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Coming Quietly

"Detective Phillips got more than he bargained for when he went to arrest a suspect"

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I was a little bit on edge as I entered the block of flats.  I had done my intelligence checks which showed my suspect lived alone but there was always the prospect of her having company.  I knew she had recently split from a violent boyfriend, and I did not relish the prospect of finding him there.

Normally I would have been doing this enquiry with my work partner, Diana.   However, she had called in sick and was not able to accompany me.  I knew if she said she was ill, she was.  Diana was a diamond, a great detective, and very hard working.  I had decided to go alone and get the thing over with.

I had my old-style handcuffs and wooden truncheon with me.  I felt comfortable with them.  I was not a fan of the new-fangled batons and cuffs.  The lads in the office took the piss out of me for still carrying them around, but the truncheon felt like an old friend.

I went up to the door and listened.  I could hear music playing, but no voices.  I rang the bell and waited.

The door was opened by my suspect, a young black woman, twenty-six years of age.  She was dressed in a smart, navy-blue figure-hugging dress that had a zip all the way up the front.  It was unzipped a little, giving me a hint of cleavage. 

The dress showed off every curve of her full figure.  She was wearing navy-blue stockings.  I knew they were not tights, as I could see the outline of the suspender belt clips.  On her feet, she sported a pair of red killer high-heel shoes.  She was stunningly beautiful.  She smiled at me.

‘Miss Borst?  Miss Lily Borst?’  I asked.

‘Who’s asking?’  she replied.

I took out my warrant card and identified myself.

‘Detective Sergeant Phillips.’

She took a slight step back, and her smile disappeared for a split second before she quickly recovered her composure.

‘How can I help you?’  she asked.

‘I would like to ask you a few questions,’ I replied. ‘But I think it would be better if I came inside.  Is there anyone else here?’

‘No, just me.’

I had placed my foot in the doorway to stop her from slamming it in my face.

She hesitated for a moment, before opening the door wider and ushering me into the flat.  It was very well furnished, with a lot of art on the walls.  She appeared to have expensive tastes.

She indicated the sofa to me as she sat opposite in a leather armchair, crossing her legs. 

‘Miss Borst.  I am investigating a case of money laundering and would like to ask you some questions.’

She stared at me, saying nothing.

I waited for a response.  I liked to keep them on edge.

Eventually, she responded.  ‘Money laundering?  I don’t know what that means officer?’

‘Basically, someone moving or hiding criminally obtained money.’

She started to look a little uncomfortable, now.

‘Oh.  Tell me how I can help you then.’

‘My enquiries have almost been completed and I need to satisfy myself to your innocence...’  I hesitated.

She seemed to relax.

‘… Or not,’  I continued.

Once more, the smile was wiped from her face.

‘I don’t know anything about money laundering.  And I have not reported being a victim.  So, I am not sure how I can help you.’

I opened my briefcase and pulled out a sheaf of documents.  I shuffled them about and then looked at her, trying to gauge her feelings.

As I did this, she uncrossed her legs slowly.  It reminded me of the scene in Basic Instinct with Sharon Stone.  Unfortunately, I did not get a flash of her fanny; the dress being too tight and not short enough.

‘I just need to ask you a few questions. Okay?’

She leant forward and I could now see down her very impressive cleavage, catching sight of the top of her boobs.  I am sure she did it on purpose.  With some reluctance, I dragged my mind back to the job and my eyes back to her face.

She was smiling again now.

‘What is your occupation?’  I asked her.

‘I am a freelance art buyer.’

‘Does that pay well?’

‘It has its moments.’

‘Do you have many clients?’

‘I don’t do too bad.’

‘And they pay you well for your services?’

She looked around the room.

‘Oh yes, some of them very well indeed, thank you.’

‘Do you own a Tesla motor vehicle, index number L1LY 00?’


‘And how did you pay for that car?’

‘I paid for it in cash.’

‘A bit unusual to pay cash for such an expensive car.’

She looked away and I remained silent.

‘Well,’ she said eventually, ‘I had made a lot of money on some deals.  The salesman had looked down his nose at me before, so I decided to be a bit flash.  I drew the cash out of my account.’

‘What account did you use?’

She told me the bank account details and I knew I had her.

‘One more question, Miss Borst.  Are you the only signatory to that account?’

I already knew she was, but I wanted her to tell me.

‘Yes.  I am.’

‘There are a lot of cash deposits going into that account.  Where are these from?’

‘Some of my clients prefer to pay in cash.’

‘And you have invoices to cover these payments?’

‘Some of them, yes.’

I knew she was receiving money which she could not account for by way of invoices.  There was way too much cash swilling about in her accounts and it was being moved to persons of interest to me and my colleagues in the US Secret Service.

I stood up.

‘Miss Borst.  I am arresting you on suspicion of money laundering.  You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned something that you later rely on in court.  Anything you do say may be given in evidence.  Do you understand?’

She said nothing, just stared at me, with her mouth open.

‘I need to take you in for questioning.  Please stand up.’

As she stood, her face crumpled.

‘But, but I’ve done nothing,’ she cried.

‘We can sort this all out down at the station.’

‘Do we have to go there?  Can’t we sort this out between us?’

She stood up and walked towards me, stopping very close.  I could smell her perfume.  I looked into her beautiful eyes and had to take a deep breath.

‘I am afraid I have to record your answers properly.  You need to be treated according to the law and I can’t do that here.’

‘Are you sure, officer?  I mean, I’m sure we can reach some kind of arrangement.’

‘Don’t say anything else, Miss Borst, or you may incriminate yourself.’

She started to cry, quietly.  I hate it when women turn on the tears.

‘Do you need a moment to compose yourself?’

She nodded and headed to the kitchen.  I followed closely.  When she got to the worktop, she reached out for a knife.  I grabbed her arm, squeezing it tightly.

‘Ow.  You are hurting me,’ she wailed.

‘Put the knife down,’  I commanded.

She dropped the knife.

‘Sorry, officer, but I was just tidying up.  I hate things to be untidy.  I’m a bit OCD, sorry.’’

I took hold of the knife and looked around.  There was not one item out of place.  It was all very neat, with everything turned in the same direction.  All of this tended to substantiate her OCD statement.

I put the knife in a drawer.  I was a bit concerned she would do something stupid, so I took a decision to ensure my safety.

‘I need to search you in case you have anything that could do harm to yourself or me,’  I told her.

‘Shouldn’t a female search me?’

‘Technically, yes.  But I want to make sure you are not going to do anything stupid after picking up that knife.’

I knew I was on dodgy ground here, but I wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to do something daft.  I would look like a complete idiot if I got assaulted by a 5’6” twenty-six-year-old woman.

‘I am not sure I want an old man groping me.’

Ouch.  That smarted.  I was sixty years of age and should have retired a couple of years ago, but I loved my job.  I had also got divorced a few years back, lost half my forthcoming pension and a fair chunk of my wages each month.  I needed this job.

‘In that case I will need to handcuff you until I can arrange transport.’

‘No.  Please don’t do that.  I will let you search me but promise to be gentle with me.'

I took hold of her arm again.

‘Do you need me to take off my clothes, officer?’

She started to unzip her dress, but I stopped her.  She was playing with me now.

At this point, I should have called for a van to take her to the local nick, but I decided against it.  I wanted to see where things would lead.  She was a sensual woman and I decided to enjoy myself for once.  The van could wait. 

I led her back into the lounge and put her up against the wall, facing it.

‘Put your arms out at your sides, palms facing away from the wall and the backs of them pressed against the wall.  Then spread your legs wide.’

She did as I instructed.

I looked at her body in that figure-hugging dress.  She had a large, round arse, a small waist, and shapely legs.  She was definitely all woman.

What was I doing?  I could lose my job over this.

‘No.  You are right, Miss Borst.  I am not allowed to search you.’

I turned away to call the van.

I felt her hand on my arm.

‘Detective.  I want you to search me.  I want you to take control and do whatever you want to me.  Do you understand?’

I turned around to face her.  She smiled.

‘I love older men taking charge.  Or are you too scared?’

Fuck.  Who was controlling who here?  I wondered.

I knew I could lose my job over this, but it is not every day a guy of my age gets the come-on from a young, sexy woman like Lily Borst.

I swallowed and then put her back up against the wall.

‘You are some woman.  Are you sure about this?’

‘Oh yes, very sure, detective.’

“Let’s make this more realistic,’  Lily suggested.  ‘Just follow my lead Detective.’

I told her I was okay with that.

‘Detective Sergeant Phillips, do you think this is really necessary?’

She started to move away from the wall.  I forced her back, using the full weight of my body to pin her to the wall.  My crotch was pushing up against her taut arse.

‘Don’t do anything stupid again, Miss Borst.  Or you will have to be handcuffed.’

‘Sergeant Phillips.  I assure you I am not going to do anything.  Pat me down if you must.’

She flexed the cheeks of her arse, almost twerking.  I felt the beginnings of an erection.

‘Well,’ she stated.  ‘I don’t think this is very professional.  I can feel your truncheon pushing into me.’ 

As she said this, she bounced each arse cheek up and down independently.

My cock was now pushing up against the crack of her arse.  She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

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My mind was going mad.  One thought was, ‘What the hell was I doing?’  The other was, ‘I can’t pass up this opportunity.’  I took a deep breath.

Oh well.  In for a penny, in for a pound.  As the old saying went.

‘Stay there,’  I told her.

I retrieved my cuffs and put one of her arms behind her back, applied a cuff and then shackled her other wrist to it.  I made sure I double-locked the cuffs so they would not close tighter than they already were.

‘Ow.  Those things hurt.  Are you sure you need to handcuff me?  I promise I am not going to do anything stupid.’

I leaned into her.

‘I will take the cuffs off once I am satisfied you are not going to be a silly girl.’

She laughed.  ‘Silly girl, me?  Never.’

She moved back and cupped my erection with her hands.

‘I see you can still get it up, not bad for an old boy.  Now.  Just get on and search me.  Strip me naked if you want.  But please, get on with it.  This is a very uncomfortable position to be in.’

She squeezed my cock.  Then let go.

Shit.  I knew she had me now.  My cock was aching to be released and I needed to fuck her.

I leant forward and whispered in her ear.

‘Lily, stay still.  I just need to make a phone call.’

I called the office.

‘Nick?  Hi, it's Dave here.  No trace of the suspect at her home address.  Can you tell the guv’nor I need to take the rest of the day off?  Family emergency.  What?  Oh yeah, cheers.’

I walked back to my suspect.  Crouched down, took hold of one of her ankles and lifted her foot off the floor.  I removed the shoe, checked inside, and put it back on her foot.  I repeated the procedure with the other shoe.

I ran my hands up her right leg, all the way from her ankle.  Her tight dress prevented me from reaching too far.  I did the same to her other leg, before standing up and running my hands over her arse, outside her dress.  Then across her hips and down the front of her dress, near the tops of her legs.  She did not put up any resistance.

Next, I moved my hands across her shoulders, down her back and then around her stomach.  She giggled.

‘Sorry, I have a very ticklish tummy.’

I moved my hands up and cupped the bottom of each breast.  She leant back into me.  I passed my hands over her tits and up to her neck, gently massaging it, before running my hands through her hair.

‘I think you still pose a threat to me, as I can’t feel the tops of your legs nor your breasts through the bra you are wearing.  I am going to release your cuffs and you must take your dress off.’

I removed the cuffs and stood back.  She went to turn around.

‘No.  Keep facing the wall!’  I shouted.

I watched as she unzipped her dress, before stepping out of it and dropping it to the floor.  I kicked it to one side.

I stood still, staring at her full figure.  She was wearing a matching lingerie set, which was also navy-blue.  The material was delicate and almost see-through.

Her arse was totally exposed, due to the fact that the back of her knickers were nothing more than a string running up the crack of her cheeks.  I always got confused between a G-string and a thong.  But at this moment, I did not care what it was called.  The view was magnificent.

I leant forward and blew gently up her spine, which made her tremble slightly.

I bent down and moved my hands slowly up the thigh of one leg to the top of her stocking, then repeated this on the other leg.

From here, I followed the strap of her suspender upwards until I got to the belt, then traced my fingers around it to her other leg and gently moved my hands down this one.  Her breathing had got deeper.

I ran my hands lightly over her arse, tracing the string as it disappeared up the crack.  Then moved my hands over her taut stomach, stroking it lightly.

She laughed loudly.  ‘You naughty man!  I told you I have a very ticklish tummy.’

I moved my hands to the front of her bra, feeling them all over.  She leaned back into me some more and murmured her approval.  I ran my hands along the straps, then up her neck and into her hair.  I stood back.

I wish I had a camera with me to record this.

‘Officer.  To do a proper search, I think you need to remove my bra.  You never know what I have hiding in here.’

I knew exactly what she had in the bra!

I took her bra off, dropping it to the floor.

‘I am going to have to handcuff you again,’  I told her.

I put the ‘bracelets’ back on, reached around her and placed a hand on the bottom of each breast.  I lifted them up, weighing them.  They felt full and heavy.  Absolute beasts.

‘You like my puppies.’

‘Bloody hell.  If these things are puppies, I would not like to meet their parents.’

She laughed out loud.

I let go of her tits and began to gently squeeze each one, then ran my thumbs over her rapidly growing nipples.  They were huge.

‘Have you found anything of interest yet, Sergeant Phillips?’

‘A couple of offensive weapons.’

I squeezed each nipple hard.  She leant back into me.

‘I love my nipples being played with.’

I squeezed them some more and flicked them with my fingers.

‘Ooh, that is so nice,’  she murmured.

I let go of her tits, ran my hands down the sides of her body and around to her arse.  My God, it was fabulous.  Firm, large and smooth as a baby’s bum.  I ran my fingers from the top of the string, all the way down as far as they could reach.  The material around her fanny was wet.

‘I need to remove your knickers, Miss Borst.’

‘I am not sure you are allowed to do that.’

I slapped her arse, hard.  Making her jump.

‘I will decide what I can and can’t do.  You’ll do as you’re told.’

To emphasise the point, I smacked her arse again.  She did not say a word.

I slowly peeled the delicate panties from her.  She stepped out of them and stood there in her suspenders, stockings and shoes.  What a sight to behold!

‘I am not yet satisfied I have searched you properly.  Turn around and open your mouth.’

She did as I commanded.

She had full lips, which were begging to be kissed.  I looked inside her mouth, then pressed my lips onto hers.  I pushed my tongue into her mouth, and she gently bit down on it.  We kissed for what seemed ages.

I pulled away.

‘There does not appear anything in your mouth.  However, I will need to search your other orifices.’

‘I think you are taking things a bit far, Sergeant.’

I grabbed her tits and squeezed them.

‘Shut up, you little slut.  You fucking criminals are all the same.’

She mouthed, ‘You are hurting me.’

I immediately let go of her tits, bent forward and kissed them all over.

‘Sorry, Lily.’

I picked up her knickers and put them to my nose, smelling her aroma.  She smelt lovely.  I then pushed her knickers into her mouth.  Her eyes opened wide in surprise.

‘Don’t worry.  I will not hurt you, too much.’

I kissed her neck and ran my tongue around her ear, biting her lobe.  She gave a little tremor.

I took hold of her arm and gently placed her kneeling on the carpet.  I pushed her head down and lifted her arse high, spreading her legs wide open.

‘Miss Borst.  I am not satisfied I have searched you thoroughly, I need to do an internal examination.  Stay very still.’

‘Lily.  If anything hurts too much, yell as loud as you can through your knickers, and I will stop.  Okay?’

She nodded.

I went to my briefcase and removed my truncheon, returning to kneel behind her.

I put my tongue out and ran it around her anus.  She quivered.  I ran it down to her pussy lips and onto her clit.  I pulled back and watched as her lips began to part.  I always loved this moment.

I picked up the truncheon and holding it by the ‘business’ end, started to use the leather strap to whip her fanny.  The first stroke made her jump, but she did not complain.  I made sure I did not go too wild, only using a small amount of force.  I saw a trickle of juice run down her leg.

I then began to whip her behind, using harder strokes.  I thought I might have gone a bit far and stopped.  But she simply thrust her arse back towards me.  So, I hit her some more.  I finished off by hitting her with the fat end of the truncheon, a couple of times on each cheek.

Now it was time to look inside.  I ran my fingers up and down her pussy, before pulling her lips apart.

‘Can’t see anything there, but I need to make sure.’

With that, I began to insert the truncheon, inch by inch.  I pushed it all the way to the ridged handle, before removing it.  I licked her juices from it.  She tasted fucking lovely.

‘Stay there!’  I commanded.

I made my way to the kitchen and found a bottle of olive oil. 

When I came back to her, she had not moved.

I undressed and liberally poured oil all over her big arse, my cock, and fingers.   I massaged the oil into her arse and her fanny.  By this point, she was squirming in delight and panting hard.

I pushed two fingers into her anus, as far as they would go.  I stretched the entrance, before pulling them out.

My dick was aching for action, and I was not sure how long I could hold on for.

I took the handcuffs off and removed the knickers from her mouth.  She licked her lips.

‘I loved you whipping my fanny.  Never had anyone do that before.’

‘Lie on your back, Miss Borst.  Pull your legs wide and pull your knees to your chest.’

The view of her in this position was immense.  I savoured the moment, before rolling her back as far as possible.  I placed a couple of cushions under her, lifting her arse high off the floor.

I picked up my trusty truncheon and slowly inserted it into her fanny.  Her eyes went wide as I pushed it in.

‘Take hold of it,’  I told her.

She grabbed it with both hands.

I put the tip of my dick against her anus.

‘Relax, Miss Borst.  I need to insert this into you.  Okay?’

She nodded.

I eased my cock into her anus.  Christ, it was tight!

I managed to get it all the way in.  We both took a moment.  I breathed deeply, trying to get my feelings under control.  Now was not the time to shoot my load.

Once I had calmed down, I started to fuck her beautiful arse as she fucked herself with the truncheon.  The sight was fantastic.  Her tits were bouncing around, the truncheon was being pushed in and out faster and faster.  Amazing.

Each time I thrust into her, I let out an ‘Oh.’

The feel of her anus squeezing my dick was immense.  With each stroke, my voice got louder, and I increased my thrusting.

I looked at her face.  She had her eyes closed tight and she was moaning loudly. 

‘I am gonna cum!’  she shouted.

I felt her squeeze her anus around my cock and I knew I could not hold back.

Her eyes flew open, and she came with an enormous shout.

‘Yes, oh yes!  Shoot your spunk into my arse!’

‘Oh, fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK!!’  I shouted as I exploded inside her.

I was shaking all over and felt my limp dick slip out of her.  She slowly removed the truncheon and let her legs fall to the floor.  I collapsed on top of her, spent.

‘Ooh, Sergeant Phillips.  Not bad for an old guy.  But I suppose that is you finished for a good few hours!’

‘Lily.  You are such a great fuck, I’m sure you will have me hard in no time.’

‘In that case, are you going to stay for dessert?

I kissed her cheek. Arresting.

‘I may stay for dinner, bed, and breakfast as well.’


Written by DickT67
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