I remember being a little girl; my father would pick me up in his muscular arms. I’d giggle and hug him tight around his neck because he’d always try to swing me around or throw me up, but all I wanted was his arms around me. I was the biggest Daddy’s Girl you’d ever see. I was maybe 3 or 4 when I learned how to cry and get him to hold me.
I first noticed it when I hit my little sister, her name is Natasha, and she is about a year younger than me. I was playing with my favorite doll; she had curly blond hair and a fabric body that was so soft. Natasha snatched her away, I was so angry. I did what I always did and furrowed my brows together and took it back, and then I hit her on the shoulder and a bit on the face. She instantly burst into tears, my father seeing the whole thing. He grabbed my arm and yanked me to him.
“No Eden. You don’t do that.” He slapped me on the butt with one of his large hands. Instead of bursting into tears, I slowly moved away from everyone, my lip was pouted and I placed myself in a corner. I cried quietly for a few minutes, both my parents sitting on the couch. My mother noticed me first as my father always gets sucked into the TV.
“Flint, Eden is crying in the corner.” My mother was lazy. My aunt even told me how I wasn’t potty trained until 3 because she wanted my aunt to do it.
My father stood up and gently scooped me off the floor; he cradled me and told me he loved me. I loved my father so much, it didn’t even matter anymore that he had spanked me. I just spread my lips into my largest smile and curled my arms around his neck. I kissed my Daddy and I was happy. Ever since I could remember this, I’ve always used it to my advantage.
I think my father does favor me more than Natasha. I was his surprise baby; my Mother and him were only dating and fucking around when she became pregnant with me. I’m my father’s 6th child, yes, 6th . He was married twice before and had 3 children with his first wife and 2 with his 2nd . Then my Mother became pregnant with me, and they planned for Natasha.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to know my story, the story of how a little girl can love her Daddy; even if it’s wrong, I love him.
My name is Eden Sasha Salazar, my sister is Natasha Irina Salazar and my parents are Mr. Flint Salazar and Mrs. Irina Salazar. I love my family, My mom is a decent mom, she clothes me, feeds me, makes sure I’m doing good in school, but my dad is my world. I was born loving him more than anyone or anything else. I learned how to manipulate him so I could feel more loved by him. I like my sister besides the fact that she is ALWAYS stealing my stuff, but what pissed me off the most was when she took my 14k ring that my Daddy bought me for my 16th birthday that had my name inscribed on it and then on the inside said “Love Daddy 6.13.09 XoXo”. She borrowed it and went to a party I was invited to that I hadn’t planned on attending, lost it and came home drunk. I bitched at her for 3 weeks straight while Mom and Dad grounded her and banned everything she loved. I put up flyers everywhere, hoping someone would return it. My Dad knew I was upset about losing my special ring and said he’d get me another if I couldn’t find it within a few weeks.
I prayed and prayed to find it because it had such a special meaning to me; I hadn’t heard any word on it for almost a month and a half and was starting to give up. Finally, a friend of my friends found it and called me up. It was a little scratched, but still perfect. I hugged her so tight she thought I’d suffocate her. I’ve been wearing it on my ring finger ever since, I won’t let it out of my sight. My Dad said I shouldn’t wear it on my left ring finger, I told him I was using as a promise ring, and that I won’t have sex before marriage. My Daddy loved that and gave me a huge hug, one that took my breath away and made me cling onto him.
My life and family were almost perfect, that was until my mom got sick. She started to sow signs when I was 17. She said it was nothing and went to the Dr. for meds. On my 18th birthday I insisted that I take her to the Dr. again, she was too weak to fight me on it. The Dr. explained to me that she had cancer; it had started in her stomach and was spreading through her body. There was nothing they could do. I remembered calling my father right there after he told me, the Dr. hadn’t even left yet as I walked out the room so my mom wouldn’t have to see me cry.
The phone rang twice when he finally picked it up.
“Hey baby girl, what’s going on?”
“Mom has cancer!! Did you know about this?! She hasn’t told I or Natasha and I just took her to the Dr. and he told me.”
The phone was silent for a moment, tears ran down my face and I knew he could hear me crying through the speaker.
“Can… you say that again sweet heart?” He was in shock; she had kept him in the dark too.
“Mom has cancer! It started in her stomach and is spreading through her body and they said they can’t do anything her!! Daddy please come get me, I think I’m going to pass out…”
My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to faint, I couldn’t handle the news of my mother’s fate. Even if she was lazy as hell I loved her. She was my mom, she gave birth to me!
“Okay Eden, calm down, breathe, I’m going to be there in 10 minutes, can you wait that long?”
My dad works as a Spanish/English teacher at a school that wasn’t far from the hospital. I knew he meant it when he said 10 minutes.
“Yes… I think. Just hurry, I don’t feel good…”
“Sit down and try to relax. You’ll be fine. What floor are you on?”
“5th floor, right after you get off the elevator make a right around the corner and it’s the first room around the left corner…”
He hung up the phone and I knew he would be there, but the news was so much and she hid it from us. That was something I didn’t understand, why would she do that? My brain felt like it was pressing up against my skull, my head hurt and I couldn’t make it to a chair. I collapsed onto my knees there in the hall. My breathing was hard and my chest started to hurt. A nurse ran over to me the moment she noticed I looked sick.
“Are you okay Hun?” She grabbed my wrist to check my pulse; she made me look at her and her expression told me I wasn’t.
“No… call my Dad please.” I slid my phone to her and suddenly felt my heart jerk. Everything else was a blur after that.
I woke up in a hospital bed; my father was sitting there with me, cradling me in his embrace.
I first noticed it when I hit my little sister, her name is Natasha, and she is about a year younger than me. I was playing with my favorite doll; she had curly blond hair and a fabric body that was so soft. Natasha snatched her away, I was so angry. I did what I always did and furrowed my brows together and took it back, and then I hit her on the shoulder and a bit on the face. She instantly burst into tears, my father seeing the whole thing. He grabbed my arm and yanked me to him.
“No Eden. You don’t do that.” He slapped me on the butt with one of his large hands. Instead of bursting into tears, I slowly moved away from everyone, my lip was pouted and I placed myself in a corner. I cried quietly for a few minutes, both my parents sitting on the couch. My mother noticed me first as my father always gets sucked into the TV.
“Flint, Eden is crying in the corner.” My mother was lazy. My aunt even told me how I wasn’t potty trained until 3 because she wanted my aunt to do it.
My father stood up and gently scooped me off the floor; he cradled me and told me he loved me. I loved my father so much, it didn’t even matter anymore that he had spanked me. I just spread my lips into my largest smile and curled my arms around his neck. I kissed my Daddy and I was happy. Ever since I could remember this, I’ve always used it to my advantage.
I think my father does favor me more than Natasha. I was his surprise baby; my Mother and him were only dating and fucking around when she became pregnant with me. I’m my father’s 6th child, yes, 6th . He was married twice before and had 3 children with his first wife and 2 with his 2nd . Then my Mother became pregnant with me, and they planned for Natasha.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to know my story, the story of how a little girl can love her Daddy; even if it’s wrong, I love him.
My name is Eden Sasha Salazar, my sister is Natasha Irina Salazar and my parents are Mr. Flint Salazar and Mrs. Irina Salazar. I love my family, My mom is a decent mom, she clothes me, feeds me, makes sure I’m doing good in school, but my dad is my world. I was born loving him more than anyone or anything else. I learned how to manipulate him so I could feel more loved by him. I like my sister besides the fact that she is ALWAYS stealing my stuff, but what pissed me off the most was when she took my 14k ring that my Daddy bought me for my 16th birthday that had my name inscribed on it and then on the inside said “Love Daddy 6.13.09 XoXo”. She borrowed it and went to a party I was invited to that I hadn’t planned on attending, lost it and came home drunk. I bitched at her for 3 weeks straight while Mom and Dad grounded her and banned everything she loved. I put up flyers everywhere, hoping someone would return it. My Dad knew I was upset about losing my special ring and said he’d get me another if I couldn’t find it within a few weeks.
I prayed and prayed to find it because it had such a special meaning to me; I hadn’t heard any word on it for almost a month and a half and was starting to give up. Finally, a friend of my friends found it and called me up. It was a little scratched, but still perfect. I hugged her so tight she thought I’d suffocate her. I’ve been wearing it on my ring finger ever since, I won’t let it out of my sight. My Dad said I shouldn’t wear it on my left ring finger, I told him I was using as a promise ring, and that I won’t have sex before marriage. My Daddy loved that and gave me a huge hug, one that took my breath away and made me cling onto him.
My life and family were almost perfect, that was until my mom got sick. She started to sow signs when I was 17. She said it was nothing and went to the Dr. for meds. On my 18th birthday I insisted that I take her to the Dr. again, she was too weak to fight me on it. The Dr. explained to me that she had cancer; it had started in her stomach and was spreading through her body. There was nothing they could do. I remembered calling my father right there after he told me, the Dr. hadn’t even left yet as I walked out the room so my mom wouldn’t have to see me cry.
The phone rang twice when he finally picked it up.
“Hey baby girl, what’s going on?”
“Mom has cancer!! Did you know about this?! She hasn’t told I or Natasha and I just took her to the Dr. and he told me.”
The phone was silent for a moment, tears ran down my face and I knew he could hear me crying through the speaker.
“Can… you say that again sweet heart?” He was in shock; she had kept him in the dark too.
“Mom has cancer! It started in her stomach and is spreading through her body and they said they can’t do anything her!! Daddy please come get me, I think I’m going to pass out…”
My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to faint, I couldn’t handle the news of my mother’s fate. Even if she was lazy as hell I loved her. She was my mom, she gave birth to me!
“Okay Eden, calm down, breathe, I’m going to be there in 10 minutes, can you wait that long?”
My dad works as a Spanish/English teacher at a school that wasn’t far from the hospital. I knew he meant it when he said 10 minutes.
“Yes… I think. Just hurry, I don’t feel good…”
“Sit down and try to relax. You’ll be fine. What floor are you on?”
“5th floor, right after you get off the elevator make a right around the corner and it’s the first room around the left corner…”
He hung up the phone and I knew he would be there, but the news was so much and she hid it from us. That was something I didn’t understand, why would she do that? My brain felt like it was pressing up against my skull, my head hurt and I couldn’t make it to a chair. I collapsed onto my knees there in the hall. My breathing was hard and my chest started to hurt. A nurse ran over to me the moment she noticed I looked sick.
“Are you okay Hun?” She grabbed my wrist to check my pulse; she made me look at her and her expression told me I wasn’t.
“No… call my Dad please.” I slid my phone to her and suddenly felt my heart jerk. Everything else was a blur after that.
I woke up in a hospital bed; my father was sitting there with me, cradling me in his embrace.

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I slowly looked up at him, I could tell he had been crying and was so worried about me.
“Oh baby girl… you fainted due to an over whelming amount of stress.” His hand slowly began to pet my chocolate brown hair, my body felt numb… I felt numb. My father’s embrace was tight around my petite frame, I didn’t care if I suffocated here in his arms, and I felt safe like this. Like all my problems were melting away because my father was here.
I was discharged later that day; my dad told me Natasha was at home with mom. I didn’t say anything; I remained silent in our gray compact car. He kept glancing over at me, I wasn’t paying attention to where we were going, and I was hoping we wouldn’t go home.
“How about you and I spend the weekend at a hotel? We can go to one that is closer to my school rather than one by the house. You can just relax for a few days.” I knew he was trying to help me cope, it made me love him so much more then what I already did.
“Sure Daddy…” A few tears were stinging my eyes; I looked out the window as I rubbed them lightly away. I didn’t want to cry in front of him, not right now when he was trying to make me feel better.
Instead of going home he drove straight to a Holiday Inn. It had a huge pool and Jacuzzi. I starred at the bubbling water, desperately wanting to jump in.
After we checked in, he took me to a few local stores where he bought me a bathing suit and a few extra shirts and pants along with flip flops for the pool. We returned to the hotel around 5, he led me up to the hotel room. It was a 1 bed with a large bathroom and shower. I didn’t mind sharing the bed with him; I wanted to be close to someone.
“Daddy, can we go to the pool?”
“Sure baby, put on your bathing suit and we can go.”
I went into the bathroom and pulled off my black shirt and jeans, I stepped into a pair of black shorts that were mid thigh and pulled the purple bathing suit top over my head. The cups of the top hugged my B34 breasts nicely and it even slimmed me more. The top had white ruffles on the top that lined my breasts. It had a few white flowers on it.
I walked out of the bathroom with my black flip flops on, seeing my father in his swim trunks. They were white with random red details that rest right about his knees. His legs were muscular but not large. His chest broad and wide; I love his shoulders the most though, round and shaped, but not bulging. God, he is a beautiful man…
“You look really pretty baby… Can I ask you something?”
I hesitated as I grabbed the brush he bought me, slowly brushing it from top to bottom.
“Yes Daddy, of course.”
“I know this is going to sound strange, but can I brush your hair? I haven’t since you were a little girl and it was something I thought about while you were in that hospital bed…”
The idea of my father's hands running through my hair and most likely over my shoulders and neck was heavenly.
I gave him a soft smile as I handed him the brush. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me into his lap like I really was his baby again. He is 6’3 and I’m only 5’2, so even when sitting in his lap he towers over me. He first pulled all my hair into one of his hands, I kept thinking of him pulling my hair in the most sexual manor. He let it fall against my back, it rest just about my rounded butt. He slowly brushed through my curly hair that I loved so much. It didn’t take long at all for him to brush through the tangled mess, but rather then stopping, he pushed all my hair over my shoulder so my neck and shoulders were bare to him. ; his large hands slowly gliding over my skin, giving me goose bumps as tingles ran over my body.
I was hoping he wouldn’t notice how much he was making my body hot and would just keep going. I hadn’t expected him to gently slide the straps of my bathing suit down just slightly, his hands carefully working into the skin. I felt like I wanted to moan, his fingers were like magic running over my delicate skin. Being 18, I had never been interested in boys. Ever. I only had eyes for my Daddy and I hadn’t thought of anything sexual between us until right now. I knew I loved him more than anything and that I would not change one thing about him; I just hadn’t realized it until he showed me the sweetest side of him.
I chewed my lower lip to keep from moaning, keeping my body still and trying to relax as I felt him slowly move to my neck. The tips of his skilled fingers pushed into my muscles, slowly wrapping around my throat. My breathing slowed as he did this, he wasn’t moving and just held me like this. I could hear his breathing was ragged as he pressed his chest against my back, his other arm wrapping around my waist. His hand around my neck slid up to my shoulder, his fingers curling around the ball of the joint. I moved my hand to curl around his arm so I could pull it away from my throat just slightly, my other hand resting over his.
“Baby girl, I love you… I hope that today never repeats itself; I don’t want to lose you.” A father or mother losing their child is painful; I knew he must have been through something unbearable in that moment when they told him.
“Oh Daddy…” I hadn’t realized how shaky my words were; I leaned back into my father, loving every moment that I was wrapped in his embrace.
“I love you too…” A few tears slid down my face, he released my shoulder and turned me to face him, his arm still around my waist. He gently wiped away my tears, pecking my forehead with his lips. I couldn’t control myself, I felt like I was a toddler again as I sat myself up onto my knees. I straddled him as I slowly stroked his hair; I remembered doing so as a little girl, his former black hair now streaked with gray. My ocean blue eyes met his dark brown ones; I think he saw it coming by the way he looked at me.
I lowered my mouth over his, my fingers continuing to stroke his hair. He returned the kiss, his arm holding my waist tightly, the other supporting my head. It wasn’t a sensual kiss at all; it was like when I kissed him as a little girl; tender and loving in all aspects. In that moment when I felt so helpless and lost I wanted to be a toddler again. I wanted to be carefree and able to snuggle against my father and sleep in his arms without the worries I had.
I struggled to pull my lips apart from his, but soon enough I did, resting my head on my Daddy’s shoulder into the curve of his neck. He held me tight enough that I had a hard time breathing, I didn’t care. I loved every minute of it.
To be continued.
“Oh baby girl… you fainted due to an over whelming amount of stress.” His hand slowly began to pet my chocolate brown hair, my body felt numb… I felt numb. My father’s embrace was tight around my petite frame, I didn’t care if I suffocated here in his arms, and I felt safe like this. Like all my problems were melting away because my father was here.
I was discharged later that day; my dad told me Natasha was at home with mom. I didn’t say anything; I remained silent in our gray compact car. He kept glancing over at me, I wasn’t paying attention to where we were going, and I was hoping we wouldn’t go home.
“How about you and I spend the weekend at a hotel? We can go to one that is closer to my school rather than one by the house. You can just relax for a few days.” I knew he was trying to help me cope, it made me love him so much more then what I already did.
“Sure Daddy…” A few tears were stinging my eyes; I looked out the window as I rubbed them lightly away. I didn’t want to cry in front of him, not right now when he was trying to make me feel better.
Instead of going home he drove straight to a Holiday Inn. It had a huge pool and Jacuzzi. I starred at the bubbling water, desperately wanting to jump in.
After we checked in, he took me to a few local stores where he bought me a bathing suit and a few extra shirts and pants along with flip flops for the pool. We returned to the hotel around 5, he led me up to the hotel room. It was a 1 bed with a large bathroom and shower. I didn’t mind sharing the bed with him; I wanted to be close to someone.
“Daddy, can we go to the pool?”
“Sure baby, put on your bathing suit and we can go.”
I went into the bathroom and pulled off my black shirt and jeans, I stepped into a pair of black shorts that were mid thigh and pulled the purple bathing suit top over my head. The cups of the top hugged my B34 breasts nicely and it even slimmed me more. The top had white ruffles on the top that lined my breasts. It had a few white flowers on it.
I walked out of the bathroom with my black flip flops on, seeing my father in his swim trunks. They were white with random red details that rest right about his knees. His legs were muscular but not large. His chest broad and wide; I love his shoulders the most though, round and shaped, but not bulging. God, he is a beautiful man…
“You look really pretty baby… Can I ask you something?”
I hesitated as I grabbed the brush he bought me, slowly brushing it from top to bottom.
“Yes Daddy, of course.”
“I know this is going to sound strange, but can I brush your hair? I haven’t since you were a little girl and it was something I thought about while you were in that hospital bed…”
The idea of my father's hands running through my hair and most likely over my shoulders and neck was heavenly.
I gave him a soft smile as I handed him the brush. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me into his lap like I really was his baby again. He is 6’3 and I’m only 5’2, so even when sitting in his lap he towers over me. He first pulled all my hair into one of his hands, I kept thinking of him pulling my hair in the most sexual manor. He let it fall against my back, it rest just about my rounded butt. He slowly brushed through my curly hair that I loved so much. It didn’t take long at all for him to brush through the tangled mess, but rather then stopping, he pushed all my hair over my shoulder so my neck and shoulders were bare to him. ; his large hands slowly gliding over my skin, giving me goose bumps as tingles ran over my body.
I was hoping he wouldn’t notice how much he was making my body hot and would just keep going. I hadn’t expected him to gently slide the straps of my bathing suit down just slightly, his hands carefully working into the skin. I felt like I wanted to moan, his fingers were like magic running over my delicate skin. Being 18, I had never been interested in boys. Ever. I only had eyes for my Daddy and I hadn’t thought of anything sexual between us until right now. I knew I loved him more than anything and that I would not change one thing about him; I just hadn’t realized it until he showed me the sweetest side of him.
I chewed my lower lip to keep from moaning, keeping my body still and trying to relax as I felt him slowly move to my neck. The tips of his skilled fingers pushed into my muscles, slowly wrapping around my throat. My breathing slowed as he did this, he wasn’t moving and just held me like this. I could hear his breathing was ragged as he pressed his chest against my back, his other arm wrapping around my waist. His hand around my neck slid up to my shoulder, his fingers curling around the ball of the joint. I moved my hand to curl around his arm so I could pull it away from my throat just slightly, my other hand resting over his.
“Baby girl, I love you… I hope that today never repeats itself; I don’t want to lose you.” A father or mother losing their child is painful; I knew he must have been through something unbearable in that moment when they told him.
“Oh Daddy…” I hadn’t realized how shaky my words were; I leaned back into my father, loving every moment that I was wrapped in his embrace.
“I love you too…” A few tears slid down my face, he released my shoulder and turned me to face him, his arm still around my waist. He gently wiped away my tears, pecking my forehead with his lips. I couldn’t control myself, I felt like I was a toddler again as I sat myself up onto my knees. I straddled him as I slowly stroked his hair; I remembered doing so as a little girl, his former black hair now streaked with gray. My ocean blue eyes met his dark brown ones; I think he saw it coming by the way he looked at me.
I lowered my mouth over his, my fingers continuing to stroke his hair. He returned the kiss, his arm holding my waist tightly, the other supporting my head. It wasn’t a sensual kiss at all; it was like when I kissed him as a little girl; tender and loving in all aspects. In that moment when I felt so helpless and lost I wanted to be a toddler again. I wanted to be carefree and able to snuggle against my father and sleep in his arms without the worries I had.
I struggled to pull my lips apart from his, but soon enough I did, resting my head on my Daddy’s shoulder into the curve of his neck. He held me tight enough that I had a hard time breathing, I didn’t care. I loved every minute of it.
To be continued.