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My Daughter, Serina

"Father and daughter are together in a tropical paradise, and the ties that bind."

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My Daughter, Serina

It was mid-July and my daughter Serina and I had arrived in Hawaii the day before. The hotel staff was very helpful in arranging tours and day trips for us. The hotel and the beach were incredibly beautiful and romantic. Our suite on the third floor was exquisite, and had a spacious patio overlooking a park, another hotel, and the beach. My wife (from whom I am cordially separated) and our other two kids were expected to join us in four days.

The reason for this expensive two-week vacation was Serina. She was turning eighteen in four days, and was enrolled to begin college this fall. With her living on campus six hundred miles from home, it meant that I wouldn’t get to see her but a few times a year. I wanted to do something special to mark this new phase of her life.

For the first two days, we did the usual fun stuff, including swimming. I got Serina a very daring thong swimsuit and she was obviously embarrassed at first, but I encouraged her to wear it. After an hour on the beach, enjoying all the stares she got from the young men (and many much older men), she decided that she liked the attention, and started flaunting her slim curvaceous body to anyone who would give her a second glance. I gave her many second glances, feeling no shame in ogling her delightful breasts, her essentially naked ass, and the enticing pubic mound just barely covered by her new suit.

At the end of the second day, I give her another present: lingerie. It was the first really adult nightwear she had ever owned and she was ecstatic. The teddy and panties were indeed a bit revealing (okay, you could read newspaper headlines through them), but with the matching robe that came down to mid-thigh, it was modest enough. After supper, she put on her new lingerie and we cuddled up on the double lounge on the patio, watching the Hawaiian sunset.

We talked about her college plans and how good it would be to see Mom again, and other random chitchat, and then we fell serenely silent as the golden orb of the sun approached the horizon, and began to dim and redden. I had her in my arms, enjoying the fragrance of her hair, the feel of her skin, and the soft curves of her breasts as they rose and fell with her breathing.

Finally, I decided the time was right.

“Serina, I have something to confess to you. This might change our relationship, sweetheart, but I feel that I have to come out and be honest with you.”

“What’s that Daddy?” Serina snuggled closer to me as the sunset becomes more radiant.

“Serina, I know I’m your father, but I am also a man. I’ve always had very strong sexual drives. Your mother can attest to that. And I have had strong erotic feelings toward you—for a long time.”

“What?” She pulled away slightly. I didn’t try to hold her. “Daddy? Did you mean that the way it sounded? That’s just wrong! I’m your daughter.”

I kept my demeanor even and steady. “Yes, Serina, of course it’s wrong. According to the law in most states, and according to common moral taboos, it is indeed terribly wrong. I admit that. So what? I still love you. It’s just that I love you in a dimension that most fathers don’t experience, or if they do, they never confess. I would never hurt you—you know that, Serina.”

“Daddy… this is… this is really a shock. I never had the slightest idea that you might… feel that way toward me. Why? Why are you telling me this?”

“Serina, haven’t I always been honest and open to you? I don’t like keeping anything from your mother or from you. I told your mom years ago about my attraction to you and she understood. She knew it was natural for me to feel this way. She advised me to hold off and wait until you were older, and then tell you. The time never seemed to be the right time, but you’re off to college this fall, and I’m afraid if I don’t say something now, it will forever be too late. You’re 18th birthday is in two days, we’re here in the most romantic spot on the entire planet, and—we’re by ourselves, just you and me.”

Serina brushed her long blonde hair away from her face and over her shoulders. Her eyes were fastened on the crimson velvet fireball that was just beginning to touch the distant horizon. Then she turned to me with just a trace of a frown.

“Daddy, what did you think I would do when you told me this? Just jump in bed with you? Is that why you bought me the swimsuit and this lingerie?”

I allowed myself a big grin and a chuckle. “No, sweetheart. Of course, if you DO want to jump in bed with me, I promise I will not stop you. But, realistically, I just wanted you to know how much I love you, much more than just merely as a father. I love you passionately, like a lover. Yes, I bought the swimsuit because I wanted to see you as naked as possible, and I was aroused by your near nakedness, and I enjoyed it. And also, I bought them just because they would look beautiful on you. Serina, I just want you to know how I feel toward you. I’m hoping you can just accept that, embrace it, and have it be… have it be something beautiful instead of something ugly.”

My daughter looked into my eyes and her frown disappeared.

I continued, “Sweetheart, there were a hundred men on the beach today, who not only admired your beauty, but felt a sexual attraction to you. You enjoyed that, didn’t you? Okay, well, just count me as man number one hundred and one.”

“Okay Daddy. Still, it’s a little odd knowing that you…”

Serina broke out into laughter and tickled me under the arm where she knows I’m sensitive. She gave me a hard push and I rolled off the lounge with a thump. I sat up and gave her a dirty look.

“Dad, I don’t even have words for what you feel toward me. How do I even say it? Hunh? It’s weird knowing that you… that you… what? How do I say it?”

She made a funny face, and spoke in a clownish voice. “My daddy has the hots for me? Hunh? You got a boner for your little girl, daddy? Hunh?”

As I sat back on the lounge, she lunged for me again, but I was ready. I caught her wrists and pulled her toward me and across me. I put my arms around her and held her gently against me. Serina pretended to struggle for a long moment, then rested quietly on my chest. I could feel her heartbeat. I caressed her hair while the sun sank down below the edge of the Earth, ending with just the tiniest green flash.

“Daddy, I’m not sure I can think of you this way. I always felt safe around you. Even in that thong bikini. But now… do I have to worry about you hitting on me? Or sneaking peaks of me in the shower? I’ve never thought of YOU as a sex object.”

“Sweetheart, do you remember that microphone we put in your room when you were ten so that we could check in on you when you had a sudden asthma attack?”

My daughter looked up at me in the dimming light, and nodded. Then her eyes got bigger and she sat up. In the twilight I could see her breasts wobble sensuously.

“What about the microphone? I thought you took that out of my room years ago!”

“No, Serina, we just turned it off. But once, I heard noises from your room late at night, and just to be sure you were all right, I turned it on. You were masturbating with your girlfriend Lacey. Remember her? And the two of you were fantasizing having sex with me at the same time. I heard you asking me to fuck you over and over again. I listened until you both went to sleep.”

Serina was shocked, but not as much as I was afraid she might be.

“Daddy, I don’t know what to say. You shouldn’t have listened to us. That was an invasion of our privacy.”

“Yes, you’re right sweetheart. I apologize. It was wrong of me, but what was done was done. I heard you verbalizing a fantasy about having sex with me, and that memory has been with me ever since.”

Serina laid her head back on my chest and sighed deeply. “Wow Daddy. I remember that night with Lacey like it was just yesterday. And I remember what I said. Lacey really had the hots for you, you know. God only knows why. You were the ugliest daddy on the block.”

I playfully punched Serina in the arm and she returned a much harder punch to my ribs.

“Daddy, Lacey was such a slut. I mean it would embarrass me soooo bad the way she carried on about sucking your cock and getting you to fuck her. I know she was doing it to tease me, but it also made me so horny. And we would laugh and giggle and finger each other’s pussy and… I… yeah, I would fantasize about you… and… say those things. And you heard me?”

“Yup, I sure did. And it aroused me, too.”

“How much?” Serina was looking up in my eyes with not a trace of smile nor frown.

“Are you’re sure you want to know,” I said? She nodded.

“I was aroused so much that I had to masturbate. I came just seconds after I heard you cum. And ever since then, I’ve wanted to make love to you.”

She quietly twisted toward me, still leaning on my chest, but looking into my face. “Dad, how much did you listen? Was it just that one time with Lacey?”

“Well, you had Lacey over dozens of times. I listened to some of those, but not all. I was surprised to learn that the two of you had sex every time she stayed the night. I have to tell you that I grew quite jealous of her. There were a few times when I heard a noise from your room when you were alone, but it was always you masturbating. Well, not entirely alone—I always masturbated along with you, listening from my bed in the dark. Then when you snuck that first boy into your room… what was his name? Andy?”

“Randy. What? Daddy, you didn’t!? Tell me you didn’t listen to me fuck Randy!!!”

Serina jumped up on her knees and beat me with a throw pillow about the head. I broke out in laughter and submitted myself to her pummeling.

“God damn it, Daddy, when a girl loses her cherry to her first real boyfriend, she has some right to expect that her own father isn’t listening to the whole damn thing! Did you jack off listening to me get fucked for my first time? Did you? Did you?!”

I was laughing uncontrollably, trying to shield my face from the pillow blows.

“Well, maybe just a little.”

“You spying bastard! You masturbated just a little, hunh? I’ll teach you to listen to me getting fucked…”

Serina pounded me with the pillow as hard as she could another dozen times, then dropped it. I looked up at her and grinned a crooked grin, tears beginning to stream down my face. I opened my arms. Serina was trying to catch her breath, too. Then she collapsed on my chest and started crying.

“Daddy! Daddy! I love you. I love you so much. I love you…”

I held her tightly in my arms and kissed her hair, her ears, her neck. The sunset was darkening to evening. The stars were coming out. The hotel had only small lights on the patios, but no major lights that would brighten the sky and make the stars hard so see. The night sky was pitch black, the Milky Way in the constellation Cygnus glowing bright and sensual.

I felt her tears dripping onto my cheek and my neck.

I kissed her ear again and slipped my arm around her waist. Serina stopped crying and collapsed on my chest. There was a delightful tropical breeze, so our cuddling felt warm and... cuddly. We were silent until finally, she gave a big sigh.

“How do you feel, Serina? Tell daddy.”

“I feel okay, Daddy, a little bit uncomfortable... but sort of aroused too. Thinking about those nights with Lacey. And dreaming about… you.”

“That's fine. Aroused is good. “

Then she sat up slowly, pulling out of my arms.

“God, daddy, the stars are so beautiful here. They’re overwhelming.”

Serina swiveled about and straddled my upper thighs, leaning over me. I felt her hands gently pull the silk robe out from between us, so that her thighs and mine touched skin on skin. Her voice was hardly more than a whisper.

“Tell me what you dream about me, Daddy. Tell me, please.”

“Well Serina, I could do that, but our cuddling might get… well, out of control. You know that I’m very sexually attracted to you.”

For a long moment, there was just silence, except for Serina’s slow breathing and the celestial thrumming of the stars overhead. Then she began to rub her breasts very lightly, but sensuously against my bare chest.

“Please tell me, Daddy. I need to know.”

“Okay. If that’s what you want, sweetheart, I’ll tell you. My first naughty thoughts of you were when I heard you masturbating with Lacey. But my very naughtiest fantasies began when you lost your virginity to Randy. How old were you?”

I could still feel her nipples drawing little circles on my bare chest. She shrugged. “sixteen?”

“That sounds right. Sixteen. I remember you telling him what to do—apparently Randy hadn’t read the instruction manual. You said, let me touch it; let me kiss it; put it between my legs; push it in deeper…”

Serina leaned forward and bit me briefly on the chin. “Yes daddy, I get the general idea! You don’t have to quote everything I said that night. God damn, do you have it all memorized?”

Then I started laughing, causing her body to rock in such a way that I felt her breasts bounce gently upon my chest. It was incredibly arousing.

“Well, I guess maybe I did memorize it. You will have to admit that it was very memorable. I mean, how often does a father get to listen to his daughter give away her virginity? Anyway, you asked what I dreamed of in my fantasies with you…”

“Yes, tell me.”

I lowered my voice to the same level of whisper she was using.

“I fantasize that I’m Randy, and you’re telling me those same things. I dream that you’re telling me to push my penis inside you. And in my fantasy, I do. I slide my penis all the way inside my lovely daughter, Serina. I dream of kissing every square inch of your body—and kissing and licking your breasts—and your pussy.”

I could hear Serina’s breathing become deeper and faster. Her nipples on my chest were driving me crazy with lust.

“Remember how yesterday I put sun lotion on your butt when we went to the private beach? I thought about slipping my fingers between your thighs. And kissing your pussy.”

“Wow. Daddy? I have to confess something to you—I was thinking the same thing. I had never felt you touch my ass like that ever. I was shocked for a second, then it felt so good… so good that I wanted you to keep doing it. And even slip your fingers down… you know…”

“Really? You always were a naughty wench. And I'm proud of you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you have sexual feelings for your father.”

“Really, daddy? Do you remember the hammock we had in the back yard last fall?” Serina giggled for half a minute. “I don’t know if you ever suspected, but every time we napped in that hammock together, I had the sexiest dreams. About you and me. And when I heard you sleeping, all snuggled up against me, I would put my fingers between my legs, and… That was why I loved getting in the hammock with you. I loved those sexy fantasies, daddy. I loved masturbating, feeling your warm body pressed against mine.”

I put my arms around my daughter and pulled her to me, feeling her hard nipples poke me in the chest. I began massaging her back, and soon felt her relax in my embrace.

“It was a shame that your last boyfriend Sammy didn't work out, Serina. I was so hoping to listen to him fuck every orifice in your sweet body. I guess now, with him gone, that won’t happen. Maybe I'll have to do that myself.”

“Mmmm. I would love that, Daddy.”

She kissed me—lightly at first, then with increasing passion as our mouths opened and our tongues pressed together.

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When we parted, I was so aroused I was seeing spots in front of my eyes.

“Careful, sweetheart, don’t say...

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Written by Buddybear
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