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"Story that is partially true."

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Hi, my name is Anna, or Annie. I’m going to tell you a story about when I was younger up until the present. Let me first start by telling you a bit about myself. I am 5’5, 113 pounds and have dark hair that meets just above my perfect butt. I have long legs that I like to keep shaved and I’m a C cup in bras. My eyes are dark brown and my hair is very curly, almost like tight curls. I was never into dating are chasing after boys. It wasn’t ever my style. If I wanted something I get it, end of story, but I had no interest in having a relationship.

When I was in 6th grade, my mother sent me off to a Christian school. I hated the uniforms, but most of all the students. There was 30 kids total in my class, I had 1 friend. Her name was Ellie. She was brilliantly smart and sweet, but she wasn't very cute. At that time, I never really cared how my hair looked or what anyone thought of me. I did have a crush, but I knew it wouldn't go anywhere so I never tried. His name was George; he had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. He was very lean, no muscles and no fat. He loved soccer and basketball. He was kind of a wimp amongst his friends and I don't know what I saw in him.

7th grade came along and I was 14-15 at the time. He still looked the same, but rather than being nice to me the way he had when I was in 6th and he was in 7th, he was a jerk, like most of his friends. One of his friends was nice, his name was Mark. He was one of the few black kids in my school. He enjoyed talking to me, but we didn't really have any type of connection. I was nice to him and he was nice to me and basically everyone. George constantly joined his friend’s rants when it came to the girls in my class. I honestly didn't care.

My mother pulled me out of that school and I was home schooled. I hated it even more. That was when my parents decided to split and I chose to go with my mom, but had to spend weekends with my dad. Once, at the mall, George was thrown out of a store and nearly fell right in front of me and my father. He looked right up at me and my cheeks became flushed and intensely red. He didn't really recognize me, I turned back to look over my shoulder as he stood and walked passed us and he looked right back at me. I knew he was staring at me as I walked out, but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him. He had filled out so nicely and he had muscles in all the right places. He was beautiful, while I was well, me.

Now that I'm 19, I still live with my mom. I plan on moving out of state and I had pushed all thoughts of George and any feelings I ever had for him right out of my mind.

My mother had to visit my sister who was an hour away. She was running late and I went to work with her. She didn't trust me with her car so I was stuck. I sighed heavily as I walked through the store silently gathering some things for my hand that was jammed in the car door almost a week before. That's when I saw the love of my young teen boyfriend less years.

He looked the same, but taller, broader, more of a man then a boy or teen. My cheeks flushed once again, my body was instantly hot and I felt like fire was licking at my skin. I pushed my dark curly bangs back and slowly began to get out of his eye range. I doubted he would notice me, but I didn't want to see him. I called up one of my relatives. She never met or saw George, but I had to talk to someone to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest. I told her all about him in the small gap of time.

As I hung up the phone I thought about just trying to talk to him. This would probably be the last time I'd ever see him. I exhaled a deep breath and glanced around to see him. He was no longer there. I let out a sigh as I thought of how I'd probably embarrass myself. I got in the line of Wal-Mart at cashier 15. One person was checking out and another in front of me. I then saw George's parents, and he was right their next to them. I nearly jumped out of my skin. My heart was beating so hard, I couldn't take it. I stood there and tried to compose myself. He noticed me; I tilted my head down and slowly rubbed my forehead. He and his family walked away and then as he left, he turned back to look at me again. I couldn't breathe and as the cashier asked what I did to my hand as she was my mother friend, I told her, and he was gone.

I got out of line, sad that I'd never see him again and that I never faced my fears, but also happy because maybe it was just better that way. I was headed to the garden section when I stopped and thought to myself, "Why do I still care for him at all? It’s been years and I only love the idea I had of him in my mind's eye; he isn't that person Annie. You know that.”

I continued to walk to the back of the store in a slight daze, when I heard someone call my name. "Anna!" I froze, was that really him? I turned slowly to look over my shoulder, George was coming towards me. Again, my body reacted, I tried to keep myself calm, but my heart was about to burst into a million pieces.

"Hi George; How are you? It’s been so long..."

"Hi Anna, I'm fine. What happen to your hand?" He reached down and grabbed my right hand as if he had some sudden right to touch me.

"Um...I uh... well I um..." He looked up into my eyes, holding my hand within his, and waiting for me to respond. "I was closing the door to my mom’s van and my thumb and index got caught. It isn't that big of a deal."

"Really; looks painful Annie.” He never really called me that, and when he did it sent shivers up my spine. I let out a shallow breathe as he pulled me into a hug. I didn't know how to react, so I kept telling myself it was like hugging a brother and I ended up with my arms around him.

I pushed him away as I began. "Isn't your family waiting on you? I just saw you guys together.” That really wasn't smart of me to say because that meant I was watching him.

"No, I met them here, I have my own car." Duh! Why wouldn't he? His family was really rich.

"Right, well I uh, I'll see you around." I desperately wanted to get away, but I couldn't find a way to and the words kept stumbling out wrong!

"When and where? I haven't seen you in almost a year! C'mon Annie, let’s go do something."

"I uh... I can't, I'm waiting on my mom."

"Is she shopping?"

"No, she's working..."

"Then let’s go! We can swing by the mall. I'm meeting up with Ren, Brad, Julie, Kelly, Claire, and um... right, Jason and Max." Wow, everyone that I once hated, except Brad was okay, would be there.

"No, no, I really shouldn't." He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to register 29 where my mom was. "Hi Mrs. B, I'm taking Annie to the mall to catch up with some friends, is that okay?" My mom wanted me to date; she wanted me to be normal as she put it. I shook my head no as much as I could, George was holding me by my left wrist and I was begging her with my expression to tell him no.

"Sure! Go have fun sweetie!" And with that George dragged me out of the store.


The mall, a place I rarely went as I was more of a stay at home person. I wasn't social and I liked being by myself with my little dog or at the farm training with my horse.

The first to see me was Brad. He was a short black kid at 4'11 when I went to school with him. Now he was nearly 6 foot and all muscle with the perfect build! "Ann! Wow, it's been forever!!" He hugged me tight and I thought he would crush me. Kelly, Claire, and Julie all greeted me with giggles and laughs as if we had been the best of friends when I was at that damn school. The other guys just kind of waved and gave George this look like "Why did you bring her?"

I sighed heavily as the girls in front of me were all in booty shorts and t shirts that covered nothing and showed all cleavage. As for me, I was in a pair of black jeans and a purple short sleeve top. I had on a heart pendent that was about the size of 5 quarters and my hair was down and curly. I had my favorite chucks on. I felt like a nun compared to them.

We walked around the mall, the girl’s spending money left and right, every time I tried to slip away, George grabbed my arm and yanked me to his side. Finally, the group was off to grab a bite and I stayed behind at JCPenny. George stayed with me.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself? Isn't it nice to see old friends again?" he asked, and the way he had irritated me. Here was someone I was in love with as a girl and now that I was a woman he wanted me. What the hell?

"Not really. I was never friends with you or anyone else that is here George. I mean, I tried to get you to like me and you know that is true, but did you? No, I even confessed my feelings for you and you humiliated me in front of everyone!" I hadn't meant to say all that, but it bubbled up after so long that I guess I just needed to get it off my mind.

"Annie, that isn't really true. Okay, maybe it is, but in all reality I really liked you, but I knew if I tried to be with you, life at school would be harder.”

"Somehow I don't believe you. Can you please take me back to Wal-Mart?"

"What will you tell everyone?"

"I don't know; just let me do the talking." With that I walked passed him and out of the store to the food court.


"Aw! You’re leaving!?" Julie asked, she was actually George's ex and was one of the girls I never wanted to be around when I was in school.

"Yes, sadly I'm needed elsewhere." I gave my best fake smile and wished everyone well.

George and I climbed into his red mustang GT. I loved his car, it was my dream car, but I refused to tell him that. I could feel tears stinging my eyes as I sat there in the passenger seat. He kept glancing over at me; I refused to look at him.

"Annie, I don't want this to be goodbye.”

"George,” I sighed and lightly rubbed my burning eyes. "I'm moving out of state in a month or two. Just forget we bumped into each other today."

He remained silent, pulling up into the Wal-Mart parking lot. Before I could step out of the car, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. He reached into my front left pocket and took my phone. He punched his number in and handed it to me.

"Text me, I want to say goodbye before you leave." He looked at me through desperate eyes, begging me to keep in touch. I nodded and climbed out of his car. I walked into Wal-Mart as fast as I could and didn't look back. A few tears slid down my face as I slipped into the ladies room, pulling myself together before I met up with my mom.


I hadn’t spoken much to anyone after the encounter with George. My mom asked if something had happen, I insisted no. I didn’t go to church or to see my horses. I stayed in my room in a somewhat depressed state. I continued to reply the entire scene within my mind, over and over wondering what would have happen if I’d done something different. Finally, Tuesday came and I heard my phone ringing. I didn’t know the number, but answered any way. The reason I answered was because I run a small hobby breeding business. I breed toy sized dogs and was always getting phone calls.


“Hi Annie, what are you up to?” I bolted straight up, it was George! I hadn’t given him my number or texted him.

“How did you get my number?!” I must have sounded shocked because he laughed and continued with;

“Your mom. I told her I wanted to talk to you and that I’d forgotten to ask for your number. She gave it to me on the spot.”

I couldn’t believe that shit. I mean really?! I sighed heavily and tiredly, falling back onto my bed.

“Annie? Can we get together some time?” He was asking in a nervous tone, I knew I could take total advantage here, but it wasn’t in my nature.

“No George, I really don’t want to see you. I just, I don’t.”

With that I hung up the phone and put the thing on silent. I got up and showered, brushed my teeth, did my hair and put on a pair of Capri jeans and flip flops with a pretty lime green top that said “Love Me” on it in black letters. I thought I looked pretty as I slid my hair up into a pony tail and putting on my pretty gold hoop earrings, grabbing my purse and phone as I walked out the door.

After I turned 17 my mom had bought me a used white Volvo s70. It was in great condition and I loved the little thing. I ran to the store to get dog food and then drop off a letter at the post office. I had to drive down town to visit my grandmother to check on her new puppy. She maybe old, but she loves animals and the challenge of them.

“How are you Princess?” She asked as I scooped up her little 4lb pup and sat at the table. She was already cooking some steak and potatoes for me, my favorite dinner since I was a child.

“Nothing La Mommy; How has Papito been?”

She smiled and came over with a tall glass of water. “He has been good. You look sad though, you sure you’re okay?”

I nodded and gave her a big smile. “Yes, I’m fine; just having some boy problems.” She instantly looked pleased and sat down.

“What are they?” I kind of laughed thinking she was kidding, but her expression said different.

“Just this kid I went to school with. He won’t leave me alone and you know I’m moving soon… I don’t want to get involved with anyone.”

“Just have a fling then. You don’t have to go at it with him (she means sex just so you know), but enjoy his company and make him work for every word you say!”


I left my grandmothers and left to head home. As I drove I realized right then I needed to get some things from Wal-Mart for the house. I exhaled a deep sigh and drove into the lot. As I stepped out of my little white car and was reaching to grab my purse, I felt someone grab my arms and yank me back against them. I yelped out of surprise and was already struggling for them to let me go. I then looked back and it was George. I jabbed my elbow into his ribs to make him let go and as soon as he did, I shoved him against the red car. It was his car, why hadn’t I noticed?

“Fuck! That hurt Anna.” He was rubbing the spot I had hit, letting me hold him against his car, keeping a gap between us.

“Damn it George! I’m glad it hurt! I want you to leave me alone. Don’t you dare ever touch me again and I fuckin’ mean it! I swear to God if you come near me or even lay a finger on me, I’ll call the cops!”

I was had hoped that he’d leave me alone, but rather then believing me, his large hands grabbed my arms and turned to shove me against his car where he was. He leaned down over me...

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Written by HisKitten13
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