes off, we agreed.”

“You agreed, I didn’t say anything,” he replied.

Yet as he looked on his lovely daughter’s body, from her wonderful full breasts down to her slim waist and onwards over her shaved mound to her legs he wondered whether he could do as she asked. She looked so serene, so comfortable, he didn’t think he would look like that at all.

Sandy placed the cup of coffee on the table and placed her hands on her waist. She waited.

Her father took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, he thanked her for the coffee, ignoring her stance. Sandy just stood and waited. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other which only made her breasts sway from side to side. She finally placed her hands flat on the table, her breasts flopped forward and her nipples almost scraped against the wood top.

“Off,” she commanded.

Her father finally relented and stood up, he brought his T-shirt over his head and placed it on the table before dropping his shorts. Keeping them in his hands before sitting back down quickly.

Sandy picked up his T-shirt, walked around the table and held out her hand.

“Give them to me,” she said.

Her father removed them from covering his modesty and handed his daughter his shorts. He kept his legs closed and she could see that his cock was nestled between his legs. It wasn’t obvious that he was aroused but she knew that he would have to get up and go to the toilet at some point during the day.

“I’m going to read,” she said, “just like yesterday.”

Her words were not lost on him. He knew what yesterday meant.

Sandy removed his clothes completely, grabbed a book and sat on the sofa. Confident in her skin, she sat, read her book and watched her father from over the top of it.

He eventually relaxed. She watched his legs part as he tapped away on the keyboard and she finally caught sight of his dick. As far as she could see, it was impressive as it hung between his legs and over the edge of the chair. She shifted position slightly to get a better look.

“What are you looking at?” her father asked.

Sandy immediately raised her head, shook it, and pursed her lips. “Nothing,” she said.

“Isn’t it your turn for drinks?” she asked.

Her father smiled at her. He knew exactly what she was trying to do. He had to be brave about it, he thought. Nudity happened all the time. Plenty of families practised nudism, he thought. So why shouldn’t they? He called her bluff, stood up and walked towards her.

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His cock swung low, propped up by his heavy balls that wobbled as he walked.

“What would you like to drink?” he asked.

Sandy watched him move. She wasn’t looking at his eyes and he knew it. Her gaze was fixed on the length of cock that dangled in front of him.

Spunk, she thought to herself, that’s what I’d like to drink. “Coffee, please,” she said. Spunk from the end of your stiff cock, she thought once more.

Her father smiled and wandered off to the kitchen. He was proud of himself that he didn’t react as he looked at his daughter’s nipples brushing the pages of her book. He was pleased that he didn’t look at her bare pussy that she blatantly had on display and he was proud that he acted the adult and accepted nudity for what it was.

Sandy followed him into the kitchen, reached up to the cupboard that contained the chocolate biscuits and placed a few on a plate for both of them.

“Just as well you haven’t got meetings today,” she chided.

Her father laughed and told her that he always puts clothes on when he has meetings because he had once seen a woman move off to her kitchen, grab a banana and started eating it like she was blowing someone’s penis. She thought she had turned the video camera off, but she was there for all to see.

Sandy laughed at the joke and smiled at her dad’s use of the proper word for a willy.

By the time they got back to the lounge her father’s cock had expanded slightly and it warmed her through that he found her attractive.

Sandy was horny as fuck as she looked onto her father’s cock. She wanted to hold his heavy balls, cup them in her hands, squeeze and manipulate them. She wanted to suck on his gorgeous helmet and take it into her mouth, blowing him as she stroked his cock until it was rock hard. All those thoughts would have given her father a hard-on but for her, the only sign of arousal was that her nipples had hardened and her pussy was moist and ready for something hard and powerful.

Sandy contemplated running to her bedroom and rubbing herself until she climaxed. That dildo in her bottom drawer would be a poor substitute for the cock she couldn’t stop looking at.

They both found themselves back in the lounge and her father had asked her for the clothes that she took from him. It was obvious that he was about to go into a meeting.

“That’s all your getting,” she said, throwing him the T-shirt, “don’t stand up,” she said, laughing.

He shrugged and put on the T-shirt and took the call.

Sandy suddenly became overwhelmed with sexual urges. They had been boiling up for a while and she was desperate to entice her father to do something immoral to her. She took it upon herself to make it happen. She suddenly didn’t care and she would put it down to the glass of wine that she was now drinking.

Her father was on a call and she wanted to be naughty. She made a beeline for the stairs but turned towards the dining room table. She pulled out a chair and sat opposite her father and to one side of his laptop. He made eye contact with his daughter with a puzzled look on his face.

Sandy sat in the chair and looked him in the eye. She knew he couldn’t look at her but had to keep his eye on the people in the meeting.

She shifted the chair slightly and then opened her legs wide. Her hand came upon her sex and she rubbed it up and down with the flat of her hand. Her tongue slipped from between her lips and the fingers of her other hand pinched at her nipples and cupped her breast.

Her father glanced in her direction and gulped. His gaze shifted between the laptop screen and his daughter. His cock started to respond to the sight before him. It started to extend and soon was hitting the underside of the tabletop.

Sandy let her fingers caress her mound before pushed a finger into her cunt. It was quickly followed by a second and a third. Her father’s cock became rigid under the table and it was all he could do to keep his eyes on the laptop and his concentration on the discussion. He hoped there would be no questions to answer.

Her father watched Sandy pull her fingers from her cunt and lick them clean. His cock jerked.

It had been a while and if she wasn’t careful, he would spurt on the floor without even touching his cock.  He didn’t want that. What he wanted was to fuck his daughter. He wondered what had made her do this? What had made her sit there and play with herself, arousing him in this way?

He blamed all this nudity and maybe the wine.

Sandy’s fingers were back on her pussy and circling it. She was breathing heavily but doing her best to stay as quiet as she could. Filthy words were uttered as she slowly circled the pad f her fingertips over her clit.

Her father finished the call and was thankful that the video and audio had ceased. He made sure the camera was off and the sound was deactivated.

He watched his daughter climax in front of him. Sandy thrust her body forward as her orgasm shot through her; barely staying on the chair as she shook and shivered.

When she opened her eyes she watched her father stand up, his cock no longer swaying from side to side but standing erect and proud. He walked towards her. Her eyes feasted on his cock. Watched it oscillate, watched his balls swing free, watched the lustful look in his eyes.

She looked up at him when he stood next to her. His hands swung under her and he lifted her off the chair. In a few short steps, he had placed her on the table and spread her legs wide. Taking his cock in his hands he pressed the head between her pussy lips and pressed it down and along her wet slit. Her father pulled it back upwards and then down again before letting it ride the whole wet length until his balls were collecting pussy juice.

Sandy moaned out loud. She raised herself on her hands and looked down at her father’s cock rubbing against her slit.

“Fuck me with it, fuck me as that man did in the video I saw you watching yesterday,” she told him.

Her father looked into her eyes with wild abandon. He smiled as he saw the look of lust on his daughter’s face. She hadn’t taken her eyes off his cock once in the last minute. She snorted with joy as she watched her father slip his cock down onto her entrance and moaned loudly when it sunk into her hot cunt. It was the horniest sight that she had ever seen.

Finally, she had it in her. After all this time.

Her father’s cock stretched her as he pushed it in. He let it rest there for a moment before retrieving...

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Written by Octarine
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