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Naked Punishment 2

"Katie is forced by her mom to stay naked; like fully nude for two days as a punishment. Read how Katie struggle to navigate the whole punishment ordeal."

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Author's Notes

"After losing her clothes, Katie has to stay nude before Harnse, who joins them for breakfast. <p> [ADVERT] </p>She ends up giving him a taste of her pussy."

Naked breakfast

As the doorbell rang, Jon and Katie’s mom rushed to the door to exchange pleasantries with Harnse. Katie, however, stayed in the kitchen, still overwhelmed with the fact that she was about to parade herself all nude before Harnse. She knew that she could not escape the moment, but at least she could delay the moment by staying in the kitchen until her mother called her out. Otherwise, in the sitting room, her absence was conspicuous, and it did not take Harnse a long time to learn her absence.

“Where is Katie? I have been here for around thirty minutes now and I have not seen her, which is quite unusual. Is she sick or something?” Harnse asked as they continued to talk about just general stuff.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Katie has recently become unruly and as we are speaking right now, she is under punishment,” Katie’s mother chipped in trying to explain why her daughter was not in the sitting room with others.

“What type of punishment? Is she grounded to her room or something?” Harnse asked.

“No, it is something worse than that,” Katie’s mother replied.

“What is it then?” Harnse asked, curious to know what type of punishment Katie was given.

“You know, you are yet to become a parent and when you become one, you will know how unruly kids can become at times. Sometimes you just have to go an extra mile with your punishment to instill some sense into their heads; this is one of those days,” Katie’s mother said to Harnse, trying to defend her choice of punishment.

All this time, Katie was following the conversation from the kitchen, hoping and praying that Harnse would convince her mom to reconsider her choice of punishment.

“So, what type of punishment have you given her? I know you can be harsh sometimes. I hope you have not harmed her,” Harnse asked, eager to know the punishment.

“No, I have not harmed her; I have just asked her to stay naked for two days only. Is that being harsh on her?” Katie’s mom asked Harnse, trying to get his support.

“Is she in her inner wears?” Harnse asked.

“No, I have made her stay naked, like thwarting naked. It will only last for two days and I think that’s better than using whips on her. You know, she is a grown-up now,” Katie’s mom replied to Harnse, who had surprise written on his face.

“Okay, I don’t know much about punishments, so I will not comment much about your choice of it. If that is what you have decided, then it is just fine. I don’t see any wrong with that.”

Katie, listening from the kitchen, did not believe her ears; she knew perfectly well that she could now not evade parading her nude self before Harnse. Just when she was still taking in what was going on; her mom’s voice drew her from her thoughts.

“Katie, please bring Harnse some juice before you set up the table for breakfast,” Katie’s mom called from the sitting room.

Katie’s heart skipped as she heard her mother call from the sitting room. Never in her life had she dreaded walking from the kitchen to the sitting room. You know normally, serving Harnse a glass of juice is a very simple task, but naked, that will be a very embarrassing ordeal.

Katie had picked up the tray holding a glass of juice and started walking towards the kitchen door when she felt a warm liquid flowing from her pussy following her right thigh down to her leg. It was her pussy juice; she was getting aroused by the fantasies that had started crossing her mind about Harnse and her enjoying some wild sex in the toilet.

She stopped and pressed her naked thighs together, trying to suppress the release of the juice, but this was not doing enough to stop the flow. By this time, her mom was growing impatient in the sitting room and had started calling for her to come out.

“Young woman, we don’t have the whole day here,” Katie’s mother called from the sitting room.

Katie placed the tray she was holding down and quickly reached out for the kitchen towel that was hanging on the kitchen wall. Without giving it a second thought, Katie used the towel to clean her pussy, wiping away the liquid that had rolled down to her leg.

She did not have enough time to clean the visible mark that had been formed by the liquid flowing down from her pussy, down to her right leg.

She picked up the tray and walked quickly towards the sitting room, her boobs moving with every step she took. In the back of her head, she knew Harnse would take this opportunity to take in her naked body, focusing on her boobs which were extraordinarily large for a woman her age.

Entering the sitting room from the kitchen, her eyes locked with that of Harnse, and then, as expected, he quickly disengaged from the eye contact and directed his eyes towards Katie’s boobs, which were bouncing against her chest with every step she took. Harnse then adjusted his sitting position to hide the erection that had grown in his trousers. He, however, could not hide the erection that much, and it did not take Katie even a second before she noticed his erection.

Katie placed the juice on the table, took away the tray, and stood before Harnse, holding the tray before her pussy. In this position, she denied Harnse the direct view of her pussy. Harnse, on the other hand, had his gaze fixed on the boobs that he did not even notice Katie’s mom, who was using her hand gestures to signal to him to start taking his juice.

“I am sorry Mr. Harnse, I did not know this would make you so uncomfortable,” Katie’s mother said to Harnse learning how distracted he was in the presence of a nude Katie.

“I am fine. Don’t worry, I will be fine,” Harnse replied, pulling his gaze forcefully from Katie’s tits to focus on Katie’s mom, who had started getting angry at how Harnse was staring at her daughter’s boobs non-stop.

“Remove that tray from your pussy, young lady; do you want to stain my utensils with your pussy juice?” Katie’s mom asked Katie, who was still holding the tray with her two hands before her pussy.

“No, Mom,” Katie replied, moving the tray to her side.

Katie’s pussy was now in full display and Harnse removed his gaze from Katie’s tits to her pussy that was resting peacefully between her legs.

“Good morning Katie,” Harnse broke the silence, trying to hold a normal conversation with Katie.

“Good morning,” Katie replied with her gaze fixed on the floor.

“This is not how you dress every day. Why have you changed your dress code today?”

Katie was still thinking of what to tell Harnse when her mom jumped in.

“Harnse has just asked you a question Katie, are deaf or what?” Katie’s mom said to her as she was still processing what to answer Harnse.

“As a punishment, Mom has asked me to stay naked,” Katie replied, her gaze still fixed on the floor.

“You can now start setting the table for breakfast. We are getting late for work,” Katie’s mom instructed.

Hernse followed Katie with his eyes, watching her naked butt until she disappeared into the kitchen. He did not realize Katie’s mom was staring at him all this time.

As Katie was busy serving the rice at the kitchen table, she did not realize Jon who was moving slowly from her back, Jon then walked closer to his sisters, and then from behind, he grabbed her naked boobs from both sides and moved close until his groin area met Katie’s bare butt. Even though Jon had his trouser on, Katie could feel his erect cock making contact with her bare butt.

Katie immediately disengaged from the touch and turned to face Jon, who now had a cheeky smile on his face.

“What is wrong with you, Jon? Why are you grabbing my boobs?” Katie asked his brother, who was now not even struggling to hide the huge erection that had formed in his trouser.

“You know I cannot resist the urge to touch those juicy boobs of yours Katie, especially now that I have an unobstructed view of them,” Jon said to his sister whose nipples had now started growing tough from the impact of the touch, she had been turned on.

“You know I am your sister, Jon. What will Mom do if she finds us in that position?” Katie asked Jon.

“Katie, your nipples are now tough and pointed. You want to start wetting your pants, I mean the floor, because you don’t have your pants on; you cannot deny the fact that I turn you on even though I am your brother.”

“So you want me to appear before Harnse and Mom in a wet pussy and stiff boobs? is that what you want?”

“You can do that as well, I don’t care,” Jon replied with his eyes fixed on his sister’s boobs that were growing tough and pointed with each second.

“You have your clothes covering your hard cock; you know I have to stay naked the whole day. What will cover my boobs after they have grown stiff?” Katie asked Jon, but before he answered, Mom shouted at Katie from the sitting room.

“How long does it take you to prepare the table for breakfast, young lady?”

Katie had to step into the sitting room with her boobs stiff, her nipples pointed, and her pussy was starting to get wet. Now that she was naked, anyone could tell that she was turned on.

She picked up the bowl of rice she was serving and held it high enough, hoping that it could cover her boobs. As the bowl was doing little to cover her boobs, her pussy was in full display and you could tell that it was getting wet.

Katie dropped the bowl and quickly turned back to get the plates and mugs from the kitchen, when she reached the kitchen, she took the towel she used before to wipe her wet pussy and used it again to wipe her pussy which was getting wet again.

After setting up the table, Katie headed to the toilet where she was hoping to get some time for herself to disengage her mind from the sex thoughts that were turning her on. As she was moving closer to the toilet, she felt a hand grabbing her right boob from the back.

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“Jon, please leave my boobs. You are getting me turned on and I don’t want to appear before Mom all wet,” Katie said, even before she turned to look at who was grabbing her boobs.

“It’s not Jon. He cannot even think of grabbing his sister’s boobs. It’s me,” Harnse said, pinning Katie to the wall and drawing his lips closer to kiss her.

Harnse grabbed Katie’s neck with his right hand, drawing her head closer for the kiss, and his left hand grabbed Katie’s bare butt. Katie opened her mouth like she wanted to utter a word, but before she could, Harnse already had his lips between Katie’s lips and they were kissing passionately.

Harnse removed his hand from Katie’s neck and stretched it to open the toilet’s door, leading her to the toilet; he then closed the toilet lid and let Katie sit on it. He then unbuckled his belt and lowered his trouser, revealing his erect dick.

Katie wanted to shove the dick into her mouth, but Harnse pulled back.

“We don’t have time for that today, Katie; I want to have a feel of that pussy that has been dripping wet since I stepped into this house,” Harnse said, looking down at Katie, who was sitting on the toilet with lust written over her face.

Without thinking straight, Harnse bent down, trying to penetrate his dick into Katie’s pussy as Katie was still sitting on the toilet. After seconds of forcing issues, he realized that he could not penetrate when in that position. He therefore took Katie’s hand and lifted her to stand, making her bend facing the toilet. Standing behind Katie, Harnse had Katie’s pussy in front of him, slightly below his waist level. He took his hard dick, shoved it slowly into Katie’s pussy from behind, and started to ride slowly.

“Harder,” Katie said, slowly releasing soft moans any time Harnse drove in his dick.

Harnse, however, preferred the soft fuck; he did not want to take it as fast as Katie wanted. Katie was getting impatient all this time. She wanted it rough, but Harnse wanted it soft. She decided to take control and increase the tempo of the action.

Still bending, she grabbed Harnse’s dick and withdrew it from her pussy, she then stood and made Harnse sit on the toilet, she then sat on him facing the opposite direction with her legs crossing Harnse’s body from either side, she then moved her body close to that of Harnse making sure her naked boobs made contact with his chest even though Harnse still had his shirt on. She directed the hard dick of Harnse to her pussy and started to move her waist front and back to ride him. She increased the pace and in no minute, Harnse was releasing loud moans.

“Mom will hear us from the sitting room Harnse, man up,” Katie murmured to Harnse, bringing her hand forward to cover Harnse’s mouth. All this time, she was still riding the hell out of Harnse.

Katie brought her hands to her boobs and grabbed them, shaking them in the face of Harnse. She then took the boobs and pressed them hard on Harnse’s face, hoping that Harnse will suck them.

Harnse could however not read this symbol as he was drawn by the pleasure. Seeing that Harnse was not getting the point, Katie went back into the initial position and went on riding the hell out of Harnse. After riding for two minutes, Katie felt a warm liquid shooting up into her pussy; Harnse was already Cumming. The dick of Harnse then shrank and the action could no longer continue.

“That was fast,” Katie said, standing from the laps of Harnse and moving close to the wall to give Harnse space to stand as the toilet was a bit squeezed.

“That was hot. I didn’t know you are this naughty,” Harnse said to Katie while standing, returning his shrank dick to his innerwear and zipping his trousers.

“Now you know,” Katie replied, looking away from him.

“You are sexy; I cannot get enough of those boobs. I am, however, sorry for the situation you are in now. Staying without clothes for two days is torture.”

“You should be sorry for yourself first for Cumming fast. The boobs you cannot get enough of have made you cum in less than three minutes,” Katie said to Harnse who was straightening his shirt getting ready to go back to the sitting room.

“I was scared that your mom could find us. That is why I ended up cumming early. I am, however, good in bed,” Harnse replied.

“That’s what all men say before they are given the chance. When they are finally given like I gave you a few seconds ago, they end up moaning like a sheep captured by a lion. By the way, did you realize how loud you were moaning when I was ridding you?”

Just before Harnse answered, Katie’s mom raised her voice loudly from the sitting room.

“Katie, what are you doing in the kitchen when others are having breakfast? Are you trying to hide those big boobs of yours from us? Just bring them here; we have had enough of them.”

“I better go before mom calls out my boobs again, goodbye Mr. Two minutes man,” Katie whispered to Harnse while pulling her hair to the back and cleaning her face with her hands.

“I will make it up to you, Katie, I promise.”

“In your dreams. My naked punishment ends tomorrow, the next time you will be here, you will find me fully clothed and I will not lower my pants for you,” Katie said opening the door as Harnse dropped his face in shame as he remained in the toilet.

On her way to the sitting room, Katie met her brother Jon, who was also going to his room. Jon looked at Katie’s boobs, then quickly turned his gaze to her pussy.

“You look messed up. What’s up? And what’s that flowing from your pussy?” Jon asked Katie, who was hurrying to the sitting room to reach there before her mom called out again.

She stopped and looked at her pussy and she could see sticky liquid flowing from it, following her thighs down to her leg; it was Harnse’s sperms that was flowing out of her pussy. She rushed to the kitchen and for the third time today, used the kitchen towel to wipe her pussy. She then headed to her mom, who was waiting for her in the sitting room.

“Harnse has gone to the toilet. He developed a runny stomach and I know he will be back soon. As soon as he is here, we will leave for work and you will remain with Jon. Your punishment will still go on even when I am away for work, please don’t try to put on clothes while I am away,” Katie’s mom addressed Katie, who was standing politely in front of her.

Harnse then stepped into the room, forcing a smile. You could, however, tell that he was uncomfortable. Katie looked in his direction and he dodged eye contact, looking at Katie’s mom instead.

“I am sorry I took so long in the toilet. I was having some terrible time in there,” Harnse said, coming close to where Katie was standing.

“I know, I could hear you moaning from here,” Katie’s mom replied.

Oh My God! So mom heard Harnse moaning. I hope she fails to connect the dots, Katie said to herself.

Harnse’s heart also skipped when he heard that from Katie’s mom. He however changed the topic quickly.

“We should be on our way to work now, we are already late and we cannot waste even...

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Written by Marion254
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