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Aunt Bella Can't Say No! Pt. 03

"Alex's dominance over Bella grows"

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Chapter 01: The next weekend

Bella rolls out of bed, greeted by the enticing glow of a lazy Saturday morning. Checking her phone, the time flashes 8 am, signaling the start of a day filled with possibilities. She slips into a provocative red silk robe, the fabric hugging her curves and teasing a seductive peek at her thighs.

As she emerges from her room, the robe clings to her body, a sensual dance with every step. The house, bathed in a soft morning light, seems to echo with the promise of an unspoken desire. Bella's gaze roams, searching for any signs of her nephew's presence, but the quietude of the empty house adds an extra layer of mystery to the morning.

With each stride, the silky garment accentuates the allure of her figure, a silent invitation to the unfolding day. The house holds its secrets, and Bella, draped in the red robe, moves through the space with a sultry anticipation, wondering where Alex might be this weekend morning.

Concern etching on her features, Bella contemplates reaching out to Alex, but his abandoned phone on the counter silences her intentions. Time ticks away, the suspense growing. After an hour of uncertainty, she chooses to surrender to the soothing allure of a shower, hoping the water will wash away both her apprehension and the mysterious absence of her nephew.

Bella steps into the shower, the warm water cascading down her body like a lover's touch. A cloud of steam rises around her, creating a mysterious and alluring atmosphere. She reaches for a bar of soap, its scent intoxicating and inviting. As she glides it over her skin, it leaves a trail of bubbles that cling to her curves, highlighting every inch of her body in a way that's both playful and sexy. Bella runs her hands over herself, savoring the feeling of the soap and the water on her skin. Each touch, each caress, heightens her pleasure, creating a sexy and irresistible scene that would make any guy hard.

Bella, with her wet hair cascading down her back, slips into a pair of tiny, lacy white underwear that hugs her curves provocatively. The material of her white dress, loose and short, clings to her body in all the right places, teasingly revealing glimpses of her curves that drive imagination wild. The dress flirts with the line between casual and seductive, and as she moves, it provides glimpses of her toned legs. Bella finishes off her outfit with sexy sandals, pulling together a look that's both sweet and seductive. She casually runs a towel through her wet hair, adding a touch of irresistible heat to her already smokin' hot appearance.

Bella enters the living room to find Alex, only clad in shorts and running shoes, earpods in place, and beads of sweat glistening on his skin. The rhythm of his workout still pulsates through him, accentuating the contours of his muscular physique. Bella's eyes involuntarily trace the droplets of sweat as they trail down his chest, a subtle display of the aftermath of his exertion.

Alex, his earpods still in place, turns to Bella with a smirk playing on his lips. "Where have you been, Aunt Bella?" he asks, the tone of his voice a playful blend of curiosity and mild reproach.

Bella, slightly flustered, replies, "Oh, sorry, sorry! I was just in the shower. Maybe I took too long; sorry about that," she apologizes, a hint of nervousness in her voice. She seems to be overly conscious of her actions, possibly anticipating his reaction.

With a sly grin, Alex retorts, "In the shower, huh? Take your sweet time, Auntie. Maybe enjoying yourself a bit too much in there?" He winks, insinuating a playful tease, enjoying the discomfort he senses in her response.

Bella, still drying her hair with a towel, stammers, "What?! N-no, nothing like that! Just lost track of time, you know."

Alex, now fully in control of the situation, chuckles, "Sure, sure. Well, next time, don't keep me waiting. I might start thinking you're hiding something in that shower of yours."

In the midst of their exchange, Alex interjects, a sly grin playing on his lips, "Hold up, Aunt Bella," a hint of mischief in his eyes. "While I was out running, I spotted these smoking hot chicks strolling into a place that screamed country club vibes. You know, the fancy, exclusive type."

Bella, catching the drift of his curiosity, nods with a smirk. "Oh, that's probably the Mile Stone Country Club. It's a huge place actually. We can say that's a playground for rich people—sports, drinks, weekend extravaganzas, the whole package, I would say."

Not one to let an opportunity slip, Alex jumps in, a mocking tone accompanying his words, "So, are you, like, a card-carrying member? Does your late husband's fortune still open doors at the country club, or did he take that exclusive membership to the grave?"

Bella's pleasant smile remains, though a hint of discomfort flickers in her eyes as she responds, "You know, my late husband's financial footprint is still all over me. Every year, a big, fat bill from the Mile Stone Country Club struts its stuff on my credit card statement."

In a swift, confident motion, Alex cracks a smirk, his eyes glinting with a sense of entitlement. "You know, Aunt Bella," he drawls, his tone almost teasing, "I was thinking we should spend the day at that Mile Stone Country Club of yours. A change of scenery, you know?"

Bella, initially interpreting his words as a casual suggestion or inquiry, responds with a gentle smile. "Oh, dear, I'm not really in the mood for that high-society club style right now. It's been ages since I last went there."

The air in the room shifts as Alex's demeanor turns serious. His expression becomes more intense, and he leans in a bit closer, making sure she grasps the gravity of the situation. "Bella, it wasn't a question. We're going. End of discussion."

Bella's eyes widen slightly, registering the abrupt change in his tone. She hesitates for a moment, unsure how to respond to his newfound assertiveness. The room seems to shrink as the tension hangs in the air.

With an air of submission, Bella acquiesces, her smile faltering just a bit. "Oh, alright, Alex. If you think it's a good idea, we can go to the country club. I'll get ready."

Alex, satisfied with her compliance, leans back, the smirk returning to his face. "That's the spirit, Aunt Bella. Get ready for a day of luxury. And don't take too long, we wouldn't want to keep the high society waiting." He chuckles, his amusement clear in the gleam of his eyes.

"Hey, Bella," Alex's voice echoes, laced with a commanding allure that is impossible to resist. She turns back, a questioning look in her eyes.

He continues, the words flowing with a sense of entitlement, "Put your skimpiest bikini on, you know, the one that barely covers anything. And grab a tight, short dress to go with it. We're going to make a statement at the club."

Bella, caught off guard by the abruptness of his command, hesitates for a moment before nodding in compliance. "Alright, Alex. I'll get ready as you said."

As she starts to walk away, Alex's voice cuts through the air once more, a wicked grin playing on his lips. "Oh, and don't forget the sunscreen. You know, just in case I need to 'protect' you again."

His words hang in the air, a subtle reminder of the liberties he had taken earlier. Bella, despite feeling a twinge of discomfort, simply nods and continues to prepare for their day out.

Bella enters her room with a determined look, fully aware of the expectations that Alex has set for her attire. She scans her wardrobe, contemplating each piece with meticulous consideration. After a brief moment of contemplation, she decides on a light blue bikini, the kind that ties at the back, the bottom part daringly minimal, with her curves teasingly hidden beneath a small piece of fabric.

To complement the bikini, she chooses a two-piece ensemble: a plaid circle skirt that sways with each step, paired with a matching plaid top that flirtatiously reveals her midriff and a hint of cleavage. The vibrant colors and the playful design accentuate her curves, showcasing her body in a way that she knows will catch Alex's attention.

With the chosen outfit in hand, Bella proceeds to change, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she anticipates the impact her carefully selected attire will have on Alex.

As Bella is meticulously selecting her provocative ensemble, Alex takes advantage of the time to freshen up. The sound of running water echoes through the house as he indulges in a quick shower. Emerging from the bathroom, he dresses in a pair of casual shorts and a snug-fitting t-shirt.

As the sleek BMW glides down the road, Alex, settled comfortably in the ride spot, can't resist the urge to pry into the secrets of the exclusive country club they are approaching. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he begins his inquiry.

"Those chicks I saw earlier going into the club, they looked dumb. Are all the people there rich, hot, and dumb?" His tone carries a sly amusement, a smirk playing on his lips.

Bella, focused on the road but acutely aware of the tone in his voice, deliberates on her response. "Well, it varies. People have different backgrounds and personalities."

Alex, never one to let a topic rest, swiftly pivots to another line of questioning, his eyes scanning Bella from head to toe as he does. "Do the people there look like you?"

A subtle blush creeps onto Bella's cheeks as she senses the shift in his attention. She hesitates for a moment before answering, "Um, well, some of them might have a lifestyle that resembles mine."

Alex's grin broadens with a wicked excitement, thinking about the devious opportunities ahead. The idea of stumbling upon people who share traits with his submissive aunt fuels a surge of lustful anticipation.

Seated comfortably in the BMW, Alex turns his gaze toward his aunt, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His lips curl into a smirk as he casually poses a question designed to unravel her composure.

"Hey, Aunt Bella," he begins, the tone deceptively casual, "do you have any idea how I want you to behave today?"

Bella, always eager to please and somewhat uncertain about Alex's expectations, looks at him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Um, well, I guess you'd like me to be, you know, polite and maybe a bit more, uh, submissive?" She ventures, her words carrying a tentative quality as she attempts to read his desires.

Alex's grin widens at her attempt to decipher his wishes. "Submissive, huh? Yeah, that's a good start. But let's be a bit more specific, Auntie. What else do you think I'd enjoy seeing from you?" His eyes gleam with a wicked anticipation, relishing the game of making her unravel his preferences.

Bella's mind whirs, attempting to grasp the nuances of his desires. "Maybe... um, walking a bit provocatively? Smiling a lot? I don't know.."

A smirk plays on Alex's lips as he absorbs Bella's attempts to unravel his desires. The satisfaction in his eyes deepens, pleased that her guesses align precisely with his expectations. It isn't merely about her hitting the mark; it's the willingness she exhibits, offering herself up as a compliant, smiling, and perhaps even somewhat bimbo-esque companion for his enjoyment.

In that moment, a sense of triumph washes over him. Her understanding of their dynamic, the unspoken rules of their peculiar relationship, becomes evident. The fact that she willingly casts herself in the role he envisions, ready to be the submissive and eager plaything he desires, brings a grin to Alex's face.

"Well done, Aunt Bella", Alex comments with a smirk. "I must say, your guessing skills are quite impressive. You nailed it. Now, let me give you some specifics. First off, men don't appreciate it when a woman seems smarter than them. So, from now on, you're going to dial down the intelligence a bit. You'll play the part of the adorable, somewhat clueless woman. Dumb as fuck, to put it bluntly."

Aunt Bella, a bit taken aback, nods hesitantly, her voice revealing a hint of nervousness, "Oh, um, okay. I can do that, dear. I'll be... uh, dumb as you said."

"Good," Alex continues, his tone asserting dominance. "And secondly, you should flirt whenever there's an opportunity. Make puns, laugh like a good girl. We want to keep up appearances, don't we?"

Aunt Bella, her compliance evident, responds with a shy and nervous tone, "Flirt? I... I suppose I can try. It's just that, um, it's been a while since I... well, you know."

"Excellent," Alex says with satisfaction, relishing the prospect of shaping Aunt Bella into the charming, submissive woman he desires.

Chapter 02: The Mile Stone Country Club

Isabella walks into the posh reception area of the Mile Stone Country Club with an air of bubbly enthusiasm. Her vibrant, plaid dress clings to her figure, revealing just enough to pique the interest of the receptionist, a young man named Daniel. He looks up from his desk, momentarily distracted from his usual routine.

"Hello there!" Isabella chimes, her voice tuned to a pitch that exudes excitement. "I'm so ready for a fantastic day here!"

Daniel, accustomed to dealing with various personalities, musters a professional smile. "Good morning! How can I assist you today?"

With a flick of her hair, Isabella grins. "Well, I might have left my member's card at home. Silly me, right?" She gives an exaggerated pout, as if it were a minor mishap.

Daniel, maintaining his friendly demeanor, responds, "Good morning, ma'am. I'm afraid the membership card is necessary for entry."

Isabella widens her eyes in feigned surprise. "Oh no, really? That's, like, such a bummer. Is there any way we can, you know, make an exception, just this once?" She bats her eyelashes playfully.

Daniel hesitates, the rhythmic clicking of the clock serving as a constant reminder of time ticking away. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we generally require the card for access."

Isabella, sensing an opportunity, puts on her best innocent smile. "Aw, shucks. I promise I'll be extra careful next time. Can we try looking me up or something? Pretty please?" she suggests, feigning sweetness.

"Well..sure, I can make an exception, I suppose," Daniel replies, slightly amused by her charm. "May I have your full name, please?"

Isabella pauses for a moment, as if contemplating. "It's Isabela," she says, smiling. "Isabela… Thompson."

Daniel raises an eyebrow and begins typing on his computer. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't find an Isabela Thompson in our records."

"Oh, silly me, I might have misspelled it," Isabella says, playing the part of an absent-minded girl. "Try 'Izabela' and 'Tompson' with a 'p.'"

Daniel obliges, tapping on the keyboard. "Still nothing, ma'am. Are you sure that's the correct spelling?"

Bella lets out a small giggle. "Oops, my bad. It's actually 'Isabella' with two 'l's and 'Thomson' with an 's.' I always mess that up!"

Daniel, with a polite smile, suggests, "Maybe check your ID to confirm?"

Isabella fishes her ID out of her purse with an exaggerated expression of realization. "Oh, duh! Let me see… it's 'Isabella' with two 'l's and 'Thompson' with a 'h.' Got it right this time!"

Daniel, finally spotting her name on the computer, chuckles softly. "There you are, Ms. Isabella Thompson. You're all set for today."

Isabella beams, giving him a grateful smile. "Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver, Daniel. I'll be more careful next time, promise!"

After successfully navigating the hurdle of her membership card, Isabella turns to Daniel with an infectious smile. "Oh, by the way, I have a visitor with me today," she announces cheerfully.

Daniel, maintaining his professional demeanor, nods understandingly. "That's absolutely fine, ma'am. We do allow guests. However, there will be an additional charge for your visitor, which will be reflected in your next monthly statement."

Alex, seizing the opportunity to flaunt his presumed affluence, steps forward. "Money is never a problem for us," he declares nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. Without further ado, he wraps his arm around Isabella's waist possessively. Not wasting time, Alex guides Isabella inside the club, leaving Daniel behind at the reception.

As they stroll deeper into the opulent expanse of the Mile Stone Country Club, Alex can't resist commending Isabella on her performance at the reception. A wry smirk adorns his lips as he remarks, "Nice touch with the whole pretending to forget the card."

Isabella, still immersed in her role as the compliant, submissive aunt, responds with a tone that mirrors the feigned act. "Oh, I actually forgot it," she admits, her voice tinged with a hint of genuine foolishness.

This revelation elicits a hearty laugh from Alex, the sound reverberating through the refined corridors of the club. "You know," he quips, his amusement evident, "it's becoming a real challenge to distinguish when you're playing this dumb bimbo persona and when you're just being your usual self." Isabella, maintaining her wide-eyed innocence, offers a quiet smile in response.

Under the scorching sun, the luxurious pool area of the exclusive Mile Stone Country Club gleams with opulence. The radiant beams kiss the water's surface, creating a dazzling spectacle. Alex and Bella, navigating through the vibrant scene, observe the poolside display of sun-soaked bodies and raucous laughter.

As they stroll, the atmosphere pulsates with the energy of youthful indulgence. A sea of young women, adorned in the ubiquitous bubbly bimbo style, dots the landscape. Fake tans glisten, and laughter echoes, creating an enticing symphony that beckons to those seeking uninhibited pleasure.

Finding respite at a table by the bar, Alex surveys the scene. The realization strikes him like a sudden revelation – seizing the company of these vivacious young women wouldn't be hard at all. However, the presence of an older relative, particularly his aunt, could cast an unwelcome shadow over his plans.

"Listen, Auntie," he begins. "Originally, I was just vibin', you know? Soakin' in the scene, messing around with that sweet ass of yours, maybe pullin' some wild sunscreen stunt, and tossin' back a few drinks. All chill, right?"

Bella nods, her eyes gleaming with curiosity as she hangs on his every word. Alex, embracing the raw energy...

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Written by AnaHanz
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