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It was March of 1981. Kelly came home for the weekend from college. It was a coincidence that her folks were out of town for the weekend to a bowling competition. Her dad was pretty good back in the day. We wouldn’t have the house to ourselves because her twenty-three-year-old stoner brother, Steve, still lived there. Steve spent very little time in the house though. Kelly and I hadn’t seen each other since Valentine’s Day, so we had some catching up to do.

Kelly and I were both twenty-one. Kelly was a gorgeous little co-ed in her junior year. Five-feet-two-inches tall with super-long dishwater blonde hair that hung past her cute little bubble butt down to the back of her knees. She had massive 32F boobs and a bare beaver smoother than a baby’s butt.

We went out to dinner Friday evening once I got out of work and then headed to her folk’s house. Her brother was gone and he typically would come home until somewhere between midnight and not. That part of never knowing when he would come home had made for some weird moments.

Kelly and I were sixteen and had only been fucking for a few weeks when he walked in on us the first time. We were on the couch, I was on my back, Kelly had her back laid against my chest and with my legs I had our groins thrust into the air. I was moments away from blowing my load when the front door silently opened and Steve was literally standing four feet away from his sister’s cunt. I expected Kelly to jump off, curse him and go cover herself. None of that happened. Her pussy kept clenching me so I kept stroking. He just stood there watching my cock slip in and out of his little sister’s sopping wet cunt. Kelly has a wide-open slit, not some closed up little peach. When she’s being fucked it’s wide, wide open, swelled up bright red with prominent lips, her clit standing at attention, and everything coated in her juices.

After watching us for too long he just turned and walked away. He had just turned the corner past the kitchen wall when I filled her cunt with so much cum I couldn’t believe it. My brain didn’t know how to process any of what happened. But I found out that someone watching us fuck made me blow incredibly hard.

It was only weeks later, the early morning hours after our prom, that we were again naked in their living room. I was sitting on the couch and Kelly was on the floor between my legs. Kelly didn’t hear or notice Steve come upstairs and walk past the living room to take a piss. Having a mouth full of my cock had her distracted. I knew that he would see us. I did nothing about it. Instead, I let Kelly take me over the edge. As he walked out of the bathroom and saw us, I was ejaculating a huge load of cum into his sister’s mouth. After she caught my load she sat up on her knees and opened her mouth showing me her mouth full of my jizz. I nodded toward Steve. Kelly turned and saw him nearly naked, save for a pair of underpants, and he saw her with a mouthful of fresh, hot cum.

“How was prom?” he asked. As Kelly worked on her answer Steve soaked in the view of her massive tits and sexy body. Kelly swallowed a couple of gulps and then told him we had a lot of fun. “Yeah, it looks like you did.” Then one final tit-stare and he went back downstairs. From my angle, I could see he had pitched a tent in his skivvies.

It was at least a year later when again he walked in late one night and caught us, again with my cock in her mouth, and again he stared at her nakedness for an awkwardly long time.

The summer that Kelly turned eighteen she turned into a nympho (and I’ve shared many of those stories here) and one time ended up spying on Steve as he masturbated. She couldn’t keep her hand out of her cunt as she watched and ended up having an orgasm as she saw him cum which led to her being caught.

The previous summer, when we were both twenty, her folks were gone away another time and we were fucking. What was great about having the house to ourselves is that Kelly could cum without try to suppress her normal screams of ecstasy. It was late, around midnight, I was sitting in a plush swivel rocking chair. Kelly was sitting on my cock facing away from me. We had been fucking hard and were close to exploding.

Kelly said, “I think Steve’s coming.”

I said, “Me too!” She had caught his shadow passing the front picture window. As Steve opened the front door and caught a look of us, I let out a growl of orgasm and splattered her vagina with my sperm. I came moments too soon for Kelly. Her legs had been together inside of mine. She flipped them to the outside of mine, spread them wide, laid back on my chest, closed her eyes and started to rub her clit. Steve sat down on the couch six feet across from us and stared slack-jawed. Kelly sped up and was moving her hand very quickly. She had an orgasm within a minute. The pressure from her muscles inside her cunt ejected my half-limp cock from her twat.

Kelly wasn’t done. She needed even more to get satisfaction. She started to rub her clit again. Slowly this time. A huge glob of my cum slid out of her twat and landed on my cock. She stayed leaning back onto me with her eyes closed. I guess she was pretending she didn’t really know if Steve was still there or not? Her clit finger picked up the pace. She was building herself up to something huge. I’ve watched her do it many times. Soon she slipped a finger into her cunt and was fucking herself.

I could see Steve adjusting his shorts. His cock was at full mast. He started to rub himself through his shorts. His sister had added a second finger to her cunt. She would speed up racing to the finish and then slow way down. She was building this orgasm bit by bit. Steve shocked me when he pushed his shorts and underwear past his knees down to the floor. With her eyes still closed, Kelly added a third finger to her cunt. I was the only one of us that saw Steve stroking a cock bigger than my own. It looked remarkably like mine except he was an inch, or more, longer. I was immediately jealous.

Kelly was building up again. I leaned into her and kissed her cheek. I whispered into her ear “Open your eyes.” She slowly peeked out through her eyelids, not sure at all if she wanted to see anything going on as she was content to just be watched. Her mouth fell open as her eyes opened fully and she saw Steve beating his cock. Steve stood up and stepped out of his shorts. Kelly screamed out an orgasm. Both hands were flying, rubbing her nub to nothing while fucking herself furiously. She clenched her teeth. Steve’s hand was beating his cock with the intent on only one outcome. He wasn’t just showing off that piece of meat. He was getting ready to blow his wad and that was clear to Kelly. She loves to watch men masturbate and she nearly always orgasms watching sperm erupt from the tip of a cock.

They were both intently staring at each other’s privates. I couldn’t help it. The scene was hot as hell! My cock was starting to stiffen.

Kelly was shouting loudly “OH FUUCK! OH FUUCK! OH FUUCK!!” She climaxed and sprayed a shower of her cum. She pulled her slit upwards toward her tummy as she was blasting and sprayed like a fountain! Steve was splattered from his cock to his feet. Yeah, sister came on brother’s cock from two feet away. How’s that for blowing your mind? My cock was really twitching. Kelly felt that my cock was hard, clenched it in one hand and slammed her cunt onto me. I was pumping our asses up and down from the chair.

Steve stepped forward and shouted, “I’m fucking cumming!” He aimed his long cock at his little sister and shot her with three or four hard streams of cum. He nailed her right in the tits. He stumbled back to the couch and fell into a heap. I pushed Kelly off of me and she fell to the floor. I rolled her to her back with one hand and used the other to aim my cock to her cunt. I slammed in and fucked her like a madman. I could see his cum all over her tits. He fucking soaked her. My God those two produce a lot of fluids!

I was wild on a mission. I had to cum again. It only took a few minutes and I added another load to her cunt. I climbed off and sat back on the chair. Kelly laid there with her knees up and her cunt spread as open as it goes. A glob of my cum slipped out and Steve and I watched it make a trail across her butt hole, down her crack, and drip onto the carpet.

I discovered that while I’m a grower, Steve is a shower. My cock shrunk back to its small limp state. His was probably four inches long limp. Steve broke the silence “So, you squirt?”

“Yeah. If it’s a big one I could water a lawn.”

“Good to know.”

And with that, he stood up and picked up his shorts and went downstairs to his room. I helped Kelly stand and she went to the bathroom. She wrangled all of her hair into a shower cap. She decided to piss in the shower while was washing off all of our cum.

I waited until she arrived, naked and dry, and said my goodnight’s. She assured me that she was fine with what had happened, but didn’t want to discuss it, and we should move on.

So, there we were, less than a year later, having the house to ourselves. Ironically enough Kelly and I were naked and in the same chair (she liked what the rocking motion did for our fucking). I was sitting down and she was on my lap facing me with her legs draped over mine. I had cum a couple of hours prior and we were basically just kissing, nibbling and making out. Since my dick was hard, it was inside of her.

It was only around ten p.m., far too early for Steve to show up, and yet he did. He quietly entered and said “Hey.”

I said “Hey.” Steve went into the kitchen and rustled around for a few minutes grubbing some food. He was high. That is pretty much a given unless I explain otherwise. Steve was always high. Then we heard him go into the bathroom and he took a shower. Perhaps ten minutes later he came back to the living room with only a towel wrapped around his waist and sat on the couch. Kelly’s back was to him and we were still fucking. Steve was moving back and forth between watching television and watching the live porno.

After a bit, I stepped it up. Instead of just casually moving around, I started fucking Kelly. Time for a less boring show. I started to bounce her ass up and down on my cock. I was holding her butt cheeks to help bounce her. I slid down a little bit in the chair. I used both hands to spread Kelly’s cheeks wide open. She understood exactly what we were doing. She kind of popped her ass toward Steve. Now instead of just seeing her little butt wiggling around in my lap, he had a full view of her spread crotch with my cock slamming in and out of her.

I was fucking Kelly harder. It was enough to drive her to an orgasm. It wasn’t a screamer, but a loud groaner. I stopped humping and pushed Kelly’s ass up high in the air and used my hands to spread her as wide open as I could. His eyes never left her cunt.

I left her ass up in the air and dropped my own ass back down. I turned her around and pushed her toward the floor and then grabbed her by the hips and pulled her up on all fours. I got down on my knees behind her. Kelly had her head hanging toward the floor, still playing like she didn’t want to be fully aware of Steve. I shoved my cock into her and started slamming her butt hard enough that she moved forward a couple of inches on every stroke. At first, she thought I was just trying to rug burn her knees. Then she caught on.

I slowly drove her sexy naked little body straight toward her brother’s cock. He figured it out too. He spread his knees wide and slid down so far on the couch that his nuts were hanging off the edge. When Kelly was inches away I grabbed a handful of her hair pulling her head up. Steve opened his towel showing her a magnificent hard-on. She was staring right at his cock with his nuts just inches away from her mouth.

Kelly moved forward and dove in toward his balls. She started by licking them and then she was sucking them into her mouth. Then she used both of her hands to get behind his knees and pushed his knees into the air fully exposing his ass crack to her. Kelly was tonguing her brother’s butthole and slobbering her mouth all over his crack and his sack. He grabbed his shaft and started to stroke it. Kelly quickly pulled it out of his hand. She was the only one that was going to make that cock cum that night.

She pulled his cock toward her mouth. Once she had her lips locked on his head, one hand went back to playing with his nuts and the other had its middle finger playing around his butt hole, slipping in and out up to the first knuckle in her own rhythm. She had to release his knees down some to get a good angle on his cock, but she still wanted access to his butt so she pulled his body further down so his whole ass was off the couch. I was fucking her, but just barely. I was watching the show.

She bobbed up and down and adjusted a couple of times and then had Steve’s prick in her throat with her nose on his pubic bone. Steve was moaning and groaning and burbling. At one point I could make out that he was saying he had never been deep-throated before. I replied “You should have seen the huge donkey dick your sister swallowed! She’s a Super Star on the big ones.” I was having my own fun with both of them. “Your baby sis’ is definitely the best cock sucker around.” Steve moaned agreement.

Kelly had been sucking that long thing for probably ten minutes. I knew her jaw was starting to feel it. Through any of this stuff with her brother, she tried to not acknowledge him directly. I was surprised when she spoke to him on every upstroke: “Cum in my throat Steve.” “Shove that big cock as far in as it goes and cum in me.” “Do it for me, Steve. Cum in your baby sis’.” “Fuck my throat and cum in me!” She would slam her face back onto his cock with the attack of someone who would take it very, very personally if he didn’t cum.

As she was fucking him with her face I saw her slide her middle finger deep into his bowels in search of his prostate. It wasn’t a minute later when Steve grabbed her head and pressed it tightly into his lap. He bucked up wildly, taking her head with him, and his cock exploded stream after stream in a prostate-emptying cumshot. He held her tight as he pumped out the last drops. She fought to get released. He hadn’t given her the chance to gulp in some air before he locked her down. She was gasping and nearly passed out from lack of air. Spit and slobber were running from her mouth and nose. She grabbed his towel and wiped her face clean.

Steve sheepishly said, “I’m sorry, but you pretty much told me to do that.”

“I’m not whining about it. It just takes me a minute.”

“I’ve never had a blowjob like that in my life.”

“Then you’ve probably never shot your load down someone’s throat before. I’m surprised, with a cock as long as yours.”

Steve’s cock was dripping his leftovers. Kelly lifted his cock with her tongue and lapped his cock into her mouth and then sucked him empty. My cock was still in Kelly’s pussy and painfully hard. I gave her a couple of reminder thrusts.

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“I suppose you need to cum too, huh?”

“Roll over.”

Kelly rolled to her back, nearly laying on Steve’s feet. I shoved in and humped her pussy in a race to ejaculate. I was bouncing her ass hard and her tits were flying. Steve leaned forward to watch her being fucked. He reached down and rolled a nipple and played with one tit. I was hitting her hard and she peaked and screamed through another orgasm. Steve stood up, stepped over us, and laid on the floor on the other side of her and went to town sucking her nipples. Kelly was out of her mind! She had her fingers buried in his hair and was smashing him onto one tit and then the next....

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Written by GoodToBeMe
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