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Aunt Fiona

"I Learn How To Fly!"

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Aunt Fiona was hardly my mother's favorite sibling. Mom was the oldest, and Fiona the youngest by a considerable margin. I first met my aunt when I was five and she was in high school and a star gymnast. I thought she was gorgeous, with her long red hair, pale skin, and deep blue eyes, I didn't tell Mom, but I wanted to look more like my aunt and less like my mother when I grew up.

When she graduated from high school, Fiona went to USC where she helped them win a Pac Ten gymnastics title, but then she left school for Europe to take up the high flying trapeze in a circus there. Mom got mad at her for doing it, because she thought she should finish her education that everyone else in the family had succeeded at, but Fiona wasn't going to give up on her dreams. She would write me frequently, enclosing pictures and reviews of the show where the "Irish Queen Of the Skies" was the main attraction and she was having the time of her life. It seemed so glamorous to me, being a kid of ten and having an aunt that was a star, I wanted to be like her, but Mom wouldn't let me try gymnastics because she didn't want me to end up like her. I got to play sports because I wasn't a bad athlete but when I got to High School at 14, they offered gymnastics, and with Fiona's urging I didn't bother to tell Mom. Fiona then left for a long tour that would keep her crossing the globe for two long years before she'd get to see me perform.
For two long years I worked hard, and got pretty good, despite Mom finding out and nagging me about it, but little did I know Fiona would return and really teach me a few things I needed to know.

"Godamnit! Your aunt is coming to visit, and there isn't a thing I can do to stop her!" Mom was not happy.

"What's so bad about Aunt Fiona?" I asked.

"She's a flake, a quitter, and a bad influence, that's what." No, Mom wasn't just unhappy, she was pissed.

"Why is she coming by?"

"Apparently she had surgery or something and is taking some time to heal up. And there's nothing I can do to stop her."

This was certainly true. My grand parents on my mother's side had died about 5 years previously, and had left my mother the majority of their money, with the stipulation that she take care of her younger brother and sisters if they needed anything. A recovering Aunt Fiona would need a place to stay, and Mom had to provide it. Oh well, I looked forward to seeing her, as she hadn't been to see us in two years.

The day came and she glamorously had a limo drop her off at the house. She still looked incredible, despite the crutches and cast on her lower left leg. I ran to greet her.

"Aunt Fiona!!! You look amazing! It's good to see you!" I hugged her close and she hugged me back. We'd always gotten along well together.

"Good to see, you, too. You're getting pretty hot these days, Lissa!" Oooh, compliments, I knew I liked her for a reason. "And it's great to see you, too Jennifer, even if you aren't happy to see me."

My mom tried to scowl but had to be gracious somehow. "It'll be good to have you back, how long will you be here?" Nope, didn't succeed at gracious.

"Ah, Jennifer, why can't you just be happy for me being who I want to be? Is there anything fundamentally wrong with enjoying my life?" asked Fiona.

"No, as long as you do something worthwhile with it. Being in a god damned circus doesn't qualify." Mom shot back.

"Mom! Be nice, we don't see her very often, can't you just let it go for once?" I yelled.

"Yes, let it go for once," said Fiona sweetly. "I even brought presents for everyone. I won't be here that long, we can all be civilized you know."

I grabbed her bags and we all went in to the house. I showed her her 'room', which was actually mine. Despite having twin beds, I was going to give her her privacy and sleep on the couch. My younger sister Danni and I had shared until Mom and Dad added another bathroom and bedroom to the house two years ago and I kept the two beds out of habit.

"We gonna be roomies? Fiona quipped.

"Nope, I'm on the couch so you can have some privacy."

"No way, I'm just a bit gimp, not some invalid that's got some horrible condition. I don't need that kind of privacy, as long as you knock before you go in the bathroom, I'll be fine. I don't want you on the couch. Seriously, take the bed. Besides, we can do each other's hair, talk about boys, and play with makeup!"

Her silly enthusiasm sounded fun, and Danni and I had never been all that close event though we're only two years apart. She unpacked and we got to talking. It turned out her surgery wasn't done yet, she had come home to have a local surgeon do it as he was supposedly the best in the business. and it made sense to recuperate close to your doctor.

"Yeah, my place in England is nice, but it's nice to come home to the family, even if your mom and I don't get along too well."

"What's your house like there?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nice enough, it's got a two bedrooms, a neat living room, a small garden and the tiniest kitchen you've ever seen, it's about the size of a motorhome kitchen! I like it though, we get about three weekends off and then we get three weeks off every six months. It's a nice place to be, especially if I've got someone nice to spend it with!" she said with a smirk.

"So who do you spend the time with? Dish, Fiona, dish!" I wanted to know all about her life. She tells me all about Eric, who works in the circus with her as a magician and part time ringmaster. She shows me pics and he isn't classically good looking, but he's got something, and the slight twinge of grey hair at his temples does the trick just fine. She tells me how much she's going to miss him while she's back home, but she'll be okay. Then she's off to shower and I give her a hand by getting all her towels and stuff ready as she has to take the cast off before she can shower. The cast that goes on after the surgery won't be removable so in her words "I'll stink like week-dead fish for a few weeks." I promise to leave the windows open and spray lots of air freshener for her.

She gets out of the shower ok and limps to the bed to put the cast back on. I feel bad because she's always been such an athlete.

"Does it hurt much?" I ask.

"No, not too bad, but I don't take anything heavy duty, just Tylenol because I don't dare risk getting hooked. I've seen other performers do that, and it's not worth it to kill some pain. I just have to be careful and relax."

We do talk about just about everything under the sun, guys, my school and gymnastics, guys, movies, music and guys, and I notice that she's slightly fingering herself!!

How do you bring that up!?!? I don't want to make her mad, but she's playing with herself! She notices and smiles at me.

"Does this bother you?" she asks quietly.

"A little, I mean...right in front of me?" I splutter.

"What's the big deal, it's just my body, I'm not ashamed of it, and you shouldn't be ashamed of yours. It looks pretty good from where I sit."

I pull my t-shirt down as far as I can. I'm not ashamed, but I'm shy as hell about it, and I don't even like showering at school.

"I'm not ashamed, but I don' know...." I mumble.

"You don't masturbate? Right! Find another sucker! You do, we all do, even your uptight mother does! It's so totally normal, and believe me, nobody in Europe even worries about it. My roommate when we're on the road and I masturbate in front of each other fairly often, then again, due to cramped quarters, we've been fucking different guys in front of each other in our rooms! It's no big deal!"

"You don't sleep with your boyfriend on the road?" I ask in amazement.

"Nope, old fashioned owners, but they turn a blind eye to everyone pairing off as soon as they go to bed. Don't try to change the subject, though."

"I'm not, I just...."

"Can't handle talking about masturbation, can you? Boy, your mother really got her hooks into you, didn't she?" Fiona seems a little mad about my raising the issue.

"Mom doesn't have her hooks into me, I'm taking gymnastics completely against her wishes, and I piss her off in other ways, but I'm.......really, really shy" The last is a whisper.

"Why so shy? And we weren't talking about sex, we were talking about masturbation. Slightly different there. Do you know all the stuff? I hope you've gotten that much info." She's calmed down a lot and seems pretty sympathetic now.

"Oh, I know the basics, but Mom isn't easy to talk to, and me and my friends are all total dorks. We're all virgins, you know?"

"I see." She's very sympathetic. I thought the admission of being a virgin would make her laugh, but she doesn't.

"Let me ask you something Lissa, how well do you even know your own body?" she asks quietly.

"I know all the parts, but I'm not sure what you mean." I"m blushing now, but there's no laughter on her part.

"Do you know what really makes you feel good, do you know what things will give you pleasure?"

"No, I just sort of rub myself." I feel so stupid now, but she's being incredibly cool.

She notices and crosses over to my bed to embrace me.

"'s nothing to be embarrassed about. No one taught you, very understandable, this is where a big sister would have come in handy. Maybe a wise aunt can help?"

"Will you?" I ask with my quavering voice.

"Of course, here, let me show you on myself." She leans backwards and spreads her legs to reveal herself. Unlike me, she's not wearing panties and her neatly trimmed pubic hair looks so soft, unlike my unruly mess. She uses her fingers to spread her lips to show a bit of moisture. I'm eager to see this, and somehow, it's enticing me as well.

"OK, these are your labia, or the lips, they're sensitive, and at least for me, they need a little moisture to enjoy being rubbed. You have two sets, inner and outer, and they're pretty sensitive to how you feel, if you're horny, they're open wide, if not they tend to stay inwards, mine "shoot open" with a touch" according to Eric. At the top here is your clitoris, and believe me, it's the part that makes everything feel good. Some girls don't get off so much on their clits, some can't off on anything but their clits, we're all a little different. And of course, the actual vagina, where fingers, toys and boys go. Touching yourself to pleasure is.....simple. Find what works for you. For me, just a few gentle strokes on my clit, and I start to get wet, the wetter I get, the better I feel. Then I include the lips in my stroking and I slightly finger myself just a bit. A combination of gentle stroking on the lips and some steady rubbing, or sometimes, some tapping on my clit, and I can come pretty easily. Of course, imagining Eric, or some fantasy guy helps!" she said with a smile.

She then began to gently tap her clit, and the bit of moisture began to grow with each one. "You see? I'm getting wet, and now I'm gonna rub those lips a bit..." and she did, which elicited a quiver of pleasure from her. And that, turned me on in a big way, especially when she let out a soft moan to go with it.

"Could I......?" I whispered.

"Go ahead, it's all right..." she replied softly.

I lightly rubbed her clit with my fingertips and was rewarded with a light quiver of pleasure from Fiona. Then I ran my fingers along the edge of her labia, and they were so wet, and I barely slipped the tip of my finger inside her and her smile told me all was well, as she stroked my hand. I knew I was getting wet, and I'd never felt like that before. I continued to gently stroke her clit, and her moans got louder.

She looked around. "Is your mother liable to come investigate?"

I laughed softly. "Mom's about deaf! Besides, I lock the door." I smirk.

"Then keep it up, you're doing fine sweetie..." she says softly. "Now tap my clit a little harder...ah...that's it....a little more, a little harder....and....aaahhhHH!" She quivered with delight as my fingers got pretty wet. She gently took that hand, held it up to her face, and very sensually sucked my fingers clean. My own wet spot on my panties was growing!

"See, sweetie, nothing to a good bit of masturbation. A little effort, a little gentleness, and one very nice orgasm. I hope you noticed I'm sitting on a towel..."

I giggle as I'm not, but I grab one out of the bathroom. I shyly strip off my panties and sit back down on the towel and spread my legs. Fiona smiles and slowly rubs her fingers across my belly before she goes to my thick thatch of pubic hair.

"Jesus, Lissa, the 70's have been over for awhile, help me into the bathroom and we'll fix you up." she grabs a small bag and we go in. She directs me to sit on the edge of the tub as she sits on the rail. She opens up the little bag and pulls out a small trimmer.

"Let's see, do you want a tight trim, hardwood floors or a landing strip?"

"Huh? I don't understand."

She giggles softly. "Tight trim is what I have, hardwood is completely bare, which I used to do, but my costumes irritate it, and a landing strip is just a tiny bit."

I have no idea, so I just decide to copy her. "Tight trim." She starts the trimmer and it only takes a minute for my thick bush to look like hers. Then she lathers me up and brings out the razor and in a few minutes I have a pussy that looks....good? Would any of the guys I know like this? A quick rinse, and I carefully gather the hair and drop it in the toilet. Then it's back to the bed.

"See, it looks sexier, and you feel sexier, don't you?" I nod. "Now you're gonna know just how sexy it is..."

She gently strokes my labia and like hers, they open up at her touch. Then she softly fingers my clit and I let out a soft moan.

"That...feels good." She uses one finger to stroke my clit and another slips inside of me, but she takes it as deep as she can. She gently feels as much of me as she can and then slides another in, and it feels sooo good....


"Hmm...I think you're more of a pussy girl than a clit girl...." as she strokes my lips and explores me with her fingers, she shifts herself on the bed so she's right between my legs. I close my eyes to enjoy the sensations of my beautiful aunt masturbating me, and then a new sensation enters and I open my eyes to see her head between my legs and her tongue is gently licking me!


"Shhhh...just let me please feels good doesn't it?" it does, but she's going down on me! "It'll feel so good, trust me..."

I let it go and close my eyes again as she licks and sucks me, plus she kisses it from time to time, and it does feel good! Then she focuses on my clit for awhile and it starts to get pretty intense as I catch my breath. "Ooooohh!" My moan is louder than I want it to be. I know I've got to be soaking wet, but sweet Fiona doesn't care, she wants me to feel good.

The sensations build, and as she uses her lips to bite down on my clit, I orgasm, trying to keep it quiet, and I succeed, but it's not easy.

As I slowly refocus, I see her beautiful face looking up, and she's smiling, despite her face being very wet.

" auntie, like niece! I get pretty wet myself at times, but there's a fun way to clean up."


"Yes." and she kisses me fully! I want to pull away, but...I don't, not really. I...kiss back, and I feel her tongue in my mouth. I always HAVE had a crush on her, and now it's all happening so fast, but I trust her....I taste myself, and I like that as well. We kiss for about ten minutes and slowly break apart.

"You okay, sweetie?" she asks softly as she is still holding my hand.

"Yeah, it felt...amazing, but what does it....all mean now? I mean, you..and I...we're, well, family, should we, you know, isn't it...well, wrong?"

She smiles and shakes her head. "Wow. You're putting all that over a pair of shared orgasms? That's your mother talking there. Call this....a moment between friends, because aunt or not, we ARE friends, right?"

"Yes, of course, but I-" and am silenced by her finger on my lips.

"Friends, shared pleasure, would you hesitate to give your friend some of your ice cream?"

"Of course not, but I-"and the finger is there again!

"It's just pleasure, and listen to me, there is nothing wrong with it. Even if we're related. Now if we wanted to move in...

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Written by castlequeen
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