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Exposing Aunt Jenny Ch. 01

"Aunt Jenny comes to stay with her nephew and he discovers her naughty side..."

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Chapter One

Collin’s house always creaked too much. His father, Tom, was a handyman- or at least he thought he was, so half the house behind the walls was held together with duct tape and wire. The 1980s house creaked at every step and old doors refused to latch even when closed without being slammed. 

So it didn’t surprise Collin when he was walking by the guest bedroom and the weight of his footstep made the half-latched door sway open an inch. It did surprise him, however, to see his Aunt Jenny touching herself inside the room. Aunt Jenny was an attractive middle-aged woman despite her best efforts and shy personality to curve her sexiness. Her naturally dirty blond hair draped over her shoulders as she laid on her back, her hand sliding between her spread thighs, petting her pink pussy lips. Her thick white thighs dangling open. Her modest legs had not seen the sun in decades.

Collin had to do a double take at the sight and even still he didn’t believe it. Stumbling upon any family member touching themselves was shocking, but discovering Aunt Jenny with her legs spread felt impossible. The porn scene that played out before him was graphic. Jenny pulled the sheet from her body, revealing the round curves of her breasts held firm under her white bra. Her surprisingly taut stomach arched off the bed as she released a long gasping groan. Aunt Jenny’s hands massaged beneath the sheet as it continued to slip down her pale skin. With her right hand tucked inside her white underwear and her fingers dancing beneath it, Jenny raked her left fingernails across her inner thigh as the sheet fell away completely.

“Oh… God…please…” she gasped.

Collin knew he shouldn’t be watching. It was wrong. This was his Aunt. He recalled her face from memories that reached back to his childhood. Her soft-featured face and medium-length blond hair pulled back into a bun. Collin had never seen Aunt Jenny in a sexual light— not just because she was his Aunt, but she was always such a reserved soul. Even now as he hid in the shadow of the doorway spying on her, touching herself, Collin couldn’t believe the curves this woman had. Her ample breasts and thick, round ass. Jenny wasn’t one to wear form-fitting clothes or expose much skin— or any, so Collin never knew. Not until now.

“Oh C- …c-” Jenny whispered a stutter barely loud enough for Collin to hear. He was on the verge of leaving. He was going to force himself to turn away and go back to his bed and give his Aunt the privacy she deserved when he heard her whimper. “Oh, Collin… yes…”

The mention of his name startled him. Immediately, Collin froze and looked into Jenny’s eyes to make sure she hadn’t caught him. Her eyes remained closed and unaware that she had left the bedroom door cracked for his spying eyes. Then, the weight of her moans registered with Collin.

She’s moaning my name… She’s fantasizing about me… She’s thinking about me as touches herself…

Collin felt his cock flex in his boxers, straining against the fabric. He swallowed an uncomfortable knot in his throat as he saw a wet stain appear in Aunt Jenny’s white underwear. She spread her legs wide as her hips raised into the air, thrusting toward her fantasy of climax. This scene was no longer a fascination to Collin, but it was quickly becoming a fantasy of his own. His cheeks flushed and he licked his lips as he thought about going inside the room. Giving Aunt Jenny his body to use the same way her mind used him in fantasy.

He had never been inside a woman before. At eighteen years old, the closest he’s had was a not-so-good hand job from an ex-girlfriend which left his member used and bruised, and not wanting to experience that again. But here, now, Collin was just feet away from living out a scene from a porn video.

“Ah… Ahh… ahhmmm… mm…” Aunt Jenny began to moan above a whisper and quickly covered her mouth with her left hand as her right vibrated on her sex under her panties. Her thighs jiggled and her heavy breasts bounced up and down on her chest despite her bra’s attempts to restrain them. Her crotch angled in the air, Jenny’s body froze as a splash of liquid soaked her panties, turning the white fabric dark gray before her body collapsed back down to the bed beneath her.

Collin exhaled a breath and felt his hot breath bounce back off the bedroom door on his face. He looked down and realized he was leaning forward, very nearly falling into the room. It was then that everything moved as if it was in slow motion. Collin’s forehead bumped the door and it moved as if it had a will of its own. The door opened several inches releasing long creaking sounds, that his old house tended to do at the most inconvenient of times.

The sound startled Aunt Jenny who froze and looked over at the door. Collin’s eyes went wide and he held his breath still hidden in the darkness of the crack of the door, or so he hoped. With his hard cock in hand, Collin quickly shuffled away into the hallway and quickly stepped to his bedroom down the hall. Closing the door to his bedroom, Collin let out a sigh of relief as he felt the tremble of panic in his chest and arms.

Did she see me? Does my Aunt know I was spying on her?



Chapter Two

Collin sat at the dinner table and tried to focus on his plate of sliced pot roast and mashed potatoes with two slices of buttered bread. He pushed around his mashed potatoes with a fork, trying to blend in with the chair or the table, but neither worked.

“Collin, have some green beans, there’s plenty,” Patricia, Collin’s mother said, pointing to the white bowl of green beans at the center of the dining room table. Patricia was an average enough mom. She dressed conservatively and wore glasses with rims almost thick enough to be considered ‘cool’ by modern standards.

Collin smiled politely and grabbed a spoonful of the beans and plopped them on his plate beside his mashed potatoes.

“You’re pretty quiet today, Collin. What’s up with that?” Collin’s father asked. Tom was a gray-haired man with a balding spot on the top of his hand that was quickly growing.

“Nothing, just um, just nothing,” Collin said, adjusting uncomfortably.

“I hope it’s not because of me,” Aunt Jenny said, carefully padding the corner of her mouth with her napkin before folding it and placing it back on her lap. “I know it must be strange having your aunt sleeping down the hall from…”

“Oh, uh uh uh no, I I um, just thinking of graduation,” Collin said, stretching for something to say to keep him from awkwardly stuttering more.

Aunt Jenny definitely was more clothed than she was last night when Collin spied on her. As she sat across from Collin at his parents’ dining table, Jenny wore her blond hair up in a neat bun with a plush and comfy long-sleeved gray turtleneck shirt with a black skirt that dangled at her ankles.

Collin happily ran to school early this Friday morning, sending a text to his mother that he had to prepare for a school group project that didn’t exist. His wrestling practice got him to six pm but unfortunately, he had run out of excuses for reasons to avoid the family. Now he sat across from his Aunt Jenny, seeing her for the first time since seeing her squirt the night before. She hadn’t acted differently since they sat down. In fact, she was the same old Aunt Jenny he had always known since childhood.

“Oh, don’t be silly, you are no intrusion,” Patricia said. “Right, Collin?”

“Oh, uh no not at all,” Collin smiled. His eyes met Aunt Jenny’s and just for a moment, he saw a flare of a smile in her gaze that lingered on him.

“Have you– um, have you decided what you’re going to do next?” Tom asked, turning his attention to Aunt Jenny. His parents had been ignoring Collin’s high school graduation that was fast approaching in four weeks now. Collin picked up on the contentious glare shot from his mother’s side of the table. Aunt Jenny had gone to school with his mother and the two had been inseparable for decades. His father put up with her. Aunt Jenny was nice enough. Polite, quiet… but she was never an outgoing person.

Most people blamed her husband- well, soon-to-be, ex-husband. He was an overbearing asshole who kept her ‘in her place’ and quiet for years. Then, after eighteen years of marriage and without warning, he filed for divorce and kicked her out of the house. Patricia told Jenny that she didn’t have to move out. That she was entitled to alimony and more. Aunt Jenny wouldn’t hear it. She said it was un-ladylike to demand such things. When Patricia insisted and Tom got involved, that is when Aunt Jenny told them of the abuse.

Years of it. Violence and abuse had marred their relationship for years, decades really. The abuse gradually got worse. Aunt Jenny refused to go to the police and broke down in tears when Patricia called 911… Collin’s mother felt so bad that she lied and told the dispatcher it was nothing and hung up.

This was it. Aunt Jenny had admitted defeat and lost the last twenty-two years of her life to the scumbag husband of hers. Now, for the last two weeks, she had been sleeping in their spare bedroom while she figured out what she would do from here. Until last night, her presence had been awkward but uneventful. Just a person Collin waved to when going to and from work. His father didn’t want this house guest to become a permanent presence.

Tom picked up on his wife’s demeanor and cleared his throat, “Just curious, you’re of course, welcome to stay here as long as you need. I was… just wondering where your head was at.”

Aunt Jenny smiled pleasantly and folded her hands in her lap. “Oh, thanks, Tom. I was just thinking through some things. I have bible study tomorrow with a few friends. I will talk through options with them then.”

Tom went back to eating his food, ignoring the unanswered question.

Collin took a bite of food and went back to the awkward silence as he looked up just as Aunt Jenny was looking at him.


Chapter Three

“Hey Collin,” Aunt Jenny whispered to Collin as he walked by in the hallway. “Can you come in here for a second?”

It was nearly one am. Many hours passed since Aunt Jenny and his parent’s bedtime, so it startled Collin that she was still awake and beckoning him. Collin had spent his Friday night as most, playing video games with his friends in the house's basement. Stepping inside Jenny’s dimly lit room, he felt his heart thudding in his chest as she closed the door. She wore a white nightgown that draped from her shoulders down to her ankles. It was clothing you might expect an eighty-year-old woman to wear and not a forty-two-year-old woman with a body like she had.

“Is um… everything okay?” Collin said with a shaky voice.

“Ummm…” Aunt Jenny appeared extra nervous as she rolled her fingers together with her hands folded. “I um… I have been having some issues lately… actually for the past week… two weeks… I have been having a hard time sleeping. I’ve been um… well, scared.”

Aunt Jenny looked ashamed to say it.

“Oh, I’m sorry, is there anything I can do to help?”

“Well, yes. Um… would you mind- oh dear this is embarrassing, but would you mind sleeping in here tonight. I just… I can’t seem to fall asleep, um… alone.”

“Oh…” Collin froze. “Okay.”

“Really? Thank you so much!”

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They stood there silently for a moment before she guided him to the other side of the bed and told him it was his side. She told him she knew he slept in his boxers and it was okay if he did. She turned off the small night light and illuminated the room. In the dark, he watched Aunt Jenny tuck herself in under the covers. Collin felt his palms get sweaty and took off his shirt and jeans. Feeling exposed, he quickly climbed into the bed and covered himself.

Collin lay still in the bed. The sheet covered his boxers, which covered his half-limp cock. His face was flush and thought of nothing else other than his shoulder pressed against his aunt’s shoulder. From his peripheral vision, Collin saw his aunt’s mountainous hills of her breasts beneath her light pink nightgown. The silk fabric caught the light of the night light at the end of the room. He watched her chest rise and fall with her breaths as the silence grew between them.

It was a surreal moment when Jenny’s hand touched his. It wasn’t accidental. She could feel how close he was by their touching arms. When her deaf fingers rubbed over to his thigh, he felt his cock flex beneath its layers. Her warm palm rested on his thigh as blood surged to the tip of his cock continuously. He bit his lip when the back of her hand crossed the last barrier and brushed across his erection. The innocent movement became more purposeful as the motion was repeated repeatedly.

Feeling Jenny’s gentle hand slowly caress his shaft, even though the layers of cloth made him feel as though he was floating above the covers. If the lights were on, he was sure his cheeks would glow red from how nervous he was. Even so, his aunt’s hand slowly massaged his member. Collin’s outside hand pulled away the sheet slowly and, without skipping a beat, Jenny’s hand was now working his flexing hard shaft with only a thin layer of boxer fabric in the way.

It was about the time when a small circle of pre-cum had stained the front of his boxers that Jenny paused. Her hands met one another on her chest and Collin lifted his head as he searched for why her sudden change of heart happened. Jenny’s eyes appeared closed as she mouthed what appeared to be a prayer. Flicking her blond hair over her shoulder, she twisted to her side, facing away from Collin so as not to be further tempted by his body.

Collin stared at the dark ceiling of the guest bedroom, wide awake, with a hard cock, and the genuine prospect of blue balls haunting him for the rest of the night. He considered leaving at that moment. He thought that might be the right thing to do. She stopped for a reason, didn’t she? But then again, she started for a reason, too...

Turning to his side so he faced her backside, Collin marveled at her silk nightgown as it hung over her hourglass figure. She laid above the covers like him now so he could see the end of the nightgown draped over her upper thighs, just below her ass. With a hesitant hand, he reached out and placed it on her hips at her waistline. His middle finger naturally fitting in the groove that traveled around her waist, he held his hand there, warming her side, and waited for a sign of protest to stop him.

When none came, Collin felt emboldened. His hand rubbed down the curve of her hips and back up. Each brush of his palm extended farther until his fingers brushed the cool pale skin of her thigh. Her nightgown slowly raised under his rubbing touch and then it was happening. Collin lay inches away from spooning his aunt with his right palm resting on her bare ass cheek beneath her gown.

She’s not wearing any underwear. She’s not wearing anything below this nightgown.

Collin’s heart thudded in his chest as his fingertips traced his aunt’s ass crack up and down, then down some more. Jenny panted quietly and began to slowly rub her thighs together, back and forth, slowly, as if warming up for him. His fingertips disappeared into the dark crevices where her ass met her thighs. Where the tender flesh laid that no nephew should touch his aunt’s. Extending his middle finger gently, Collin felt the wet pussy lips part as he entered inside her.

Aunt Jenny gasped and let out a shuttering coo. Worried he was hurting her somehow, he withdrew his finger, but before he could, Jenny pressed back on him, keeping the fingertip inside her warm lips. Staring in the low light at her blond hair tucked behind her ear and her clear-skinned cheek angled away from him, Collin pushed his finger deeper inside her.

“Gaahhmm...” Jenny gasped, turning her face into the pillow. Her round ass raised and pushed open towards her eighteen-year-old nephew, her nightgown sliding up over her hips as she did. Collin pushed his entire finger into her pussy and watched her squirm. “Oh gahhdye-” she squealed to herself as her hands gripped her pillow almost as hard as she put down on it.

Curving her wide ass cheek, Collin pulled his finger out and pushed it back into her with a steady, slow pulse. The pressure was too much for Jenny, or so it seemed. Her ass cheeks clenched, then released. They pushed out, then tucked in. Her breathing was stagnant. It stuttered and gasped. She held her breath for seconds, then released a muffled groan into her pillow.

Collin picked up the pace now. His left hand slid up her back and grabbed his aunt’s right shoulder to steady her trembling body while his tight middle finger penetrated her pussy. In and out, in and out. There was no doubt. He was finger fucking his aunt.

“Ahh, oh gahh- oh, my god- don’t ohhh...” Aunt Jenny cried in a panic. Her hand reached above her to brace her hand against the wall so her body...

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Written by djmiles
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