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His Beautiful Daughter - Part 3

"Mother Kim has another day out so father Richard and daughter Rory can again play, without the mother's knowledge"

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Richard and Kim Ibberson had sex on Thursday night and Richard enjoyed it because Kim was pretty good in bed when she chose to be. Despite enjoying the fuck, Richard was still looking forward to Saturday when he should be fucking his nineteen-year-old daughter Rory.

It was less than a week since the sexual attraction between father and daughter manifested itself but they had since twice had sex on the previous Saturday with Richard's wife Kim being out for the day and had had quickie sex on Tuesday lunchtime.

Kim had announced that she would be out for the day again on Saturday so Richard and Rory would have more time together. The time was also set to include Rory getting an arse spanking from her dad, something that they had both enjoyed the previous Saturday.

Richard and Kim went to work on Friday with Rory having a day off. Rory was wishing her dad would come home at lunchtime to give her a quick fucking but knew that it was not likely and they should have about seven hours together on Saturday to do the things that they were both longing to do.

Richard toyed with the idea of going home and his hardening penis told him that he should. As it was not planned he sent Rory a text. 'Are you up for a quickie?' the text read. 'Fuck yes!' was Rory's almost instant reply.

When Richard got home at lunchtime the house front door was open so he hurried in and, with no sign of his daughter, he hurried upstairs. Rory was naked on her bed, face down. "Fuck me from behind, daddy," said Rory, raising her lower half as Richard rapidly removed his clothes.

Richard, now naked, got behind Rory and slid his erection into her already very wet cunt and commenced shafting her hard and fast. "Shit! This is wonderful; so unexpected," panted Rory as Richard's body slapped against hers on every forward thrust.

"Yeah, I couldn't fucking resist," replied Richard, his face contorted with his efforts.

"Fuck! Cumming!" Rory wailed as her father gripped her hips and shagged her.

Richard fucked on and on but was getting close when he had Rory loudly cumming again. Richard then tensed and groaned before spunking in his daughter. There was no time for post fucking cuddling so Richard showered and got dressed to return to work.

"That was amazing, daddy; even better as I did not think that we would be doing it today," said a thrilled Rory, as she kissed her father.

"As I said, I was at work and thought that it was too good an opportunity to miss," replied Richard, gripping his daughter's naked buttocks as they snogged. Richard had to go but they both knew that the next morning they should have plenty of time together.

Rory was particularly happy that evening after her lunchtime quickie and her mother noticed it, the happiness not the fucking. "You seem very pleased with yourself, Rory," said Kim to her daughter.

"Oh, just happy with life, mummy," replied Rory, throwing her arms around her mum.

"You have not been with that married man again, have you?" said Kim accusingly, going back to the conversation from a few days before.

"You know that you told daddy to tell me to stay away from the man," replied Rory, avoiding denying that she had had a fucking.

"Yes, well mind that you do," said Kim, pleasing Rory with the apparent ease at which her answer had been accepted.

Richard was not home from work at this point but got there soon after. "Here is the man of the house home from his hard day," smiled Rory, with extra emphasis on the word 'hard.'

"Hello ladies; yes it has been quite hard today," said Richard, giving his wife a kiss on the lips and his daughter a kiss on the head.

Rory mostly refrained from teasing her father or saying anything incriminating during the Friday evening and Richard was quite pleased that Kim did not suggest having sex that night.

Kim went out soon after nine on Saturday morning, saying that she would probably be out until teatime.

With Kim having gone out, father and daughter wasted little time. "I was thinking that we could make love first, then you spank me and then we fuck again," said Rory, in between kisses.

"That sounds like a great plan," replied Richard, as their hands caressed the other's still clothed bodies.

They went upstairs to Rory's room and faced each other and kissed tenderly, Richard squeezing his daughter's buttocks through her jeans as she pushed against his bulging trousers. Rory undid Richard's shirt and then held her arms up so that he could remove her T-shirt, her tits were bulging in her bra.

Rory undid Richard's belt and then his trousers and put her hand inside his underwear and fondled his stiff penis.

"We are so lucky that mummy has taken to having days out with Janice," said Rory, still wanking Richard inside his underpants.

"We are but we must not give her anything to be suspicious about," replied Richard, undoing Rory's bra.

"Yes, that is why you will have to spank my arse so hard later for some of the things that I have been doing and saying," giggled Rory.

"Oh, I will," said Richard, caressing his daughter's breasts.

Richard then tongued both of Rory's rigid nipples in turn and Rory closed her eyes in pleasure.

Rory dropped to her knees, dragging Richard's trousers and underpants down as she went and she kissed and licked her father's erection. Rory helped Richard to get out of his lowered clothing and then she stood, kissed his lips and turned her back on him.

Richard nuzzled Rory's neck and fondled her tits as she pushed back against his rigid penis. Richard next undid Rory's jeans and he dropped down behind her, pulling her jeans down, she was wearing a thong. Richard kissed Rory's buttocks as she got out of her jeans and he then pulled her thong down and caressed her arse cheeks.

Richard stood up and Rory turned around and they swapped tongues as Rory removed Richard's undone shirt and stepped out of her thong. They were now both naked and they kissed their way to Rory's bed.

Rory was on her back and she guided her father's penis into her saturated cunt. She raised her legs and Richard pushed himself up so that her legs could go on his shoulders. He started slowly sliding in and out of Rory's vagina, deliberately never quite going all the way and never fully withdrawing but just going in and out with the first few inches of his cock.

"Mmmm, ooh daddy, this is so good," said Rory, quietly.

Richard looked lovingly into Rory's eyes as he kept thrusting his hips slowly and deliberately, Rory could feel an orgasm approaching. Richard sensed that and decided to tease her a bit and stopped thrusting, just keeping his hard cock partly inside her.

"Bastard! Fuck me; take me over the edge," laughed Rory, when she realised what her dad was doing.

Richard smiled and gave her four swift thrusts, that did it. "Shit! Fucking hell, oh yes, yes, yes!" yelled Rory as she had a tremendous cum.

Richard kept shafting as Rory came, he was now going right the way in. They made love on and on and Rory now had her knees up to her tits as Richard's penis made contact with every centimetre of her cunt.

Rory came multiple times before Richard ejaculated hard into her bubbling cunt.

They lay in each other's arms in their post-sex euphoria.

"Ha, just imagine what would happen if mum came home now," said Rory.

"Don't even think that; there would be hell to pay," replied her father.

"Don't you think that she would join in then?" smiled Rory.

"No, I think she would whip your arse and fuck knows what she would do to me," replied Richard.

"Maybe we should hope that she doesn't come home early then," said Rory.

"Yeah, I think we should," answered Richard.

That brief conversation made them realise the risks that they were taking, not that they were not already aware of them.

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They cuddled some more and then Rory went to get a drink of water, Richard looked at the gorgeous arse that he intended to spank soon.

Rory lay on her front as she sipped the water, Richard played with her backside. Richard moved so that he could kiss her cheeks and he teased her arse crack with a finger. Rory giggled and wiggled her arse.

"Do you want to give me that spanking now, daddy?" asked Rory.

"Yes, I think I do," replied Richard, his penis again semi-erect.

Rory moved a chair for her father to sit on and Richard sat down and Rory placed herself over his knee. "Spank me hard and long; think of all that teasing I have done," said Rory, relishing a good spanking.

Richard spanked hard from the start, not because he wanted to hurt Rory but because she had asked for a hard spanking and she came during the spanking the previous Saturday. Rory was soon squirming and bucking as her arse cheeks rapidly became red and she was getting very turned on.

Richard's hand slapped against her buttocks and Rory was now humping against her father's thighs. When he had spanked her the previous week he had been clothed but now his naked erect penis was in contact with his writhing daughter as the spanking continued.

"Oh fuck, yes, fuck," shouted Rory as the sensations from her burning arse made her cum.

As he had done before, Richard stopped spanking as Rory rode out her orgasm.

Both Rory and Richard got their breath back before she got off his lap. Her face was red but also reflected the sexual high that she had just had as she tentatively put her hands to her spanked arse cheeks. "Thank you, daddy, it was wonderful," said Rory, her hands on her buttocks.

Rory's eyes went to her dad's penis standing proud. "Why don't you get on your back on the bed, daddy? I have an idea," smiled Rory, her arse feeling red hot.

Richard had no objection to that so he lay on his back. Rory stood astride of him, with her back to him and lowered herself, taking his cock in her hand as she got lower. Watching his daughter's glowing buttocks descend was a huge turn-on for Richard and then the head of his cock was touching her cunt lips as Rory positioned herself in reverse cowgirl.

Rory bit her lip as she fed all of her father's penis into her cunt and she then commenced slowly riding. Richard was watching as his rod appeared and disappeared between Rory's cheeks, with Rory now riding faster.

Rory started bouncing and her sore arse slapped against Richard's thighs with every downward movement. Rory gasped and sighed as she fucked herself on her dad's rock hard penis, fucked herself towards orgasm.

"Mmm, fuck, fuck, fuck," yelled Rory as she started cumming and kept bouncing. Her well-spanked backside hitting Richard's thighs was yet another stimulant as she rode to a second orgasm and that ran into a third one.

Richard knew that he would be cumming very soon and after a few more bounces by Rory, his cream jetted upwards and Richard groaned.

Timewise, they still had quite a lot in theory but they could not risk Kim returning earlier than expected and catching them naked together so they both showered and got dressed. It had been another great Saturday together.

It was a good job that they did get dressed when they did because Kim was home before four, earlier than she had indicated, but Richard was watching sport on TV and Rory was on her front on a sunbed in the garden with headphones on.

She was not feeling like sitting down but her jeans gave no indication of the very sore buttocks that were inside them.

"Did you have a good day with Janice?" Richard asked his wife, trying not to show surprise that she was home earlier than expected coupled with relief that he and Rory had not got themselves caught.

"Yeah, but we will make it an occasional thing rather than a regular thing," replied Kim, quashing any thoughts of father and daughter fucking every Saturday.

As she had her headphones on, Rory did not yet know that Kim was home and Kim smiled to herself when she went outside and playfully slapped her daughter's arse. "Hey! That's not funny; what the fuck did you do that for?" snapped Rory, thinking that it was her father.

"Oh, hi mum," smiled Rory weakly when she saw who had whacked her backside.

Kim frowned wondering why Rory had assumed that it had been her father slapping her bum, Rory looked embarrassed.

"Just a bit of fun; no big deal," Kim said to Rory, who had now taken her headphones off.

"Yeah, it was just a surprise, mum; sorry I snapped at you," apologised Rory although the slap had been quite painful on her already sore hindquarters.

"I know I said that you needed a spanking but it was hardly that," said Kim, wondering why her daughter had made such a fuss.

Richard had watched this whole episode and he was praying that Kim, who was not stupid, did not start putting two and two together.

"I will make a coffee," said Richard, hoping to take Kim's thoughts away from where they might be heading.

"Yeah, okay," said Kim, still seemingly deep in thought.

"Come here, you look gorgeous," said Richard, taking his wife in his arms and kissing her in another attempt to sidetrack her thinking.

"Wow! Not with our daughter watching," laughed Kim, surprised by her husband's amorous approach.

"Don't mind me; you two old folk do what you want to do," laughed Rory, knowing that her dad would probably struggle to get an erection again after twice fucking her.

"Thanks for the offer, but another time," smiled Kim, her thoughts apparently successfully diverted.

Richard made the coffee and the family of three spent the evening together although Kim kept having nagging thoughts appear in her head.

Richard was hoping that he would be able to get erect again if Kim suggested sex when they went to bed because he was thinking that she likely would after his intervention earlier.

Sure enough, Kim came out of the en suite bathroom after they had gone to bed that night naked and with her eyes sparkling. "Still think I look gorgeous?" she smiled, looking at Richard, slowly turning and giving him a view of her large firm arse which she knew that he liked.

"Oh yes," replied Richard, thankful that his penis was stiffening.

Richard was able to perform but he did not know what the future held for him and his sexy daughter because he now thought that his wife had got her suspicions.

Sunday went by okay with Richard and particularly Rory, not doing or saying anything to provoke suspicion from Kim because both father and daughter were aware that Kim was thinking things through.

Kim was just weighing up the facts as she knew or understood them. Rory had more or less admitted having had sex with a married man but where or when could she have had it because she was at home except for when she was at work. Kim also thought about Rory's reaction to Kim's playful slap of her arse where she obviously assumed that it was her father although, to be fair, Rory did not know that Kim had come home.

Kim could not believe and certainly did not want to believe that there was anything going on between father and daughter but the doubts kept coming into her head.

She could not ask them outright because they would rightly be indignant and even outraged at such a suggestion unless there was something happening.

The situation was not really healthy for any of them because Richard and Rory would rarely have time to have sex and if they did there was the chance of being caught and the ramifications that would follow.

Kim was unsettled because of the thoughts in her head.

It looked like the father/daughter sexual relationship was at a standstill if not at its end.

Written by PJH
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