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Looking After My Sisters - Chapter Four

"Cassie does not fully understand how she feels. All she knows is she lusts for Adam."

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I had no idea why neither Adam nor Jenny answered their phones but it was nine o’clock and I was getting out the car at Adam’s apartment complex. I waved goodbye to Larissa and walked to the door of the building. I was about to press the buzzer when one of Adam’s neighbours appeared at the door and let me in on his way out.

“Thanks” I smiled politely at him. I trudged up the two flights of stairs, digging the key Adam had lent me earlier in the day out of my pocket as I went. When I unlocked the door and walked in I noticed how quiet it was. They must be watching a film or something I thought to myself. I went to walk through the kitchen to go to the lounge when I noticed that the dinner was half prepared on the side. Weird.

Curiosity beginning to rise, I stuck my head through the living room door but it was completely dark. Nobody was in there. That was weird too, had they gone out and not told me? Or maybe they’d both just gone to bed early.

I walked down the hallway when I came to mine and Jenny’s bedroom pushed it open, but it was empty. Finally, I came to Adam’s bedroom and it was closed so I knocked gently. No answer. When I twisted the handle and the door swung open I almost fainted. My big sister and big brother were sprawled out across the bed, naked and barely covered by a blanket.

“What the fuck?” I screamed, bolting from the doorway and slamming the door behind me. I ran straight to the other bedroom, tears streaming down my face. I slammed that door behind me as well before bolting to my bed and hiding beneath the covers, crying into the soft sheets.

I heard a knock at the door through my sobbing. Then my brothers soft voice.

“Cass,” he pleaded. “Cass can I come in?”

When I didn’t respond he let himself in slowly and tiptoed over to my bed. Clearly he was unsure how I would react. I did nothing to stop him so he sat on the edge of my bed while I continued sobbing.

“Cass,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry you had to see that.” Still I did not respond.

“Cassie really, I am sorry. I know you must think me and your sister are disgusting and you’re probably pretty confused right now but...”

“I’m not confused.. I..I’m so fucking angry!” I cut him off, my voice shaking at first, but turning firm as I reached the end of my sentence.

That threw him.

“And I’m not disgusted either.” Now he couldn’t conceal the confusion from his face when I looked up into his eyes.

“I’m jealous,” I finished off, admitting the ugly truth.


I’d never been more shocked in my life. For ten seconds I said nothing whilst I registered what Cassie had said. She was jealous? Jealous?!

“You’re jealous?” I whispered, my confusion clearly shining through. “What do you mean?”

“I’m not a kid anymore Adam,” she explained, her eyes portraying some kind of hurt. “I get real feelings about boys.” I just looked at her with a blank expression. She sighed and sat up.

“What I’m trying to say is, why?” I thought that was the end of her explanation because she paused for a few seconds.

“Why what?” I frowned, still not catching on.

“Why Jenny? And why not me?” she confessed. I was crestfallen and couldn’t help but move to wipe away the tear that rolled down the cheek as she said those last three words.

“I... er... I...” Lost for words; completely and utterly lost for words. She looked at me expectantly. “Look Cass…” Nope, still nothing. When she realised I had nothing to say she whimpered and turned over.

What could I do? Obviously I loved and cared for my youngest sister. But not in that way. Not the same way I loved Jenny. Poor little Cassie. My heart ached and I didn’t know what to do. The guilt I felt was immeasurable. Seeing her facing the wall crying her little heart out because of me was the worst part of it.

All of a sudden she turned around, determination in her eyes, taking me by surprise. She was upon me. She moved so quick and was somehow sat on my lap and before I knew it her wet little mouth was upon mine, frantically. At first I resisted. Then the carnal need inside me took over.

I took down a couple layers of the barrier I had instantly created and that was all the encouragement Cassie needed. Her kiss grew more fierce and her tongue pushed into my mouth. And I responded.

She was not ‘Little Cassie' anymore; she was a fiery, stunning, redheaded sixteen year old and she wanted me. I let the kiss carry on unguarded for about ten seconds before I pictured my eighteen year old sister Jenny, probably curled up in my bed crying and scared of what was going to happen. Then I broke the kiss.

“Shit Cass, what the fuck?” I asked breathlessly.

She stood up, tears completely gone now, just sheer gritty determination on her face. “I’m not a kid anymore Adam. I want you, hell, I need you. And it hurts that I can’t have you. That your heart has already been stolen by none other than our sister,” she said, fiercely guarding the hurt she was obviously feeling. The last word she uttered was loud, angry, but confused.

“Oh and by the way, you look fucking amazing in just your boxers,” she let out a whimper and strode out of the room, once again slamming the door and leaving me completely speechless. What the hell just happened.


I stared helplessly after Adam when he left to talk to Cassie. I was just so mortified. What did Cassie think of me? Was she going to tell our parents? What was going to happen now? Was I going to lose my sister forever? Would my brother call it all off? So many questions plagued my mind. I thought about going after them both. I stood up and put my discarded clothes back on but couldn’t bring myself to leave the room.

Instead I curled up in Adam’s bed, fighting back tears and trying to listen to what was happening. I couldn’t hear anything for a while, then my sisters raised voice but too muffled to make anything out.

Then there was silence for about five minutes and then Cassie’s raised voice again. This time I caught one word; sister. Said with what sounded like hatred. Then a slamming of the door and footsteps disappearing into the bathroom.

I finally let the tears break through my defenses, sure that my little sister now hated me. When the bedroom door creaked open and I turned to see a haunted look on my brother’s face I turned away and cried heavily into the pillow.

I felt the bed sink a bit as he sat down and pulled me into his arms, stroking my hair softly and rhythmically.

“What did she say?” I whispered. Silence for about a minute, just the sound of Adam’s heart beating fast near my ear.

“She’s jealous Jen,” a pause to allow that to sink in, which of course it did not.

“Jenny, she kissed me,” a low murmur but I made it out and the hand that I had been stroking Adam’s chest with froze as my whole body tensed.

“And what did you do?” I whispered back barely audible.

“I resisted…” he said. Some form of relief began to spread until he spoke again. “At first, I resisted at first,” he admitted, shame filled his voice and my heart almost stopped.

I did not respond straight away. Just stayed deadly still, trying to process it.

“Jen?” he spoke softly but I still could not reply. “Jenny, believe me when I say I’m sorry and I didn’t intend it to happen. In fact, it’s like I didn’t even know it was happening and when my conscious mind kicked in I stopped her immediately.”

I found my voice. “Adam, what we have shared, does it mean anything to you?” I was still clinging to his chest, I didn’t want to move despite his revelation.

“Of course it does Jen, like I said I didn’t even intend to do it. I’m still so confused as to what even happened,” he did seem pretty confused, and I’d been in his situation before. Maybe he was telling the truth and it was a genuine mistake. He wasn’t thinking as himself. But why would Cassie do that to me? I had no idea she felt that way. Did she even feel that way? Maybe she was just hot for Adam, not in love with him. A plan began to formulate in my head. When I did not respond he spoke again, turning my face to look up at his.

“Look Jenny, I love Cass, but only as a brother. The love I feel for you is something different, something stronger. I’m sorry for what I did,” his eyes were not lying. How could I not forgive those eyes?

“What about Cassie?” I said in a small voice. His eyes darkened and a troubled look crossed over his face.

“I really don’t know,” he said honestly, “I’m pretty sure she is not going to go telling anybody about us which is something. But I don’t want to lose a sister Jen.” I agreed with him completely but I could only see one way that we could both avoid losing the affection of little Cassie forever.

“Maybe, you could, help her out…” The faintest of whispers escaped my mouth but my brother picked up every word of what I said. A look I can’t describe crossed his face. Guilt? Confusion? Uneasiness? Surprise? The faintest hint of a smile? I could usually decipher Adam pretty well but not this time.

I waited for him to respond, half-wishing he would dismiss my idea completely, but knowing there wasn’t another way.

“Are you sure Jen?” okay I got it then. He was unsure but also, excited. He liked the idea. To be honest, it gutted me a little bit, but I tried not to let jealousy consume me.

“I see no other way,” I whispered, unsure now that it was being discussed as a viable option. “Just, tell me again Adam…” I knew I did not have to say what I wanted to hear.

“I love you, Jennifer,” he said, sincerity oozing from the words. He leant in towards me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I felt a sense of loss when he stole his lips away from mine and rose from the bed, putting on his trousers as he did.

“Adam, just promise me you’ll make sure she knows who you love. She can share your body, but don’t break my heart.” I said knowing and trusting in him to do this already, but needing the clarity. He nodded in response and drifted silently out of the room.

Some people may think the decision I made was stupid, and maybe it was. But I did the only thing I could think of doing which would allow me to keep my brother (and lover) as well as my sister.

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I was not mad at Cassie. I still loved her. I understood that she was a sixteen year old who had real feelings and I could definitely understand why she would have them about Adam. It still hurt though. I curled up in Adams bed and forced myself to try and sleep.


The door slammed behind me and fresh tears started to pour down my face. I didn't ask to feel this way about my brother and I sure as hell did not want to. I’d always been affectionate towards Adam, always gone to him with any problems and completely trusted him. I guess those feelings sort of developed into what I feel now.

What did I feel now though? It was not completely clear to me. I knew for damn sure that seeing Adam’s body made me hot. It made me feel things I hadn’t felt before. And I loved how caring he was, always looking to do the best by me and my sister. Did I love him? Maybe, but what did love feel like? At that point I had no idea. I definitely lusted for him though.

I curled up on the carpet near the bathroom door and began to unwillingly cry. The stupid thing was, I wasn’t completely sure why I was crying. Yes I was extremely angry and jealous to find my brother and sister as they were, and frustrated at them both thinking of me as their kid sister. But there was something more I couldn’t work out. Maybe it was love? Maybe that’s why I was crying?

I didn’t hate my sister. I loved my sister. It hurt that she was the one that could have him but I didn’t blame her really. Adam was easy to fall for. I just wish it had been me. I thought about telling mum about what I saw, even picked up my phone to ring her. But that would be hateful and hypocritical and so I put my phone down again.

It was then that I heard the knock on the bathroom door. I buried my face in my hands, praying it wasn’t my sister. I was not ready to face Jenny yet.

When I heard Adam’s soft voice call my name I could not help but smile a little. I moved away from the door and let him in, looking up at his face as he sat down next to me. There was warmth in his eyes, as normal.

“How are you doing?” he asked tentatively. I half scoffed at him and turned away. The anger was rapidly draining away but I did not want to seem like putty in his hands.

“Sorry, stupid question,” he apologized. I could sense some hurt in his voice. After a few minutes of silence he spoke again.

“Cass, will you look at me please. We need to have a chat.” Less reluctantly then I should have I turned to look into the ocean of green that were his eyes. He smiled at me warmly and opened his arms up, gesturing for me to go to him. I was powerless to resist.

Scooting over to him, allowing a tear to break my defences I began to wonder where this was going. I thought he would have been mad at me for kissing him, but he didn’t seem it.

I snuggled into his embrace, nuzzling in to his beautiful bare chest, enjoying it more then I was entitled to. Another minute of silence followed and I felt like I should say something.

“I’m sorry Adam,” I said feebly. He tightened his grip on me before he replied.

“What for Cass? You have no need to apologize," he replied.

“I’m sorry for getting so angry and, kissing you,” my voice went quiet for the last two words.

He chuckled before saying, “Yeah you took me aback a little but, well, it was a nice kiss Cassie,” he admitted. My heart began to beat faster and I felt giddy. He actually enjoyed it?

“There’s something you need to know though, well you may already know it but I need to clear it up,” his words halted the ascendancy of my heartbeat.

“What?” I whispered, although I did already know what he was going to say.

“Cass I’m in love with Jenny,” his voice was steady but I could tell he was having difficulty.

“I know you are,” I muttered, “you two have always been so close, even closer than me and you. I could tell there was something going on between you two from the moment we stepped in the door yesterday morning. The chemistry was, undeniable.” Tears began rolling free again. Clearly there was more to this then lust. I didn’t want to show that though.

“I’m sorry Cassie. I mean I don’t know exactly what you’re feeling but my heart lies with Jenny. I still love you but only as a sister.” I held back the breakdown of tears that was threatening to surface.

“I know Adam,” I admitted.

“However…” a pause, my heart lifted again. Then my face was lifted upwards so it was facing his, just inches apart. “Jenny had an idea. It’s pretty clear to me that you’re getting some serious feelings at the minute. She and I have agreed that if you want, I could, help you out with them,” he looked into my eyes knowingly and my face lit up.

Was it all I wanted? I don’t know, probably not. But did I still want it anyway? God yes! I could deal with the rest later. My brother was offering himself to me. Our sister, his lover, had given her blessing. And I could get what I wanted. I could explore my sexy brothers body, he could explore my young, developing body and he could even become my first

Something exploded in a lust frenzy within me and I launched myself at his mouth, pinning him against the bathroom wall. My tongue immediately darted into his mouth, needy and hungry. I wanted to devour him. Make him mine, make him crave my body.

I felt something hard pressing into my stomach. His cock. I moaned throatily into his mouth. God I wanted it. I didn’t know exactly what to do with it, having only seen one in porn, but I wanted it badly.

I tore my mouth away...

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Written by Niner94
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