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Meeting A Reader Part 2

"Johnny does a scene with his mother, the author plays with Johnny’s sister, and Johnny takes his sister to complete his family control."

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Author's Notes

"The rest of the story."

The following Friday evening I again sat down with Johnny. He looked nervous. “Are you ready for this?” I asked him.

“I think so,” he said with a tremor in his voice.

“Don’t just think so,” I cautioned him. “You have to know so, you have to be confident. You’re going to be the Master, so act like it. Don’t ask, just tell her what you want her to do. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

He was wearing jean shorts, a polo, and sandals, as close as he could get to a Gorean outfit. I handed him my deerskin flogger; it had a leather strap that snapped around the handle and slipped onto a belt so it could be worn on the hip. “Slide your belt through this loop,” I instructed. “I don’t have a five-bladed Gorean slave whip, so this will have to do. This fall,” I held up the tails of the flogger, “is so soft it won’t really hurt her, and you can’t possibly damage her with it, so if you decide to punish your slave just go ahead and use full-strength swings.”

“Wow, this is awesome,” he exclaimed, and he hung the flogger on his right hip. “I really feel ready now.”

“Okay, let’s go,” I said, and I led him to his mother’s bedroom. “Now, remember,” I reminded him as we stopped at the closed door. “Be the Master to your slave and you won’t regret it.”

I turned the knob and stepped aside so Johnny could enter the bedroom, then followed him. I heard a quick inhalation as he got his first look at his mother’s bare back and essentially naked butt facing him as she knelt before the bed. She was definitely a hottie, but Johnny probably hadn’t seen her this undressed since puberty.

Johnny slowly walked around her so he was standing between her head and the foot of the bed. “Kneel up,” he commanded, and I was happy to hear his firm tone of authority. At least he was into that much of the role-play. Amy rose to a normal kneeling position and Johnny gasped; her breasts were almost as naked as her butt, the narrow strips of fabric barely covered her nipples and areolas.

Johnny stared at her chest for a few seconds, then lowered his gaze and saw that her knees were together. “Spread your legs,” he demanded. Amy hesitated for just a moment, then slowly eased them apart. “Wider,” he ordered, and she opened her knees as far apart as she could.

“Better,” he remarked. “What is your name, slave?”

I hadn’t said anything to Amy about this sort of thing, but she was obviously into the spirit of the scene. “Whatever Master wishes,” she answered. I walked over to stand next to Johnny. The front of Amy’s thong was obviously wet; she was definitely ready for this.

“Very well,” Johnny said. “Your name is three.”

“Yes, Master,” Amy said. “May I ask why you chose that name, Master?”

“Yes, you may. I chose it because, like the number three, you are nicely curved and open.”

Amy tried, unsuccessfully, to hide a smile. “Thank you, Master.”

Johnny apparently had prepared to play the head game. “Your thong is wet,” he accused. “Why is that?”

Amy blushed, then answered him. “It’s wet because I’m horny, Master. It’s been a while since I’ve had a Master and I need a Master’s attention.”

Johnny pointed to me. “Didn’t you have a scene with him recently?”

“Well, yes, Master, but I hope to please you enough for you to make me your full-time slave. He has a long-term relationship, and I need more attention from a Master than he can give me.”

“You really want me to be your Master? I have a lot to learn about all this.”

Amy smiled at him. “I understand, Master, but you’ll have all the time in the world to practice. I’m sure he would continue to coach you, and I’ll be a very willing slave.”

Johnny thought about that for a few seconds, and I decided to prompt him. “Tell her you’ll consider that,” I whispered into his ear, “but don’t hesitate to make her wait, both for her needs and for your answer, and for her to serve you first.” He nodded, and I added, “Don’t mince words; be strong and blunt when you tell her what to do.”

He nodded again, then spoke to Amy. “I will consider that, my three, but I have needs also.” Amy smiled again when she heard the words my three but then froze when he opened his zipper, pulled out his impressive cock, and continued, “So blow me.”

After the barest pause, Amy responded, “Yes, Master.” She started to raise her hands as she leaned forward, then stopped abruptly when he ordered, “Mouth only.”

She dropped her hands to rest on her thighs, then whispered, “Yes, Master,” and continued her forward motion. She opened her lips to accept him into her mouth, then closed them around his circumcised cock-head and began to move her head back and forth, taking more of him in with every cycle. When she had him completely in her mouth and down her throat, her lips touching his pubic hair, Johnny started breathing heavily. I was sure he was on a hair trigger, and Amy must have sensed it, because she moved back, letting his erection fall from her lips, and looked up at him.

“Where would Master like to put his cum?” she asked submissively.

“In your mouth, slave, and be sure to swallow all of it. Letting any escape will be grounds for punishment.”

Amy shivered when he said those words, but she resumed taking him deep until his cock twitched and she knew he was about to erupt. She backed off until only the head was in her mouth and started swallowing his spurts as fast as she could. A very small amount came out the corner of her mouth, but she quickly pushed it back in with her finger before it could drip down her chin. When Johnny finally finished coming, she again let his cock slip out of her mouth, then opened wide to show him she had swallowed everything he’d given to her.

Johnny looked immensely pleased, and I was about to remind him of the need to remain in control when he visibly caught himself and turned on a stern expression. “You did well, three,” he told her, “and you have impressive skill.”

Amy blushed a bit. “Thank you, Master, I’m glad I was able to please you.”

“Have you had a lot of practice at doing that?”

Her blush deepened. “Yes, Master, but not lately.” She paused, then whispered, “I’ve missed the taste.”

“Well, if I decide to keep you, you’ll have lots of opportunities.” Johnny was really getting into this verbal game, and I mentally applauded his pseudo-Gorean approach. “However,” he continued, “you let a bit of my essence escape your lips. Resume your position with your head to the floor and prepare to be punished.”

Amy looked startled, but she put her head back down, resting her cheek on the carpet, and Johnny walked around behind her. He grasped the handle of the flogger and unsnapped the strap with his other hand. Then he raised it high over his shoulder and brought it down right on her ass.

Amy didn’t react, so he repeated his swat, swinging the flogger over and over with what looked like all his might, but Amy’s only response to the repeated strikes was a slow side-to-side swaying of her hips and a low moan. Her butt cheeks were turning a very light pink, and finally, after about a dozen hits, Johnny lowered the flogger and looked at me.

“I told you it wouldn’t really hurt her,” I reminded him. “But I’m sure she got the idea. Ask her.”

Johnny nodded his head, then said to Amy, “Kneel up again, three.”

“Yes, Master,” she responded, and she resumed her kneeling position.

“It seems you actually enjoyed your punishment, three.”

Amy looked embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Master, but I did. The symbolism was very important, but it wasn’t really punishing. I hope I never deserve real physical punishment from you, Master, but if I do you’ll have to hurt me a lot for it to be effective.”

“I’ll remember that,” he told her. “Now stand up and put your hands behind your head so I can examine your body.”

After Amy complied, Johnny came close to her, put his arms around her, and undid the bows at her neck and in her back so the skimpy top of her bikini fell to the floor between them. Then he cupped her full breasts in his hands and started to tease her nipples. They were already erect when he started, but they quickly became harder and longer under his touch.

“You are very beautiful,” Johnny told her.

“Thank you, Master, I’m very glad you think so.” Her breathing was starting to get quicker and shallower.

“Do you like what I’m doing?” he asked.

“Oh, yes, Master, it feels very good.”

“Let’s see what else feels good to you,” he said. “Untie your thong.”

Amy lowered her hands to her sides and undid the bows to let the thong join the top between her feet. Then without prompting she returned her hands to the back of her neck. Johnny released her left breast and slid his middle finger up through her pussy slit, which was glistening with her moisture. When he touched her clit, she shivered and let out a long moan.

“You like that too?” he asked. The question was obviously unnecessary, but it was certainly part of the head game he was playing with her.

“Mmmm,” was her only reply.

“Speak up,” he said sharply. “Tell me what you’re feeling.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered, and there was very strong need in her voice. “I love what you’re doing, I need what you’re doing, I really need to come.”

Johnny swiped his finger up and down her slit, bumping his finger against her clit on every up-stroke. Amy groaned and her knees started to bend; it looked like she might not be able to remain standing.

“Sit on the edge of the bed,” Johnny commanded, and she did. “Now lie back and pull your feet up.” Amy lay with her butt close to the edge and her spike heels next to her hips. Her knees were spread so she was wide open and her pussy was seeping juices down to her ass crack. Johnny looked at her for a few seconds, then shoved two fingers into her. Amy boosted her hips up to meet his thrust, and he must have curled his fingers to touch her G-spot, because she shrieked and came violently.

Johnny finger-fucked her through it, pulling his hand back and then pushing it forward, and Amy cried and whimpered and shook as her release ebbed and then rose again. “Oh, God, more, please, more, Master, thank you, Master, more, more, I need more …”

Johnny held his hand still and let her settle down, then removed his fingers from inside her and moved forward. His erection had returned, and without bothering to remove his shorts he slid his cock into her dripping pussy.

“Yes, Master, yes, thank you, Master, please fuck me,” she begged, and Johnny went at it forcefully. He pounded her pussy, his pubes banging into hers on every slam, and Amy took off again into another crashing orgasm, wailing like a banshee as he plundered her mercilessly. She put her hands on his shoulders, wrapped her legs around his torso, and wept tears of joy until he stiffened, held his body still, and shot his second load of the evening deep into her pussy.

When he was done coming, Johnny lifted her legs away from his body and pulled back. “On your knees, three, and clean me off,” he ordered.

Amy slid off the bed, knelt between his legs, and slowly and lovingly took his deflated cock into her mouth. She moved her tongue around it, licking off every bit of their combined fluids, then looked up at him with adoring eyes and very conspicuously swallowed what she had captured.

“Thank you, Master, for that privilege,” she said. “Please keep me as your slave.”

Johnny beamed, and it was clear what his decision would be.


I sat down with Johnny early the following afternoon. “So, what did you think of your first experience with D/s?” I asked to open the discussion.

Johnny was exuberant. “It was fantastic,” he exclaimed. “It was better than I thought it could be in my wildest fantasies.”

“You know,” I cautioned him, “that there’s a lot more to it, a lot more that you can do.”

His expression sobered immediately. “Oh, yes, I realize that. But it was just amazing, what happened when I took control.”

“Not all women are like that,” I again cautioned him. “Not all women react the same way to a man exercising his dominance.”

“I know that’s true,” he replied. “None of my girlfriends have ever reacted that way. That’s part of why it was so exciting for me.”

“How did you feel about being with an older woman rather than a girl near your own age?”

“That was part of how great it was. She was very sexually experienced, and that made it even hotter for me.”

“Did it bother you that it was your mother behaving that way?”

“It did, a little, at first. But I got caught up in the excitement of what was happening, and after a while it was just her being so submissive, so sexy, so … slutty; that just turned me on so much I kind of forgot who she was and just let it all happen.”

“You do realize,” I said slowly, “that you just called your mother a slut.”

He looked a bit abashed for a moment, but then his expression firmed. “Yes, but that’s how she was, and I really liked having her be that way. It was such a feeling of power, such a rush, to have her submitting to whatever I wanted.”

“Do you want to continue that way with her?” I asked next. “Are you ready to really be in charge of your mother in the future?”

Johnny hesitated, and I wondered how he would respond. He was obviously thinking it over. But then he looked straight at me and said, “Yes, I do. I really enjoyed what happened and I want to explore this dominance and BDSM stuff further, and she seems like the right person for that exploration.”

“Do you understand that she’s going to challenge you?” I pushed him.

He hesitated again, then looked me in the eye with a somber, serious look. “Yes, I understand. She’s going to want me to show her I can be in charge, and I’m going to prove it to her.”

“Okay,” I said. “But just be prepared to step up to wherever she wants you to go.”

This time his reply was immediate. “Oh, I will be. I’ve been doing more research, and I know what I want for us from now on.”

“What about exploring with someone closer to your age?”

“What do you mean? Are you talking about Laura?”

“Yes,” I replied. “She’s told both your mother and me that she’s interested in trying that kind of play as well.”

“I don’t know,” he answered thoughtfully. “I’m not sure how either of us would react to the other in that situation.”

“Okay,” I said. “You think about it for yourself and I’ll talk with Laura about the possibility. Do you want to play with three again tonight?”

His eyes lit up. “Absolutely!”

“Okay, I‛ll tell her to be ready at eight. You be ready also.”


My next conversation was with Amy. “So tell me, Amy, did you enjoy your scene with Johnny?”

“Oh, God, yes!” she exclaimed. “It was fantastic, and I can just imagine what it might be like when he really gets a handle on being in charge.”

“He said you were a slut,” I commented, looking for her reaction.

She laughed. “Well, I was, kind of,” she said with a smile.

“You’re not upset?” I probed.

“Hell, no,” she replied. “If that was how he wanted to treat me, that was my response and I’m glad it was. I was a little concerned about how things might go, with him being my son, but I was really happy with how the scene went.”

“Does that mean you want to do more with him?”

“I want to do all he wants,” she said decisively. “I’ll go as far as he’s willing to take me.”

“That could be pretty far,” I allowed. “He seems to really want to explore more with you and he’s apparently willing to set aside the fact that you’re his mother.”

“That’s fine with me. He’s about as safe a dom as I could hope to find in terms of discretion, and I’ve already said I’ll do whatever he wants.”

“You should make sure he knows that directly from you,” I told her. “I made the initial arrangements, and I’ll continue to coach him if you both want that, but it’s up to you now to tell him how you want things to be between the two of you.”

“I understand completely,” Amy replied, “and I’ll make it unmistakably clear to him the next time we’re together.”

“I’ll actually look forward to hearing you,” I said sincerely. “I want you both to be happy.”

“Thank you, Sir, I appreciate that. Do you mind that Johnny may be taking over for my late husband?”

“Not at all,” I told her. “I have my long-term relationship, and I really enjoy helping newcomers get into the scene. I think Johnny will decide to continue with you, so I’ll coach him one more time and then we’ll see if he needs any more of my help.”

“I truly appreciate your understanding. I had hoped you and I could have a regular play relationship, but if this is what Johnny wants, I want to be his and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy with me.”

“That covers a lot of ground,” I warned her again. “He says he’s been doing more research, whatever that means.”

“I know it does,” she replied, “but that’s how I feel and that’s how I’ll be. Do you want to play with Laura?”

“That depends...

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Written by PatHarvey
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