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Daddy’s Girls • Chapter 13 • The True Meaning Of The Circle

"Stacey tells her story, and they all learn a lesson."

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“So, Stace, I was worried this morning when you weren’t in English class,” Becky said as they sat together under the tree, eating lunch.

“I made it to class, Beck.” 

“I know, but you were late, and your hair was still wet.”

“Was it?” Stacey absent-mindedly ran her fingers through her hair.

“So? What happened?

“Nothing, really. I… I just took a nice long shower this morning…”

“I LOVE doing that!” Laurie interrupted. “Sometimes, I just love standing under the spray for as long as the hot water holds out. It’s so luxurious! Some days…”

“Ahem!” Stacey interjected. “I wasn’t finished.”

“Well, then, by all means, go on,” Beth said, smiling. Laurie could hog the conversation if you let her.

“As I was saying, I was enjoying a nice long shower…” Stacey looked them each in the eyes, going around the circle one by one before continuing, “…with my dad.”

Beth and Laurie let out whoops of joy, then tackled Stacey in a group hug, taking her to the ground and rolling around with her, laughing. Becky just looked on, muttering, “Damn!” to herself.

The three non-virgins hugged each other, laughing, eventually letting Stacey sit back up on the grass. 

“So you know the drill!” Laurie said, taking her seat in the circle. “Tell us EVERYTHING.”

Stacey did. Each of their eyes opened wide when she talked about masturbating in her bed, with her door wide open, wearing his dress shirt and nothing else, and the Girls all teased her about chickening out like she did. Then, they smiled at how her dad misinterpreted the situation, and cheered how Stacey finally found the nerve to make her move.

Of course, it was the sexy stuff that got them all hot and bothered again. They especially liked the tickling part of the story, and Beth and Laurie both vowed to try that with their fathers.

Rebecca was as horny as she could ever remember being in her life, but was staring at the others forlornly. Once again, she was an outsider, and it felt horrible. She helplessly sensed the tears forming, and quickly wiped one away as it began rolling down her cheek.

Beth noticed this and stopped Stacey’s story, moving across the circle to hug Becky. “Hey… what gives?” 

“Nothing…” Becky looked down, embarrassed at being caught crying.

Now Stacey joined the hug. “Beck; what’s wrong? We’re in the Circle, babe. You can tell us.”

“It’s nothing, really.” She looked up at them, wiping her eyes again. “Go on with your story; it’s really good.”

“The hell with her story, Becky,” Laurie interjected. “Trust me; we’ll be hearing that story for weeks to come. You’re the important one here now.”

Becky was cornered, but knew she was safe in the Circle. She sighed. “I… I need to apologize to you, Laurie.”

“What for?”

“For teasing you about being second.” The girls all laughed.

“Is that all?” Laurie laughed. 

“But that was so much fun!” Stacey said.

“Yeah, at the time it was just, like, picking on you for being so competitive all the time, y’know? But…” Becky took a deep breath. “Once we heard Beth’s story, and then yours, and now Stacey’s…”

“Which isn’t over yet, by the way…” Stacey reminded them, winking. She was positively itching to tell them all the rest.

“Shush, girl!” Laurie smacked her in the leg. “We’ll get back to you soon, so chill, y’hear?”

Beth hugged Becky’s shoulders, “Go on, I want to know what’s wrong.”

Becky said, “After I heard your stories, I realized it wasn’t about the conquest; it was about… something else, something BIGGER, y’know?” The girls all nodded. “You’re all so… so much closer to your dads now, and… well, I want that, too. SO badly.” 

The girls all nodded. “Then it’ll happen for you, too, Beck,” Laurie said. “Don’t worry.”

“Maybe,” Becky continued with another sigh, “… but while I thought I didn’t really care about who was first, or second…” another tear rolled down her cheek, falling on the ground, seemingly in slow motion. “It sure as hell sucks to be last, y’know?”

There was a moment of silence as Rebecca wiped away another tear. “You guys have something in common, and while I can enjoy the stories,” Becky sighed heavily, “I can’t really relate, now, can I?” 

“You don’t feel… like you’re not part of the group now, do you?” Beth asked, feeling herself tearing up a bit.

“Actually, that’s exactly how I feel!”

“Oh, no, Beck,” Laurie said softly.

“And I know that’s not really the case, ‘cause you’re all my best friends, but… yeah… I feel left out.”

“Listen up.” Beth looked her in the eye. “You will ALWAYS be a part of this Circle, and if it never happens between you and your dad, so what?”

“We love YOU, Becky.” Stacey hugged her tight. “I’m REALLY sorry if my… bragging… got you down.”

“Me, too,” Laurie added. “We don’t have to talk about it anymore, if it makes you feel bad.”

“Hear, hear,” said Beth, wiping away a tear of her own.

“NO! Girls! I LOVED your stories! Hell, I’m horny as hell right now!” They all smiled. “Stacey; finish telling us the rest.”

“No, it’s not important, Beck,” Stacey said, holding her tight. 

“Yes, it is! Don’t you see what I’m talking about?” She sat up straight, breaking the hugs. “What you have with each of your dads is something special, y’know? And it’s NOT just about the sex, I know that.”

“Well, the sex is…” Laurie stopped herself, “but you’re right, It is about something more.” 

“Do you know what this Circle is? I mean, what it REALLY is?” Rebecca continued, “For the longest time, each of us has been, like, the woman of the house, y’know? Whatever we were going through, that was always the center of it; We all knew what it was like to be without a Mom, but we knew that no matter what, we could always count on each other. And now…” she sighed again, “ALL of you are now REALLY the women of the house.”

“Wow. She’s right,” Beth said. “I’ve been trying to put my finger on what changed, and that’s it.”

“And THAT’S what I want, too. I want to be that for MY dad.” Becky wiped her face again. “So, finish your story, Stacey.”


“Absolutely. Hell, you were inspired by these two,” Rebecca motioned to Laurie and Beth, “So hopefully, I’ll be inspired by you.”

“Well, then,” Stacey smiled. “Where was I?”


Stacey told them how her and her father made dinner together, standing naked in the kitchen, laughing and touching each other often, recounting what they had just done together, talking openly about what they liked best, and kissing often.

They sat together at the kitchen table, eating voraciously, both of them knowing what was going to happen later in her father’s big bed, and knowing they would need all the energy they could muster.

She told them about how she stood up to put the dishes in the sink, and was rinsing the plates off, when her dad came up behind her, hugging her, then reaching up to cup and squeeze her breasts.

“Like it was the most natural thing in the world.”

“Wow,” Becky said.

“Yeah. That’s when I knew how much he REALLY loved me. So I turned off the water, dried my hands on a towel, and turned around to kiss him, with my arms around his neck.” Stacey was getting flushed, reliving that kiss. “I remember thinking in that moment. ‘We’re kissing like husband and wife’, and I just hugged him tighter, y’know?”

“Holy shit. I know just what you mean!” Laurie interjected, then remembering Becky, said to her, “Sorry, Beck.”

“Shush, you!” Rebecca snapped. ”Stacey; go on. I want to hear the rest.” 

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“Well, I could feel his hard-on against my tummy, and his hands were on my back, then he moved them down to my butt, and he lifted me up, and it seemed so natural to wrap my legs around him.” Stacey paused. “I could tell how much he wanted me, and I was sooo turned on by that, I broke the kiss, and told him, ‘Take me to bed, Daddy.’”

“You actually said that?!” Beth said, smiling.

“Uh-hmm. And then, he kissed me again, carried me to his room, and we just fell on the bed together.” Stacey shifted. “So, he’s lying on top of me, kissing me, and he just moved his hips down, and before I knew how he did it, he was all the way inside me again.” 

“Wow,” Becky said again.

“I know! No hands!” Stacey exclaimed. “And it was, like, so… I don’t know… so…” She was reliving the moment in her head, and just like then, words escaped her to describe what she was feeling at the time.

“Sexy?” asked Laurie.

“I guess…” Stacey replied. 
“Passionate?” offered Beth.

“Well, yeah, but that’s not the word I was looking for…” 

“Sensual?” Beth asked.

“Romantic,” Becky said with finality. 

“That’s it!” Stacey exclaimed. 

“He loved you,” Rebecca stated simply, the envy obvious in her voice. “You… made love.”

“Yeah… That’s right.” Stacey could see that Becky was still jealous, but kept going anyway. “It was the most incredible feeling, lying underneath him, feeling his weight on me… I was his, totally.”

“Yeah…” Laurie mused aloud. The way she said that, it was obvious to the rest of them that she had experienced the same thing with her father. 

“My legs were wrapped around his back, nice and high, and he got in really deep that way. He didn’t move fast; at first, anyway. He pumped into me nice and hard, though, resting on his elbows, his hairy chest rubbing against my nipples…”

“Oooh, I LOVE that!” Beth interjected as Laurie nodded in agreement.

“Mmm… Me too!” Stacey shifted in her seated position, feeling herself get more turned on as she recounted her affair. “And… he was talking to me the whole time!”

Laurie clapped her hands. “Oooh, pillow talk’s the best!” Then, she caught herself, looking over at Becky. She didn’t want to seem like she was rubbing it in. 

However, while she seemed excited, Becky didn’t look bothered at all. Instead, she wore a look of determination. “What was he saying?” she asked, matter-of-factly, while chewing a cookie.

Stacey smiled, recalling all the sexy things her father said to her as they made love, but then caught herself. “Nothing, really, just… stuff.” She looked down, suddenly embarrassed. 

“Stace,” Becky said, placing a hand on her knee. Stacey looked up at her. “Tell me.” 

The last thing she wanted to do was make Becky feel bad again, but looking in her eyes, she could tell that wasn’t going to happen. Stacey sighed. “He told me he loved me, of course, … how good…” She cleared her throat. “He told me how good my tight, wet pussy felt wrapped around his cock.”

The girls gasped, leaning forward to hear more. 

“He told me how much he loved feeling my big tits rub against his chest as he fucked me, how much he loved sucking on my nipples… how good my cunny tasted, how much he loved watching me cum… how great it felt when I squeezed his prick inside me… how…” Stacey paused, “… how good I was at sucking his cock.”

The girls were actually panting. “Awesome!” exclaimed Laurie. “What else?”

“He told me how much he loved cumming inside my pussy that first time, and how he couldn’t wait to explode inside of me again.” 

“WOW,” Becky said, breathless herself. “That would’ve made me cum right there!”

Stacey nodded. “I actually did orgasm when he said that, but by that time, they were coming on one after another; small orgasms, building up to a really big one. It was…” She took a deep breath. “… unbelievable. I literally couldn’t believe it was happening.”

“Amazing,” replied Beth, smiling.

“And you just stayed quiet the whole time, right?” Laurie asked, grinning.

“Well…” Stacey blushed. “Not exactly…”

They all looked at Becky. “What? Spill, girl!”

“Are… are you sure?” Stacey said sheepishly.

Becky slurped the last of her drink. “Are you kidding me? This is the best part!”

“Okay…” Stacey took a deep breath. “I… I told him how much I… I loved the feeling of my Daddy’s big, stiff prick moving inside me, that I loved it when he fucked me deep… I loved the way he sucked my tits, and how wonderful it felt when licked my pussy… you know… the usual.”

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re leaving something out?” Beth teased her.

“I… I may have said something like… how much I loved sucking my Daddy’s big, hard cock.” Stacey looked down again.

“And there we have it!” Laurie laughed. 

Beth chuckled, “Welcome to the club, sister!”

“Go on, Stace,” said Becky. “More. Tell me more.”

“Well… I was begging him to fuck me harder and faster, and… we were looking in each other's eyes and I said, ‘I loved it when you came inside me, Daddy.’ And he went faster, and rose up on his toes and started really slamming into me, and just as I had the biggest orgasm EVER, he pushed in really deep, and, like, ROARED he was cumming, and then I felt it shooting up inside of me, and I came like a volcano!”

“Holy crap. What a great story!” Laurie exclaimed.

“So what happened next?” Beth asked. 

“We hugged, and kissed, and he told me he loved me, and I said the same to him, and we… we just fell asleep, I guess.” 

They stayed silent in the Circle, absorbing the tale until the buzzer ending Lunch sounded over the loudspeakers.

“And this morning?” Becky asked as they gathered their things.

“Well, when I woke up, the sun was shining, but the bed was empty, and I heard the shower running, and, I… well, I joined him in it.”

“Awesome,” said Beth. “I’ve done that myself!” She rose and brushed off her skirt.

“So? You just washed up, is that it?” teased Laurie, now standing up herself.

Stacey sighed, climbing to her feet, and they slowly made their way toward the building. “No…”

“Well, get on with it!” Becky exclaimed, stopping the group.

“Okay!” Stacey said as they all gathered close. “We did wash each other, which is AWESOME, by the way.” She sighed, reliving the memory. “I loved his hands all over my body soaping me up, and I loved touching him all over, too, Especially his big, hard dick.”

Stacey leaned in close and the girls instinctively huddled up together. “And then, I… I told him I wanted to taste him, which made him ROCK hard, so I got on my knees in the tub and took him in my mouth, and… I gave him the best blowjob I possibly could! I couldn’t believe how hot it made me to suck him off!”

“I know! Right?” Beth said. 

“Girls, he TOTALLY lost control when I did that! He was holding my head, actually fucking my mouth, moving me up and down on his dick, and moaning how good it felt, and… he was moaning about how I was his sweet little cocksucker, which, I’m ashamed to admit, made me SO hot!”

“Stace,” Beth whispered, “My dad says that to me, too. It IS hot!”

“I used my tongue where he liked it, and I only had to suck him for a few minutes until he came in my mouth, and you girls were right; it wasn’t at all like I thought it would be.” 

“It… it really tastes good, then?” Becky asked quietly. 

Laurie answered. “It’s totally worth it, that’s all.”

“Absolutely!” agreed Beth, as Stacey nodded, and they started walking again.

“But to answer your question, Beck, I LOVE the taste of my dad’s cum,” Laurie admitted.

“Me, too,” admitted Beth.

Stacey hugged Becky close, whispering, “Guess what. It’s unanimous!”

Becky considered this to herself, but just a few feet before they made it to the door, said, “Hold it!” She gathered the girls in a group hug. “Thank you all for understanding. It means a lot to me.”

“Hey, it’s what the Circle is for, right?” Beth squeezed her shoulders. 

“And what’s said in the Circle…” Stacey added.

“STAYS in the Circle,” they all said in unison, then locked arms and entered the school together.

[to be continued]

{All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. This fantasy is pure fiction, intended for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!}

Written by dirty_dad_42
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