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Dear Daddy Part 4

"Mommy finally joins in on the family fun."

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Dear Mommy,

The day you were away on your trip was one of the longest of my life. Miriam, Dad, and I were sitting on pins and needles, awaiting your response to Dad's confession. The house was filled with anxious energy as we all tried to keep busy awaiting your response to Daddy's letter. To be frank, not knowing how you would react was driving me nuts. It is not hyperbole to say that your reaction to Dad's letter would change our lives.

Miriam must have seen how stressed I was and suggested we lay by the pool, "Why don't we go lay out and work on our tans? Maybe it will distract us," she said earnestly, as if anything could possibly take our minds off of telling you that we were sleeping with your husband.

"I don't really think that will work," I pushed back.

Miriam would have none of it, though. "Oh, stop it. We will find out when we find out. In the meantime, we should at least make sure we are as tan as possible for when Mom gets home. Besides, don't you want to see me in my new bikini," Miriam retorted as she shook her chest at me.

"It is hard to resist such an offer," I said as I pulled her in for a kiss. "Let's go change, and I will meet you outside."

I got to the lounge chairs first and set up the towels for us. When I heard the door slide open, I looked up and quickly lost my breath. Miriam was wearing a completely sheer white bikini that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

"I thought this might help get your mind off of Mom," Miriam said with a dirty grin.

Mom, I have to tell you she was right. I was shocked at how sexy my younger sister looked. I wanted her so badly at that moment. I walked over to her, grabbed her bare ass, and pulled her in for the deepest kiss I had given her in years. We kissed passionately as our hands roamed over each other's barely covered bodies. At that point, I didn't care about my pleasure. All I wanted was to make Miriam scream out in joy. I dropped to my knees, pulled her bikini to the side, and slowly began licking up and down her vulva. Her bald pussy shined in a mix of juices and sweat as I continued to kiss the length of her snatch.

"Oh, Morgan!" Miriam yelped as I started to circle her clit with the flat of my tongue.

I felt her grab my head and press my face to her crotch. This was a clear sign that I was on the right track and shouldn't stop. I kept the pressure and movements of my tongue the same as I grabbed Miriam's ass to pull her closer to me. A cascade of pussy juice dripped down my chin. Before I knew it, Miriam began to shake in my arms and then collapsed into my lap.

Miriam sat in my lap, exhausted and satisfied. I lifted her head, wiped the sweat from her brow, pushed her hair out of her face, and gently kissed her on her lips. I looked at my sister and was reminded of why I fell deeply in love with her.

"I love you, Miriam. No matter what happens, I want you to remember that I will always be yours," I said to her in a moment of complete vulnerability.

Dad soon came out of the house to find us balled up on the floor, holding each other tightly.

"I guess I walked in on something, huh?" Dad asked us, afraid his presence would mess up our moment.

"It's okay, Daddy. I was just telling Miriam that everything is going to be alright," I responded. " Why don't you come layout with us? It will be nice having you around."

"Morgan, just make sure you keep your hands to yourself. We don't want to tire Dad out before Mom gets home," Miriam joked.

As the three of us lay by the pool chatting, the conversation quickly turned to our confession to you.

"You know, telling you about our relationship was much easier than this, " I said to Dad with a sense of bewilderment.

"At that point, Miriam and I had been together for six years. We knew we were in love and that no matter what happened with you, we would always have each other," I continued as I took Miriam's hand in mine.

"Besides, we knew you couldn't keep your dirty eyes off us! You would practically spy on us in our tiny bikinis," Miriam teased as she winked at Dad.

"Dad, did you know that Morgan and I would dare each other to see who could get the bigger rise out of you? The look on your face when we would come out in our bikinis was priceless," Miriam continued to tell Dad as his eyes widened.

"You mean all the times I rebuked you for wearing such revealing clothes, and you knew what you were doing the whole time?" Dad said, astonished.

"Well, yeah, Daddy! It was clear that you lusted after us. The look in your eyes was such a turn-on," Miriam explained. "It is that same look you have in your eyes now."

Dad blushed, realizing he was staring at Miriam's sheer bikini bottom.

"Morgan, when did it all change for you? It is one thing to tease me, but when did you know you wanted me?" Dad asked, trying to understand how we all got to this place.

Dad sat at rapt attention as I began to tell the story of that moment in extraordinary detail.

"Oh, I remember that moment as if it was yesterday. It was about three years ago. It was a hot, humid summer day, so Miriam and I decided to come over to use the pool. I woke up feeling super frisky and very horny that morning, but Miriam rebuffed every attempt I made to make love that morning," I recalled.

Miriam was having none of it, though. "Come on, Mir! We will be super quick," I remembered begging.

Miriam quickly called me out on my bullshit. "You know that isn't true. Once I am between your legs, you will just want more! We won't be able to keep our hands off each other, and before you know it, we will have missed half of our pool day," She retorted.

"Besides, you know how horny you always are after teasing Dad at the pool. How about we wear those new bikinis we just got and see what happens when we get home later?" Miriam winked.

"Dad, I knew just the bikinis she was talking about, and I was surprised she would suggest we wear them at your house," I continued. "You remember that trip Mir and I took to the Dominican Republic? Well, we bought the tiniest bikinis I had ever seen as a way to spice things up on our trip. Never in a million years did I expect you to see us wear them," I laughed.

"The look on your face when we walked out was priceless. You practically blew a gasket when you saw what we were wearing, but we saw Mom in the kitchen telling you to relax, that we were grown women and could wear what we wanted. Despite your protests, you couldn't keep your eyes off of us. It seemed like you came up with every excuse possible to come check on us as we tanned ourselves," I said as Dad looked more shocked with every admission.

"Dad, seeing you checking us out was such a turn-on. By the time we got home, I needed to get fucked. I was so horny! Once we were back at our place, I practically ripped Mir's clothes off. We were going hot and heavy when I asked her to get a strap-on to fuck me," I said, continuing to detail the events of that day.

Miriam did not hold back. She put on the harness and teased me with her fake cock. "Is this what you want? You have needed this all day, haven't you, you little slut. I want you to beg for it!" Miriam demanded.

"Please, Miriam! I need you to fuck me. You looked so fucking hot in your bikini all day. All I wanted was to fuck you right then and there. Dad looked like he would have joined in, too. It was so hot the way he looked at us. Ugh! Please, Daddy, fuck me! Stick your cock in me, Daddy," I yelled at Miriam.

Mom, the look on Dad's face as I told him this story was priceless. It was a mix of lust, shock, and astonishment. I understood how he felt. I recall so vividly how I felt at that moment, too. It was the first time I had ever called Miriam Daddy. It was a spontaneous reaction, but I knew something in me snapped at that moment.

Miriam was taken aback by my request, but she was clearly turned on. She spanked my ass, grabbed my hips, and started to move her hips with mine.

"Daddy is going to fuck you so good. You were so bad today, showing up in your little bikini. You wanted me to fuck you right then, didn't you? You wanted me to shove my cock deep inside you like I am now. Hearing you moan for my cock makes me want to fuck you even more," Miriam screamed in a fit of passion.

It was as if she had been possessed.

As her pace quickened, images of Daddy flooded my mind, and I came hard all over Miriam's fake cock. I collapsed in a puddle of sweat.

As I continued my story, I explained that role-playing became a part of our regular lovemaking. We would take turns playing Daddy and, on occasion, Mommy too. We knew it was a dirty little fantasy, something out of the stories we would read each other from Lush, but it made our sex lives better than ever.

After one of these role-play sessions, Miriam asked me whether I really wanted to fuck Dad. I was still coming down from the high of orgasm, unsure what to say, so I decided to be honest.

"I have thought about it, but this isn't some online porn story. I don't know how we could get Dad in bed with us," I said.

Miriam suddenly jumped up from our bed, strap-on still firmly attached, and grabbed her laptop. When she came back, she started typing ferociously.

"What if it was like a story on Lush? If we wrote a letter asking him to join us, as long as it is hot enough, he might just do it. The question is, what would turn him on that much?" Miriam said inquisitively.

I immediately knew that sharing the story of our first time together would do it, especially since it took place with us in our bikinis by the pool. I grabbed Miriam's laptop and started to write. We passed the computer back and forth to each other, and by the end of the night, we had our first draft done. Over one very sexually active week, Miriam and I perfected a letter to Daddy that we were sure would make him want to fuck us.

Mom and Dad sat in utter silence as I finished telling my story. He was clearly in shock despite knowing how this all ended up.

"Wow! I can't believe you two had wanted this for so long. I can't believe you knew how much I lusted after you two. In some ways, I even hid it from myself. I guess that is why I overreacted every time the two of you would wear something revealing. I didn't want to admit how turned on I was," Dad confessed to us. Is that how you knew that your letter to me would work?" he asked.

"Yeah, Dad. It was clear that you wanted to fuck us. We knew that all you needed was a little bit of a push and a permission structure to allow yourself to follow your desires," I explained.

Morgan chimed in, "Plus, we thought a letter would give you some time to process everything we said. That is why we thought sending Mom a similar letter would work. Part of me wanted to have you wrap Miriam and me up in bows and have her find us naked in her bed, but I thought it would be better for her to have time to process all of this."

"Yeah, giving her space to make sense of all this was the right thing to do, but not knowing how she is feeling about all this is driving me nuts," I expressed with a sense of anxious frustration.

I was so excited to finally be open about everything with you, but I was still terrified that I would repulse you. Yes, I was turned on by the idea of sleeping with you and being in an actual sexual relationship with you, but the possibility of losing Mom weighed heavily on me.

Before we knew it, the sun began to set, so the three of us went back inside to shower, eat dinner, and get some sleep. Knowing you were coming home the next day left me tossing and turning for hours before finally falling asleep.

I was shocked awake when I heard Dad's phone beep. I looked over at the clock to see it was 2 am and was annoyed that someone would dare text so late at night. In my annoyance, I grabbed Dad's phone and was shocked to see that it was you who was texting him in the middle of the night.

My frustration quickly disappeared, and a sense of relief washed over me as I read your text message. Reading that you loved and desired us left me feeling accepted in a way I didn't know I needed. It was the first time I knew that you accepted all parts of me, that you loved me for who I was, and that I no longer had to hide from you. I silently wept as I fell back to sleep.

I woke up early before anyone else in the house was awake. I contemplated turning over and going back to sleep, but your text from the night before left me a lot to process, so I decided to go for a long run. I wrote a note to Dad to let him know where I was and left it on his nightstand. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I left due to something he did.

Before heading out the door, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and fix my hair. As I looked into the mirror, I couldn't help but notice how much I looked like a younger version of you. My reflection felt like you were looking back at me and telling me everything would be okay.

I put on a sports bra, some half-tights, and sneakers, and out the door I went. My head was swimming as I ran down the street. As my body warmed up, thoughts of sex swept through my mind. I couldn't believe that you said that you "desired" us. Desire! That word kept repeating in my head. You, my Mom, desired me. You wanted to fuck me!

My body was covered in sweat as my pace quickened. I ran further and faster as I tried to make sense of what was about to happen.

Before I knew it, I was back at your house, tired and drenched from head to toe. I couldn't remember the last time I ran that far and that hard.

When I walked into the house, all I wanted was a cold drink; instead of water, I got an eyeful. Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted by Miriam on her knees, sucking off Daddy. From the look on his face, it was clear that he was enjoying himself and was about to explode in her mouth.

I couldn't help but make fun of the situation's absurdity, "Go, Mir! Show him who is boss!"

Hearing my commentary didn't cause Miriam to pause in the slightest, and moments later, she practically choked as Daddy came hard in her mouth. I got on my knees next to Miriam and licked off whatever cum was left dripping from Daddy's Cock.

"I hope you don't mind that I joined in, but I was famished after my run," I said to Daddy as I licked his cum from the side of my lip.

Miriam turned to kiss me as we swapped Daddy's cum between us.

I stood up and grabbed a towel to wipe off the mix of cum and sweat from my face.

"I thought we were going to wait for Mom before we had any more action?" I ask with a little bit of displeasure in my voice.

"Don't look at me! When I read Miriam your Mom's text message, she dropped down to her knees, pulled out my cock, and went to town," Dad remarked.

"What? I couldn't help myself! Mom told us that she desired us. That felt like it was something to celebrate. Besides, I was horny!" Miriam blurted out, trying to justify her actions.

"Miriam, I think we should go back to our place to get ready. Dad, we should be back by 2. Remember to leave your willy alone so it is nice and ready for when Mom gets home," I instructed Dad.

Miriam and I grabbed our bags, and we returned to our apartment. I was still a sweaty mess from my run and decided to shower.

"Why don't we hop in the shower together? It will save us a bit of time," I suggested.

That was a big mistake! As I watched the water cascade down Miriam's body, I was instantly turned on. I took the loofa off the hook and began lathering every inch of her body. Feeling her wet, slippery body underhand made me want to devour her. I slowly began to massage her breasts as we kissed under the showerhead. Our wet bodies pressed against each other as she started to soap up...

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Written by Grenefire
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