Hi, Im Tom, 19 from Sunny England. I'm on Lush because I've always loved reading and writing.. and sex isn't too bad either Writing has always been one of my favorite things to do which is evident in the fact that i studied English Literature at GCSE level, A level and am now studying it at University as well. I'm a pretty shy person though so it took me a while to actually put a few stories up. At first i stuck to just reading some which for me is just as fun! I don't really have any preference as to what kind of stories i write, i guess i just write whatever i feel like. If anybody wants to add me i'll happily accept but bare it in mind I'm really shy haha. In terms of what girls i'm interested in; well any girl with a caring, funny personality is a winner for me honestly. If there's one thing i could choose it would be red hair. I'm not sure why i just have a thing for redheads. Although it's not essential at all haha. Oh one more thing, I absolutely love feedback on any stories i post! It makes it worth it for me if i get just one positive comment or score. Also, constructive criticism is always gratefully received.
Interests Reading and Writing, Football! (Man United), Hanging with friends, listening to music.
Favorite Books I loved the Harry Potter series growing up and still do, The Demonata Series (Darren Shan), The Remains of The Day (Kazuo Ishiguro), The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Hobbit
Favorite Authors Darren Shan, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien
Favorite Movies Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, 28 Days/Weeks Later, From Dusk til Dawn. and many many more.
Favorite Music I've got a pretty eclectic taste really. I can listen to anything if it's a good song. Except Jazz and classical- I can't handle them. I'd say what i listen to more than anything is chart music, club music etc.