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Erika - Chapter 4

"Erika is locked into a chastity belt and denied."

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Slowly, time passed. Inexorably, the semester inched onward, and bit by bit like the last remaining glow of the fading summer heat and the rustic color of the leaves, it was as if her life had settled into a new routine as Erika slowly grew accustomed. All the while the sessions continued, and twice a week without fail it would be over to either the couch or her room to spread her legs apart as her mother counted to seven. Almost like clockwork, with the entire thing taking well over an hour to finish, and each time it happened, it was as if another tool would be added to the collection. Brushes, fingers, feather dusters, and even a spare scrap of silk cloth for her nipples, over and over, they would trace over the sensitive little bud between her legs, only to stop right on the edge until she could barely even think. And like that, she would stare up at the ceiling as she clenched her fists and sobbed, and looking down at her from above, her mother would gently stroke her hair and promise her that the next time would be better.

It was all for her own good, she would say, in between the short breaks that they took every now and then, and she would eventually come to realize that as she got older. Then, pressing the plug back into her rear again, she would add another tally to the total and the cycle would repeat itself all over. Like an endless wheel of desire, spinning around and around as she felt her walls clamp down on nothing except empty frustration, and as three turned into four and four turned into five, the only thing she could do was close her eyes and pray for it to be over.

Thus, by the time her midterms finally rolled around, it was almost as if her nerves had been pushed to the very limits of their endurance and shot. Even the smallest touch in the wrong place now was enough to send a blush rushing up across her face, and she didn’t even want to think about the nightmare that was having to put her panties on in the mornings. Especially after an entire night of tossing and turning with the soft touch of the sheets feeling like agony against her skin, and against the painful ache of her indefinitely delayed urges and the beating of her heart, as the weekend rolled around yet again and she was summoned over for another round of her so-called training, it was with just a spark of firmness that she finally gathered up the courage to say no. Or tried to, at least.

“No?” said her mother, “What do you mean, no? This is important for your purity, you know."

They were upstairs in her room this time, standing as usual besides the bed, and blinking in surprise, she looked over with a somewhat bewildered expression on her face. In response, Erika turned her head to stare down at the floor.

"But I just can't take it anymore," she said, the tears welling up. "It’s too much, and every time I have to do it, it just feels all swollen up inside and awful. Please, can we do something else? Just for once?”

She shuffled in place, her clothes already discarded, and clenching her fists together, she tried to ignore the way the air seemed to brush up against her chest and her nipples. Already, the softness of the two perked tips were starting to feel sensitive, something of a wonder given that it had only been a couple of months, though whether it was a result of the stimulation they received or because of something else was hard to make out. Not that it seemed to matter anyways since the rest of her most intimate places were just as visible as she stood there with her hands by her side and her legs spread shoulder-width apart. Just as she had been taught whenever they were due to start. She had learned rather quickly after the first couple of times to avoid covering herself up lest it be taken as a sign of trying to touch herself where she shouldn’t.

A minute passed like that, and then another as she stood there awkwardly. Her hair hung down over her shoulders, the softness of the strands serving as a sort of veil to hide behind, and briefly she wondered when was the last time she had gotten it cut. It must have been half a year at least past when they had first started since her mother preferred for her to grow it out long. All the better to show off her virtue, she liked to say, and never mind what the rest of her classmates thought. Which, if that wasn’t a metaphor for something or another, then she didn't know what was. A bit like what was happening now.

“Erika, dear,” she said softly, after what seemed like a while, “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“I-…,” said Erika.

“Anything inappropriate that you shouldn’t have been doing?” said her mother.

She took a small step forward, her eyes wandering down to the softness of her slit and the redness that lingered around the lips of her labia, and Erika shivered as she tried not to think about all the things that might have counted. Things like the way her stomach always seemed to tighten up whenever she had to wash herself down there, or how she would sometimes wake up to find a pillow trapped between her legs and the fabric of her pajamas pressed up against her crotch. And as if that wasn’t already enough to get her into trouble, there were those random flashes of heat that seemed to come over her nowadays whenever she felt someone brush up against her at school. Almost as if her body wanted to be touched, and she quickly shook her head against the thought.

“No,” she said, “It’s just that every time you make me do it, it just feels really weird, like I don’t want it to stop.”

“What do you mean?” said her mother.

“I don’t know,” mumbled Erika, shrinking down a little bit more, “Like the last time it happened, well… it’s like there’s this numbness that always appears deep inside. And then whenever you use the plug it’s like my parts down there get all tingly and then the feeling just keeps going and going and going, and even though I know it’s supposed to be good for me, it just feels so weird afterwards and my nipples get so hard and…”

Slowly she trailed off, the words growing softer and softer as her mother took another step forward, and she closed her eyes as she braced herself for what was sure to come. A punishment at least for admitting to such disgusting thoughts, and it wouldn’t be the first time either with how the last couple of weeks had gone. Already, she had the misfortune of experiencing a dozen or so strokes across her rear along with an entire hour of standing naked in the corner, and the entire thing wasn’t made any better by the way she had to stay still with the handle of the hairbrush they just used shoved up her butt. And with the rest of the inspection still to get through today, somehow she got the feeling that the frustration that always seemed to result afterwards was going to be even worse. Like a void inside of her that longed to be filled, and the feeling of which only got even stronger as her mother knelt down to reach between her legs.

“And where exactly does this take place?” she said.

“I-…,” said Erika.

“Over here?” she asked.

Her fingers moved in to trace over that one place at the top of her slit, and Erika desperately shook her head.

“No, I-…,” she said.

“Or is it here?” said her mother.

This time, the touch moved lower down to tap against the tight opening of her entrance, and immediately it was as if a lightning bolt had struck her brain as she gasped. Yes, right there! That was exactly where it hurt. And as her mother moved the very tip of her finger inside to press against the thin barrier of her hymen, it took her nearly every last ounce of her strength not to sink down and impale herself right then and there.

“Oh!” said Erika, “Oh, please. There, right there!”

She never got the opportunity to say anything else though as her mother immediately pulled her hand away at the cry, and turning her head to the side, Erika bit down on her lips as she felt her face flush red. It was hard not to whine against the sudden absence of feeling, especially as she felt her walls squeeze down against that one place where her mother had just been touching her between her legs.

“Well then,” she said after a moment, shaking her head, “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

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“I-…,” said Erika, “What do you mean?”

“This,” said her mother, as if it was perfectly obvious, “Clearly, you have a higher affinity for the devil than I had first imagined.”

She looked over with a somewhat thoughtful expression on her face, and reaching out with her hand again, she pressed her fingers down again on either side. Taking in a deep breath, Erika gasped as she felt her stomach start to tighten, and as the beating of her pulse grew louder and louder inside her head and her vision started to fade, somehow it was as if this time was finally going to be it. Like she was finally going to be able to get the final piece of the puzzle that she had been missing all this time.

As always, though, the moment she could feel the pressure starting to build up to the point where it became too much for her to stand, her mother stopped to leave her hanging right on the edge.

“Mom!” she gasped.

“Yes, dear?” said her mother.

“Why did you stop?” said Erika, “I was almost-…”

“Well, because it wouldn’t have been proper now, would it?” she said, “And besides, now that we know the cause, we can’t very well continue on like this now, can we?”

She smiled as she looked up at her, and Erika blinked as she stared back.

“What I mean,” said her mother again, “Is that going forward from now on, we’ll have to start thinking about other ways to have you do your exercises while keeping your virtue intact. Without the risk of having you end up being corrupted, that is. Fortunately, though, I happen to have just the thing.”

She hummed to herself, almost as if everything was going to plan, and then with very strict instructions to stay exactly where she was and not to touch anything that she wasn’t supposed to, her mother disappeared down the stairs, only to return a moment later with a box in her hands. Setting it down onto the table, she opened it up to take something out from inside, and Erika watched as she held up what looked like a series of thick metal bands. Almost like a belt of sorts, and at just the right size to fit around her waist.

“This,” said her mother, “Is a chastity device. I bought it a while ago when we first started hoping that we would never have to use it, but apparently, I was wrong. It’s designed to go between your legs to protect you from sin.”

“But won’t that get in the way?” said Erika.

“Well yes, but that’s sort of the point now, isn’t it?” said her mother, “Here, it’s better if you see for yourself firsthand.”

She waved her over, and slowly Erika walked over to the other side of her room to lift her legs. The bands slipped up between her thighs, the coldness of the metal pressing up against her crotch while the other part of the loop went around her waist, and then with a snap and a click, the entire thing seemed to close up all at once as her mother set the lock in place. Almost like a personal prison of sorts, and blinking at the feeling, Erika reached down with her hands. Already, it was starting to feel like it was a part of her, and against the tightness of the seams and the weight of the shield as it pressed up against her skin, it was impossible to slip so much as a finger past the place where her inner thighs formed a crease. Even as she reached down to pull at it with her hands.

“What if I need to pee?” she said hesitantly.

“There’s a small opening in the front to allow fluids to pass,” said her mother, “Though you’ll probably have to be a little bit more careful about cleaning yourself up after you’re finished.”

“And what about-…?” said Erika.

“There’s a hole in the back for that as well,” said her mother, “Which, seeing as we still haven’t gotten started on your training today…”

She turned to reach over into the box again, and all of a sudden Erika felt her stomach drop at the feeling. Like, surely they wouldn’t have to keep doing that now, would they? And how were they even supposed to anyways with the belt now in place? Wasn’t that sort of the entire point of having her front sealed off and her privates locked away? Though with her bottom still accessible and her nipples still free…

Swallowing hard, she shivered at the whirlwind turning about inside her head. The questions came tumbling one after another, though it wasn’t as if she had long to wait as her mother finally held up what looked like a long string of beads made out of several large spheres linked together end to end. And looking over at the strange device, all of a sudden she had a notion that she was not going to like whatever came next.

“Now then,” said her mother, “Up onto the bed you go.”

“Is that-…,” said Erika.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be just like the plug,” she said, “Bottom towards me now, and don’t forget to lower your head.”

For a moment, the two of them stood there in silence as she waited for her to get into position. Then, as the familiar-looking bottle of lotion made its appearance again, Erika bit down on her lips as she obeyed. Climbing up onto the bed she pressed her face down against the sheets, and following that there was the cold and slippery touch of lubrication as she felt the rounded end of the first sphere push up against her ring. Just like every other time she had something shoved up her rear, only that this time there was more than just one and she whimpered as the natural reaction of her body drew it in. Then, with a silent plop, it settled down inside of her and she grit her teeth.

It was a bit like having a finger put inside her again, she thought, only that the fullness was in the wrong place. Isolated entirely in her butt even as her privates continued to twitch from the frustration underneath. Like that came the second and then the third bead, each one growing progressively larger and larger as they rubbed up against her anus, and as the fifth and sixth bead finally slipped past the tightness of her hole to completely fill her up, it was as if the emptiness inside her was made even worse by the way they pressed up against each other within.

Then her mother pressed a button, and it was as if the entire world seemed to vanish as they slowly began to vibrate.

“Oh!” she gasped.

“One hour,” said her mother, “And then I’ll come back to see how you’re doing and if you need any more time.”

“But Mom!” said Erika, “I can’t-…”

The only thing she got in response, however, was a smile as her mother reached out to pat her rear. And to give her a small tap directly over the metal covering of the belt where the tiny little bump at the top of her slit would have been.

“Be brave now,” she said, “I know it feels strange, but it’s just something that you’ll have to get used to eventually. Not unless you would rather we go back to using your front that is, and risk having an accident. And think about it this way. It’ll be for your own good anyways since you won’t be tempted to play with yourself down there, and even if you do try to rub up against something without realizing it, with your dirty little bean now locked away…"

Her mother went on, but Erika was no longer listening. The buzzing grew even louder as the beads shifted in her rear, and she gasped as she felt the walls of her tunnel let out a twitch. Trapped underneath the thickness of the belt though and with no way to reach, there was nothing she could do but lie there and sob even as her hips thrust back against the air. Over and over again as the tiny little nub rose up at the top of her slit, crying out for even the slightest form of stimulation, and like that, with the string at the end fully visible as it stuck out of her rear and her anus clenching down desperately against the torment within, she waited as her mother walked over to set a timer before walking back down the stairs.

The silence that fell afterwards was almost deafening. Tick, tick, tick, it went, and blinking through the frustration flowing through her and the salty taste of her tears, Erika cried as her hand slipped down between her legs. Her fingers scratched at the smoothness of the metal covering her slit, desperately searching for a gap, but there wasn’t the slightest hint of relief.

And by the time an entire hour had passed, each second slipping by at half its normal pace,...

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Written by RetrospectiveInsomnia
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