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Barbarella, A Sexual Exploration - Part 2

"The exploration continues as the pair learn more about each other's bodies."

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It was like one of those dreams where someone gives you the car you’ve always wanted, or you find a bunch of money and you’re suddenly rich. My mind was finally catching up to what just happened. My sister just spent god knows how long exquisitely exploring my cock and balls, had me masturbate in front of her, tasted and approved of the flavor of my cum, got completely naked, and then cuddled in next to me on the couch. I felt like I’d wake up and it would all be over, so it took me a moment to react.

Coming to my senses, I knew if I didn’t do something soon, the moment would pass, and it would all be over, but for real.

I said nothing, but I reached out with my right hand and cupped her left breast. It was so incredibly soft. I could feel my dick throb as I made contact.

"I can feel your heart beating too," I said. It was racing so incredibly fast. Our eyes met, mine asking permission and hers filled with encouragement.

I brushed my thumb over her already erect nipple and she inhaled with pleasure.

"Did that feel good?" I asked, in a tone of surprised curiosity.

"Yes," she said softly on the whisper of an exhaled breath.

I had done something right, and I didn't even mean to! I didn't know touching someone's nipples would make them feel good. I couldn't remember my nipples ever bringing me any pleasure.

Continuing to cup her breast I brushed my thumb over her nipple a few more times and then rolled it underneath my thumb. She seemed to like that as well. She took another deep breath and then closed her eyes and let her head fall back and rest on my left arm and pillow.

I gave her breast a slight squeeze with my hand. It was so soft and warm. It was everything I had wanted it to be, but better. She didn't seem to mind my exploratory squeezes, but she wasn't responding in the way she did when I was playing with her nipple, so I switched back to that.

All I wanted to do was make her feel good. I needed to make her feel as good as I felt when she was touching me. 

I moved my hand to her right breast and seized her erect nipple between my index finger and thumb and began rolling it gently back and forth between them. I wasn't being gentle because I knew what I was doing, I just didn't want to hurt her. Apparently, I wasn't, because she took a shuddering breath and smiled.

While I did this, I marveled at the perfect symmetry of her breasts. The way they just seemed to appear from nothing, curve out and up at all the right places, and then curve down and blend back in with her incredibly toned and yet soft body.

I caressed the side of her right breast with the back of my hand. Then allowed my hand to flow down, along her ribs, before brushing my hand back up along her center line, until I was at her left nipple again. I could have played with her breasts all night, but I had other plans.

If everything stopped here I’d still end up being the luckiest brother alive. But my mind kept going back to that moment when she dropped her panties on the floor, and her comment, “You showed me yours... it only seems fair to let you see mine.” I desperately needed to see hers and if she really meant it, I wasn’t going to pass on the opportunity.

I let go of her left nipple, gently slid my arm out from behind her, and stood up in front of her. My cock was still rock-hard. It was bobbing in front of her, at her eye level, as she sat there looking confused on the couch.

"And what do you want me to do with that?" she said, smiling at my cock and then looking back up at me.

"Oh… sorry… nothing," I said as I shifted my gaze from my cock down toward her patch of golden pubes.

"Could I..." I started to ask.

"Okay," she interrupted, the playful smile returning to her eyes.

I was completely shocked for a second. She didn't even know what I was going to ask. How could she just say okay? What if I was going to ask for something else? Did she just assume I was asking to have a closer look, or was she agreeing to do whatever I wanted, anything I wanted? Either way, I thought it was a good sign, maybe a great one!

I knelt on the floor in between her legs and as I did so, she spread them open for me, letting me scoot in for a closer look. Her golden-flecked sandy-blond strip of pubes pretty much stopped just over her slit. There was still some pubic hair further down, but not much, either due to shaving or natural perfection, I wasn’t sure which.

I was entering uncharted lands. The Playboys had all stopped at the pubes, so I had no idea what to expect. She was more or less a beautifully smooth clamshell, but as she spread her legs wider for me, she opened up a bit. I noticed something small and hooded near the top of her slit. Down from that, there was a pair of beautifully symmetrical delicate petals. They were slightly curled outward away from each other and then came back in and down where they met again, reminding me of a flower.

She was glistening with a damp moisture. The heat and smell radiating off of her was intoxicating. I could feel my cock throb in response. I could feel precum release from the tip of my dick, probably leaving a small puddle on the floor.

I looked up at her and asked, "Is it always this… wet?" Thinking back on it now, it was a dumb tactless question, but my head was in a fog of curiosity and lust.

"No, I think it's similar to what happens with yours," she said objectively with no signs of embarrassment or shame.

"So I did this to you?" I asked.

"Well... I wouldn't give you all the credit, but yeah, it happens when I'm... turned on," she said in a casually teasing tone.

"Can I touch it?" I asked, staring transfixed at her pussy. I felt compelled to touch her, almost like I didn’t have a choice. Like it was all predestined and I had no actual free will in the matter. 

"Of course silly," she said, with that same teasing tone.

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure where to start. I placed my open palm to the right of her slit and slid my thumb down it, from top to bottom. Once I reached the bottom I felt my thumb drop in a bit and her pussy opened up even more. 

The outer folds of her clamshell had become swollen and flushed, and the soft pink petals of her delicate inner folds separated a bit more. With my thumb still at the bottom of her pussy, I slowly slid it back up to the top. I was surprised to find that her moisture had a slickness similar to my precum.

As I neared the top of her slit with my thumb, two things happened at once. I felt something with a different texture than all the rest. A hard little nub pushing back slightly against the upward movement of my thumb. As soon as my thumb hit it, my sister's stomach muscles tightened and her hips jerked, pivoting up toward me.

It was clear, even to my lust-filled addled brain, that this was a very positive and yet entirely uncontrollable response to whatever I had touched. Like her body, rather than her brain had taken control and told her pussy to press into my thumb, to get more of whatever I had just done.

I slid my thumb back down a fraction and then back up past that hard little bump. Her body jerked and her breath shuddered in response.  I leaned in and took a closer look. The hard bump was hooded with a fold that seemed to run behind her inner folds, and her small petal-like folds met and joined just under it. The nub extended out of the hood just a bit. It kind of reminded me of the tip of her erect nipples, but it was shiny and smooth.

I noticed that my mouth was watering. With my face just inches away from her pussy, the warm inviting scent was intoxicating. At that moment, I had a nearly uncontrollable urge to lick, suck, taste, and devour, but something in the back of my mind stopped me. I know it sounds strange, but it was the closest I had ever felt to being a werewolf or a vampire. As if my canines were growing, as I sat preparing to feast, and I could feel base animalistic instincts trying to take over.

"That's my clitoris... My... clit," my sister said, snapping me back to reality.

Again the Playboys were of no help here.  I didn't know what a clitoris was, and I didn't remember learning about them in our sex education class. I shifted a bit and looked up at her. 

Her head was back against the couch pillow and her eyes were closed, but she was smiling when she said, "It's kind of like my penis I guess... but I don't pee out of it or anything… It's... it's what makes me come," she said, and then added, "I mean the rest of it feels good too..."

Never having removed my hand, I shifted back down and continued sliding my slick thumb around and over her clit. She responded with little jerks and shuddering breaths.

Then like an idiot, a thought popped into my head, and I blurted out, "If you don't pee out of your... clit... where does it come from?"

"It comes out of a hole above my vagina and below my clit," she replied with a sweet indulging patience.

"I thought the whole thing was your vagina," I said stupidly.

"Nope. The vagina is just the… hole... where... it... goes in," she said, emphasizing the word ‘It.’

My cock jumped at this, and I could feel a fresh bead of precum roll down my hard shaft and onto my balls.

I slid my thumb down her pussy, and used my other hand to spread her apart a bit more, looking for the spot where she peed from. Maybe it was the light, or the similarities in textures, or the fact that I quickly got distracted by something else, but I never did find her pee spot. I did immediately see where "it" went in, though.

The hole of her vagina seemed to have opened up more. Just a few moments ago, before I started playing with her clit, my thumb just barely dropped in a bit when I passed over it. Now, however, it looked like it could swallow my thumb completely.

Still holding her open with my left hand, I ran my right thumb around her entrance. This seemed to be where a majority of the slick moisture was coming from. Beads of it were pooling in the nooks of flesh just inside her vagina. As I spread them around her entrance, she moaned with deep lustful pleasure, and my cock throbbed with every sound.

With my thumb now coated in her fluids, I lifted it to my nose. It had an almost sweet earthy smell to it. I immediately put my thumb in my mouth and tasted it. It tasted a lot like it smelled, slightly sweet, but maybe a little bit metallic too. I decided I liked it. Well, maybe “like” isn't a strong enough word. I loved it!

She must have figured out what I was doing, because she said, "Umm... Is it okay?" with a hint of pleading concern creeping into her voice.

I looked up at her and saw that she had been watching me. I could see the worry in her eyes change to relief and delight as she noticed the excitement and lust on my face. I began to smile as I removed my thumb from my mouth, and nodded enthusiastically. That simple reassurance must have been all she needed because she smiled and allowed her head to rest back on the pillow and then she closed her eyes again.

I returned the palm of my hand to her pussy and returned my thumb to her opening. I ran my thumb along the entrance a few more times, coating it in more of her juices. As I continued to run circles around her opening I allowed my thumb to drop in a bit deeper each time. Then, I stopped the circular motion and slid my thumb into her, up to the first knuckle.

My sister moaned with pleasure as I entered her. I felt my balls buzz with the excitement of it all. It felt so warm and smooth and cozy inside of her. It was so inviting, so comforting. It felt like where I was supposed to be. Like a place that I had unknowingly been looking for my whole life. As I slid my thumb in as far as it could go, I knew I had found it. My reptilian brain neurons were all firing. They were signaling that this was all that was important! It was the only thing that was important, and it was where I was supposed to be!

My cock was throbbing in between my legs. My mind was using my thumb as a proxy for my cock. My mind was telling it "We're in her pussy!  You're in her pussy!" I slid my thumb out a bit and then slowly slid it back in, and my dick swelled and jerked as if it were doing the work. 

I worked my thumb in circles feeling the walls of her vagina. I rotated my wrist and pressed upward with my thumb, exploring every bit of her that I could. I could feel her pelvic bone, and when I pulled my thumb back, she moaned deeply with pleasure. Then something happened that I wasn't expecting.

She was sliding her right hand to meet mine. I noticed the movement right away and thought for a moment that she was going to push me away or ask me to stop. Instead, her hand came to a rest just above mine. Her fingers flattened out and pressed together. They rested just over her clitoral hood and pushed down there. She began to work her hand in small circles at first. I watched as I continued to slide my thumb in and out of her pussy.

Then the circular movement of her hand changed slightly, and I could see that she was pressing down harder. The movements of her hand became more oblong, pulling the skin up and away from her clit, exposing the flushed hard bead. The downward arc of her hand pushed the skin down, sliding her hood down over her clit, and then just barely brushing what was left exposed of it with her fingers.

Each time she brushed against her clit, her hips would jerk up, her stomach muscles would contract and the jolt of her body’s reaction would cause her perky breasts to bounce and jiggle. It was truly mesmerizing.

Being the unaware idiot that I was, I was about to ask if I could taste her. The animal inside of me was on the edge of taking control. It needed me to bury my face in her pussy, to devour her pussy, to lick and suck on every fold and nook, but I was interrupted by a change in her pace.

Suddenly several things happened at once. Her stomach tightened. Her hips pulled in and up toward her chest. Her thighs slid up and clamped around me. She was panting rapidly and rhythmically as if she were running a marathon. I could see she was pressing down even harder with her fingers and working tight furious circles with her hand. 

I was still inside of her when it happened. I was still moving my thumb when I felt the first shudder shoot through her entire body. Her thighs clamped down even harder around me. Then I felt spasms shooting through her pussy. Her pussy clamped down on my thumb as if to hold it in place. The walls of her vagina began to contract and pulse around my thumb. She let out an explosive moan and her whole body shook uncontrollably.

She continued to rub her pussy in those tight little circles, but the ferocity was gone. I could still feel the pulsing contraction of her vagina around my thumb, but they weren't quite as strong as they were just moments ago. Her body spasmed a few more times. Her stomach muscles relaxed a bit, and her hips sunk back down into the couch. The pace of her hand slowed, and the tight circles she was working before had transformed into large slow arcing ovals until her hand finally came to a rest. She let out a big breath and melted into the couch.

I looked up at her but she still had her eyes closed. She was radiant. I had never seen anyone look so beautiful as she did at that moment. Her cheeks and chest were flushed pink and I could see little dew drops of sweat clinging to the ultra-fine blond hairs of her body. Her breasts looked fuller and somehow perkier at the same time, and her nipples were tight and firm. 

I rubbed my thumb back and forth inside her one last time and gently slid it out. With that, she looked up at me. Her liquid blue eyes were watery and I thought maybe she was about to cry, but instead, the corners of her mouth curled up into the beginning of an abashed grin.

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"Wow!  I mean…  WOW!... That was... intense," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"It was!" I agreed.

"No… I mean.....

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Written by backlitdesire
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