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My Summer With Aunt Janet

"Aunt Janet helps her niece embrace her wild side."

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Graduating from high school last month, I planned on making the most out of my last summer at home with my friends. I had spent the day at my friend's house and was looking forward to a night relaxing and catching up with Mom.

Mom smiled at me as I walked through the door. She indicated that she would be off the phone in a moment, so I plopped down on the seat next to her and waited. Mom and I were close, so I could tell something was off the second she got off the call. 

"What's wrong, Mom?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Britney. I know you were looking forward to spending the summer at home with me, but I just found out that I need to go away for work for a month," Mom explained, practically in tears. 

"But, Mom, you promised we would spend the summer together," I whined.

"I know, baby, but there is nothing I can do. I spoke to your Aunt Janet, and she wants you to stay with her while I'm away," Mom said, trying to make me feel better about the change in plans.

I knew I was being a brat, but I was pissed. This summer was my last chance to spend time at home with my friends before we all left for school in the fall, and here I was being sent to my aunt's house. Despite only living a few hours away, I barely saw my aunt. In fact, I'm pretty sure I hadn't seen her in at least four years.

"Fine. I'll go, but I'm not happy about it," I pouted.

Mom pulled me close to her and gave me a big hug. "Thank you for understanding. I promise I will make it up to you," she said. 

Mom and I spent the rest of the night chatting and watching TV. I could tell she was upset that she would have to leave me for so long, so I held back from giving her too much grief.

It turned out that Mom had to leave in a couple of days, so she would have to drive me to my aunt’s the next morning. Aunt Janet lived by the beach. It was about a two-to-three-hour drive, so Mom and I would have plenty of time to catch up and say our goodbyes before she left.

Mom and Aunt Janet always seemed close, yet they rarely saw each other for some reason. Janet would call, and Mom would run to her room while they chatted. The laughter and giggles that came from her room while they talked always made me jealous that I didn't have a sibling. Despite being close, they seemed to do everything they could to not spend time together in person. Looking back, I had only met my aunt about four times my whole life.

As we drove, my excitement began to build. I had heard so much about Aunt Janet's beach house and couldn't wait to see it. 

Finally, we arrived at the house. It was a beautiful, modern-looking house with big windows overlooking the ocean. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to spend a month in this gorgeous place.

As we got out of the car, Aunt Janet came running down the stairs to greet us. She was stunningly beautiful, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She looked like a model straight out of a magazine. 

"Britney, it's so great to see you!" she exclaimed, giving me a big hug. "I've heard so much about you from your mom."

"It's great to see you too, Aunt Janet," I said, smiling at her.

"I can't believe how much you look like your mother at that age," Aunt Janet said, giving me the once-over.

"Hi Janet," Mom said, with a softness in her voice I had never heard before.

Aunt Janet walked over to Mom and greeted her with a long and deep embrace. While no words were spoken, their hug communicated so much. I noticed a strange tension in their touch that left me with many questions.

My aunt finally pulled away, looked Mom in the eyes, and said, "I missed you, Gail."

If I didn't know better, I would have thought the two of them were long-lost lovers who hadn't communicated with each other in years. I chalked it up to the fact that the two sisters hadn't seen each other in a long time and that they deeply cared about one another.

"Won't you come in?" Aunt Janet asked. 

"I should get back on the road. It is a long drive," Mom said, declining the invite.

Mom and I said our goodbyes, and I followed Aunt Janet into her beautiful home. As we walked into the house, my Aunt Janet showed me around. I was blown away by how beautiful her home was.

"This is your room," Aunt Janet said, leading me to a cozy bedroom with a big bed and a window that looked out over the ocean. "I hope you like it."

"It's perfect," I said, looking around the room in amazement.

"I'll give you time to settle in. Come downstairs when you are ready, and we can get dinner," Aunt Janet said, closing the door behind her.

I quickly unpacked and tried to make myself at home. When I came downstairs an hour later, Aunt Janet was reading a book on her deck. Mom was pretty, but Aunt Janet was breathtaking. It was hard not to stare at her as she lay there soaking in the sun. I was amazed that someone so sexy could be related to me!

I was nervous and excited to spend time with her again. As I stood in her living room, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious about my outfit. I was still wearing the t-shirt and jeans I had worn all day during the long car ride and felt a little grimy.

Aunt Janet saw me from the deck and came inside. She looked at me and smiled, but I could tell she was disappointed with my outfit. 

"Britney, you're such a beautiful girl. You need clothes that compliment your body more," she said gently.

I felt a knot form in my stomach as I realized how underdressed I must have looked in front of Aunt Janet, who was impeccably dressed in the latest fashion. But she put me at ease with her kind words and warm smile.

"Let me show you something," she said, leading me to a nearby mirror. "See how your clothes are hiding your curves? You have a beautiful body; you should be proud of it." 

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized that I had been hiding my body under baggy clothes for far too long. Mom had always encouraged me to cover up. While I loved my mother, a part of her always wanted to shield me from my sexuality.

Aunt Janet was right, though. It was time I embraced my body. I had a natural beauty that I was covering up with unflattering clothes, and it was time to change that. 

"Tomorrow, let's go through my closet, and I'll show you some outfits that will make you feel confident and beautiful," Aunt Janet said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

Before bed, I took a quick shower to wipe off the grime left behind from a day of traveling. It was hard not to hear Aunt Janet's words whispering in my ears as I stood naked in front of the full-length mirror in my room. She was right. My body looked good, but I was anxious about letting others see it.

As a runner who competed in track, my body was lean and toned. My legs were long and muscular, with defined calves that flexed with each step. I saw my body as a tool developed for sport, but something about what my aunt said made me realize it was so much more.

The next day, Aunt Janet took me to her closet, which was a dream come true for any fashion lover. She pulled out outfits that I would never have thought to wear, but with Aunt Janet's guidance, I began to see how different styles could accentuate my body in new and exciting ways.

"I never thought I could pull off a dress like this," I said, twirling in front of the mirror in a gorgeous red dress that hugged my body, showing off my ass and boobs. 

"Of course you can," Aunt Janet said, beaming with pride. "You have a great figure that shines through no matter what you wear."

My face turned beet red at my aunt’s compliment. Janet wanted me to see something in myself that I hadn't seen before. Aunt Janet saw me as a woman, not just some kid. As much as I loved Mom, she always seemed afraid of me embracing my sexuality. She subtly sent hints that my sexuality was something I should be scared of. 

Despite not knowing each other well, Aunt Janet saw something in me that I was afraid to accept; I was sexy. I could tell Aunt Janet was going to push me to accept this newfound realization. 

Before we knew it, it was almost dinner time. "Why don't you go shower and then come to my room? I'll help you get ready," Janet exclaimed.

Aunt Janet's energy was infectious. I ran to the shower to get ready for the night ahead. I didn't know what she had in store for us tonight, but I knew that I would enjoy being around my aunt.

I turned on the hot water and stepped into the shower, letting the warmth wash over me. I was grateful for my aunt’s hospitality and kindness, especially as I was going through a lot of changes in my life. I would be starting college in a few weeks, and it was both exciting and nerve-wracking. Aunt Janet seemed to want to help me through my transition from a high school kid to a young college woman, and I was eager to see what she had in mind. 

I lathered up with the shower gel, feeling the suds on my skin. I couldn't help but think about how different my life was going to be. I had always been focused on running, not fashion, so I was excited to see what Aunt Janet planned to put me in tonight.

After rinsing off, I wrapped a towel around myself and made my way to my aunt’s room. She was sitting at her vanity, applying makeup with expert precision.

"Come on in, sweetie," she said, patting the seat beside her. "Let's get you all dolled up for dinner." 

I sat down, feeling a bit self-conscious as she scrutinized my face. I had never been one to wear much makeup, preferring a more natural look. But as she began to apply foundation and eyeshadow, I felt a sense of excitement.

"Close your eyes," she said as she applied mascara. "You have beautiful eyes, Britney. We're going to make them pop."

As my aunt finished my makeup, she turned her attention to my hair, curling my long brown locks into loose waves. I felt a sense of anticipation as she led me over to her closet, filled with a dazzling array of clothes. 

She pulled out a slinky black dress that clung to my curves and a pair of strappy black heels. 

"Try these on," she said, handing me the clothes. "I think they'll look amazing on you."

As I slipped on the dress and shoes, I felt a bit self-conscious in the tight-fitting fabric. But as I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I looked sophisticated and elegant, with just a touch of sex appeal.

"Wow," I said, turning to my aunt. "I never would have thought to wear something like this."

"That's what I'm here for," my aunt said with a smile. "To help you see yourself in a whole new light."

There was something about the way Aunt Janet looked at me that sent shivers down to my pussy. I was pretty sure I saw lust in her eyes, but I quickly dismissed those thoughts since she was my aunt.

I couldn't believe how glamorous I looked, and I felt a newfound sense of confidence. 

"Aunt Janet, thank you so much. I feel beautiful," I said, tears of gratitude welling up in my eyes.

"You are beautiful, Britney, inside and out," Aunt Janet said, pulling me into a warm embrace. "Now, let's go show off that beauty to the world."

As we drove to the restaurant, my mind drifted to the feeling of Janet's body on mine. There was something about her hug that felt different. In some ways, it reminded me of how boys at school would hug me. It was a little too tight and lasted just a tad too long. It was almost as if there was a sexual charge to it. I quickly tried dismissing those thoughts and focused on my excitement for dinner.

Maybe it was just the change in clothes, but something felt different in me. I felt an awareness of my sexuality that I had never felt before. A switch suddenly went off in my body, and I was flooded with a sexual energy I had never experienced.

My body felt warm, and my eyes were open like never before. As we were led to our seats, I couldn't help but take in Aunt Janet's swaying hips. Her ass looked divine in the black mini-dress she wore. While she wasn't tall, maybe five foot five, her legs looked like they went on forever. Aunt Janet's body screamed for attention, and she got plenty of it. Walking to the table, I noticed both men and women checking her out.

Aunt Janet turned around and smiled at me. I felt like a kid who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. There was no way she knew I was checking her out, was there? I needed to pull myself together.

"I'm going to get a glass of wine. Would you care for one?" Aunt Janet asked to my surprise.

I fumbled with my words but finally said, "Sure. Mom never lets me drink."

Aunt Jane couldn't help but laugh at my statement. "Well, it is a good thing she isn't here then," she said, taking my hand in hers.

"Thank you for all of this," I said, slightly embarrassed.

"Honey, I am just happy we can spend this time together. I never thought I would get this chance," Aunt Janet explained.

It was obvious that Aunt Janet wanted to be close to the family, yet there was something that kept us all apart. I needed to know why.

"Why is that?" I asked, confused.

Aunt Janet sat there quietly for several moments. I could tell she wanted to be completely transparent, but something was holding her back.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me," I said, worried I had overstepped my boundaries. 

"No. It isn't that. Gail and I are just different. I've always been a bit of a wild child. Your Mom and I would get into a lot of trouble when we were young. When she had you, she felt she needed to settle down," Janet explained.

Tears began to form in my eyes. "I never meant to come between you and Mom."

Janet looked at me kindly. "This had everything to do with your mom and her choices. You have nothing to be sad about. To be frank, I think I scared your mom. I think she worried that if we saw each other often, she would realize that she missed her wilder side."

"Mom has a wild side," I thought, shocked.

Aunt Janet could see the glimmer in my eyes. "I think you have a bit of that wild side in you, too," she winked at me. 

I smiled at my aunt’s suggestion. 

"I'll take that as a yes," Aunt Janet said, gripping my hand tighter.

My heart was pounding in my chest. Something in the way Aunt Janet looked at me made me feel like prey waiting to be pounced on.

I felt terrified, yet more alive than I ever had before. I now understood what made Mom stay away. Aunt Janet's presence was like a drug. It made you want to take the world by the jugular and never let go. Unlike Mom, though, I planned on never leaving her side.

The waiter finally brought our wine--a welcome distraction from the simmering tension at the table.

"To renewed relationships," I cheered, trying to seem as grown up as possible.

"Here's to embracing your inner bad girl," Aunt Janet replied, a devilish smile on her face.

My cheeks felt warm from the mixture of the wine and the looks I was receiving from my aunt.

I needed to catch my breath. "I'm going to run to the lady's room," I said.

"Do you want some company?" Aunt Janet asked.

I quickly shut her down. "No, no, I'll be right back," I replied. 

I rushed to the bathroom and closed the stall behind me. My body felt like I was going to explode. I was no stranger to masturbating but had never contemplated doing it in public. Now, here I was at dinner with my aunt, in the bathroom, and all I wanted to do was to frig my clit.

I reached down between my legs, slipped a hand inside my underwear, and felt the slick folds of my pussy. I pushed my wet underwear down around my ankles and slowly ran my middle finger up and down between my swollen labia. The heat rose in my chest as my pussy got wetter and wetter.

I plunged my finger deep inside me and involuntarily let out a moan. My tight pussy clenched my finger as it moved in and out of my spongy canal. Mom's voice was screaming at me to stop, that I was disgusting, yet all I could hear was Aunt Janet telling me to release my "wild side."

"Yes, Aunt Janet," I whispered as my other hand found my clit.

My brow was covered in sweat as I fucked myself with abandon.

"Are you okay, Britney?" I heard Aunt Janet call out as she walked...

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Written by Grenefire
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