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My Daughter’s Teddy Bear, Part 2

"After finding a long-forgotten teddy bear, father and daughters' lives are quickly changed."

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Kira’s pussy gushed as she had an orgasm right before my eyes. My cock was ready to burst too but I forced myself to stop before I made another big mess. I started to close the screen when I heard Kira speak. I pulled the screen open and listened.

“That was so nice. Would you like it if we did that again soon?”

“You would? Oh goodie. Me, too!”

Then Kira started to look sad, “No, it's not that, Teddy. It's just that... Umm... I wish that... you had...”

“I wish that you had... a cock.”

“Yes, that's right. I wish you had a nice big cock.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My daughter wished she had a cock to fuck.

“I wish you had a nice big cock... Just like my daddy’s.”

Part 2

I couldn’t believe my ears as I slowly closed my laptop. I had to do something to take my mind off of my newfound sexual attraction to my daughter.

I got up and started sorting through my daughter's clothes. I thought this would help alleviate the hard cock in my pants, but it didn't.

As I sorted through her clothes I kept seeing images of my daughter in the revealing outfits that I picked up. I came across one of my personal favorites that really accentuated her tits and ass. I was still holding up the outfit when my daughter bounded into the room. She was wrapped in a bath towel.

“Aren't you going to get dressed?” I asked.

“I would, but I don't have anything to wear. All of my clothes are in this pile.”

Kira noticed the outfit I was holding and grabbed it out of my hands, “This will work.”

She hurried back to her room and appeared dressed a few minutes later. She sat across from me and started sorting through the clothes. I kept looking back and forth between the pile and Kira. She looked even sexier now in the outfit than I had remembered. Kira looked up at me and noticed me staring at her more than once.

I made an excuse to leave the room, “I'm getting thirsty. I'm going to get a class of ice water.”

As I stood up, I swear Kira looked at the large bulge in my pants and said, “Will you get me a glass, too? My lips are quite parched,” as she licked her lips.

I nodded and made my way to the kitchen. After pouring us both a couple of ice waters I returned to the living room. I stood in front of Kira and held out the glass to her. My hard cock was right in front of her face and she took notice of it again.

Part of me knew it was wrong to be displayed in front of my daughter like this but part of me also liked the attention I was getting from her.

After Kira took her glass from me, I remained in place and lifted my glass to my mouth. I downed the entire glass as Kira sat there and watched me. I could only imagine that she took the opportunity to admire my bulge at the same time.

We returned to sorting the clothes and by the time we were done, it had gotten late. I made us dinner and then we parted ways to our rooms.

I stripped down to my underwear and opened my laptop to see what Kira was doing. Kira had placed her teddy bear at the foot of her bed and it was looking up at her.

Kira was laying on her bed completely naked and her legs were spread wide open. Her fingers we furiously rubbing her clit and her other hand was tweaking her nipple.

She looked directly into the camera and said, “Do you like to watch?”

I nodded my head as if answering her. Then I pulled out my cock and started masturbating with her.

“Mmm. That feels so good, Teddy!”

I know she said ‘Teddy’ but in my mind, she said ‘Daddy.’

Her fingers then curled under her and she plunged them into her pussy. She thrust them in and out of her pussy as I stroked in kind.

“Do you want to taste me?” She asked.

I began to drool at the thought.

Kira stopped what she was doing and grabbed her teddy bear. She lay him on his back and lowered her pussy over his nose. She started to bounce up and down as she moaned loudly.

“That’s it! Right there!”

I stroked faster and faster as my orgasm approached. I swear I could hear Kira moan from down the hall but I couldn’t be sure if it was just my imagination or perhaps just came from my laptop.

“Uhhh!” She moaned loudly as she came on her bear’s nose. I shot ropes of cum at the same time as I orgasmed in unison with my daughter. I cleaned myself up, put my computer on my dresser, and went to sleep.

As I slept, I dreamt about our interactions from earlier. I imagined that as I drank my water, Kira opened my pants and pulled out my hard cock. Without saying a word she took my cock into her mouth and started sucking it with great pleasure.

I was just getting into the sexual dream when I was awoken by a loud crack. A summer storm had moved overhead and let loose a lightning bolt nearby.

I tried to go back to sleep but my cock was fully hard from my dream and I needed release before I could go back to sleep. I pulled off my underwear and tossed them on the ground. Grabbing my engorged cock, I slowly started to stroke it.

Just then there was a knock at my bedroom door. I pulled my covers back up and called out, “Yes?”

My door slowly swung open and I saw Kira standing in the doorway. She was wearing a skimpy two-piece silk pajama top and shorts. My hard cock twitched under the covers.

She was clinging to her teddy bear and said, “The lightning scared me, Daddy. Can I sleep with you tonight?”

Knowing that I was in bed naked, I tried to deter her, “I don't think that's a good idea, baby girl.”

“Pleeease, Daddy?” she begged as she approached my bed, “You won't even know I'm here.”

“But I'm...”

Before I could tell my daughter that was naked, she had already climbed into the other side of the bed.

“Thank you, Daddy! Can I have a kiss good night?”

“Of course,” I said.

I gave Kira a quick kiss good night and then she said, “Now Teddy.”

I smiled and Kira held her bear up to my face. I gave his nose a long slow kiss. I suddenly realized that I was kissing the very nose that fucked my daughter when I tasted her juices on my lips.

“That was a nice kiss, Daddy,” Kira said, “I'm jealous.”

“Don’t be,” I told her, “You are still my favorite teddy bear.”

This caused Kira to smile and she rolled away from me getting ready to go to sleep.

“Crack!” rang another lightning bolt.

Kira jumped and wiggled her back towards me. She was now spooning against my nude body. We remained like that for a moment in silence until my cock twitched involuntarily.

Kira must have felt it and she finally spoke, “I'm scared. Will you rub my back to make me feel better like you used to?”

I reached up and started rubbing her back over her pajama top.

“No. Under my top.”

I tried to rub under her top but it was so tight that had a hard time, “Sorry, baby, but your top is too tight,” I told her.

Kira sat up and quickly removed her top. She then lay back down on her side and said, “There you go.”

I ran my hands up and down her smooth back and she quietly moaned and shifted her ass.

“Umm, Daddy?”

“Yes, sweetheart?” I asked.

“Are you, umm, naked?”

“Oh, umm, yes. I tried to warn you but you were in my bed before I could stop you. Would you like me to get dressed?”

“Why are you naked?”

“Well, umm, sometimes I like to sleep naked when it's hot out.”

“Yeah, me too. In fact, I was naked before I came into your room.”

Kira rolled over and faced me. We were inches apart from each other and Kira just looked into my loving eyes.

“Will you give me another kiss goodnight?” she asked.

I answered her by pressing my lips against hers. I wrapped my arm around her and gently rubbed her back as we shared a soft lingering kiss.

“Daddy?” she asked as she broke our kiss, “Is it okay if I sleep naked, too?”

“I don't know. I probably shouldn't even be naked myself.”

“Okay, then can you keep rubbing my back until I fall asleep?”

“Of course,” I said.

Kira rolled back away from me and my hand slid across her breasts as she moved. Kira let out a moan and we pretended like nothing happened. Kira pushed her ass back into me and wedged my cock between her ass cheeks.

The two of us slowly fell asleep. I was having another sexual dream when I was awoken by movement in my bed. I lay still and tried to figure out what it was.

Kira was slowly rocking her body next to me in a rhythmic motion. She was letting out small little moans at the same time.

I was certain that she was masturbating next to me and the smell of her sexual arousal all but confirmed it. My cock was still hard and I felt it rubbing between Kira’s soft ass cheeks as her body rocked back and forth.

It was stimulating my cock so much that I could feel an orgasm slowly approaching. I couldn't move away because I didn't want Kira to know that I was awake, and truthfully, I didn't want to.

I was close to coming when I heard Kira orgasm and moan, “Daddy!” My cock erupted and I shot cum all over Kira’s ass and back.

I didn't dare move. I pretended to remain asleep. I heard Kira start to shift and then heard her say, “Oh my god,” under her breath.

Kira slowly climbed out of bed and made her way around, toward the bathroom. I peeked out of one eye and saw Kira’s nude body enter the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard the shower running. I pictured Kira washing my cum off of her sexy body and I slowly fell back to sleep.

I was the first to wake up in the morning. I quietly climbed out of bed and walked over to my dresser. I opened my underwear drawer and pulled out a clean pair of underwear.

Before putting them on, I turned and looked at Kira. Her eyes were wide open and she was smiling at me. I froze as I stood naked in front of my daughter.

“Good morning, Daddy,” she said gleefully.

Still standing frozen in my tracks, I watched as Kira climbed out of bed and approached me. She was just as naked as I was. I felt my cock begin to thicken as blood rushed unbiasedly to my sexual organ regardless of the fact that it was my own daughter causing this reaction.

Kira was toe-to-toe with me when she wrapped her arms around me. She pressed her perky tits and her nude body into mine. I wrapped my arms around her, still clinching onto the clean pair of underwear in my hand.

Kira lifted up on her tippy toes and planted a long hard kiss on my lips. I returned the kiss in kind and my hands slowly drifted down to her pert little ass.

“Thank you for last night,” she said as her feet fell back flat to the ground.

“Teddy and I have never slept better,” she continued, “Oops. I forgot Teddy.”

Kira spun around and crawled onto the bed. She was on all fours as she faced away from me. Kira was giving me a welcoming view of her gorgeous ass and pussy. Once she grabbed her teddy bear she crawled backward until she was back off the bed.

“Teddy wants to give you a hug and a kiss, too.”

As she handed me the bear I dropped my underwear so I could grab him with both hands. As I embraced Teddy in a hug Kira dropped to her knees to retrieve my underwear.

I noticed that Kira was taking longer than she should to pick them up and I realized that she now had an extremely close-up view of my exposed cock. My cock grew stiff at the idea.

“And a kiss,” she said from her kneeling position.

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I lifted the bear to my lips and kissed it on the nose. Kira stood as I lowered the bear. I handed her the teddy bear and she handed me my underwear.

“You better put these on before you poke someone with that thing,” she chuckled and then exited my room, leaving her PJs behind.

After she walked out of my room I just stood there dumb-struck. I looked down at my hard cock and considered jerking off right there. I looked over at the door and noticed that Kira had left it wide open so I let it be and put on my underwear.

Walking out of my room I passed by the laundry room. I remembered that Kira’s panties and my shirt were still in the washer. I opened the washer and saw Kira’s wet panties intermingled with my shirt. I pulled the wet clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer.

As I was bent over to place the clothes in the dryer Kira came out of nowhere and smacked me hard on the ass and then ran to her room in a fit of laughter. I started the dryer and gave chase. I ran into her room and threw her face down on the bed.

My hand came down on her bare ass and I slapped her ass cheeks in quick succession. Kira was laughing hysterically as her ass cheeks turned bright pink.

“I'm sorry, Daddy! I won't do it again.”

I stopped spanking her and instead started gently rubbing her supple ass cheeks, “And if you do, it will be much worse next time,” I chuckled.

I started to walk out of the room before turning to look at Kira. She slowly rolled over and looked back at me.

“We are having the garage sale this morning, so get dressed and prepare to get to work,” I told her before leaving her room.

The garage sale was a huge success. We made close to a thousand dollars. Kira was a natural saleswoman and she even let a few girls her age try on some outfits in her room before deciding to buy them.

Once we were done putting everything away Kira was eager to go shopping with the money we earned. I told her I needed to lie down for a bit before we went shopping.

I went to my room and opened my laptop to surf the web. I noticed that I had a notification for new recordings on the nanny cam. I opened the nanny cam app and saw the girls from the garage sale trying on clothes in my daughter's room.

They were dancing around in their bras and panties as they changed into multiple different outfits. Then the video ended. I scrolled back to an older video and saw a recording of when Kira was in my bed. Her teddy bear had a perfect view of Kira’s pussy as she played with herself while she lay in bed next to me.

I was just about to pull out my cock and jerk off when Kira knocked on my door. I closed my laptop quickly and said, “Yes, sweetheart?”

“You've rested enough. It's time to go shopping!”

“Okay, I guess I can't delay you any longer.”

I got dressed and we headed to the mall together.

Our first stop was a boutique store filled with summer dresses and flowy shirts and skirts. They also carried a few accessories and shoes.

I followed Kira around the store as she picked out a few outfits. I was happy to carry her selections as she continued shopping.

Once Kira was happy with her choices she made her way to the fitting rooms, “Wait here,” she told me, pointing to a velvet chair.

While Kira was in the fitting room changing, part of me wished she had brought her teddy bear along with her. As I thought about seeing Kira naked in the fitting room, she stepped out wearing a cute little summer dress.

Her perk boobs formed a beautiful cleavage in the dress and it was obvious that she was not wearing a bra. As I admired her sexy body, Kira suddenly squealed with delight, “Those shoes would go perfectly with this dress!”

I looked to see where she was looking and saw a pair of sandals with straps that wound around the ankle. She was right, they did match the outfit perfectly.

Kira asked the store attendant for a pair in her size and then sat in a chair across from me while she waited. We sat in silence as Kira looked around the store and I looked at Kira.

The attendant came back with the shoes and handed them to Kira. Kira set the box on the ground and open the box. Her dress hung low in front of her chest and I was able to see almost all of her tits as she pulled out one of the shoes.

Then she lifted one foot onto the chair and started affixing the shoe to her foot. This caused her dress to open between her legs and now I was looking at my daughter's exposed pussy.

I had forgotten all about her panties in the dryer and remembered that Kira didn't have any to wear. As Kira placed her foot back on the ground she kept her legs slightly parted and bent over for the other shoe.

Now I was able to see her tits and pussy at the same time. My cock hardened in my pants as I lusted over my daughter. Just then Kira spang to her feet.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“I think you were right. They're perfect.”

Kira smiled and did a quick little spin. The bottom...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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