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Desires of Siblings

"How my lust for my brother began"

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It all started during the Christmas holidays of this fateful year. I was seventeen, had just finished school and was very much looking forward to a gap year to unwind. It was an odd feeling not having to get into school mode and having nothing planned, but I was excitedly thinking up things to help me discover and explore myself. I was determined to have fun!

Surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, I'd been exploring porn a little more with all my spare time. This had led to me wanting to explore my sexuality. I felt I hadn't delved much into that side of me yet and had decided this was the time. I'd always been fairly curious so I figured, what better time than a gap year!

My brother Craig was eighteen (we're eighteen months apart) and was at the end of his gap year. Watching him enjoy a year off and life in general was my inspiration to also take a year off. After achieving high marks on his HSC he was a different, more relaxed happy version of himself.

Christmas and New Year's had come and gone and Mum and Dad had returned to work. Living in a wealthy area, most of our rich friends took off overseas for the holidays. We weren't doing as well so couldn't afford that which we were more than okay with, but it sucked not having my friends around. Don't get me wrong, we lived well, had a nice two-story house with a pool and all that, but couldn't afford the travel like our friends. Another long boring summer ahead for Craig and I is all I thought.

After a week of boredom since Mum and Dad were back at work, on a stinking hot day while scrolling through socials I decided on having a swim. It was hot and sunny so figured I might as well try cool off and get some sun. My usual olive complexion was anything but which was unacceptable given it was the middle of summer! As I headed upstairs and past Craig's room I called out, "I'm going for a swim, wanna come?"

Also looking bored he called back, "Sure."

Closing my door behind me, I grabbed my bikini bag from the back of my closet (not something I wanted Mum to find) and it dawned on me that while I had a lot of bikinis, over the last few years my bikini choices were made purely with looking hot and sexy in mind, not to swim with family at home! My reality was a strict home life focused on study and my escape was when out with friends. I guess you could say there are two sides to me that are polar opposites. Me in skimpy bikinis was not a sight I'd think my family could imagine!

As I rummaged through my bag, they were all either very cheeky cut or full-thong bikinis. I hadn't bothered keeping any of my conservative swimmers it appeared. I couldn't see anything I would contemplate wearing to swim with my brother. As anxiety set in wondering what to wear, I found an old bag of clothes. To my relief, I found an old one-piece that I hadn't worn in years. Trying it on, I was relieved it still fit. Heading out, I grabbed a towel on the way through and headed down to the pool.

Craig was already in and floating around. Dropping my towel next to his I dove straight in. I can still remember how nice the cool water felt. It had been forever since we'd used the pool. Smiling, I thought about Dad being happy to find out we'd used the pool after spending so much time maintaining it for no one to use.

After a while of just floating around with very little conversation between us, if any, I jumped out to tan for a bit. Grabbing my towel I started to dry myself off but couldn't help but notice Craig was staring at me before quickly looking away when I looked at him. I remember thinking, "Is he creeping on me?" Trying not to think much more of it I just lay down to tan for a bit.

Lying there, I kept feeling my brother looking over at me. It felt a little weird but also was kind of flattering. Weird thought I know but I was kind of chuffed thinking my brother was perving on me. I was single after breaking up with my boyfriend a few months earlier and would be lying if I said I wasn't craving some male attention. I wasn't thinking I wanted my brother's attention, but it still felt good strangely enough. I guess any attention is better than none.

After about half an hour I was beginning to melt from the heat and decided to jump back in to cool off. Again, I felt like Craig was staring at me as I walked over to the pool. Shrugging it off as Craig just being a weirdo brother I dove back in.

While swimming around, it wasn't long before I needed to go to the toilet and was also thirsty, so headed to the stairs to jump out saying, "Just grabbing a drink, you want one?"

Craig again was looking at me strangely before he responded, almost with a broken voice, "Um, y-yeah."

Looking back at him giving him a frown look I asked, "You alright?" before I headed inside and went to the bathroom.

Walking past the mirror on my way to the toilet, I did a double-take of myself in the mirror and almost fainted! I stood there staring at myself in the mirror realising I might as well be totally naked. My old swimsuit had become totally transparent when wet. My nipples and B-cup breasts were fully visible through my once white, but now skin-coloured swimsuit! Literally nothing hiding them at all and worse, as I scanned down, I realised cutting the gusset out of the crotch to stop sand catching in there, may not have been the best idea after all. My vagina was on full display. Every detail of my lips was clearly on show.

Funny thinking back on random thoughts, but I remember thinking thank God I'd had a wax a week earlier after letting it get a little long down there, although this thought did nothing to stop the terror I felt now knowing why Craig had been staring at me.

After staring at myself in shock, I went to the toilet before returning to look at myself in the mirror, hoping desperately after my initial shock, it wasn't as bad as I'd first thought. But it really was. I was basically naked except for the sharp white elastic edges of the swimsuit that only seemed to draw in your attention to the fact that, the rest didn't look like it was even there!

Now, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on standing there looking at myself in a sheer swimsuit!. I'd never worn anything like that before, but it actually looked pretty hot! I wasn't someone overly experienced sexually, I'd had a few boyfriends over the years and more recently a couple of one-off hook-ups that were not what I would call great experiences. My active imagination created fantasies of me, of course being the centre of attention in whatever fantasy I'd thought up after watching porn, but had never acted on them. This situation wasn't one of the fantasies I'd thought of, but I did suddenly have a rush of excitement at been seen like this.

In the last few months since becoming single and exploring porn, I discovered I tended to gravitate towards public sex and voyeur-type videos. Those couples having sex in public and masturbating in public kind of videos. It looked so exciting which had led to the only exploring I had done so far. Nothing crazy, just walking around the house naked or masturbating in different rooms of the house when alone. To feel more exciting, I'd strip off in my room before exploring, giving me the feeling I had nothing to cover myself with if needed. Still not satisfied I'd started venturing into the backyard naked and had masturbated out there twice now. The feeling of being outside with no clothes was extremely exciting for me. The thrill of imagining getting caught was also something I discovered I enjoyed.

As I stood there staring at myself, I realised I had a few choices. Do the sensible thing and either cover up by changing into one of my bikinis, albeit one of my sexier ones, or just pretend I hadn't noticed and head back out to enjoy feeling naked. I mean, my brother was clearly having a look and I figured he couldn't do anything anyway, so why not just enjoy it and live out my recently discovered thrill of public nudity.

Deciding to have fun with it, I went and grabbed two bottles of water, grabbed the sunscreen and looked down at myself as I headed back outside marvelling at how see-through my swimsuit was. It truly was incredible. I had no idea this was going to be happening today, but came to the realisation that I was enjoying it.

As I walked back out, I felt bubbly and excited as I returned to the pool knowingly totally exposed. Seeing Craig look over at me, I instantly felt the extra layer of naughtiness knowing I was doing this in front of my brother. I'd never before this moment had any sexual desires towards him, and still didn't, but at the same time this felt very exciting. Those feelings I had while exploring naked outside were again front and centre, only this time, there really was someone there watching me and I didn't seem to care it was my brother. It almost felt safe.

With my newfound confidence and knowledge of basically being naked, I stepped into the pool and sat on the stairs. Letting the water cover me almost to my shoulders, I held out the bottle of water for Craig while sitting there knowing the wetter my swimsuit was, the more sheer it would be. If nothing else, I knew I'd be masturbating tonight thinking back on this adventure.

After a few sips of my water, I slid all the way in, did a quick lap then headed back to the stairs. I began stepping out trying to be a little seductive knowing my brother was likely watching me. Arching my back a little as I took each step while slicking my hair back, I imagined my brother enjoying the view of me, his sister in that pose. A nod to those influencers I'd watched so many times. My heart began pumping harder knowing what I was about to do. The plan I'd just hatched in my mind was exciting, but also made me nervous. I convinced myself to continue none the less!

I walked over to our towels, grabbed the sunscreen, then headed back over to the edge of the pool. Standing facing directly at Craig, noticing him again sneaking looks at me, I clicked the sunscreen open, squeezed some onto my hand and began rubbing it on my arms. Terrible I know, but I wanted to start a conversation to get my brother looking at me without having to be sneaky. It wasn't so much that I wanted my brother looking at me, more just the feeling of someone looking at my naked body. Either way, standing there rubbing the lotion in knowing I was on full display, I felt alive and more excited than I can remember being before. Looking over at him I asked, "So what really happened with you and Lisa?" his ex he'd broken up with not long before Christmas.

Craig, now looking at me without looking away continued to float around and was saying some bla bla bla uninteresting story ending with, "So we both decided we weren't ready for commitment and that's it."

With a cheeky smile as I looked at him looking at me knowing his eyes were everywhere but where they should be I replied, "Yeah right, you're all the same, you just wanna sleep around."

Smiling back he surprised me by shooting back with, "Is that why you broke up with Gregg?"

Thrown off a little not expecting him to play along, I grabbed the lotion, squeezed some more into my hand and liberally applied it to my right leg. Beginning to massage the lotion in properly, looking back up at him, I decided to be honest for once and replied, "Ummm, yeah I guess. I was bored and wanted to try new things, so I guess so."

I think he was a little surprised at his little sister's willingness to admit that as it seemed to end the conversation as quickly as it started. I don't think he'd ever considered I was sexual at all, let alone wanting to sleep around or admit it.

As I grabbed some more lotion, I had the sudden realisation that my thoughts were starting to drift inappropriately towards my brother. I hadn't set out for any of this to happen today, or any day for that matter, but I wasn't in control of what my thoughts had suddenly become! The fact that I was turned on while enjoying my nudist sexual moment, in front of my brother, on purpose, meant he'd become my point of focus. My heart raced realising that what was up until this point, just harmless naughty fun for me, was becoming anything but! Even worse, instead of stopping there and then, I continued.

As I lathered up my left leg I asked sarcastically, "So that's why you hit the weights so hard huh, wanted to look hot for all the ladies?"

Without missing a beat, Craig struck a body-building pose flexing his muscles saying, "Too right, did it work?"

Laughing off his silliness I smiled saying, "yeah it worked, you're looking hot." Running my left hand up my left leg and my right hand up my right leg, letting them drift slowly into my inner thighs while I slowly stood up right, I enjoyed my brother watching me as I did, more than I should. I was still so surprised by the fact I was enjoying my brother looking at my naked body, but I felt intoxicated by it at the same time!

Reaching the top of my legs, I again ran my hands back down to my knees, then back up via my inner thighs gauging his response as I did. To my delight, he watched without looking away. This time though, as I reached the top, I let my thumbs slide under my swimsuit, followed by the tips of my remaining fingers letting them follow the arch my swimsuit legs as I ran them all the way to the top of the arch, around to my bum, then back again letting them almost graze my lips. I couldn't help but wander how easily he could see my fingers under my swimsuit!

Holding out my arms as if gesturing to look and judge my body, I asked suggestively, "I guess I should start hitting the gym to look good for all the boys too then."

Craig's response not only almost floored me, but also changed the dynamic instantly. Looking directly at me, he shrugged his shoulders saying, "Nah you look fine, especially in that swimsuit."

It was like he punched me in the gut in that moment. I realised we'd crossed over from playfully pretending we hadn't noticed my see-through swimsuit, to it all being out there now and there was no avoiding it. My heart was beating harder than it had ever before as I tried to process what was happening. The playful innocence was all gone and this now felt very very real. This felt very different to how I imagined it would feel when I fantasised about being caught!

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Looking down seeing my nakedness, I couldn't control myself to not continue, even though I knew I shouldn't. I was nervous, but enjoying the attention immensely. I ran my hands over my torso while looking at my brother and asked, "What? Why?" Wanting to see how he'd respond and see where he would take it.

Swimming up to the edge of the pool right where I was standing, he looked up and said kinda playfully, almost with arrogance, "Not sure if you noticed, but it's see-through."

Looking down at my brother I pondered my answer. I tried to think of words but my brain had abandoned me. My brother was a foot away from me looking directly up. I knew he had a clear view of my exposed pussy and instead of moving away, I instinctively stepped to my left, pushed my hip out while arching my back and grabbing my hair to pull it behind me. I knew this opened my legs for him to have a better view, I knew what I was doing was wrong but didn't stop myself! No words were coming to me. No answers and no questions, just a million thoughts of what seemed like nothingness besides thoughts of posing for him.

Without any more thought, seeing Craig below me, my body seemed to take over. I felt my body lower itself until I sat in front of him. My legs dropped into the pool on either side of him and without thought, my mouth took over due to my brain's absence. I heard my mouth mumble, "yeah I noticed, did it work?"

I was frozen still after hearing my voice say those words. My body shivered as I felt the closeness of our bodies. I think we were both very much in a daze in that second. We both realised we had crossed a line we'd never even known existed. He'd admitted he was looking at my nakedness, and I had suggested I'd done it to seduce him. It also felt as though we were both complicit and willing to continue without backing down.

As I'd mimicked his, "did it work?" question, he mimicked my...

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Written by Bellajess
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