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John's Incredible Story (Chapters 4-6)

"An ordinary man bonds with an android concubine from another galaxy."

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Author's Notes

"The next parts will be coming out in single chapters. Thank you so much for reading. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Any and all feedback is gladly welcomed as I am a novice to writing."

Chapter Four: Along for the Ride

John breathed in deep and felt himself blink a few times before his vision became clear enough to see. He felt the need to rub them before he saw enough to assess where he was now. That was when he noticed movement: a jarring bump in the road caused him to jab his eyes. John whipped his eyes open to see that they were now driving in a car he didn't recognize. When he turned to look at the driver, he was almost not surprised to see that the android was in his mother's form.

"How are you feeling?" it asked without taking its eyes off of the road.

John let out a soft sigh as he relaxed in his seat. "Don't your tiny robots tell you how I'm feeling?"

"I am respecting the fact that we have not bonded and have shut off communications with them. Does it bother you that they are still inside of you?"

John sighed again, letting out a short scoff. "To be honest, they're the least of my worries. Where are we headed? And why are you my mother again?"

"My scouts alerted me that someone discovered the crash site. I felt it necessary for us to be on the move. I am impersonating your mother to be incognito. I could choose another form if you like, but you seemed to be more relaxed around her. As for your other question, we are heading to your place of residence."

He smirked at that just as he caught a glimpse of her cleavage jiggling as they ran over a rough patch. He quickly averted his eyes back to the road strewn with scattered debris. The sun was behind the mountains, but there was enough light for him to recognize where they were. "Wait, my car! They'll trace it back to me."

"Relax, John. I repurposed your vehicle into this one. I have covered our tracks as well as possible, and I still have scouts in the area. From what I learned on your internet, we have a few hours before government officials begin to investigate."

It hadn't really dawned on him until that moment that he was aiding and abetting an extra-terrestrial fugitive. John couldn't help but think that this one was a bit extra extra-terrestrial. As much as he didn't feel threatened by it, he knew their situation would only become more threatening. The anxiety began to build with an intense flare of that buzzing feeling.

The android turned to look at him, "Are you okay?" it asked intently.

"I thought you said that you cut off communications?"

"My apologies," it said, turning its eyes back to the road before continuing, "I made sure to allow them to alert me to any possible emergencies, and your blood pressure and adrenal glands just spiked."

"Heh, I'm just late to the party, I guess."

"Late to the party? To which party are you referring?"

John huffed a short laugh. "Not an actual party, it's just, it's taken me this long to really appreciate the levity of our situation. You know, with you being a fugitive and all. They'll probably consider me to be a hostage."

"Yes, I have considered that. Please know that I will do everything in my power to protect you."

"Jeez, you really do sound like my mother," he said with a laugh.

"Would you prefer I be someone else?"

"No, no, it's fine. I was just trying to make light of the situation."

"I understand. I will do better to react more appropriately next time."

John didn't respond but lightly smiled as he looked at the android. He's watched and read a lot of science fiction, and he was beginning to realize the possibilities of this thing or multitude of things. John doesn't use his imagination as much as he used to, but it was running wild with ideas. He was getting strangely aroused by it all. He actually hadn't been this excited in a long time, in more ways than one. A sudden swerve to avoid a downed branch snapped him out of his thoughts. "I take it we're not stopping at my place for long, yeah?"

"I have been waiting for you to be ready to talk about our immediate future. That is if you wish to bond with me. Otherwise, there is nothing to talk about. I do not mean to apply pressure, but our situation does not have the same courtesy."

He knew he had to make a decision soon, except that, nothing felt right. It was all so sudden, coming at the lowest point in his life so far. He was ready for a change from his rut of depression. It was what spurred his decision to aimlessly drive in the first place.

However, this was a gigantic change. Something he knew would completely change his life forever. The allure of the endless possibilities was incredibly tempting, but he wasn't sure if the price was fair. Even the allure of giving up a life that would only continue to remind him of his wife and daughter was tempting.

What nagged at him the most were the unknowns. What is this thing capable of doing? At what lengths would it go to protect him? To ingratiate him? He felt it weighing on him, especially his eyelids. He wasn't trying to fall asleep, but he felt so fatigued. He felt his eyelids betray him more than once before the lull of the road put him to rest.

Chapter Five: The Choice of the Chosen One

John naturally awoke when the car came to a stop. The storm had picked up again with heavy rain and not a lot of wind. Despite the rain, he quickly recognized his garage door. One of the windows had a crack in it that he had yet to fix. It was something that he noticed every time he pulled into his driveway. Yet another small thing that helped to drive him to this point, which was now a fork in the road.

He could go on groveling in his misery, or he could discover a new adventure riddled with risks and unknown dangers. He quietly watched the android, still in his mother's form, pull the keys out of the ignition and unbuckle her seatbelt before checking on him.

"Do you feel better after a rest?"

John turned away and rubbed his eyes, clearing his throat before speaking up. "Yeah, a bit. I'm starving, though."

"We can't stay here for long, but we should have time for you to eat. What would you like?"

"Ugh, I don't know," he said as he rubbed his face. "I'm sure there's something in the fridge I can pop in the microwave."

"Seriously, son, I can cook for you. That little box is just full of radiation. What can I make for you?"

"Well, I've actually been craving one of your omelets. I think we even have some red bell pepper." It still felt weird to be speaking to a younger version of his mother, but it was nice to have that familiarity. He quickly realized that he used, 'we', but kept his chagrin to himself, although, his gaze drifted off.

"That's good, because it's not officially one of my famous omelets without it."

Normally, John would've at least chuckled at that. His mind was busy remembering what he had lost. It had been over a month since they had passed, but they were still on his mind more than several times a day. He felt his tear ducts flare, but he fought it off. He pushed himself to get passed it. Now was not the time for emotions.

Without responding, he reached over and pushed the garage door button and it began to ascend. He sighed as he sat back and undid his seatbelt and then looked over at his mother. "It's nice to have you here, Mom." John had decided it was time to play along.

She smiled and sighed. "Anything for you, son." She put a hand on his shoulder and he held it as he smiled back.

John didn't really notice as he smiled at her, that his cock was coming to attention, pitching a large tent in his khakis.

"Let me help you with that, too, son."

John's smile left and his brow furrowed, but before he could retort, his pants were deftly opened, and in nearly the same moment, her mouth and hand were wrapped around his throbbing cock. "Oh, fuck," was all he could manage as his head fell back. Her movements were silky and quick as her other hand massaged his balls and perineum, and before he could say more, he erupted and she completely deepthroated it. She continued to massage his perineum while his hips jilted and he grunted unintelligible noises.

His orgasm went on longer than he was expecting and his hand went to the back of his mother's head as he continued to uncontrollably convulse in his seat. As the strong orgasm waned, his hands went to his face in shame, and one last spurt came out and down his mother's throat.

"Mmmm, you taste so good, son," his mother said as she deftly closed up his pants.

"Why did you do that?"

"I wanted you to know what you would be missing if you decide not to bond with me."

He sighed as he glanced at her smiling at him, saliva shining off of the rim of her lips. John cleared his throat, "I... I didn't really need more convincing. I'm in."

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He expected her to be elated, but instead, she instantly turned into a cloud that quickly began to enter his body. He went to cry out, but his body suddenly stiffened and became paralyzed. In the same instant, he began to feel a euphoria wash over him. He was no longer frightened. He allowed his mind to relax, and then he could see the android in his mind's eye. He could see her in such detail that he could make out the individual nanites.

Strangely enough, he felt as though he were looking into a mirror. As though she was him, and he was her. He had never felt more at peace, but before he could revel in it, the feeling and the visions went away. He let out a slight gasp as he opened his eyes to see the android in her robotic form sitting in the driver's seat. "That was incredible."

Chapter 6: Cumming to Terms

As John watched the android--having morphed back into his mother's form--exit the vehicle, he was suddenly grateful. If any of his neighbors were watching, this wouldn't look that weird, other than the fact that it was 6:30 in the morning and that they arrived in a different car.

He watched her beckon for him to follow and this snapped him out of it. Despite how critical the situation really was, he was anxious to explore his newfound relationship. He wasn't even worried about what was needed to be done once breakfast was over. He hurriedly caught up to her and unlocked and opened the door, ushering her inside. As soon as he closed and locked the door, he turned to her, "I'm going to go take a shower while you get breakfast ready."

"That sounds good, dear, but come here first."

John furrowed his brow but did as he was told. To his surprise, she grabbed his head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He hesitated to return the kiss, expecting there to be an aftertaste of his cum. Once he realized that her mouth tasted clean, he gave in. When she broke the kiss he asked, "What was that for?"

"I wanted to properly thank you for bonding with me. There will be further appreciation when the time is more appropriate."

He smiled at that, but it seemed odd to him. It seemed like an emotive response to self-preservation, as in, it was glad that it didn't have to die or cease to function. He considered that, maybe it's more sophisticated than he had thought before saying, "I have yet to properly thank you for saving my life." They both smiled as John left down the hall toward the master bedroom. For the first time in a while, he had a pep in his step.

Before he knew it, he was turning on the shower and disrobing. Once naked, he looked in the mirror as he waited for the steam to arrive. He looked different somehow, and it wasn't his long stubble. He looked healthier than he'd been in a while. At least since a few months ago when he stopped going for a morning jog with his friend and neighbor Deion. He forgot that he was waiting for the steam and jumped into the shower anyway. The water was just starting to warm up. It was then that he realized that maybe the nanites were the reason for the slight difference in appearance.

The massaging quality of the water lured him to step under the showerhead and let the water run over him from head to toe. It felt like it had been forever since he last showered. He didn't allow his wonderment to take control and did his best to relax and he leaned his forearms against the wall. It was working well and he felt a lot of tension begin to melt away. He tried not to think of anything, but he couldn't help but recall the blowjob he just had. It was literally the best he had ever had.

He also noticed that he didn't seem to be ashamed about the fact that it was his mother or at least a near-exact facsimile. Deep down, he knew it wasn't her, but he couldn't deny the effect it had had on him. Especially, since he had become hard again. He tried to ignore it as he began to soap himself up. As he turned around, he nearly screamed. His mother was standing at the other end of the tub, completely naked. "Holy fuck, I thought you were making breakfast."

"I still am. I can create up to twenty full-size clones of myself. I was alerted to your hormonal state which is why I am also here. Please allow me to pleasure you, master."

Before he could respond, her hands were upon his cock, causing it to throb heavily. Seeing his mother naked caused him to freeze in place and behold his slightly overweight mother. Her breasts looked amazing and he was surprised to see that her pussy was shaved. His body shuddered at the sensation of her soft, motherly hands gliding along his straining cock.

As great as his desire was to dive into her plump breasts, something came over him. He grabbed her arms and forcefully, but respectfully, turned her around and moved her toward the back wall. He didn't have to tell her to present her pussy as she braced herself and pushed her hips out toward him. For him, it was a sight to behold, but he wasted no time in grabbing her shoulder with one hand and his cock with the other, forcing it into her awaiting pussy.

"That's it, son. Take your mother. Fuck her naughty pussy."

The words easily fueled his already burgeoning lust. His hands went to her hips, and as soon as he felt balanced, he started thrusting hard. He was no longer ashamed of fulfilling his teenhood dream. He could remember knowing just how good it would feel, despite being a virgin at the time. Even still, he was surprised at how good it was feeling. It was as though her pussy flexed and contracted with his movement, never not hugging every inch of it. It was truly the most incredible pussy his cock had ever been in. His pace quickened.

"Oh, yes. Please use my pussy until you cum."

It was strange to hear his mother tell him that, but at the same time, it was amazing. He felt his cock throb and quickened his pace. Their wet bodies smacked loudly as uncontrollable grunts began to escape both of their mouths. He was surprised at how badly he wanted to fill her up. The thought of it brought him very close to the edge.

"Oh, please, son. Cum inside me. Give it to your mother."

The sudden surge in sensation sent him over the edge. His hands gripped hard on her hips, and the forcefulness of the first wave caused her head to bump hard into the wall. He heard it, but he wasn't able to stop. The orgasm felt so strong that his cock felt like a fire hose. He knew this was the biggest orgasm he had ever felt. Never before had he felt so many ropes of cum come out of him.

He didn't even notice that his mother was cumming with him until his orgasm began to subside. He then noticed how her hands gripped his ass, and just how hard his hands were gripping her hip handles. He loosened his grip as the final convulsions came to pass and his brain started to function properly again. "My God, that was... fuck."

His mother giggled, which made her pussy muscles flex several times, tickling his softening penis out of her. "I now better understand the allure of this act. Those sensations are nearly indescribable. I cannot wait to do that again. Are you ready, master?"

He was oddly satisfied at his mother calling him, 'master'. "I... I don't think my dick will perform, although, it doesn't feel sore like usual."

"I can help you to be ready again if you wish, master."

He was not surprised by this. He somehow knew there was more to this bonding than just indefinite servitude. When he went to answer, they were interrupted by the doorbell.

They both turned their heads and gasped. "Assessing. It is your neighbor Deion."

Anxiety quickly washed over him. "Shit."

"Worry not, master. I will handle this until you are finished showering."

Before he could say anything, his mother turned into a misty cloud that left with an unexpected quickness. John let out a long shuddering sigh. He was suddenly very aware of how hard his heart was pounding. He could hear it in his ears. He brushed his hands through his...

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Written by E_Rod_Dicka
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