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Daddy’s Girls - Chapter 1: Elizabeth

"Elizabeth wonders if the feelings she has for her dad are unique."

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Author's Notes

"This is complete fiction, but I like the characters and hope the situations are at least plausible."

Elizabeth Kelly told her dad she was doing research, but didn’t tell him what she was researching. What she really wanted was some alone time on the computer. 

Before, she did what typical teenage girls did online, like browsing clothes and shoes, and of course, Facebook. Plus, she knew a lot of people from school who were into Tumblr. Of course, she also knew how to turn on private browsing.

One day, she ran into something intriguing. There were sexy stories and confessions, and the ones she gravitated toward were what were called Lolita stories. She especially liked the ones about girls who were seduced by their dads and vice versa. 

The stories ran the whole spectrum of a horny teenage girls imagination, from walking in on one another in sexy situations, being trapped together during a storm, to vacation encounters, to girls who simply lay naked in their beds, playing with themselves with the bedroom door open, hoping that her Daddy would find her this way and let nature take its course. 

Elizabeth wasn’t a fool; most of those stories had to be bullshit, but she could not help getting horny just by reading them and couldn’t stop herself from sticking her hand in her panties to jill off to the fantasy. 

This was becoming a nightly ritual and Beth noticed that she was becoming a lot more affectionate with her own father. Thoughts of being naked with him invaded her thoughts and dreams. She was becoming more and more sure that she had a serious problem. 

She sought out other resources to satisfy her hunger and eventually discovered several online boards that were devoted to this very subject. Here, she found post after post of stories of girls who slept with their dads, from one-time chance encounters to passionate love affairs that lasted several years.

Elizabeth had to know the truth. One day, she created a persona on one of her favorite boards and posted a question. Was something wrong with her? Were there really other girls who were attracted to their dads? The replies petered in slowly over the next few days, and she found herself engaging in several conversations at once. 

The end result was that she was convinced that no, she was not crazy. There were lots of girls who felt like she did, and several who acted on these impulses, and engaged in fabulous love affairs with their fathers. It seemed so unreal at first, but now, Beth started to seriously consider the possibility.


Beth’s dad meant the world to her. Her mom had left them when she was eleven years old. Elizabeth was confused, convinced she drove her away, but eventually, her dad, Don, found out that her mother had another lover, and when this man was transferred by his company to another country, she left this life behind to start anew with him. When her father found out the truth, it wrecked him.

Elizabeth was his rock. She was red-haired like her mother, but that was the only resemblance. She was the only woman in his life, and he devoted himself to her completely. They moved to another city to start anew themselves. That was four years ago, and she and her dad had a good life together. He had a great job, and they lived in a wonderful house in a nice tree-lined neighborhood. 

He dated occasionally, but was very wary of women after his experience with his former wife. It didn’t matter to him if he didn’t have a girlfriend; he had his little girl, and that was all that was important.

Elizabeth was having trouble adjusting to the new school until she met a blonde named Stacey Reynolds. Like her, Stacey’s mom also left her and her dad, going off to live in a commune in the desert, changing her name, and breaking off all contact.

Beth and Stacey immediately became fast friends, and when another girl, raven-haired Laurie Gilmore, lost her mom in a car accident, they took her into their little club. Beth and Stacey did their best to help Laurie get over her grief, and the three of them quickly became as thick as thieves. 

One day, one of the ‘popular’ girls started calling them the ‘Daddy’s Girls’, a name intended as an insult, but they didn’t take it that way at all. They wore it as a badge of honor, paying tribute to the one person in their lives that loved them unconditionally. 

Not long after, a new girl arrived in their school, Rebecca Sampson. Pretty, but shy, with short, light-brown hair, and seemingly always sad. Stacey discovered that she lost her mom to cancer and that they had to sell their house to pay the medical bills. She and her dad wound up moving into a small apartment in town.

Becky was a lost girl until the Daddy’s Girls found her, and all of them were soon fast friends. They shared everything, especially their hopes and dreams, and no topic was off-limits. There was one inviolate rule about their little club: What was said in the circle STAYED in the circle. No one had ever broken that promise, and each of them grew to rely on that safe haven. No matter what was said, they all vowed to keep their secrets safe amongst one another. 


Beth’s dreams started taking on a decidedly sexy turn. She rarely remembered the details, but would wake up in her bed, with her hand in her soaked panties, exhausted from the erotic adventures she was having in her head. 

She started voraciously seeking out sexier stories, and once again gravitated to the father-daughter liaisons. These were the most sensual tales, full of love; passionate and caring. She decided to find out if there was any truth at all to these stories. 

Beth reached out to some of the authors, in private messages, asking questions about whether they really seduced their dads, or were seduced by them. The girls who responded did so as compatriots, kindred souls, who well understood the bond that formed between a girl and her father, how that bond could be strengthened if these feelings could be brought forth. And while they couldn’t vouch for anybody else, they each assured her that their stories were true.

She learned that the stigma surrounding these relations was a relatively recent development; that fathers and daughters have gotten together throughout history, even in the bible. 

Many of the girls on the boards had similar experiences, and the girls she was messaging echoed this. You are not alone. Your father is just as likely to be having these thoughts about you as you are about him, especially if he’s single, and it’s just you and him alone in the same home. Beth was astonished.

There were several girls who she was convinced were telling the truth, and they all said the same thing; one little push is all it would take for her to become her father’s lover. Be bold, and mighty forces would come to her aid.


“Girls,” Elizabeth intoned. “I have something to ask you, but I’m scared to do it.”

They were in The Circle, under a large oak tree in the schoolyard. This was sacred ground to the Daddy’s Girls. Each of them had told the others their darkest fears, and their deepest desires, in this very spot. Tears were shed, hugs were shared, and the bonds of their friendship were made ever stronger while they sat in a circle under this mighty tree.

“Oooh… You? Scared? Now you HAVE to ask us!” Stacey said.

“Spill,” Laurie said as she sipped her water, “You have nothing to be afraid of here.” Rebecca nodded vigorously in agreement.

Beth sighed. “Okay, here goes.” She leaned in closer to the others, who did likewise. “Lately, I’ve… I’ve been having these… these…” She paused, wondering if this was a good idea.

“Rashes?” Laurie offered.

Beth just looked at her. “No…”

“Blemishes? Weird hairs? Something leaking?”

“NO! God, no. Nothing like that.”

Stacey sighed. “Well, don’t make us guess! You know Laurie just got out of health class, and will just keep going through diseases until she gets it right.”

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“It’s not a DISEASE, please.” Beth squirmed. “Well, maybe it is.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, spit it out!” Becky was usually the quiet one, so her outburst made them all laugh.

“Lately, I’ve been having these… thoughts. Well, feelings.” She looked at them all in turn. “…of a sexual nature.”

“So something IS leaking after all.” Laurie laughed.

Stacey slapped her arm. “NOT funny.”

“Ow!” she yelped, rubbing her arm. “I was only joking!”

Rebecca slapped the other arm. “No jokes! NOT in the circle! Remember the rules!”

“But violence is okay?” Laurie was now rubbing both arms. 

“If it’s called for,” Becky replied coolly.

Laurie sighed. “Jeez, so she’s horny! Aren’t we all? We’re all just a bunch of horny virgins! I thought I would lighten up the situation.”

“You interrupted her. NOT cool, especially here. Now show some respect!” Becky placed her hand lightly on Beth’s knee. “Go on.”

“Laurie’s right. I AM horny. But that’s not my problem… it’s WHO I’m having these feelings about that bothers me.”

“Who?” Laurie asked. “Barry in Science class?”

Elizabeth glared at her. “Yuck. NO.”

”Kurt from English?” 


Stacey leaned in close to Beth. “If you don’t tell us who, she’s just going to go through the whole student directory.”

“He… he’s not a student.”

“A teacher?” Rebecca asked with wide eyes. “Like Mr. Parker?”

“Oooo… You LIKE Mr. Parker?” Laurie asked Rebecca, smiling. 

“All I’m saying is that he’s rather handsome and funny, and, well, maybe… yes, I have had… ‘thoughts’ about him.”

Elizabeth was enjoying the conversation, but really needed her Girls’ help, and sensed her chance was slipping away. “He’s not a teacher, but…” The girls were all rapt in attention. “… he is older.” 

They sat in silence for a few seconds, before Stacey whispered. “You mean… your… your dad?”

Beth was aghast. Was she that obvious? “How did you know?”

“Bitch, please.” Laurie piped up. “He’s a HUNK.” The girls all nodded. 

“She’s right, Beth. You have NOTHING to be ashamed about. I know I’ve wondered what it would be like to… kiss him. Like, REALLY kiss him,” Stacey added. 

“Kiss?” Laurie teased. “Is that all?”

Stacey blushed. “Well… to start. I didn’t say WHERE I would kiss him.” Giggles all around.

“Or where he would kiss you, huh?” Oooh’s and Aah’s.

Stacey smiled. “I wonder what it would be like, that’s all.”

“I know what you mean, Stace,” Becky added. “I picture him kissing my chin, then my neck… then trailing down…” Becky’s sentence wandered off in her imagination. 

Laurie piped in. “We’ve all had… ‘thoughts’ about your dad, Beth. Why not? I bet he’d be really good in the sack.”

“How could you possibly know that?” Becky asked.

“All I’m saying is that I bet he’d be gentle, y’know? And take his time, and… and make it good, okay?” Laurie said. “We’ve all heard horror stories about the horrendous first times girls have had with one of these idiots.” She waved towards a group of boys throwing a ball nearby.

Beth whispered, “But he’s my dad. I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts about him. I mean, don’t you think there’s something wrong with me?”

Laurie smacked Beth’s knee. “Don’t be silly. There’s nothing wrong with you. And I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I’m pretty sure he’s had ‘thoughts’ about you, too.”

Beth shook her head. “No, you’re wrong. I’ve seen the way he looks at all of you, and there’s definitely a twinkle in his eye.” She looked down. “I’m sure he doesn’t think of me that way.” 

“Laurie’s right,” Becky piped up. “Remember that pool party that Sarah had? When he came to pick you up and saw you climb out of the pool in that bikini, his eyes just bugged out of his head.”

“Really?” Beth asked.

Becky nodded. “I’ll bet he still thinks about that sometimes.” 

“When he’s alone,” Laurie added, winking. 

“It’s only natural, Beth.” Stacey said, “It’s just the two of you, after all.”

“And he is good looking, Lizzie. You definitely have good taste.” Laurie said, smiling.

Stacey added, “I wonder the same things about your dad, too, Laurie, and especially your dad, Beck.”

“Me too! Plus, Becky, I’ll bet your dad is really hung.” Laurie added. The girls looked shocked. “What? Haven’t you seen him in those tight jeans?” 

“Really?” Becky replied. “I think both your dads are hot, too.”

Beth gulped, then asked the Big Question. “So… do any of you have thoughts like that about your OWN fathers?” She stared down each of them in turn within The Circle.

Becky nodded. “I have. Sure.”

“Really?” Beth asked.

“Sure. Whenever my dad kisses me, his mustache tickles me, and I wonder… you know, how that would feel on… OTHER parts of my body.”

Stacey also nodded agreement. “Sometimes… like at night, when I’m alone in bed… I wonder what it would be like to NOT be alone, you know? I mean, he’s right THERE, just across the hall, y’know?” The girls all nodded. “Laurie’s right. It’s only natural.”

“I certainly hope so,” Laurie added, “because last week, I just about rubbed myself raw thinking about MY dad.”

“What brought that on, Laurie?” Stacey inquired.

“I… accidentally… saw him getting out of the shower, and…” 

Beth’s eyes were wide. “And?”

Laurie whistled, “And, man, he’s in good shape.” 

“How come you never said anything?” Beth asked.

Laurie looked them all over, “I dunno… I was afraid, y’know, of what you would think of me. But then I looked around online and found out I wasn’t so horrible for feeling that way, so I just went with the flow, I guess.”

“I saw my dad after a shower a couple days ago, too,” Becky whispered.

“Really?” Laurie asked, her eyes widening now. “And?”

Becky looked right at her. “You’re right about him being…” 

“Hung,” Laurie said. “The word you’re looking for is ‘hung.” That elicited a laugh from them all. 

“Plus…” Becky looked down like she didn’t want to admit what she was about to say. “I… I’ve been reading stuff… online… about, y’know…” she looked around at all of them, then leaned forward, and whispered, “… stories about dads doing it with their daughters.”

“YOU TOO?” Beth exclaimed in a loud whisper. “Thank God! I thought I was the only one!”

“Oh, what a relief!” Stacey sighed, “No, I thought it was the only me!”

Laurie interjected, “Well, all I can say is that you bitches better share, ‘cause I’m getting bored of the ones I have!”

This elicited laugher all around. It turned out the Daddy’s Girls had more in common than they thought. They spent the next few minutes talking about their favorite stories and authors, and of course, how to discretely share them with each other. 

Naturally, most of them thought it was all fantasy, but then Beth told them all about her research project, so to speak, and everybody was really interested at that news.

Stacey looked at Elizabeth. “So do you feel better now, Beth? More normal?”

“I don’t know about normal,” Beth replied, “but I do feel better knowing all my friends are perverts like me.”

They all laughed. Becky cleared her throat. “Ladies, this Circle has been very good to us. Today was just another reminder of how much we have in common; of how much trust we have for each other, and how much love we share.” While she spoke, they intertwined their hands in a chain, binding them together in the moment.

“What is shared in The Circle…” Beth started. 

“…can never leave The Circle.” They all intoned in unison.

They held the hands in silence, until the buzzer sounded, ending Lunch period. As they rose and gathered their things, Beth had one more question.

“Becky; doesn’t Mr. Parker have a mustache?” 

[to be continued]

Written by dirty_dad_42
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