This was their first time together. She swore it would not be the last.
His cock filled her so completely, and she knew, without question, that he loved her above all others… even more than her mother. His thick organ worked in and out of her, each stroke nudging her higher and higher to ecstasy. They kissed deeply, even desperately, as if each of them longed to be fully inside the other, fusing together as one. God, she loved this!! Nobody loved her as much as her father did, and NOBODY could ever fuck her as well and as perfectly as he did… she knew, no matter what, she was her Daddy’s Girl forever. This was HIS pussy!
He slipped his finger between them, wetting the tip in her honey as it dripped from her. She moaned into his mouth, feeling what he was about to do… And she yelled out, “God, Daddy… YESSSS!” as he pushed his wet finger into her tight but yielding sphincter. His agile digit joined the rhythm of his relentless rod as together they double-teamed her willing sex into rapturous submission. As he spurted forth inside her, her whole body tensed up and she too exploded in climax. It felt like her soul left her body, looked down at their union, and just before she died, came back into her. It had never been like this!
“My, my, my… what have we here?” said Marsha, as she surveyed the unlikely scene before her. She’d just walked into her darkened bedroom and found her husband and their twenty-one-year-old daughter naked in bed, still panting from their recent orgasms. David and Samantha looked panicked as they struggled to fully cover themselves from her accusing glare.
“And in MY bed, no less! I mean, honestly! The nerve!” She brandished a large pair of scissors, snapping them ominously as she added, “And if you say, ‘this isn’t what it looks like,’ I swear to God I’ll cut it right off!”
David looked positively terrified, his mouth opening and closing like a fish on land. Samantha looked like she might faint.
“Well?!" snapped Marsha. “Say something! How the fuck could you seduce our daughter?”
Finally, David found his voice. To protect Samantha, he offered, “Just look at her! Marsh, you’re the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and she looks just like you! Of course, I want her! How could I not? Please don’t blame her… she’s totally innocent. This is all my fault!” he confessed.

Marsha moved to put the huge scissors in her nightstand, causing them both to flinch and recoil in terror. Samantha blurted out, “Mom, Daddy’s lying… he didn’t seduce me!”
“What do you mean?” asked Marsha, still calm.
Samantha sniffed and continued, “I’ve been after him for MONTHS! Flirting, teasing, touching, everything I could think of. But he just kept resisting, saying he didn’t want to hurt you, and that made me love him even more, cause he’s so good. Then I finally wore him down and got him in bed, then you walked in. It’s like you KNEW or something!”
Marsha just stood there for a moment, smirking at the pair. Their hearts were pounding so hard, they thought she could hear them. Finally, her stern poker face broke as she said, “Well, kudos to you, David, for holding out for as long as you did. Lord knows, my dad barely made it to my eighteenth birthday before he was all over me like crazy. Heck, by the time I was Samantha's age, he’d already given me Darien.”
David and Samantha both gasped out loud. David exclaimed, “Wait! You were fucking YOUR dad, and Darien is his son?! Are you fucking kidding me?!” Darien was six months old when David met Marsha, and they got married just after his first birthday. As far as David was concerned, though, Darien was his son, no questions asked. But this bit of news… WHOA!
“GRANDPA?!” Samantha shouted. “Grandpa is Darien’s dad? So it’s okay if I get pregnant?!” she added excitedly.
Marsha turned and headed for the door. Over her shoulder, she said, “Get dressed. We need to talk.” And with that, she walked out of the room.
Before they got out of bed to start finding their clothes, David kissed Samantha deeply and whispered to her, “I love you, Sam. No matter what happens, know that. And us, well, we’re just getting started, okay?” They clasped hands and walked out together to meet their fates.