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Naked Pool Party Swingers

"Amy let out a high-pitched cry of pleasure as her dad came, filling her teenage pussy with his hot creamy mess."

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Amy was in her bedroom, masturbating with her favourite vibrator, when she heard her mum calling her from downstairs. Quickly she removed the buzzing device from her vagina, wiped it clean on her duvet, and slipped it under her pillow for later. 

“Coming, Mummy!” she shouted as she smoothed down her skirt and adjusted her rumpled t-shirt. Her face was a bit flushed, and her nipples were still conspicuously erect, but there was nothing she could do about that now.

Downstairs, both her parents were waiting for her. 

“Hi darling, I’m sorry we interrupted you,” said her mum, “but we thought you’d like to hear some news. It’s the time of year for Rob and Lucy’s pool party, and now you’re eighteen they’ve invited you too.” 

Amy was delighted. She knew her parents always looked forward to this annual event, and every year she begged to be allowed to come, only to be told “Not yet, sweetheart, it’s for grown-ups only.” And now she was officially a “grown-up” and on the list at last. 

“Oh wow, thank you!” she enthused. “I can wear my new bikini.” 

“You can take it if you like,” said her dad, “but you might not need it. Rob and Lucy like people to swim nude at their party. Your mum and I always do, so you can too if you like.” 

“Skinny-dipping! That’s so cool,” said Amy. She had a nice slim figure which she enjoyed showing off, and had skinny-dipped several times with her friends in the local river.  

“There’s one more thing you need to know,” said her mum. “Rob and Lucy are swingers, and so are most of the people who go to their parties. So you’ll see quite a lot of people having sex, and most of it in the open air, especially around the pool. That won’t bother you, will it?” 

“Wow, I guess not,” said Amy. She knew what swingers did, though she hadn’t realised her parents were into guilt-free sex with other couples. “So does that mean you and Daddy will be having sex by the pool too?” 

“Of course, sweetie, and not just with each other,” said her dad. “There’s always a lot of men wanting to have sex with your mum, and some women too.” 

“And your dad always finds plenty of women to fuck, of course,” said her mum. 

Amy knew her parents had a lot of sex, and as a family they’d always talked openly about such things, but this was a whole new development. Another thing occurred to her. 

“And what about me?” she asked. “Will people want to have sex with me?” 

“Amy, darling, the men will be queuing up to fuck you,” said her mum with a smile, “especially when they find out this is your first swingers’ party. You won’t be able to stand up the next morning. You might want to take some extra lube, just in case.” 

“Of course, you don’t have to fuck all the time if you don’t want to,” said her dad. “There’s a system of wrist bands to let people know you’re available. You wear a blue band if you’re up for sex with men, and pink if you want women. And, of course, you can wear both. If you feel like a rest, you can take your bands off, and no one will pester you.” 

This was almost too much for Amy to take in. She was pretty sure she liked to fuck men rather than women, although she’d experimented with her female friends a few times at sleepovers. On the other hand, this sounded like a good opportunity to let herself go. Either way, the pool party sounded like even more fun than she’d imagined. 


During the week before the party, Amy forced herself not to masturbate, even though thinking about the event made her incredibly horny. As a result, she was tingling with excitement as they drove to Rob and Lucy’s house in the country. She’d put on her shortest denim shorts, and a loose strappy top that made it clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her 32B tits were perky enough not to need one, and it seemed a waste of time when she’d probably be naked most of the time. Just to be on the safe side, she’d slipped her new bikini into her bag, in case she wanted to cover up at any point. 

When they arrived, Rob and Lucy were waiting to greet them. Lucy gave Amy a big hug. 

“We’re so glad you’ve come,” she said. “I know you’ve been waiting for this for a while. Your mum and dad have explained about things, haven’t they?” 

Amy nodded. “Yes, it sounds so much fun.” 

“The pool’s out the back, though the patio doors,” said Rob. “If you do want to put your swimsuit on, there are some lockers just inside for your clothes. Some people like to start off gradually.” 

“Thanks, but I think I might skinny-dip right away,” said Amy. 

“Good girl,” grinned Lucy. “I can see you’re going to fit in nicely. We’re just going to undress too, then we’ll come and join you. I know several other people have stripped off already, so you needn’t feel self-conscious.” 

Another couple arrived, and Amy’s parents started chatting to them. 

“You don’t need to wait for us,” said her mum. “You might as well go to the pool now, and we’ll see you later.” 

Amy was quite glad to have the chance to undress by herself. She found a locker and felt a tingle of excitement as she removed her clothes and put them away. By the lockers, she saw a table with a bowl on it, containing the wrist bands about which she’d been told. But which should she wear? A blue one, certainly, but what about pink too? She decided to start with just a blue one; she could easily come back for pink later. 

Slipping a blue band onto her wrist, she looked at her reflection in the glass patio doors. Her budding breasts were a pair of perfect hemispheres that jiggled as she walked, and she had a light fuzz of pubic hair over her plump mound. 

“I guess I don’t look too bad,” she thought, then pulled the doors open and walked out onto the poolside patio, trying to be as cool as possible. 

“Just act casual,” she thought, “Let them think you go around naked all the time, like it’s no big deal.” It helped that most of the other people around the pool were naked too, and she tried not to stare too much at the assorted cocks, tits, and pussies (both shaved and bushy) that were on display. But it was hard not to look at the erect penises that some of the men were proudly sporting, most of them very much larger than the ones she’d seen attached to the boys at school. 

She also noticed that lots of the men were looking admiringly at her naked teenage body, and this made her feel nervously excited. She felt very conscious of the wristband, showing she was available for sex. 

“What if one of them wants to fuck me?” she thought. “Or worse, what if NONE of them do? Maybe they think I’m too young, or my tits aren’t big enough. Is it okay for me to go up to someone if I want to fuck them?” 

Just as she was starting to get worried, a boy about her age came up to her. He was slim, naked, and had a large penis dangling between his legs. 

“Hey, are you Amy?” he asked. “I’m Larry, my dad works with your dad. He said you’d be coming this year, and I thought I saw you arriving with your parents just now.” 

Amy smiled, relieved to have someone her own age to talk to. 

“Yes, it’s my first time,” she replied. “I’ve been wanting to come for years, and I could never understand why Mum and Dad said I had to be eighteen first. But now I get it of course.” 

“Last year was my first visit,” said Larry, “and I couldn’t wait to come back. As long as you go with the flow, you’ll have a great time. Come on, let’s have a swim first.” 

Amy really wanted to get down to the fucking, but he had said “first” so hopefully the sex would come soon. They swam up and down the pool a few times, and she was pleased that he kept snatching glances at her naked body. 

Then something else caught her eye. Two people, a girl around her own age and an older man, had settled down on a mat by the pool and started to fuck right in front of everyone. And the weirdest thing was, she was sure she knew both of them. As she watched the man’s cock slide into the girl’s pussy, she realised who they were. 

“Oh wow,” said Amy. “That looks like Emily from my class at school. And oh my god, that’s her dad fucking her!” 

She looked again, and indeed it was Emily, who was a pretty brunette with big bouncy tits. And her own father had his hard cock inside her pussy and was fucking her as if she was just another teenage slut. To her amazement, Amy was incredibly excited by this, and the image flashed into her head of her own dad burying his cock in her tight pussy. Surely that would never happen – but oh how wonderful if it did. 

As she dwelt on this taboo fantasy, she noticed that Larry was blatantly looking at her little tits. His cock was twitching slightly and starting to swell with blood. 

“Do you like them?” she asked. 

“I’m sorry, but you do have lovely tits…breasts,” he said, blushing. 

“Thank you. I don’t mind you looking at them. You can touch them too if you like.” 

Larry didn’t need any more encouragement. He reached out and put his hands over Amy’s bare breasts, squeezing them gently. 

“Oh fuck, they’re gorgeous,” he breathed. He began to knead them more vigorously, tweaking her nipples between thumb and finger. The pink buds quickly became hard like little acorns. Amy whimpered with pleasure. At last, the proper fun was about to start. 

She raised her head and opened her mouth, inviting him to kiss her. As their lips met, she reached down and took his cock in her hands. It was already semi-erect, and as she grasped the shaft, she felt it hardening and rearing up from his crotch. It was big and it was thick, and she wanted it inside her more than anything. 

Larry clearly wanted it too. “Come on, let’s fuck,” he said, and Amy happily allowed him to lead her out of the water and lower her onto one of the mats around the side of the pool. Her heart was beating at the thought of having his cock inside her, her first fuck at one of Rob and Lucy’s parties. She lay down on her back and spread her legs, allowing him a perfect view of her pussy. Larry positioned himself between her thighs and took his cock in his hands. 

“Oh baby, you’ve got such a lovely cunt,” he said, admiringly. He teased her by rubbing his knob-head up and down her tight slit, getting it coated in her juices, then pushed it in. Amy let out a squeal of pleasure as she felt herself filled right up with cock. She lay back and let Larry fuck her, meeting his thrusts with pelvic pushes of her own. She sighed with pleasure as he leaned down and played with her tits, tweaking her nipples as he pumped in and out of her. 


A few minutes earlier, Amy’s mum had come out onto the patio and looked over at the pool. She had just finished sucking off the teenage son of one of their friends; he had ejaculated copiously down her throat, and she could still taste his semen in her mouth. Several people were cavorting naked in the water, while other couples were involved in a variety of sexual activities alongside. Sucking, fucking, masturbating, licking. The sight of all this sexual activity started to arouse her again, and she began to look around for someone to fuck. Another teenage boy would be good – they always seemed to have so much semen – but any big cock would do. 

She smiled when she caught sight of Amy and Larry over by the diving board. Her daughter was clearly having a lovely time as the boy’s thick cock pounded in and out of her pussy, her little tits jiggling with each thrust. Hearing her daughter’s gasps and moans of excitement turned her on even more, and she walked over to get a closer look. She slipped two fingers inside her own wet pussy and fingered herself as she watched. 

At first, Amy didn’t notice that they were being observed, but she grinned with delight when she saw her mum. 

“Hey, Mummy!” she said, “This is such fun! I love fucking like this.” 

“I’m glad you’re having fun,” said her mum, fingering herself faster and rubbing her clitoris. 

Meanwhile, Larry was approaching his climax. “Oh fuck, I’m going to come,” he moaned. 

“Come on my face, so my mum can see,” said Amy, and Larry quickly pulled out, leant over her and gave his cock a couple of brief rubs. 

“Oh fuck, here it comes,” he moaned, and a great rope of cum shot out of his cock and splattered onto Amy’s cheek and across her nose. The next spurt went even further, looping up into her hair, and this was followed by several others, so her face was soon covered in creamy spunk.   

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Amy stuck out her tongue and caught a dribble of cum as it dripped off her nose. 

“It’s yummy, Mummy!” she giggled. “Do you want to taste some?” 

Her mum leant over and licked a thick blob of cum off her daughter’s cheek. 

“Delicious!” she agreed. “Can I clean you off too, Larry?” 

“Sure!” he answered. Amy’s mum leant over and put Larry’s cock in her mouth, tasting the familiar mixture of male cum and female pussy juices. He’d started to soften, but quickly got hard again as the older woman skillfully licked his shaft clean, savouring every drop. 

“What a lovely cock you’ve got!” she said. “Maybe I can get to know it a bit better later on?” 

“Yeah, sure!” agreed Larry enthusiastically. “Thanks for the fuck, Amy. I’ll let you and your mum catch up.” He jumped back into the pool and swam over to where two naked girls were sitting on the edge, dangling their legs into the water. He clearly wasn’t planning on having a rest quite yet. 

“Did you enjoy watching Larry fuck me, Mummy?” Amy asked, licking some more cum off her fingers. 

“Of course, darling. I’m so pleased you’re having fun. That’s what these parties are all about.” 

Amy wondered if she should tell her mum about Emily, and about her own fantasy about fucking her dad. She decided it was best to come right out with it. Her mum would be sure to give her good advice. 

“I saw Emily earlier,” she said. “She was getting fucked too, by her own dad.” 

“I know,” her mum replied. “Your dad and I bumped into him earlier, and he said he was looking forward to fucking his daughter. Anything really does go at these parties.” 

“It was so hot, Mummy,” said Amy. There was a short pause. Then she asked the question that had been bothering her ever since she saw Emily. 

“Do you think Daddy would like to fuck me?” 

“I’m sure he’d love to,” said her mum. “But there’s only one way to find out; let’s go and ask him.” 

She took her daughter’s hand in her own, and they walked around the pool together. Everyone looked at the teenage girl’s slim, naked body, and there were plenty of smiles when they saw the semen all over her face, which was also dripping off her chin onto her bare breasts. 

Amy’s dad was leaning against a tree while a naked woman knelt in front of him, his thick erect cock in her mouth. Amy and her mum watched as the woman skilfully took it right down her throat, before licking up and down the shaft and round the shiny helmet. 

“Oh wow, that woman’s really good at sucking cocks, isn’t she Mummy?” said Amy, “I can never get one that far down my throat.” 

Her mum smiled and squeezed her daughter’s hand. “That’s because she’s been doing it for a lot longer than you, sweetheart,” she replied. “I’m sure if you practice regularly, you’ll soon be as good as her.” 

Amy’s dad saw his wife and daughter watching. He pulled his cock out of the woman’s mouth and greeted them. 

“Hi, princess, you look as if you’ve been having fun,” he said to Amy. “Who gave you that lovely creamy facial?” 

“That boy there, Larry,” said Amy, gesticulating towards where her recent lover was already having his cock sucked by one of the naked girls. “We were in the pool together, and he couldn’t take his eyes off my tits. I let him play with them, and his dick got really hard, so we got out of the pool, and we had a lovely fuck. Then Mummy arrived, so I made him cum on my face so she could see.” 

“Amy was watching that woman suck your cock,” said her mum. “She says she’d like to be as good as that.” 

“Well, she wasn’t as good as you, hun, but she wasn’t bad. I’m sure if you practice regularly, Amy, you’ll soon be as good as your mum.” 

“Why don’t you have a practice on your dad’s cock...

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Written by naughtyannie
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