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Daddy's Princess in Training Part Six

"Reaching the next level of erotica"

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"As the morning dawns I lay here next to my sweet angel and I can feel her warmth and softness." "Her soft breathe tickles the hair on my chest as I hold her in my arms."

"In rest I watch my beauty and try to see her as other men do." " I  see them watch her, under lidded eyes, captivated by her beauty, sweetness and a sensuality which exudes itself from every pore in her body as well as the core of her very essence." "I too am under her spell."

"All the while she is unassuming and unknowing of her own power in her role as seductress, and  sensually erotic being." "That is a power of it's own." "She knows she is pretty, by anyone's standard,  but takes no credit for natures gift."

"She is a very complex woman, for that is what she has become." "She is very intelligent, quick witted, intuitive, funny and warm." "At the same time she is also a naive child  in her own underlying sensuality ." "She does not realize she can raise total havoc within a man's mind and physical being ." 

"In a few hours we will leave for England." "Over the next two weeks there will  be numerous business meetings with the heads of our European companies."  "They are aware that my angel will be coming along to sit in her rightful position as the heir apparent to my life's work."   

"All are committed to her success." "The majority have known her since she was a young girl and adore and respect her."

As I look down at my sleeping angel I can not keep my hands from gently wandering across her body. My fingers reaching and gliding over her woman's core as I finger her clit ring and quietly move my thumb around it while inserting a finger inside as I gently slide it in and out feeling the beginning  of her flowing juices. She still sleeps like an angel, her body reacting in her sleep. I slide a second finger in to stretch and prepare her for me. As she opens to me I feel her body pumping my hand and squeezing my fingers and slip a third finger inside her lovely kitty.

Knowing she is ready to accept me and is about to cum, I lift her small body onto my rock hardness. Slipping in inch by inch she slowly awakens to find herself speared on my hardness. 

She looks down at me with sleepy sexy eyes and smiles as she rides me to her first orgasm.

"Good morning daddy" she giggles. "What a lovely way to wake up" as she leans down to kiss me and our tongues do their mating dance. She is unbelievably accepting of her sexual desires. Never questioning her sensual responses or her complete readiness to comply.

I roll her over on to her back and slowly slide my shaft in and out causing her to whimper and moan as her kisses deepen and she assaults my tongue with everything she has. All the while pumping and grinding her kitty and clit against my hard driving shaft. The need is great on both sides.

I feel her tightening once again and know she is ready to reach yet another orgasm. My body reacting to her pulsing, squeezing kitty takes me over the top as we both cum together in one wild gut wrenching orgasm. We both cry out. "Oh daddy I'm cumming." she cries and meets me thrust for thrust.   

As her body shudders and spasms she collapses under my body still speared by my semi hardness, neither of us wishing to move or break the contact.

 "Angel you never cease to amaze me. Even in deep sleep your body is so incredibly responsive to your sensual and erotic needs and desires." "Your little body is so hypersensitive to touch and taste it takes my breath away."

"Today we leave for England and a continuation of your erotic adventure." "Do you trust me completely my sweet?"

"Yes daddy, you know I do."

"Everything I have planned for you will test your faith and trust in me as well as your bodies desires, sensuality, eroticism and  boundaries."  "Does this cause you any concern my pet?"

"No Daddy you have only shown me love and tenderness as well as guidance in my ability to please you."  

"My guidance initially started as a means of training you to give of yourself and your body and to teach you pleasures beyond comprehension." "To show you the love I feel for you."

"Mmmm daddy you have more than accomplished your goal." "You have taught and conditioned my body to feel more than I could have ever possibly imagined ." 

Smiling I kiss the tip of your cute nose and tell you we leave for England in one hour. "The jet is fueled and awaits our arrival."

"Daddy, I'm not even packed yet and I need to shower and dress."

 "Packing is not an issue my pet." "I have taken the liberty of packing your bags and I believe you will find all that you will need inside them." "If I have missed anything we will purchase them in England."

"We will be guests at Sir Robert's family estate in England." "It is an old castle that he has been refurbishing for the last couple of years." "He is quite looking forward to our visit and showing us around the castle."  

"We will arrive tonight and he has already planned a special dinner party tomorrow night to welcome you." "You know how he adores you and has always fussed over you." I chuckle.

"There is a large gathering at his home this evening." "We can change on the plane prior to our arrival and catch the tail end of it."

"Oh Daddy that sounds so exciting I can hardly wait." "I know we have a lot of business to deal with on this trip but do you think we might have some time to shop and sight see?"  

"Yes my pet, all has been arranged." "We will be there for two weeks, perhaps longer if necessary, and the meetings have already been scheduled to coincide  with your personal schedule."

"We start in England, and then on to Paris, where we will be guests of Pierre's. "From there we go to Italy and will stay at our own home high in the hills over looking the water. You have not seen this new one yet and I think you will be quite pleased." "Antonio is very delighted and looks forward to showing you around the beautiful countryside.  "We will have a dinner party there for the heads of each of the companies from England, Paris and Italy" "I have already arranged the transportation for it and a long relaxing weekend for all."

"Daddy, I smile, you think of everything." "I can hardly wait to get started." 

"Yes my angel we will have an extraordinary adventure." "As always, should something frighten you or cause you concern you must tell Daddy so we can discuss it and I can answer any questions you may have." "You must remember that nothing you feel or do is wrong, it may only be new and unknown to you my pet."

"Yes daddy, I will."


                                                  Arrival in England


As the jet lands we prepare to go through customs which is handled quickly and efficiently thanks to Sir Robert. We are met by his driver and whisked away to the castle. I can see the excitement bubbling inside you as we make the 45 minute drive.

"Sir Robert asked me to convey his good wishes and hopes you had an uneventful flight, Sir." "He is quite pleased you will be able to join in the festivities this evening."

"Thank you Goodrich. We too are looking forward to this evening after being cooped up on the jet for so long a time."  Goodrich places a discreet call to Sir Robert, announcing our impending arrival, as we climb the winding road.

As we drive up the long windy road we can see the lights along the road leading us to our final destination.

 As the castle comes into full view it is truly breath taking, like something out of an English novel.

"Oh Daddy this is amazing and so beautiful." As I watch the lights dancing in your eyes it never ceases to amaze or surprise me as your child like reactions show to the things that simply delight you. 

"Would you care to freshen up first, Sir, Miss?" "No, thank you Goodrich, we have already seen to that on the plane." "Very good Sir" as he leads us to the main ballroom.

Sir Robert is already on his way to greet us as we enter the ballroom. A smile on his face lights up his eyes as he takes my pet into his arms for a loving embrace. "Oh my lovely girl it is so wonderful to see you again. You grow more beautiful every time these old eyes see you" We shake hands and I thank him for his warm hospitality.  

Pierre hurries over to greet us taking my hands in his and kissing both cheeks as is the custom in Europe. Speaking to me in his native language. "Mon cherie you look lovely as always."

"Come, my dear, I wish to introduce you, as a chuckle escapes him, and your father, to everyone."

"There must be 75-100 people here" I say.

Don't worry love, no one expects you to remember all of their names. You will have plenty of time over the next couple of weeks  to learn them properly my dear."

A glass of champagne is placed in my hand and I drink down the ice cold bubbly. "Mmmm Daddy I do so love the taste of champagne", I laugh. I watch Daddy signal for more which is promptly placed in front of me.

"Honey, I already know a number of people here due to my business contacts but I would like for you to take the time to meet and converse with them." "It is important they see your intelligence and insight since they know you are the one who will one day take my place as the head of my companies ."  "Go mingle my pet."

"As I wander the room introducing myself I am met with nothing short of kindness and some curiosity. Most Europeans, I am told, are a little standoffish with strangers. I do have the distinct advantage of being my fathers child so the warmth he has earned is passed on to me as well."  

Two hours later I find a break in all of the introductions and another glass of champagne is offered and gladly accepted. I am quite thirsty and down it a bit quickly while another is handed to me and the empty glass taken away.  I find myself thoroughly enjoying myself but start to search the room for daddy as I sip my wine. 

I look and see Sir Robert watching me and smiling as daddy appears at my side.

"Are you having a good time angel?"  Yes daddy everyone has been very pleasant and kind."

"If you need me I will be with Sir Robert and Pierre discussing business as usual" he laughed. As daddy was turning to walk away he hesitated, turned to me smiled and whispered in my ear... "Yes baby, now." as he softly touched my shoulder.

I see Daddy walk over to Pierre and Sir Robert.

All of a sudden I feel a warmth building within my body, a tingling in my kitty and wetness at my outer lips. I realize what is happening to me as my body takes over. The more I try to hold it back the more intense it becomes. I realize this too late and look at Daddy across the room.  I mouth the word "daddy" as he smiles and nods. He can see the panic in my eyes and knows I am unable to control the rise in passion taking over my body. 

As I stand here helpless in my heat and need, a moan escapes and I can feel the tremors and spasms take control of my body. My eyes, growing large, lock onto Daddy' s as his smile encourages me from across the room. I can feel the walls of my kitty and the muscles in my tummy tighten as a gripping orgasm takes control of my body, one breaking over the next. By the look on my face there can be no doubt of what is happening to me.  I quickly look around to see who has noticed my odd behavior and am relieved to find everyone in conversation.

I am drenched in my own juices and can feel them moving down my inner thighs as I clench them together.  I try to walk out to locate a powder room so I may calm down and dry myself.

Unbeknown to me, Sir Robert and Pierre are intently watching the entire event. "That was magnificent" from Sir Robert, and "incredibly wonderful" from Pierre. They both congratulated Daddy on his training of me in mind and touch control. All three men's shafts were as hard as steel and their breathing just beginning to return to normal.  

"It was amazing to watch it dawn upon my angel's face as she recognized what was happening to her yet be powerless to stop it. Her eyes growing wider as the intensity increased. She didn't know that trying to hold it back only intensified it." "Her face bathed in the after glow of her orgasms was an exciting sight to behold. She is so pure in spirit and sensual desire that she does not have the ability within her to hide her intense pleasure." 

"I must go find and reassure her everything is ok." "She must never be frightened or have misgivings  over her sensual feelings."

"We would love the opportunity to see her up close and personal while she is in the throws of her passion, Sir Robert said. "She is quite delicious when she looses control of her passion, my friend."

"Ah my pet there you are" as I kiss her brow. "You were magnificent and made me so proud angel."

"Daddy, there I was in the middle of all those people and I couldn't help myself."

"Shhh I know sweetheart. It was a most beautiful sight for these eyes to see." "How do you feel angel?"

"I was starting to get embarrassed with all of those people around me but no one seemed to notice. How odd Daddy that I could be having such intense and powerful feelings and nobody around me even knew it was happening."

 "Baby when your eyes locked on to mine we were the only two people in the room. I truly loved watching you cum for Daddy." I take her hand and place it on my shaft. "Do you see the power you have over your Daddy, my pet?"  "Do you still have trust and faith in the decisions I make for you angel?" "Remember my pet we trained you to be able to have this wonderful release." 

"Yes daddy and it was incredible." "I guess with the flight and all the people it was not expected and a bit of a shock." I smiled down at her and said" Yes my pet, it was meant to be just that." 

"Ah my sweet, that is what makes it so erotic and exciting for you." "I too was overcome with desire when I watched your lovely face as it showed your need and  afterglow."

"Angel  it is my fault for selfishly keeping you to myself and not allowing others to be around you." "There is so much more for you to experience and I have been remiss in allowing you to find complete joy." "All the training you have accomplished over these last six years will be well used this trip my pet." "This is the promise I make to you."

I could feel you relaxing and now enjoying the afterglow. You needed Daddy' s reassurance and approval. 

"Again I must say how proud I am of you and the way your body responds to your training my pet." You were quite exquisite in your release and I wish to continue watching and observing your lovely face as you continue to cum for your daddy in public places." "Are you ok with that my sweet?"

"Yes daddy. Now that the initial shock has worn off I do find it very exciting and erotic. It makes me want it all that much more."  

I smile down at you "Yes that is the desired effect angel." "I wish for your lovely body to feel and react, as it should naturally at any given moment in time, no matter where we might be or with whom." "That is one of the true gifts you may offer me my pet."

"Sweetheart I wish for you to cum in this room one more time before we make out excuses and exit to our rooms." "Will you do this for me angel?"   "Mmmm yes daddy. I am finding I like this more and more." " You are my little wanton pet and I adore you." "I will be close at hand this next time my sweet."

Daddy walks us over to Pierre and Sir Robert as we stand and chat a bit. Sir Robert signals for more champagne which is immediately served.  

"Are you enjoying yourself tonight love?" Sir Robert asks.

 "Yes I have met some very nice people this evening, thank you." "Your home is...

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Written by Shyone
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