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Mommy's Boy Part 2 Carla

"Johny and Carla meet and spend a weekend together."

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Carla looked out the window where the rain was falling hard. She was still in shock after meeting her brother. She had known about him but the idea of actually meeting had never crossed her mind. Her mother didn’t speak much about him for the simple reason she knew nothing about him as Carla grew up. Her mother had been like a ghost most of her life, slipping in and out when she was least expected to. She would show up for a birthday and then be gone by the time Carla was to blow out the candles. She had a vague memory about a condo where they lived when she was small but since she began school it had always been boarding schools.

Carla never missed anything in her life. She always had new clothes, money in her pocket, and school trips. The fact that her mother wasn’t around didn’t bother her that much. Life for most boarding students was similar to Carla’s. She found her family within the student body. Sure, she didn’t get along with everyone but who did in life?

When she came into her teens her mother became a more common figure in her life. By now, Carla was her own woman and they didn’t get along very well. Carla felt that her mother should mind her own business and leave her alone. On her sixteenth birthday, her mother chartered a plane and flew Carla and ten of her friends to a tropical paradise. It didn’t take long before the booze became the manager of the party and the eight girls and two boys took their clothes off and went skinny dipping. One of the boys, Steve had a crush on Carla and he swam up to her at the far end of the pool where she was treading water alone.

“Hey, how you doing?” he asked. His speech was slurred from too many drinks.

“Great, how about you?”

He held on to the edge of the pool and moved a bit closer to her. “Fine, you are so pretty, did I ever tell you that?”

She giggled. “Almost every day, Steve.”

“Oh, well, I thought I would tell you again, in case you had forgotten.”

She put her hand on his cheek. “That’s so kind of you.”

“Look,” he said and pointed downwards.

Through the water, Carla noticed he had an erection and she laughed. “What’s going on Steve, where did that come from?”

He blushed. “I get one every time I’m next to you.”

Even though Carla wasn’t in love with him or had a crush she felt sorry for him. She had told him on many occasions that she liked him like a friend, nothing more. However, with the booze making her head spin her body reacted differently than usual. Her hand slid down and grabbed his cock. He shivered and a sigh escaped his lips.

“Oh, you like this?” she said.


She began to stroke him. “What about this?”

“Oh fuck, Carla. It feels so good.”

She had never held a dick before and it was quite the experience. Some of the older girls had told her about what they had done to boys so she knew what would happen if she continued touching him, which she did.

“Oh, oh, god, fuck, Carla,” he moaned.

She loved the power it gave her. The power of pleasure, knowing that she decided if he was to climax or not. She stroked him faster and his eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth was half open.

“Yeah, Steve, give it to me, come for me,”

“Oh god,” he moaned and shivered a couple of times.

Carla had felt his cock twitch a few times, nothing else. Her friends had told her about cum shooting out with great force or running out like hot lava. For her, neither had happened. He went limp in her hand and swam away from her, leaving her alone.


Later that night when she was in her bed, slightly less drunk since her mother had pulled all the booze a few hours earlier after finding a few of her friends making out and one couple fucking on the grass. It was a surprise to her how many of her girlfriends were into other girls. Or maybe, it was just the booze.

She thought back to holding Steve’s cock in her hand and she wanted to experience it again. It was such a hot sensation and she wanted to see and feel his cum shoot out.

“Are you awake?” she heard her mother whisper from the door.


The door opened and she slipped in, closing it behind her. She sat down on the edge of the bed at the height of Carla’s hips. She caressed her daughter's arm before saying. “Did you have a nice time?”

“Yeah, Mom, it was amazing. Thanks for everything?”

“No problem. I know I haven’t been a good mother since you were a child but I hope this will change now. I want to spend more time with you.”

“That would be nice, but you have to let me be me.”

Her mother smiled. “I understand. By the way, did you have a nice time with Steve?”

Carla blushed in the darkness. “What do you mean?”

“Honey, that pool water is crystal clear. I was on the balcony and I could see exactly what you were doing to that young man. Did you like it?”

Carla giggled. “Yes, it was nice.”

“Did he touch you?”


“Would you have liked him too?”

Carla was quiet for a moment. “I guess, I’m not sure. No guy has ever touched me.”

“I never told you this, but your grandmother Brenda gave me my first orgasm.”

It took a moment for Carla to register what her mother had said. “She did what?”

“My siblings and I grew up very poor in the hills. I guess you could call us hillbillies and things there were very different. I remember seeing my older brother playing with my mother’s boobs at night while we watched TV. She would then stick her hand down his dirty jeans and masturbate him until he came. I never thought it was wrong, it was just normal where I grew up.”

“What’s your point?”

Her mother gently pulled down the sheet exposing Carla’s naked boobs and then her white bikini panties. “Well, I thought as a birthday gift I could give you your first orgasm?”

Carla knew that this was not a good thing and that she should tell her mother to leave. “Thanks, but I’m okay.”

“You sure, darling? It’s an amazing experience and I promise no one will ever know.”

Carla didn’t have a mother-daughter connection with her mom. They had lost that years ago when she had been shipped off to boarding school. She was also sexually curious after hearing the exploits of her friends so she changed her mind. What harm could it do to have her mother give her an orgasm? After all, it seemed to be a family tradition.

“Ok, do it,” she said and closed her eyes.

Her mother leaned in and kissed her nipples in turn and as they hardened under her soft wet touch Carla shivered with pleasure. Her mother then kissed her way down to her panties and together they pulled them off leaving Carla naked.

“What a cute little bush you have, honey, but I suggest you get rid of it. Boys tend to prefer a smooth pussy.”

Her words didn’t register because while she spoke her mother had begun to touch her pussy. She found a spot that gave Carla enormous pleasure so much so she began to moan and groan.

“Yeah, you like that, Carla?”

“Yes, Mommy, I do.”

“Good. You have such a cute little pussy. Let’s see what it tastes like.”

And that’s how Carla had her first orgasm. She lay on her back with her legs over her mother’s shoulders and was eaten out until she came three times right after each other. When her mother pulled back, Carla lay on the bed gasping, sweaty and happy.

“There you go, baby. Happy birthday to you.”

“Thanks, Mommy. I love you.”


Carla turned from the window and put her hand to her panty. She was hot and moist under them. She often became that way when she thought back to having sex with her mother. After that first time, they would do it at least once a week, usually on the weekends when Carla would come home from school. Her mother introduced toys such as dildos and vibrators and Carla loved it all. One of her favorite things was to be in a sixty-nine position with her mother on top. She would eat the older woman’s pussy while fucking her ass with a vibrator. Her mother would come so hard, Carla was afraid the neighbors would hear it.

Carla tried anal sex as well but didn’t think much of it. The dildo or vibrator wasn’t that pleasurable on its own, she needed her clit stimulated. Her mother told her that the best anal sex was with a real dick. Carla didn’t have much time over for boys due to school work and being with her mother, but she had looked forward to the experience and now it had presented itself in the form of her long-lost brother.

“Yo, bitch. Stop playing with your pussy.”

Carla woke up from her daydreaming and realized she had her hand inside her panty and was standing in the middle of the room she shared with Becky, a hot-tempered redhead from Ireland.

“God, I’m so sorry, Becky.”

“That’s fine, we all like to rub one out, but please do it when you are alone. I can’t stand that wet noise. My pussy never becomes that wet.”


“Please, I’ve heard you at night.”

Carla went to the bathroom and took a shower. Johny would be there in half an hour and she was nervous. She made sure her pussy was smooth and washed her hair, shaved her legs and armpits. When she came out Becky was gone. She decided to dress in blue jeans and a white top. She didn’t want to come off as a slut on her first date. Date, she thought, was she going on a date with her brother? That felt weird. She grabbed her phone and then locked the dorm room behind her.


Johny had rented a car for the day. He wasn’t sure if Carla liked bikes and he didn’t have an extra helmet. His hands were sweaty and he had chain-smoked during the drive. He didn’t care if there would be a surcharge for the smell inside the car.

He watched her come around the bend and he sighed. She was so beautiful. Tall, voluptuous but not overweight. Her large boobs bounced seductively under her top which meant she didn’t wear a bra. His dick hardened in his shorts and when she was close to the gate, he got out. It slowly swung open and Carla ran into his arms.

“I’m so happy you are here, we have so much to talk about,” she said as she held him tight. Her boobs crushing into him.

“What do you want to do?” he said when she had let him go.

Her green eyes looked into his and she smiled. “I have no idea, be with you, that’s the only thing I want.”

They got into the car and he drove to a lake close by where there was a hotel and a restaurant. As they got closer, she turned to him. “Do you have a room?”

“No, I’ve been staying at Mom’s place.”

“Talking about her, what name should we use?”

“Well, I called her Ann.”

“For me she was Charlie.”

“Fuck, this is so crazy. We have the same mother but use different names for her. No, I don’t have a room, should we get one?”

“I don’t have to be back at school until Sunday afternoon so we have two nights together.”

It was funny how she had said, two nights and not three days, he thought. Did that mean she assumed they would have sex?”

The place was very pretty. The hotel sat just on the edge of the lake and a large terrace was facing it. They took a seat close to the water and a waiter took their orders. It was too early for lunch and too late for breakfast so they only ordered drinks. When they arrived Carla asked Johny to tell her what had happened up to the moment he showed up at her school. When he was done, she whistled quietly.

“Wow, our mom is a serious piece of work. I never knew she was a criminal. She told me she worked in finance and had to travel a lot.”

“I thought she was a jobless ex-convict.”

“She is an ex-convict, remember, she was in jail for a while when she was my age.”

“True, but not for any major crime.”

“I guess. What’s her place like?”

“It’s a large condo, four bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms, a terrace with a jacuzzi, and an amazing view.”

“But I thought the cops seized all her assets?”

“They did, but this condo is under your name.”

Carla laughed. “Thanks, Mom, I always wanted a condo.”

Johny smiled. She had such a cute laugh. “What’s school like?”

She shrugged her shoulders and drank from her lemonade. “It’s school, what can I tell you? I wake up, go to classes, have lunch and dinner, study, and back to bed.”

“Do you have many friends?”

“Sure, I do, I love them all and we go to the movies on the weekends. Do you have many friends?”

Johny looked out over the water. “No, none. The orphanage wasn’t a very nice place so I didn’t make any close friends. The kids rotate in and out pretty fast so there is no time to make a friendship.”

“That sucks, you must be very lonely.”

“Not really, I got used to it and then I met Hanna.”

“That’s right, she left you after our mom gave you a blowjob.”

“She sure did and then she called the cops on us, bitch.”

Carla laughed. “Well, I won’t call the cops on us.”

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows. “What does that mean, why would you?”

She leaned in closer so the people at the other tables wouldn’t hear her. “Because you and I are going to fuck.”

Johny was taken aback. He knew that she wanted to and so did he, but hearing her say the words came as a surprise.

“I mean, only if you want to?” she added.

“Yes, I do. It just feels weird talking about it in the open like this.”

Carla told him the story about Brenda and what their mother had done to her on her birthday and when she was done Johny slowly nodded. “I get it now. Fuck, we have one messed up family.”

“I guess we do. At least we have a family. I have always thought about looking up Brenda and our uncles and aunts. But Mom never gave me any details about them growing up.”

Johny leaned across the table and took her hand in his. “Let’s get a room, have fun, and then figure it out.”

The room was simple with a large bed, a bathroom, and a wardrobe. Carla turned on the lights and pulled the curtains closed. It was on the second floor and had a partial view of the terrace where people were gathering. She didn’t want them to be able to look inside.

“How do we do this?” asked Johny feeling uncomfortable.

She walked up to him and placed her hands on his shoulder. “I have never fucked before. Technically, I’m still a virgin, even though I have used dildos and other toys.”

“Oh, with our mother, I suppose?”

“That’s right. I guess we get naked?”

They took off their clothes and when they were naked Carla looked down at Johny’s limp cock. “It’s not supposed to be like that?’

“No, it’s not. Shit, I had a perfect hard-on earlier when I saw you walking towards the car.”

Carla was even sexier naked. Her boobs were firm with tiny pink nipples and she had quite a large Venus Mountain making her pussy look like a bun. Her clit peaked out from the folds making Johny think she was very horny.

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“Can I touch it, maybe that will help?” she offered.

He nodded and she stepped closer. She kissed him softly on the moth while putting her left arm around him, pulling him closer. She tasted like lemonade and her tongue was soft and warm against his. Her warm little hand wrapped around his cock and gently pulled back the foreskin exposing the head. She pinched it carefully between her thumb and forefinger and he sighed.

Carla had never been hornier than in that moment. Her brother’s limp cock in her hand, his lips against hers, her boobs pressing against his chest, her hot skin against his. She was about to say how much she wanted him when it happened.

“Oh fuck, yeah, now we are talking, Good god Johny,” she said as his cock sprung hard in her hand. It was big, thick and the head was now dark red.

“Ha, it does work,” he said and she giggled.

“Let me look at him,” she said and knelt on the floor.

She had never seen a cock in her life. Just touched Steve’s so she wasn’t sure what to expect. When she took it in her hand it was warm and so very hard at the same time as it was soft. His balls were large and hung under it and when she kissed them, he sighed. She kissed the head which was even softer than the cock shaft. She opened her mouth and took it inside. Sucking on it as if it was a caramel.

Johny watched his sister and thought she was the sexiest woman who had ever sucked his cock. Her fingertips didn’t touch as she began to stroke him while having the head in her warm mouth. He wanted to touch and taste her pussy so much that he gently pulled her up.

“No, wait, let me continue,” she moaned.

“You will. Let's get on the bed. I want to taste you.”

They quickly got into a sixty-nine and when she pressed her pussy against his mouth, he opened it and began to lick her slit at first, then the swollen clit until...

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Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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