She began to pour sun oil over her huge tits. It ran over and between them, running onto her stomach, before travelling further down.
She then began a very slow and sensual massage, her hands moving slowly over her enormous tits, covering every millimetre of skin. She pulled her big, dark nipples, making them grow. God, this was so sexy.
She poured oil onto her hands, turned away and bent forward, before running the oil up the back of her legs and over her ample arse, pulling the cheeks apart and giving me a full view of her hairy pussy.
I realised I had a hard on, and I was really embarrassed as I knew I should not be staring in this way at my Aunt Sophia. But in my defence, she was one hell of a sexy woman.
She stood, moved back to the bed and laid face down. I decided it was time to go, so I sneaked away, not making a sound.
I am not a peeping Tom, honest.
I had been dropped off by my dad as I was supposed to be helping Aunt Sophia with some garden chores. She had sent me a text telling me to come around the back of the house, locking the side gate once inside.
As I went around the house, I had called out her name but got no response. My approach to the pool was difficult, as I was walking behind some thick bushes.
I was about to walk out of their shadow and call her name again, when she had stood up, and put on the show for me. I had realised I could not escape without being seen by her.
I was in a bad situation. I wanted to get away, but I knew she would see me if I came out from behind the bushes. She would think I was a pervert. I did not know what to do.
To be honest, I have had a thing for Aunt Sophia ever since I had seen her being fucked, doggy style by her gardener next to the pool.
On that day, a couple of months ago, I had cycled over to use her pool, thinking she was still away on holiday. I was surprised to find her, not only at home, but being seen to by the gardener.
He had caught me looking, put his finger to his lips, smiled and pulled his enormous dick out of her. It must have been a good 12 inches in length and about the diameter of an aerosol can. It was huge!
He smacked her bottom hard a couple of times, before ramming his cock back in, making her scream. I watched as they continued to fuck. The gardener was smiling at me, taking pleasure in the fact he was being observed.
I had wanted to turn away but to be honest, I was enjoying the show. I watched as she reached her orgasm, crying out loudly.
‘Yes, yes. I’m cumming!!’
Before collapsing forward, like a rag doll.
To my mortification, I realised I had an erection.
‘Bollocks.’ I thought. ‘This is bad, very bad.’
I watched as she turned around and licked along the whole length of his penis, before taking him in her mouth and beginning to suck him off. I could not drag my eyes away from the action. In fact, I had my hand inside my shorts, wrapped around my cock, pumping away, wishing it was me she was seeing to.
I was brought to my senses when he grabbed her head with both hands and started to roughly fuck her face.
She reached forward and grabbed his balls, making him scream. Then virtually spat him out of her mouth.
‘You bitch!’ He shouted.
She dug her nails in and he whimpered.
‘Don’t you ever do that again, you bastard! Get the fuck out of here!’
She pushed him away, which made me come to my senses. I beat a hasty retreat, hopped over the fence and felt very fortunate not to get caught by her. What would she have said?
Later at home that evening, I could not resist having a wank, fantasising that it was me fucking her doggy-style and then getting a blow job.
After I had cum, I felt remorseful. How could I think of my aunty like this?
I had obviously never mentioned seeing her that day, and as she had never spoken of it. I must have got away with that one.
Today, as I spied on her, I tried to come to my senses. I knew I should not be peeking at my aunt like this.
Aunt Sophia is beautiful. We both have Spanish heritage, and you can see that much more in her, than me. She has long dark hair and beautiful brown eyes. She is built like a real woman, with plenty of curves, a big pair of tits and a large arse. She is forty-four years-of-age, but you would never have guessed it.
A couple of my pals had described her as the perfect MILF. Which now, I could not deny.
I waited for my erection to subside, all the while wondering what she would she say if she knew I had not only been ogling her but getting a stiffy on.
It took a few moments to get my dick back under control and when I felt comfortable, I waltzed back, calling her name out more loudly.
This time she must have heard, as she hastily used a towel to cover her nakedness. She waved at me, smiling.
‘Hi Jack. How are you?’
‘Fine, thanks aunt Sophia. And you?’
‘Loving this weather. Drop your bag in the kitchen and grab a drink from the fridge while I get decent.’
I disappeared inside and got a large glass of ice-cold water. She came into the kitchen, now wearing a tiny yellow bikini. I could not help but stare at her, as the bikini top only just covered a tiny proportion of her tits.
She walked over and gave me a hug. As she did so, I felt those huge tits and two firm nipples pressing into me. I was hoping I was not going to get another erection.
‘Great to see you, Jack. Thanks so much for offering to help me. Give me a couple of minutes and I will get dressed.’
As she walked out, I noticed that the rear of the bikini bottom was just a string around the top and another one going up between the crack of her wonderous arse. Amazing.
I went out into the garden, trying to shake the images of her body from my head and the feeling of her tits jutting into me.
She came back, wearing a white blouse, a pair of tight denim shorts, and a pair of black trainers. She looked me up and down.
‘Wow. You’ve filled out since I last saw you.’
I flexed a bicep and she reached out to feel it.
She held onto it longer than was strictly necessary. I didn’t know what to say. She released my arm, after giving the muscle a squeeze.
‘I’m glad you’re here, Jack. I’m in need of those muscles.’
‘I’m ready for action. As long as I can jump in the pool after.’
‘Of course. Do you fancy some lunch first?’
‘No thanks. I’m not hungry just yet. Maybe later.’
It was a lovely day, hot and sunny. I was looking forward to helping her. She was always fun to be around, and we got on well. But what disturbed me was the fact that I had been so turned on by her. I knew I should not think of my aunt like that, but I could not shake the image of her rubbing oil into that fabulous body.
I felt sorry for her, as she was now alone in this big house, trying to cope with everything. Her husband, uncle Nick, died three years ago in a car accident, when he was working in South Africa. That had been a bad moment for the family. She seemed to be over it now, which was good news.
She broke into my thoughts.
‘Come on, stop daydreaming. We have a lot of work to do. Think you have the stamina for what I have planned?’
‘I’m raring to go.’
She laughed, ‘Good. As I’m going to use and abuse you.’
She walked over to a large patch of earth and showed me a stack of wooden sleepers. She asked me to carry them to the spots she indicated, place them down and make sure they were level.
‘What are these for?’
‘New flower beds.’
I picked up the first sleeper. It was big and heavy but did not cause me any problems.
‘My. You are a strong 16-year-old.’
‘Almost 17, now Aunt Sophia.’
‘Ooh yes. Three weeks’ time. Anything planned?’
‘Not yet. I’m not into parties, so maybe a meal out or something.’
‘Am I invited?’
‘Depends. What you are going to give me for my birthday.’
‘Oh. I’m sure I can think of something you will really love. Something you really desire, all gift-wrapped and lovely.’
The work was heavy and hot. After we had formed the new beds, we stopped for lunch and sat by the pool. We talked about my exams and hopes for the future. I was finding it difficult to know what I wanted to do once I left school. I was not sure about going to university.
I had an opportunity to play semi-professional rugby and that is what I wanted to do. Dad, on the other hand insisted I get a degree from ‘a good university.
She was a good listener and gave me some of her views, including that I should find my own way. Maybe give rugby a go and if that did not work out, then look at other opportunities.
That was another good thing about her. She did not demand to be right all the time, just put her views out there for me to think over. Unlike my dad who insisted he knew best.
‘So, Jack. Do you have a girlfriend?’
‘Yeah. Her name is Mai. You’d love to meet her.’
‘How long have you been with her?’
‘A couple of months now.’
‘Why have I never met her?’ She teased.
‘You haven’t invited me over.’
‘Touché, young man.’
‘You must bring her over whilst the weather is warm’
‘Thanks. She will love it.’
‘I am going to ask you a personal question, do you mind, Jack.’
‘I don’t mind.’
‘Have you made lover to her yet?’
Wow. That one took me by surprise. It is not what you expect from your aunty. I did not know how to answer it.
‘Um. Sorry. Just wasn’t ready for that question.’
‘If you’re too embarrassed, you don’t have to tell me.’
‘It’s OK.’
I thought about if for a while and decided to be honest with her. I wanted to talk to an adult about Mai, and I was sure as hell not going to talk to Mum or Dad.
‘She is so fucking sexy. Tall and slim. Half-Vietnamese. I am taking things slow.’
‘Don’t take it too slow, or you may lose her.’
I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders.
‘Jack, you boys are all the same. You think it is only the guys who want to fuck. But I can tell you, we ladies love it just as much and some of us more. Your uncle Nick and I had a fantastic sex life. I miss him so much.’
This was getting embarrassing.
‘Sorry, Jack. Am I speaking out of turn?’
I mumbled a reply.
‘Don’t keep her waiting too long, or she may find someone else.’
Bloody hell. I was feeling very uncomfortable now and could feel my face turning red.
‘Don’t be embarrassed, Jack. It is not a thing your parents would ever talk to you about, nor would you want to talk to them, I take it.’
‘No way!’
‘My advice to you, young man, is to be gentle and kind. Don’t force things. Find out what she wants.’
‘Shit. Aunt Sophia. Relationships are so difficult.’
‘Jack. You can speak to me anytime. I am more than happy to help you with anything. And I mean, anything.’
She reached over and squeezed my hand, then got up.
‘The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can jump in the pool,’ she told me.
We began digging the ground over. The soil was very heavy, it was hard work. After digging for a while, I stripped off my top, which was soaked in sweat. As I pulled it off my head, I caught her staring at my body. Her lips apart and eyes wide.
‘Sorry to stare. But where the fuck did your six-pack come from?’
‘I work out a lot.’
I was a bit embarrassed, so I picked up the spade, turned my back and continued to dig.
I felt her staring at my body but tried to ignore her. The sooner I could get this job finished, the sooner I could jump in the pool and head home.
‘Be back in a minute, Jack.’
‘Can you grab me a large glass of ice-cold water on your way back?’
She was gone for a while. The ground was really hard in places which made it tough work. My hands were sweaty and occasionally slipped from the shovel. I was there for a while, lost in thought, when I heard her call out.
‘Here you go, Jack.’
I turned around, put the shovel down, took the pint glass of water from her, and gulped it down. I stood there for a bit, stretching my aching limbs.
‘Do you need to stop for a while, Jack? Maybe I could give you a massage.’
The thought of her massaging me was tempting but it would be so embarrassing to be massaged by my aunty, especially as I would probably get an erection.
‘No, I’m Okay, thanks.’
‘Do you need another drink?’
‘No. All good thanks.’
I picked up the shovel again and set to with a bit more enthusiasm. Aunt Sophia grabbed another spade and started to help, as much as she could, which was not much, to be honest.
She laughed out loud.
‘Bloody hell, Jack, this is tough. I should have paid some gardeners to do it.’
‘What happened to the guy you used to have?’
‘Oh, he got too familiar, so I got rid of him.’
‘Familiar’ was not the word I would have used, I thought.
We toiled away for a while. After a half hour or so we were both covered in dirt and sweat. Aunt Sophia went inside and grabbed us both a beer, which was more than welcome. We sunk them quickly and she told me a lewd joke, taking the mickey out of my dad at the same time. She could be very funny at times.
‘I need to water the other beds.’
She pulled a hose over and I watched as she soaked the ground. I went back to digging, when suddenly I felt cold water hitting my back.
I shouted out, ‘Shit, that’s cold.’
‘Thought you needed cooling down.’
I turned to face her. She was laughing as she kept the water aimed at me. I was soaked.

I ran towards her, making her shriek loudly. She dropped the hose and tried to run off. But she was no match for my rugby skills. I tackled her to the floor and she face-planted in the mud.
I grabbed the hose and aimed it at her. She rolled over on her back and pleaded with me to let her up. I shook my head and gave her a good soaking. She was screaming and laughing all the time. This was good fun.
I suddenly noticed her top was clinging to every inch of her tits. Furthermore, it was now completely see-through, and her engorged nipples were poking through. I realised she was not wearing a bra.
I switched the hose off and went to pick her up. As I took hold of her hand, she pulled me on top of her, then rolled me onto my back and sat on top of me. I was now covered in mud. We were both laughing.
I looked up and saw her boobs moving up and down in time with her breathing. She was sat on my dick, and I felt it beginning to get erect. Shit, this is embarrassing.
I felt her press herself into my stiffy. She looked me in the eyes, smiling. I thought she was going to ride me there and then.
‘I think we both need a cold shower.’ She mused.
I was very relieved. We helped each other up and I caught her looking at my erection. This is really embarrassing.
She led the way to the back door where she stopped.
‘Look at us,’ she remarked, ‘both covered in mud. We can’t go inside like this. It would ruin the carpets.’
With that, she took off her shoes and then turning away from me she took her shorts off. Bending over to get them over her ankles. This gave me a close-up of her wonderful arse. I stared at the string of her tiny pink knickers as it disappeared between the crack of her cheeks, separating her brown pussy lips. I stood there, dumbfounded.
I was fascinated by the fact she did not shave her fanny. Every girl I knew, and every porn star I had seen, either had a fully shaven haven or sported a thin line of hair only....