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Hidden From Society 2

"A sister and brother continue their relationship, under their parents noses....."

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Please read Hidden From Society before this, or some things may appear confusing to you....

"You ready for round three, boy?" she asked, I smiled, squeezing her breasts even tighter, then nodded.

"Only if you are sis, but you'd better be ready," My smile turned into a naughty smirk. "Cuz three is my lucky number........."

My sister rolled over, pushing me on top of her, and held my chest with her hands, feeling my lined muscles. her lustfull smile came back, and her green eyes drove into my own.

"Your turn to be on top." She said, letting one hand fall down to my cock, and stroking it gently, putting it at the entrance to her snatch.

"Alright, but I warned you..." I trailed off, not having to continue. For a full glorious second, I looked over my sister, the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Her plump breasts shined in the light, and her belly and torso were gleaming with sweat from our act. She was gorgeous, in more ways than one.

When she saw what I was doing, she laughed. "Taking your time, little bro?" She asked, chewing on her lip, begging to be fucked.

"No, just admiring your beauty." I said, and kissed her. She kissed back with an unmatched intensity as I jerked my hips suddenly, delving deep into her pussy. She broke from out contact and moaned loudly as I began to fuck her.

Moving my hands, I pushed off the couch to support myself as I moved my hips back and forth. Jennifer moaned loudly again from beneath me, and I lowered my head to suck on one of her breasts. She gripped my hair with passion as I twirled my tongue around her nipples, tasting them and sucking gently.

I leaned over to the back support of the couch so I could grip the other breasts with my free hand. I heard Jennifer call out my name as I did so, and she began to match my powerful thrusts with her own.

"Oh, fuck me bro, fuck me hard!" She commanded, and I slowed down, tempting her, while fucking her more powerfully. The softness of her pussy felt amazing, and as I switched from one breast to the other, I felt her pussy clentch and contract. At first I thought that she was cumming again, but it became clear than she was flexing it herself, and moving around in all directions, unable to resume control.

"Fuck, Nathan your cock is so good, ah, fuck me faster, please!" Unable to continue my tempting of her, I succumb my control as well as I thrust into her over and over, faster than before. Lifting myself up, I flexed my abdomen so that I could fondle both of her breasts, squeezing roughly as I did.

"Damnit, sis, your pussy is so hot." I muttered, not being able to talk much in my pleasurable stance. And it was too, her pussy began to feel hotter than before, and her thrusts over my cock began to increase in speed.

"Ah, I'm cumming!"

All at once, Jennifer arched her back and let out a loud scream of pleasure. I pounded into her nonetheless, feeling a river of cum flow over my stone-hard cock as I did so. Unfinished, Jen jumped up (while still ontop of my hard-on) and wrapper her arms around me, biting into my shoulder as yet another orgasm passed through her.

I lowered my hands to her arse, gripping her cheeks to support her as well as myself. As we fucked wildly on that couch, and my sister cumming all the while, I felt my third climax building up, and it wasn't long before I lost all sense of control.

"Fuck, Jen!" I yelled in pleasure, but all she could do was moan back. I gave in and let lose my third, hot sticky load into her. She took in a deep breath, as if to calm herself, and fucked me dry. When I thought that no more would come from either of us, we slowed to a stop, both of us breathing heavily.

"Mmm, Nate, your...fucking amazing..." My sister huffed, and all I could do in response was nod. She smiled, realizing that she had drained me in both energy and cum, and turned my head into a deep and passionate kiss. Our tongues twirled and danced, and she drew my hands to her breasts, with I fondled and squeezed lovingly.

"I can't...survive another...round." I huffed. And needless to say, it was true. I was as disappointed as I was tired, but I knew that our relationship was far from over.

"Me too..." Jen breathed. "I'm...done...for now...anyway." She smiled that lustfull smile, and turned me over, so that I was lying on the couch again, and lay her head on me. From there, we slept.


The sound of the car driving into the driveway woke us both up. Instinctively, I looked over to the clock on the wall; 7:29.

We had one minute to scramble back into order.

"Jen get up!" I said, shaking her. She mumbled something, then lifted her self off of me, and looked at the clock. Her eyes widened, and she quickly gathered up her clothes, running of to the bathroom. The only bathroom.

Where the hell would I go?  

A million thoughts of panic running through my head, the first thing that I did was switch the TV back, leaving the porno in the VCR, and gathering my clothes. I saw my mother coming up the front steps, and I dashed down the hall to my room, slammed the door shut, and tried to throw on my underwear.

I was covered in Jennifer's cum, so getting my clothes on was rather hard, especially when I was in a rush. I just managed to get my boxers and jeans on when a knock came to my door. I looked up, a sudden idea popping into my head. Risky, but right then and there, I'd do anything.

"Can I come in?" a voice said. My mother.

Quickly, I jumped over my room and landed on my bed, my cock in my hands as if I'd just been masturbating. Without waiting for an answer, my mother opened the door, and I reacted like any other teenage boy would.

"Whoa!" I yelled, covering myself up with my hands. My mother gasped and shut the door instantly, a hoard of sorry's coming through the air.

"Sorry, I-I didn't realize..." My mother said, trailing off and stuttering. Eventually she stopped and I heard her walk off, leaving me alone. Taking a deep breath and wiping my forehead on relief, I slipped on my shirt and walked out just in time for my sister to exit the bathroom.

She had just taken a shower, and the towel around her body proved it. Looking down the hall, and seeing me, she winked and opened her towel. My eyes widened as I saw her body, her nipples were hard, and her pussy was dripping wet. But before I could look on, my mom walked across the opening to the hall, and my sister ran off to her room.

My mom looked at me, having missed the whole thing, and smiled. Pretending like nothing happened, I waved, then disappeared into the bathroom to catch a shower before dinner.


Dinner came and went, and Jen and I acted normal, arguing and laughing like any two other siblings. My mother and father talked, and when they were totally distracted with one another, Jen took her foot and rubbed my crotch. I tried my best to act normal, but once a short moan escaped my lips. I quickly covered it with a cough before anyone could notice, but I saw my sister smiling naughtily as I did.

My mother took me aside after dinner to tell me that masturbating was just part of growing up, and of how sorry she was breaking in on me. I told her not to worry about it and moved on. From there I watched the Red Wings play, and then went to bed.

I woke up the next morning pretty early, earlier than normal I guess, and stepped right into the bathroom. I slept in just my boxers, and the sight was not unusual to my parents, who were already up and talking over coffee at the end of the hall.

Closing the door behind me, I heard my father get up from the table and leave for work. Forgetting to lock the door, I slipped out of my boxers and turned the shower on to the hottest temperature. As I felt the hot water pour over me, I missed hearing the door open and someone step into the shower.

I did feel, however, Jen's hand curl around my cock and begin to stroke it gently. I immediately got excited, and felt my cock grow hard.

"Ooh, it's hard already." I heard Jen say in her two-year-old voice.

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I smiled, then gripped her hand and helped her stroke faster.

"Your up early," I managed to say between moans. Behind me, I imagined Jen smiling her smile.

"Just for you." She said, then pulled me against her. I felt her breasts on my back as she began to kiss my shoulder, then move up to my neck. I lifted my chin as she moved up to my ear. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I spun around quickly, grabbing her chin and kissing her hard.

Still stroking my cock, she lifted one of my hands to her breast and I fondled it softly. She smiled under my kiss and moved down to her knees, kissing my chest and abdomen as she did so. When she reached my hard-on, she kissed the tip gently, then licked it like a popsicle.

"Mmm, it tastes better than yesterday, bro." She said, then swirled her tongue around the head. I placed a hand on the back of her head, urging her on.

Rubbing her pussy with one hand, Jen opened her mouth wider and slid my hard-on into her mouth. I felt her tongue swirling around the shaft gracefully, and taking a hand from her pussy, she began to rub my balls.

"Ahhh, Jen that feels so good." I said, lifting my head up to the ceiling. Jen continued, her head moving faster now, and her rubbing becoming more intense. It wasn't long before I felt a climax growing in me.

"Jen, I'm gonna cum." I said, and I felt Jen stop. Half disappointed and half relieved, I looked down and saw Jen make her way to her feet, and move my hand to her pussy.

"Rub," She commanded. I did, rubbing her clit with a finger while the rest moved up and down her snatch. She moaned, and I fondled her breast again. Moving in, I took one in my mouth and bit down gently on her nipple. I heard a short cry of pleasure, and instantly I heard my mother get up from her place at the table to see what was wrong.

"Nathan, you okay?" She asked through the door.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine mom." I called back.

"Alright," she said. "I'm just gonna check up on Jen, then."

"No!" I shouted. Jen and I both froze in the shower. Despite the hot water, a shiver of worry passed over us, and I quickly dug into my head for another great excuse.

"She said she's taking the day off, and want's to sleep in today!" I called, and felt Jen kiss my neck, as if to say good job. I suppose that I should've told you that since Jen graduated from high school two years ago, she's been working as veterinarian's apprentice, trying to raise money to open her own animal hospital. It's going pretty well, but Jen doesn't know how long it'll take.

"Well, okay then, I'll just be in the kitchen if you need me." She called, and walked off. Both Jen and me relaxed, but not long before I quickly resumed my actions on Jen.

Another moan, this one softer, escaped Jen's lips, and she backed away, holding herself, delicately.

"Fuck, Nate," she said. "I can't take it anymore, I need you to fuck me." She walked past me and placed her hands on the tiled wall. Slowly, she bent over until I had the greatest view ever; her pussy, open and begging for me. She took one hand and rubbed her pussy, laughing as my cock grew bigger as she did so.

A sudden thought went through my head, and I walked up to her, placing my hands on her hips. I teased her with my cock, rubbing it against the entrance to her snatch slowly.

Jen turned around, biting her lip. Taking this as initiative, I thrust suddenly. Jen let out a muffled scream, which I'm sure that my mother would hear, but fucked her nonetheless.

Gripping her hips, I pulled her back as I thrust in, sending ripples up her perfect arse, and hearing more muffled moans of pleasure from her. Sounds of flesh on flesh reached my ears, and I heard Jen mumbling my name over and over again.

"Fuck, bro, fuck me harder." She bit into her arm to muffle her moans as I did, pounding her so hard that her arse began to grow red. Taking on hand from her hips, I leaned forward and stuck two fingers into her ass.

She stiffened, arching her back as I fucked her with both my fingers and my cock. Gripping the shower head now, she turned to me with that lustfull smile.

"Bro, put your big dick in my ass, I want to feel violated!" The last word stirred something inside me, and so I switch my hands and my hard-on, fucking her pussy with my middle and ring fingers, and teasing her with my cock-head at the tip of her asshole.

"Are you ready?" I asked, kissing her ass cheeks and slapping one. She stiffened again, and stiffened a scream of pleasure.

"Do it, fuck your sister in the ass!" She said, looking at me with a mix of lust and passion. Suddenly, I thrust into her. She opened her mouth to scream, but I managed to cover it before she could. With the hand that was in her pussy moments before, now covering her mouth, Jen began to lick my fingers, tasting herself.

I moved back, then forward again. Jen bit my fingers and moaned, but the feeling that I was getting was far too pleasurable to even think about stopping. Her ass was so tight, and it squeezing my cock, the taboo feeling of it behind my sister, and her sucking on my fingers tasting herself, was far too great for me.

"Fuck, sis, I'm cumming!" I shouted, praying that my mother didn't hear. My sister turned to me, her eyes and smile pushing me far off the edge.

"That's right, bro, cum in my ass you filthy pervert!" She slapped her ass, and I finally let loose. Load after load erupted from my cock, filling my sister's ass. I fucked her fast and hard for the final seconds, then slowed down to a stop, drained.

As I took my cock from Jen's ass, she began to shake, her ass pumping the cum from me out onto the shower floor. It only too me a second to see that Jen was cumming too, so I stuck two fingers in her ass and stuffed my face into her pussy.

"Ah, fuck yes!" She cried out, pushing my head deep into her. Hot fluid flowed over my face and mouth, and I drank greedily, trying not to spill a drop.

When I was finished, with sis's cum all over me, Jen turned around and kissed me long and hard, licking her taste off my lips, and wrapping her arms around me.

"I've never had a man in there." She said, kissing me passionately again. I smiled, and moved my hand down to her pussy lips again. She sighed, but smiled nonetheless.

"You just can't get enough can you?" She asked, twirling circles around my nipple.

"I can never get enough of you." I said, to her pleasure. For almost a full minute we stood there, my arms around her and her head on my chest. As that minute ended, I felt something awaken from within me, like a churning in my chest. I stroked Jen's hair, and it came to me that I was feeling something spiritually, like an emotion.

Like love.

Jen stirred, breaking my chain of thought, and stepped out from the shower.

"I'm working all this week," she said. "From eight until sex, I mean six." She giggled at her mistake, then looked at me for my answer.

"So that means we'll have to wait until the weekend." I said. It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, is that okay?" It occurred to me that my sister, the one that had always bugged me and annoyed me, was asking for my permission to do something. I smiled, things had changed a lot in the past sixteen hours or so.

"Yeah, it's fine." I said, meaning it. I could use a couple days off, lord knows when I'll be able to do that again.

"Good." Jen kissed me quickly and ran across the hall to her room, fully naked. She opened her door quickly, as not to be seen by mom, but before she closed it, she bent over and slapped her ass. Smiling as my cock sprang up, she shut the door, and left me to my day, and amoung other things, the one and only...

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Written by Periphery
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