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Father's Day Date: One Year Later

"A year after the date that changed their relationship, Mel and her dad look back on the aftermath."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks for reading this second installment of the Father's Day Date storyline. This chapter was added specifically due to requests from fans of the original story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy it."

The sound of silverware clanking and countless conversations filled the air as a candle flickered its light across the table. It was Father’s Day and Arturo’s Steakhouse was busy as ever, not that the couple noticed. Melanie and Steve held each other’s hands across the table as they looked into one another’s eyes.

“Can you believe it’s been a whole year?” Melanie asked her father.

“It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?” Steve replied, squeezing her hands. “It seems like yesterday everything was so different.”

Melanie thought back to their dinner a year earlier. Different was definitely the right word. At the beginning of that night, they were just a typical father and daughter, going out on a fun daddy-daughter date night. Then that old man came to their table, and everything changed. By the end of the night, Mel found herself more in love with her dad than she’d ever been with anyone else. She couldn’t explain it, but she was thankful that it happened.

“Remember how that night ended?” she asked her dad.

“Mel, Baby, how could I forget?” her dad laughed.

- - -

Lying there in the hotel bed, part of Mel couldn’t believe what they’d just done. If you’d have asked her the day before if she’d ever consider fucking her own dad, the thought of it probably would have made her physically ill. It just wasn’t something daughters did with their fathers.

Tonight though, it was all she had been wanting from dinner onward. When she finally gave in and they fucked in that field, it was beyond incredible. Laying there under the stars, experiencing the fullness of her father thrusting into her, feeling her own orgasm wash over her. It was like magic.

The magic didn’t end there, either. Her dad suggested they go get a room for the night, and Mel was more than excited at the prospect of getting an entire night alone with her daddy. They were hardly in the door to the hotel room before Steve’s lips had found Mel’s once more, and moments later they were in the bed, their clothes scattered across the floor. The night passed in a blur. Kissing. Sucking. Fucking.

Now though, as she lay there naked beside her father, doubt started to creep in. Was this right? Should they be doing this? What about the consequences?

“Dad,” she asked, “are you still awake?”

“Barely,” he grunted. “What’s up?”

“I… I don’t know if we should be doing… this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…” Melanie turned in the bed to face her dad. As soon as their eyes met, her throat went dry and she felt the butterflies returning to her stomach. She did her best to steel her resolve before continuing.

“I, um, mean,” she restarted, finding her words more difficult to get out than before, “this isn’t normal, is it? I don’t think I felt this way about you or about us yesterday. Did you?”

“I don’t think I felt like this either,” Steve replied, staring into his daughter’s eyes as he spoke, “but it’s all I can think about now.”

“I know,” she nearly whispered back, “even now it’s like all I want is to get you back inside me. But you know we can’t keep doing this. You’ve got mom. I’m dating Pete. What about them? I just, as much as I want it, I don’t think we can keep doing this.”

Steve gave thought to his daughter’s words. She did have a point.

“I get it. I’ll tell you what,” he finally said, “let’s just enjoy the rest of our hotel stay together, and when we get back to the real world tomorrow, we can try to put this behind us. Sounds fair?”

“Sounds fair,” Mel agreed. She pulled herself into her dad and gave him a long, deep kiss. That kiss turned into another, and then another. Before long, Steve was back on top of his daughter, pumping into her for the umpteenth time of the night before they both finally fell asleep in each other’s arms.

- - -

“How long did that pact last?” Steve asked with a smile as the waiter placed each of their salad plates in front of them.

“Hey, we did good for a little while!” Mel interjected as the waiter topped off her water and left for the next table.

“Honey,” Steve started, pausing to take a bite of his salad, “ we didn’t even make it to checkout time the next morning before you were all over me again.”

“Whoa,” Mel mock-scolded, “first, we were all over each other. It wasn’t just me. Second, you said we could enjoy the rest of our stay together, and the following morning was still part of our stay. So there”

“Okay, okay, if you exclude that, we did good, for what? About a week?”

- - -

For the next few days after their date, things almost seemed back to normal for Mel and her dad, at least on the surface. Inside, Mel wanted to jump her dad every time she saw him. She could tell from his glances that he was feeling the same way.

By the time Wednesday had rolled around, Melanie had decided it would be harmless fun to tease her dad a little. It started off very subtle, with a little wink here or there when her mom wasn’t looking. By Thursday, she found herself throwing kissing gestures to the mix. She even managed to pull up her shirt once and flash her bra at Steve while her mom was in the bathroom.

Melanie knew she was getting to her dad, but didn’t realize how much until later that night. She was laying in bed naked, having just gotten herself off to memories of fucking her dad. It was something that had become a habit over the last four days. That was when she heard it.

It was a rhythmic thumping, one she’d heard a few times before in her life. She knew what it meant. Her parents were fucking. Prior to Sunday, the sound was nothing short of nightmare fuel. But as she listened to the thump, thump, thump, persisting on, this time she found herself becoming aroused. Her parents’ room was right across the hall from hers. She knew that right then, at that moment, her dad’s cock was hard at work, and just the thought of it was exciting Melanie.

Before she had a chance to change her mind, Melanie found herself rising out of bed and creeping into the hall. She realized almost instantly that her parents’ bedroom door was cracked open. Stepping quietly across the hallway, she made her way to her parents’ door and peeked in.

On the other side, she saw her mom lying in bed, whimpering as her dad fucked her. She couldn’t quite see her mom’s face, but she had a great view of her dad on top of her, and it was nothing short of erotic. Mel watched silently as her dad continued pounding her mother.

“Mhhh yeah,” Steve groaned to his wife, “you’re such a hot little tease. Do you like teasing me?”

Mel’s mom grunted a response, but she couldn’t make out what she said. She knew exactly whose teasing her dad was talking about though. Mel continued watching for a few more moments, finding herself mouthing answers every time her dad asked his wife a question.

“Do you like being a little tease?”

“Yes,” Mel whispered.

“Yeah. Do you want me to grab these?” Steve asked, grabbing his wife’s tits as he kept thrusting.

“Mmmm, yes,” Mel silently moaned as she cupped her own tits with one hand as the other snaked its way between her legs.

“Do you want my cock deep in that tight little cunt?” he groaned.

“Fuck yes,” Mel whimpered through clenched teeth as she fingered her clit. As her fingers continued to expertly strum her pussy, Mel let out a little groan.

“Wait, stop stop stop,” Mel’s mother cut in. Mel froze, her heart stopping along with the thumping noises. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Steve asked his wife. For a split second, he looked around, and his eyes caught Mel’s through the crack in the door. Without missing a beat, he looked down at his wife and said “all I heard was a little tease groaning.” With that, he leaned down and gave his wife a passionate kiss, and as quietly as she could Mel raced back to her room.

The following morning, Steve woke up to the pleasant sensation of his cock being stroked. He let out a soft groan.

“What’s the matter, babe? Didn’t get enough of me last night?”

“Not even close” came a voice that didn’t belong to his wife. Steve’s eyes shot open and he turned in bed to find his daughter lying next to him. She was wearing one of his old t-shirts and had her arm slipped under the covers as her fingers momentarily switched from stroking him off to playing with his balls.

“Mellie!” Steve nearly shouted before switching to a whisper. “What are you doing? Where’s your mom?”

“Mom’s downstairs eating breakfast,” she almost sang. “I thought I could come over and have a little cuddle time with my daddy.” As she spoke, her hand resumed slowly pumping her dad’s morning wood.

“Sweetie, we can’t do this right now,” Steve argued, doing nothing to stop his daughter’s stroking. “Your mom could walk in here any second and, oh God, that feels good, and we just…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Mel leaned in and planted her lips on her father’s. At first, he tried to say something, but within a second his resolve faded and Steve began kissing his daughter back in earnest. As their tongues dueled, one of his hands snaked its way under the shirt she was wearing and began fondling her tits. Melanie groaned into the kiss as Steve’s tongue explored her mouth.

Mel stopped pumping her dad’s cock and pulled off the sheet that was covering him. She broke off the kiss and pushed Steve onto his back before sitting up and proceeding to straddle him.

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“Mel, what are you doing?” Steve asked as his daughter took hold of his cock and started rubbing it up and down her clit. “Baby, your mom is right downstairs, and she could come up and find, ungh, oh fuck.” 

As her dad was still speaking, Mel lined his cock up with her pussy lips and slowly sank down on him, taking him inside her. Within a moment, Mel sank all the way onto her father’s cock. The two looked each other in the eyes.

“If you really want me to stop, just say so,” Melanie whispered, “but I think we both need this.” Slowly, Mel raised herself up until her dad’s cock was just barely inside her.

“So what’s it going to be daddy?” she asked.

“Oh fuck,” Steve whispered. He placed his hands on her hips, and pulled her back down onto him. Mel let out a satisfied groan, and started lifting herself up again before plunging on her dad’s cock. She let out a moan, and began pumping faster and faster. Steve reached up and grabbed Mel’s tits, making Mel sigh in pleasure.

Before long, Steve felt his orgasm building.

“Oh baby, I’m about to cum.”

“Do it, daddy,” Mel groaned. “Cum in your little girl.”

Steve couldn’t take it anymore, and his cock erupted, shooting strand after strand of hot sticky seed deep inside his daughter’s pussy. Smiling at him, Mel leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips before she rolled off him and lay next to her dad in her mom’s spot on the bed. The two lay there, holding each other, until a voice from the bottom of the stairs jarred them back to reality.

“Steve, honey!” his wife called from the bottom of the stairs. “Are you awake? I’m heading off to work.” Steve and Mel sat up, springing to life. Mel made sure her shirt was covering her, while Steve reached for his underwear, slipping them on as he hopped out of bed and made his way to the bedroom door.

“Yeah, baby, I’m up. I’m going to shower and head in, myself!” Steve shouted, opening the door and popping out into the hall so his wife could see him.

“Sounds good, sweetie,” his wife replied, “but go back in there and get dressed. You don’t want Mel waking up and seeing you like that.”

Listening from her parents’ room, Mel fought to hold back a laugh.

“Good point, honey. Okay, see you later!”

Steve went back into his bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. He and Mel stared at each other silently until they heard the front door close, then they both burst into giggles.

- - -

“Five days. A week. Close enough,” Mel joked.

“I still can’t believe you just came in like that,” Steve said. “I have no idea how we weren’t caught right then and there.”

“But we didn’t get caught, not then,” Mel smiled, “and not for a long time. And a few times we came really close.”

As the waiter cleared the salad plates and laid out the main course, Steve nodded his head.

“That’s for sure,” he replied, “it definitely made for a fun summer though.”

“Did it ever!” Mel replied, pausing to think as she started her meal. ”But I still feel bad about how we got caught.

- - -

“Alright, you two,” Melanie’s mom said, “try not to destroy the house while I’m gone.”

"Don’t worry dear,” Steve replied from the sofa where he and Mel were watching TV, “we’ll clean up all our messes.”

After saying some goodbyes, Mel’s mom grabbed her suitcase and headed out the door for a weekend at her sister’s. The door was barely closed before Mel shifted from her spot beside her dad to straddling his lap.

“So, daddy,” she purred, “how about we make a little mess?” She wrapped her arms around her dad, planting her lips on his for a deep kiss.

“Mhhh, hang on, baby,” Steve cautioned, “let’s at least let her get out of the driveway first.”

Mel rolled her eyes and leaned in to give her dad another peck on the lips before climbing off him.

“Okay,” she agreed, “I’ll go check to see when the coast is clear. While I’m gone, though, lose all those pesky clothes.”

Steve smiled and started pulling off his shirt while Mel trotted down the hall toward the front door. She watched out the window as her mom finished loading her suitcase in the car, sat down in the driver’s seat, and pulled out of the driveway. 

As the taillights vanished down the street, Mel was giddy. For the last several months, she and her dad had been sneaking around behind her mom’s back. Whenever she was out of sight for more than a few minutes, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Mom’s quick trip to the store meant a quickie for Mel and her dad. Mom’s night out with friends gave Mel and her dad enough time for a blowjob and a long fuck before showering together. Even something as simple as her mom going for a bathroom break was enough time for Mel to reach into her dad’s pants and stroke him a few times.

But now, they had an entire weekend to themselves. That’s the longest they’d been alone together since their date on Father’s Day. Just thinking through the possibilities had Mel absolutely dripping wet. With her mom long gone, Mel made her way back to the living room, where her dad was waiting, naked on the sofa.

“Hello, daddy,” Mel cooed, looking at his naked form. Steve smiled at his daughter, his cock quickly stiffening. “Is that for me?” she asked.

“Why don’t you come over here and find out,” Steve replied, “But first, I think you’re a bit overdressed for the night.”

“Am I, daddy?” Mel teased, stepping in front of her father. 

In a sweeping motion, Mel reached down and pulled her shirt up and over her head. Tossing it over his face, Mel slid off her shorts and kicked them to the side. Steve pulled his daughter’s shirt off his face, tossing it aside with a grin as he eyed Mel in her bra and panties. Mel reached behind her back to unclasp her bra next. With a little shake, her generous tits came into view as the bra hit the floor. Finally, Mel turned around and bent over, sliding her panties down as she bent at her waist, giving her father a generous view of her ass. Finally, she turned to face her dad, slowly sinking down to her knees in front of him.

“Is this better?” she asked, smiling at him from her knees as she reached out and began slowly stroking Steve’s cock. “Is there anything else you want me to do, daddy?” She moved forward and gave Steve’s cock a slow, deliberate kiss on the tip, letting her tongue roll around the head.

“Oh fuuuck,” Steve groaned in response. 

Taking that as her invitation, Mel slowly pushed her lips further down her dad’s shaft, taking him in her mouth as her hands fondled his balls. When she took as much of him as she could, Mel began slowly pistoning her mouth up and down his cock. Steve groaned again, and Mel started pumping faster, making little gagging sounds as she plunged herself on his shaft. Before long, she could tell her dad was getting close.

“Oh, Mellie, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum,” her dad groaned. Mel plopped her lips off her dad and started stroking him rapidly with her hand.

“Come on, daddy,” she moaned, “cum on me. Come on your little girl’s face!”

With a groan, Steve erupted, shooting load after load of cum on Mel’s face and in her hair. Mel scooped up a gob of cum that landed on her chin and licked it up, smiling through her cum-drenched face at her father.

“I hope you’re not done for the night,” Mel started, “because I still have to get this monster inside me.”

Steve laughed as Mel played with his semi-hard cock.

“Don’t worry, baby. Give me a minute and I’ll be ready to rock your world. But while we wait…”

Steve pushed his daughter to the floor as he got...

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Written by ThePenisMightier
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