I knew it was light outside before I opened my eyes. I blinked a couple of times and stretched. Suddenly I remembered the events of last night. I reached out and looked around. Lin wasn't there. She had come to my bed in the middle of the night. My Stepmother said she had to have me. We had some serious sex and then fell asleep. She must have woke up at some point and left my room. I wonder if she got back to my Dad's bed before he woke up.
I went to the kitchen. Lin was there making breakfast. She was in a t-shirt and cotton pajama pants. My Dad was at the table drinking coffee. Everything seemed normal so I sat down. I stole glances at Lin to gauge her mood. Every time I looked at her it made me want her more. When she turned toward me I could see that she was blushing. I could see that her nipples were hard since she wasn't wearing a bra. She sat down with us and we all made small talk. I guess my Dad didn't suspect a thing. He said that we should all go to our lake house this weekend. I didn't want to raise any red flags so I agreed.
Lin and I somehow stayed away from each other the rest of the week. On Friday after work we packed up and headed to the lake. It was about an hour away and on the drive there I noticed how little my Dad and Lin actually talked. It was obvious they had little in common. I wondered if they were thinking that this marriage was a mistake. Lin had crossed the line and was having an affair with me, so it was lacking in satisfying her physical needs. She had said once that she loved me, so emotionally she had to be confused.
We arrived at the lake house and unloaded. Lin put stuff away in the house and Dad and I went to check on the boat down at the dock. It was a combo fishing/ski boat and we had enjoyed it for a number of years. He wanted to take it out on the lake to make sure it ran ok. He asked me to go up to the house to get Lin and we would all go. I ran back up to the house and found her in the kitchen finishing up. When she saw me and that we were alone she rushed into my arms. She held me tight crushing her huge breasts between us.
She said, “Will, I've tried to keep away from you, but I can't help myself. I am thankful that your Father brought me to this country. I now know it's you who I am meant to be with, not him.”
She looked up at me and I kissed her. Long and deep, it made my cock start to stir. I came to my senses and reluctantly broke our kiss.
I said, “Lin, Dad is down at the dock and wants us all to go out in the boat. We have to act normal. You and I can talk about things later. He will suspect things if we stay up here too long.”
She hugged me again and then nodded. We made our way down to the dock as if nothing had happened. I helped her into the boat and Dad backed it out and we headed out to the open water. Lin was a little nervous because she wasn't a good swimmer. The lake was a little rough so the boat bounced some. Lin and I were sitting in the back while Dad drove. I looked at her and noticed with each bounce of the boat her big breasts would go up and the down. She had to grab them with one arm and hold on to me with the other. Dad was into how the boat was running and navigating the lake. He didn't turn around once to see how she was doing. A couple of times when we hit a bigger wave she let go of her boobs and grabbed my leg. It just so happened to be the side my cock was and her touch caused it to start growing. She eventually just left her hand there squeezing me.
Dad made a circuit of the lake and then headed back to our dock. The sun was setting and as we pulled in Lin reluctantly let go of me. I helped Dad tie off the boat while trying to get my erection to go down. Luckily it was getting dark. We went back up to the house and Lin fixed dinner. Dad had a few beers while he worked on some fishing equipment. Finally he said he was going to bed. He wanted to get up early to fish. He suddenly remembered that he forgot to get gas in the boat. He asked me if I would mind taking it over to the marina tonight and filling it up so he wouldn't have to do it tomorrow. I said sure I wouldn't mind. Lin suggested that she go with me in case there was anything she might need to get at the marina store. That made sense so he said sure and went off to bed.
Lin and I went down to the boat and headed out across the lake to the marina. It was a clear warm night and things were well lit from the moon and stars.

It was such a beautiful night and I was with a sexy beautiful woman. She was very close to me and I could feel her warm breasts through my t-shirt. She found my stiffening cock again and stroked it with her tiny hand.
She place her lips to my ear and said, “Find a secluded spot.”
I had been on this lake many times and I knew the perfect spot. I pulled into a small cove that was if you didn't know was there you would miss it. I cut the engine and as the boat came to a stop I went to the front and threw out the anchor. The front had two bench seats that could fold out and make one big lounge. It was intended for a great place to tan in the sun, but tonight it would serve a different purpose. When I was done getting it ready I turned around. Lin was standing there naked. I quickly stripped off my shirt and shorts. I had turned off all the lights on the boat and there was just enough moonlight to see her perfect body.
I laid back on the padded bed I had made and she came to me. Crawling up on top she kissed me while her huge 32EE breasts and my hard cock were between us. I stroked her naked back and ass as she reached between us to stroke my cock. It felt so sexy to be outside in nature like this on a warm night. The waves gently rocking the boat added to the feeling. She crawled up more and holding my now rock hard 10 inch cock positioned it at her pussy entrance. Even though she was very tight she had experienced my cock before and knew how to get it in. She worked her hips in a circle until the angle allowed my fat head to start to go in. She moaned as her lips spread and stretched. Her inner heat engulfed my glans as slowly it went in. Slowly grinding she fed more of my shaft inside her. I think the rocking motion of the boat help and soon I bottomed out.
She sat up and started to ride me. I reached out and grabbed her big breasts and pulled on her nipples. She bit her lower lip and tried to work more of my cock in her. I was still amazed that her tiny body could take me inside. She was able to get another inch in. That left one inch to go. We were both sweating in the warm night air. Our bodies glistening in the moonlight. It didn't matter that she was my Stepmother. I wanted and needed her.
I rolled her over, still firmly connected, until she was beneath me. I took the lead and though she was still very tight, I picked up the pace ramming my big cock in her.
I said, “Lin, I'm going to cum soon. We have never talked about protection. Are you on the pill? Can you get pregnant?”
She was gulping for air from my assault but managed to say, “Don't worry Will. I want to feel you cum inside me. I need to feel that so bad.”
I wasn't sure if that meant yes or no. I was at the point of no return. I was slamming into her, mashing my head into her cervix each time. I must have stretched something because I felt her open up more and my whole cock went it, all 10 inches. She felt it too because I saw her wince in pain then she opened her eyes in wonder. I kissed her hard and I knew I loved her. I held the kiss as my sperm boiled up and started to shoot deep inside her. She started to spasm as her orgasm overtook her. I held the kiss as long as I could then broke it gasping for air. I continued to drive my whole cock into her as it spewed forth.
Finally slowing we clung to each other as one in the moonlight. I moved her damp hair out of her eyes and rolled to my side. She gave me soft kisses and we both professed our love to each other. I heard a boat engine getting closer. I looked up wondering if it would come into our cove. It passed and faded into the night. It was time for us to get back. I slowly withdrew my cock, her pussy not wanting to let go of it. I put the benches back to the way they were wiping them down with a towel. We got dresses and I pulled up the anchor. I started the motor and we made our way out of the cove and back on the main lake. I docked the boat in our slip and we walked up to the house.
It was quiet and reluctantly my Stepmother Lin and I held each other close and kissed. We had to play the game for now. She went to my Dad's bedroom and I went to mine. I laid in bed hoping we could find away to be together and not have to hide things. I wasn't sure if that was possible. Someone was going to get hurt. I just didn't know who.