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Mom's Awakening: The Tension Grows

"Rachel continues to help Mom connect to her growing sexual desires"

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The sexual tension between Rachel, my daughter, and me had been building for days. Yet despite that, I never could have imagined waking up in the middle of the night to find her masturbating in the same room as me.

Rachel convinced me to take her to Miami as a way for me to connect with myself and let loose away from the prying eyes of our community. I could never have imagined letting loose would include the two of us masturbating together.

I woke up wracked with guilt. Looking over at Rachel, I was unsure what to expect. Instead of being disgusted with me, she smiled at me warmly."We should talk," I said, feeling ashamed.

"Mom, it is okay. We were both turned on, and things got a bit out of hand," Rachel nonchalantly said.

"A bit out of hand? It was wrong," I declared.

"These things happen," Rachel insisted.

I was completely thrown by her reaction. Something about what she said made me wonder if this has happened to her before. I decided to let things go and figured I could always bring it up with her later.

"Mom, I'm going to shower real quick. I want to hit the beach before it gets too hot," Rachel said, closing the door to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Rachel came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, her wavy brown hair still damp.

Drops of water clung to her skin as she sauntered into the room. I held my breath, taking in my daughter's beauty. Despite being overwhelmed with guilt, I couldn't help but check her out.

"Shower's yours," Rachel announced.

"Thanks," I said, looking down, unable to look Rachel in the eyes.

I grabbed my clothes and made my way to the bathroom.

As the water washed over me, tears rolled down my cheeks. Choosing to dress more immodestly was one thing, but actively masturbating with my daughter was something else altogether.

I felt ashamed of my burgeoning sexuality and felt ill-equipped to handle it. Despite my worries, I knew I had a week of vacation left with Rachel and needed to get my act together.

I took a deep breath and let the water melt my worries away.

Leaving the bathroom, I was shocked to see Rachel wearing the tiniest bikini I had ever seen. The top strained against Rachel's breasts, barely covering her areola, while the bottom was a thin piece of cloth held together by clear straps that molded into Rachel's womanly hips. The back of the bikini was completely bare, revealing her perfectly toned behind.

The heat in my body rose as I tried to make sense of what I was seeing.

As Rachel walked towards me, I couldn't help but notice the confidence in her stride. She knew she looked amazing and had every right to feel that way. Her smile was radiant, and I could tell she was enjoying her effect on me.

I stood there frozen, unsure of what to do or say. I felt my labia beginning to swell and the wetness growing between my legs. My body wanted to be pleasured, but my motherly instincts kicked in.

"There is no way you are going out like that," I snapped.

Rachel jumped on my bed, her tits bouncing. "Come on, Mom. We are here to try new things. This is my new thing. I've never worn anything like this before, and it would mean a lot to me."

It was hard to argue with her logic, but I found her sudden desire to wear her micro bikini suspect.

"Sigh, fine. I can't argue with that," I acquiesced.

"Great. Now let's get you dressed, and we can get out of here," Rachel chimed in.

Rachel leaped off my bed and rummaged through my bag of new bikinis.

"Here, wear this!" Rachel exclaimed, handing me the tiniest bikini in the bag.

"You know I only bought that bikini to get you off my back, right?" I pushed back.

Rachel walked over to me, her hips swaying with every step. "Mom, you wouldn't have bought it if you weren't tempted to wear it. Be daring with me today. It's not like I'll see something I didn't see last night."

I couldn't believe she brought up us masturbating together last night in such a flirty way. It seemed like Rachel's time in college changed her more than I initially thought. Something about how she behaved made me rethink some of her behaviors since she returned home.

I took the bikini from her and headed to the bathroom.

As I walked into the bathroom, I grasped for the counter, feeling unsteady on my feet. I felt flushed and desperately needed a second away from Rachel to catch my breath.

"You got this," I whispered to myself, letting my towel drop to the floor.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't deny that I felt a little bit daring and maybe even a little bit sexy this morning. Maybe Rachel was right; it was time to join her on her adventure.

I slipped on the tiny scrap of fabric that was supposed to pass for a bottom. I couldn't help but feel slightly self-conscious, but I tried my best to push those thoughts aside. The thong felt strange against my skin and left my whole ass out for the world to see.

I turned to the side to check out my profile in the mirror and liked what I saw. My legs looked longer, and my butt looked perkier than it had in years. I felt confident and empowered in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.

As I held the tiny bikini top in my hands, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. All the top was a pile of strings with two small triangles attached.

I had never worn anything like this before, and I wasn't sure I could get it on myself. As I struggled to tie the strings around my back, I could feel my frustration growing. The strings seemed impossibly small and delicate, and I couldn't get them to tie in a neat bow. I tugged and pulled, but the more I tried to adjust the strings, the more tangled they became.

Eventually, I gave up and stepped out of the bathroom, feeling exposed. I held up the tiny triangles of fabric with my hands, barely covering my breasts.

As I caught my daughter Rachel's eye, I could see the surprise and amusement in her expression.

"Mom, what are you doing?" she asked, stifling a giggle.

"I'm trying to put on this bikini top," I replied, the frustration in my voice palpable.

"Here, let me help you," Rachel stated, stepping forward and reaching for the strings.

As she deftly tied the knots and adjusted the triangles of fabric, I couldn't help but feel slightly turned on by her touch. Images of her fingers fucking her pussy last night ran through my mind. Those same fingers tickled and teased my neck and back as she put the final touches on the knots.

Rachel stepped back and gave me a once-over. "You look great, Mom," she grinned.

The look on Rachel's face eased my apprehension about wearing such a revealing bikini. Rachel seemed excited that I would take this chance with her, and I started to feel eager to embrace this journey with her.

We threw on matching sheer black cover-ups, grabbed our towels and bags, and headed to the beach.

When we got there, the beach was empty, leaving us plenty of choices of where to set up.

"Do you need help putting on your sunscreen?" Rachel offered with an unmistakable glint in her eyes.

"No, I got it," I quickly replied, afraid of getting too close.

After last night, the thought of Rachel rubbing her hands all over my body made me nervous. As much as I wanted to, last night's misdeeds were interfering with my ability to relax with Rachel.

"Your loss," Rachel chimed.

As she had done the day before, Rachel meticulously applied her tanning oil all over her body. Yesterday, I wondered if Rachel was putting on a show for me; today, there was no doubt that she wanted me to watch her.

She massaged the oil into her skin like she was kneading dough. She took her time, applying oil to her most sensitive parts, almost teasing herself in the process. Her tiny top was surrounded by glistening flesh, barely held up by the smallest of strings. The oil ran down the front of her crotch, making the smooth skin of her bikini area look enticing.

Rachel lay there shimmering in the morning light. I couldn't help myself from ogling at her, and it seemed like Rachel basked in my attention.

After a few hours of tanning, Rachel suggested we take a dip in the ocean. As we waded into the water, I noticed Rachel's eyes on me. This time, she wasn't hiding her stares.

As we walked deeper into the water, Rachel started to tease me, splashing me playfully and brushing against me. I returned her playful splashes with gusto, drenching her with water and laughing as she squealed in surprise.

"You're so bad," I said, grinning at her.

Rachel chuckled. "Oh, you have no idea, Mom."

The flirtatious tone in her voice sent a thrill through me, and I felt giddy with excitement. As we continued to play in the water, I grew more and more daring in my actions, brushing my hand against Rachel's arm or playfully tugging at the strings of her bikini.

And as I did, I couldn't help but notice how Rachel responded to me - the way her eyes lit up with pleasure and her breath caught in her throat. It was like we were in our own little world, completely wrapped up in the playful flirtation between us.

I constantly had to remind myself that Rachel was my daughter, and that I had a husband back home who loved me.

Eventually, we returned to the shore, the sun hot on our skin and our bodies slick with water. I felt a little breathless as we lay on our towels like I had just experienced something new and exciting for the first time.

I saw Rachel in a completely different light. Her laughter was more intoxicating, her touch more electric. I felt young again, like I did when Robbie and I first started dating.

"You know," Rachel said, propping herself up on her elbow and gazing at me with a sly smile. "I think we make a pretty good team."

I grinned back at her, feeling a little bold.

"Then, I guess we should spend a lot more time together," I grinned.

Rachel's smile widened. "I like the sound of that."

As we settled back into our blanket, Rachel started to reapply her tanning oil. Between the dampness of the ocean water and the tanning oil, my daughter's skin shined in the summer sun. Oil dripped down her cleavage, bringing attention to her perky tits. Her glistening breasts jiggled slightly with every breath she took, almost causing her bikini to slip off and reveal her nipples to the public.

I couldn't help but notice the stares and whistles from the men around us and envy their desire for her.

I turned on my back and sheepishly asked, "Would you mind applying some of that tanning oil on me? I think it is time I try another new thing today."

Rachel splashed oil onto her hands without saying a word and began massaging it into my skin. As her fingers worked their way across my back, I couldn't help but feel a stirring in my stomach. I had never been touched like this before by another woman, let alone my daughter. There was a tenderness and care to her touch that was so different from Rob's.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Rachel asked, her voice low and husky.

I nodded, unable to form words. As Rachel continued to rub the oil into my skin, her fingers ventured lower and lower, grazing the top of my bikini bottoms.

"You know, Mom," Rachel murmured, her lips close to my ear. "I can think of a few more new things we could try today."

My heart raced as Rachel's hand slipped beneath the fabric of my bikini, tracing circles around my hip bone. I turned to face her, my heart pounding in my chest.

As Rachel teased me, her lack of reaction to last night's events kept playing in my mind.

I cleared my voice before finally saying something. "You know this morning when you said that these things happen. What were you referring to?" I asked, no longer able to control my curiosity.

Rachel's fingers continued to move further down my legs as she spread the oil on my body. I unconsciously opened my legs, involuntarily giving her access to my inner thighs. Rachel dripped oil down my thighs as the heat and wetness in my bikini bottoms grew.

"My roommate and I used to masturbate together," Rachel admitted before leaning over and whispering in my ear, "We did other stuff, too."

I was shocked by the overt nature of her pronouncement. But the feeling of Rachel's slick breast on my back, and her warm breath on my ear, made me yearn for her touch.

My daughter had me wrapped around her fingers. Rachel was showing me a side of herself I didn't know existed, a sexual side. I felt conflicted about my playing into her flirtation. It was one thing to masturbate with her last night, but to let this continue the way it was, felt like too much.

I struggled to retain any sense of control.

"I didn't know that you liked girls," I uttered, my voice cracking.

Rachel's hand massaged the dripping oil into my thighs, the back of her hands brushing against my bikini-covered pussy.

"There is a lot I haven't told you about this year," Rachel explained in a low, sultry voice.

"Ugh, I think my legs are good now," I said, squirming out from under my daughter.

Rachel rolled onto her back. "Well, when you want to turn over, don't hesitate to ask for help."

My daughter had just insinuated that she wanted to feel me up, and a part of me wanted her to. Rachel's hands felt fabulous on my body, and it took every ounce of willpower to stop things from progressing to a place we couldn't turn back from.

The rest of the afternoon, Rachel and I exchanged wanting looks, each of us wanting to take this to a forbidden place.

"We should head on back to the hotel. We don't want to miss our reservation," I said.

As Rachel and I walked back from the beach, we couldn't stop exchanging playful glances. We had been flirting all day, and the tension between us was growing stronger by the minute. I wasn't sure what to do with all of this pent-up desire.

Back in the hotel room, I started to get ready for dinner. I was digging through my suitcase when I heard the bathroom door open. I turned around to see Rachel standing there, wearing a tight black mini-dress that left little to the imagination.

"Wow, Rachel," I said, my eyes fixed on her. "You look absolutely stunning."

Rachel smiled, turning around so I could get a better look. "Thanks, Mom," she replied.

I felt myself blushing as I slipped into a black dress with a plunging neckline. It was a little daring, but that was what this vacation was about.

As we left the room and headed to the restaurant, I felt my lust bubbling up inside me. I couldn't believe how much I wanted Rachel, how much I had been thinking about her all day.

We walked arm-in-arm down the beach, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filling the air. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over everything. I felt like I was in a dream.

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, I was amazed by how beautiful it was. We were seated at a candlelit table with a view of the ocean. The sound of soft music filled the air, and the scent of delicious food made my mouth water.

As we perused the menu, I couldn't help but steal glances at Rachel. She looked so beautiful, so alluring. The tension between us was palpable, but neither of us wanted to admit it.

We made small talk, discussing our day at the beach and the sights we had seen. But underneath it all, I could feel the electricity between us. My heart skipped a beat every time our hands brushed, or our eyes met.

As we ate our meal, the tension continued to build. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted Rachel and to feel her lips on mine. But I couldn't bring myself to admit that we both desired each other.

By the time we finished our dessert, I was practically trembling with lust. I wanted to reach across the table, take Rachel's hand, and tell her everything that was on my mind. But instead, we paid the bill and left the restaurant, our desire simmering just beneath the surface.

We washed up and said our goodnights when we returned to the room. Some of me hoped for a repeat of the previous night's incident but felt horrible about it.

I lay in bed tossing and turning, the day's events running through my head. Rachel and I came on this vacation to help me loosen up and find myself away from the prying eyes of our community. Yet, somehow, it has taken on a very sexual turn.

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Rachel openly masturbating in the same room as me, and me joining her seems to have been the tipping point of something that had long simmered in my daughter.

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Written by Grenefire
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