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Loving Moms: Wildest Dreams Ch03

"A Mother helps her Son's dreams become reality."

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I scrunched down in my chair as I was in total disbelief. All that hard work for nothing. I had lost, and I regrettably knew it. I just sat there and looked at the paper while I felt myself slipping into a depressed state. The school bell rang, but I was in no rush to get home and didn't even notice that it started to snow as I slowly dragged my feet the entire distance to my house.

Truthfully, I didn't even want to face mom. But when I opened the front door, she was already there to greet me.

Fighting back the tears, I just mumbled, "Hey..."

"Everything okay?" I heard and just handed over my last paper. Without saying another word, I shuffled away to my room.

I must have been on my bed for a couple of hours sulking. The sky was getting dark, and I knew Mom would be calling me for dinner very soon. I wasn't in any mood to eat and decided to just change into my pj's and go to bed early.

I no sooner crawled under the covers when in the darkness, my door opened slowly, and I heard mom say, "Can I come in?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

Mom sat beside me and lovingly brushed my hair, and said, "I'm sorry, honey. I know how hard you tried."

"I did, mom. I really did," I whimpered and was just about to tear up when mom said, "Shhh... Listen, your father called earlier and said it was snowing too bad where he was and won't be able to make it home tonight, so I was thinking..."

Mom paused for a long time, and I replied, "What, Mom?"

"Well, since you did try so hard I..." Mom sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this. But I think I'll overlook your last test and give you what I promised."

"Really?" I shouted and sat up on my bed.

"Now, don't get too excited," Mom replied. "I'm still holding to the rules that if I feel uncomfortable, we stop."

"Of course, Mom!"

"Okay, then, while I go and change, I want you to take off your pajamas and rub some of that lube on yourself."

I nodded and started to strip down as mom departed. Kicking the covers off my bed, I opened the bottle and smeared the oily substance all over my shaft.

It wasn't long before Mom walked in wearing another short baby doll, only this one was jet black satin, and the top just barely covered her breast. As I took in her sensual beauty, I couldn't help but notice how her nipples were already poking outwards of the thin fabric.

"Wow, Mom, you look so sexy in that."

"Thank you, honey, but you really have to stop saying that," Mom said as she hesitantly climbed on the bed and straddled herself over my body.

I watched as mom timidly lowered herself down and huffed softly when my bare cock touched what had to be her uncovered mound.

Mom forwent her panties! I speculated and just relished in what it felt like having her pussy lips resting solidly on top of my now solid shaft.

However, as I savored my sexual bliss, Mom didn't move at all. She just stayed utterly still and then mumbled, "Okay, now that I feel it. I'm not so comfortable with doing this."

"Mom?" I said and placed my hands at her waist, hoping they might put her at ease.

A couple more seconds had passed, and was sure she was about to get off. and sighed, "Okay, mom, I can tell this is bothering you. So we can stop."

Mom's hands gingerly joined mine on her waist as she slowly lifted herself upwards and replied, "Yes, it is." However, she paused and said, "Wait... No... It's nothing. I'm fine now."

Mom lowered herself back down and sluggishly started to rock back and forth, sending little pleasure waves through my body. With her bare pussy slithering over my shaft, I was in total awe in what pleasures it was bringing out of me and croaked, "Oh fuck, this is amazing."

Mom started to move a little quicker, and I could hear little moans escaping from her lips while her breast gently danced above me.

Hearing her moans only caused me to want to take this unnatural act even further, so when mom braced her hands on top of my chest, I listlessly moved my hands upwards and heard her softly moaned when I lightly brushed the underside of her globes for a split second.

Since Mom showed no evasive reaction to my minuscule contact, I chanced it again, only this time when my fingers grazed her melons. She moaned louder and noticed that her eyes were closed while her grinding picked up the pace and thought. Mom's getting into it.

I was more confident now and dared to make another brush, only this time I was surprised when Mom reached up and placed both of my hands firmly onto her bosom and sighed, "Oh yes..."

I couldn't help but squeeze them, and mom whimpered louder, "Yes. Oh yes. Honey, that feels so good. Keep doing that."

Mom gyrated faster, pushing my shaft between her outer folds while I massaged and squeezed her breast. I was in heaven, but unfortunately, the lotion was drying up, and it started to chafe. I was sure this would be the end, and Mom would finish me off by sucking on my cock.

However, Mom paused and huffed, "You need more lotion, don't you?" And moved her body to the side of me.

"Yeah, it's drying up, I think," I said, and quickly applied some more.

However, when I was finished, Mom also rubbed some of the oil on herself and said, "I'm doing this to stop it from drying up so fast."

I just nodded as Mom worked the slick substance across her mound and then heard her say, "Okay, I think that's enough."

Without hesitation, she once again straddled herself only with both of us lubed; now, my dick became more sensitive and shuddered when she started to move slowly back and forth.

This wasn't the only nice thing that happened by both of us being lubed. It also caused my cock to squish between her soft folds as she went back and forth.

Our breath started to race as mom got more into it, and it didn't take long before her hot little pussy was running across my dick. Mom's juices started to flow and dripped between us, causing the lube to get extremely slick.

"Oh... Mmm..." I heard mom cry and reached up to play with her breast once more.

This caused mom to whimper louder, and I knew that we both would be climaxing very soon by her actions. I guess seeing mom getting into this as much as I caused me to involuntarily push up and for a split second felt my Bald-head pierce through her inner lips.

Mom abruptly stopped and said, "Oh! Careful, Tucker. It can't go inside."

"Sorry, Mom," I said, short-winded.

Mom cautiously started to grind again, only it quickly escalated, and I grasped at her breast with sexual lust. Mom then went wild and pushed herself down even harder, trapping my cock firmly between her inner folds, and hissed, "OH fuck, you're hitting my clit just right!"

"Fuck Mom, you're so wet," I groaned.

"Nnnoo... I shouldn't like this again. Maybe we should stop before... Oh no!" Mom whimpered just as her body started to tremble slightly, and I pinched her nipples and heard her whine, "Oh no, I'm going to cum!"

Rapidly, mom arched her back and rested her hands behind herself while I took hold of her hips, making sure my cock stayed in contact with her clit.

Mom went crazy and squirmed around. I was sure she would cum, but in her excited state had now nudged precisely the tip of my cock inside her moist pussy, causing me to lift upwards, pushing my mushroom head just inside her snatch.

"Oh... No... It's... In!" she screamed in a loud huff and abruptly stopped moving.

I felt Mom easing my swollen head from her hot love hole and knew I didn't want this to stop, so before her pussy popped my mushroom out, I held onto Mom's hips and said, "It's only the tip, Mom. Please... It's just the tip. I promise it won't go in any deeper."

Still huffing, she replied, "No, Tucker, it's too dangerous. I have to."

"Please, Mom. I worked so hard in school."

Mom sighed and said, "Yes, you did, but this is too far. I didn't agree to this."

"Please, Mom," I whispered.

And then I felt her body ever so slowly straighten up until she was on her knees with her legs spread wide, holding just a smidgen of my cock inside her, and heard her convey, "Okay, but no deeper, just stay still while I do this."

I just nodded as her waist moved back and forth, renewing my desire to drive my cock deep into her hot snatch.

"Oh, Mom, I love you," I crocked as Mom's hips went just a little faster.

I could feel my cum bubbling up my shaft as my mushroom head bobbed just a tad in and out of her hot pussy. I was getting hotter by the second, and when she gyrated her hip in little circles, I heard her moan like never before and gazed under slight eyes that her eyes were also closed.

Mom's little moans were tuning into whines, and I  knew she was getting into it again. It was just too much for me to stand any longer, so when I felt her move her hips forward, I ever so lightly lifted myself upward, sending just a smidgen more into her for a short period, and heard a loud, "Oh!"

Again, I dashed my dick upward when she went forward, and another loud, "Oh!" could be heard.

Over and over, we played this little game until her juices started to flow out of her pussy, covering over my shaft completely while her breath made a wheezing sound, and I heard her huff, "OH Fuck. Ahhh... Ahhh. No deeper, Tucker. Stop lifting like that."

Panting myself, I replied, "It's hard to stop, mom. You feel so good. God, this feels wonderful."

"I know it does, but we have to control ourselves," Mom whimpered. However, her pelvis also went quicker, and I felt her body start to tremble.

She's close. I concluded and lifted again.

"Oh, I can't hold back any longer," Mom shouted, and when her pussy tightened onto the tip of my cock head, I heaved up, sending half of my rod into her steaming love hole.

"Oh fuck! Tttucker!" Mom squealed, and I felt her shudder hard.

Mom was cumming and cumming hard. Taking advantage of her blissful state, I sat upward and grabbed her waist, pulling her forward until her breast crashed assiduously into my chest.

That sudden action caused Mom's full weight to crash down hard and thrust my entire girth deep inside her pussy.

"Hmmphfff... Was the only sound I heard as I grabbed her ass and rocked her back and forth rapidly?

"Oh god, no! You're inside me! We're fucking! We're fucking!" I heard her whimper as my body filled with unspeakable sexual lust. I couldn't control what this forbidden sex had brought out, and without any hesitation, I pushed myself forward, rolling Mom onto her back and me on top of her.

"Tucker!" Mom moaned as I thrust my dick in and out.

"Oh, Mom. Oh, Mom. This feels wonderful. I love you so much."

"Ugh... You're... You're actually fucking me! Oh no... We... we shouldn't be doing this," she uttered under bated breath.

"Mom! Oh... Oh... I can feel your pussy grabbing my cock."

"My god Tucker. Oh... OH... OH! Why am I letting you...? Ahhh! Do this? It's so wrong!  Oh god, it's so wrong!"

I rammed even deeper while quickening my pace.

"Do you want me to stop?" I said as I plowed into her and followed with, "Does it feel good, Mom?"

"Yes... I mean no. I mean... Oh god, it does. It really really does!" Mom's legs wrapped around my waist while her hands grasped at my arms.

"Oh... Nnnn. Ugh... Ffffuck... Oh god, I shouldn't... I shouldn't be enjoying this. But... It's been so long! Oh, Fuck! It's been so fucking long!!! Yes... Yes... Fffuck me... Fuck me, son! Fuck your mother! OH, GOD YES! Faster. Faster baby! Making Mommy Cum! I need you to make me cum!"

I plowed and hammered into Mom and was met with her body rising to meet me while she moaned and whimpered out of control.

"OH fuck I'm Cumming! Oh, Yesss! I'M CUMMING!" Mom groaned and felt her legs grab tightly onto my sides.

"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh." Mom huffed as I kept up my pace, my release building quicker than I wanted it to.

Unfortunately, Mom's pussy grasped onto my shaft so tightly I couldn't stop myself from becoming lightheaded while the most beautiful feeling rushed through my body.

It was a euphoria I've never felt before, and with one mighty heave, I grunted, "Oh fuck, Mom! Ahhh!"

"Wait, Tucker, not in... OH God! You're cumming inside me!" I heard Mom yell as my sperm pumped deep into her womb.

Mom paused for only a second as my dick released its seed and then felt her hands grasping onto my ass, pulling me even deeper into her.

"Oh, Baby! You're filling me up. Oh, fuck!" Mom yelled while her hips thrust upward. "I'm Cumming again!" she moaned, and her body once again tightened up.

My dick was still half-hard, and I slowly pumped it to and fro until Mom's body started to relax.

With our breath racing, I kissed Mom deeply and was greeted back with the same passion.

Resting my head on Mom's chest, I listened as her heart pounded and whisper, "That was the best, Mom."

I felt Mom pat my back and say, "Yes... But it was a big mistake for me to let it go this far."

I didn't answer and just lay there until Mom said, "You know that, right?

"Yeah... I guess so."

Slowly, I removed my spent pecker from Mom and rolled off to the side of her.

Mom got out of bed and went to the door. However, before turning out my light and walking out, she turned and said, "We'll talk more about this tomorrow."

"Okay, Mom. I love you," I replied.

"I love you too," she said and clicked the light switch.

I slept like a baby that night and awoke feeling refreshed and couldn't wait to greet the day.

As I rose from my bed, I looked out the window at how much snow had fallen and admired winter's true beauty. Then I thought about last night and how I finally got to fuck Mom and rushed off to see her.

As usual, Mom was already in the kitchen sipping on a cup of coffee when I walked in and heard her say, "Did you sleep well?"


"Good, then please sit down so we can discuss last night."

"Sure thing, Mom," I said and plopped down next to her.

Mom looked at me and said, "I didn't sleep so well since I spent most of the night thinking about what we did, and it's apparent that we can't control ourselves."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sure we'll do better next time."

"There isn't going to be the next time since I feel the best course of action is that we back off doing the extra-curricular actives and just have quizzes from this day forwards."

"But Mom, what about all the hard work I did?" Doesn't that show..."

"Enough!" Mom shouted. "I think what we did last night was more than enough to show my appreciation for your hard work."

"Okay, Mom, I guess you're right," I pouted.

As I ate in silence, desperately trying to figure out how to get mom to change her mind, the phone rang, and mom answered it.

"Hello," Mom said and followed with, "What... You're not... How long? Okay, by honey. Yes, I love you too."

Mom sat back down and said, "It looks like your father won't make it home for Christmas."

"How come Mom?"

It appears he's stranded because of all the roads closed from the snow.

"Oh... Hmm... Okay, I'm sure we'll have a good time."

"It isn't right!" Mom growled.

"What isn't?"

"This! Your father! It's almost like he wanted to be away from us."

"Come on, Mom, I'm sure he doesn't."

I could see Mom's frustration building and heard her bark, "I'm not. I'm sure what happened last night wouldn't have ever taken place if he..."

"What, mom?"

"Nothing," Mom sighed. "Just finish your breakfast."

I went back to eating but finally said, "It's because of his problem, isn't it?"

"What? Stop. I don't want to talk about it."

"But it's true, isn't it?"

"I'm not going to answer that, young man. My marital problems are not up for discussion."

"Okay, sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to get you upset."

Mom sighed, "I'm sorry too. I know you're just trying to help, so let's forget about it and try to make the best out of the holiday."

"Okay," I said.

So try we did. That evening, I set up the tree while Mom enjoyed a glass of wine. We then placed all the gifts underneath it, and Mom said, "You did a great Job decorating Tucker."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Your father would be proud if he were here," she huffed, while taking another sip from her glass.

"Please, mom, don't bring him up again. It will only ruin the mood. Tonight is for us to enjoy, okay?"

"I guess you're right about that," I heard her say as she finished off her glass.

"Care to join me?" Mom said, holding an empty glass out to me.


"I don't see why not. You're a young man now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am. Thanks, Mom," I said as she filled both our glasses up to the rim.

Mom and I drank the wine while watching a couple of Christmas specials and didn't stop until the bottle was empty.

"Oh..." Mom slurred, shaking the last drop out into her glass. "I guess we finished it."

"You want me to get another bottle?"

"No. I think I should head to bed; I might have overdone it already."

"Okay, mom," I said, feeling a tad light-headed myself.

"You coming?"

"What!" I asked, surprisingly. "You want me to sleep with you?"

Mom paused for a couple of seconds before giving me a...

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Written by bob03567
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