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Angie And Zac: Going Home Again - Part Two

"Angie and her son Zac find their way home for good"

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Angie Prescott glanced in the rearview mirror as she drove her minivan along the interstate toward her hometown. She smiled to see her seventeen-year-old son Zach sleeping on the bench seat where, not half an hour ago, she and he had fucked. Zac, in many ways, was not a typical male. Yet, like most men, he tended to doze after he came. Sometimes, he managed a few orgasms before fading away, but Angie understood that after a week of grueling football practices he needed his sleep.

“And,” she thought wryly, “he’s not getting much shut-eye tonight.”

She, too, had been sated momentarily by the quickie they had just enjoyed but her desire was rising again. Much might well happen within the next twenty-four hours. Angie was both excited and apprehensive, although she felt a strong conviction that things would go as she wished. She should have been more disciplined just now, in the parking lot, but she was sure it wouldn’t be a problem. And, even if it was, it could be handled. For most of her life, she had gotten her way – even to the extent of getting her son as her lover. She felt no remorse for any of it. Nothing she had done was injurious to anyone. She was a good person and a good mother.

Angie squirmed a bit in her seat. Without any panties on, she could feel her son’s cum trickling out of her pussy. Her bra was still on the floor of the vehicle, near Zac’s feet. It would have been more comfortable to have it on but that might have to wait until they could find a rest stop. Nonetheless, it all made her feel a little naughty, and naughty was a feeling Angie enjoyed feeling.

Traffic slowed, and then stopped, on the highway due to an accident up ahead. Angie took a deep breath and reminded herself that the first part of this trip would require patience and a sense of decorum from both her and Zac. As much as the mother and son lusted for one another, their relationship required discipline. Of course, it was necessary to do nothing that might reveal what they had become for one another. In her estimation, however, another consideration was just as important. From the very first, she stressed with Zac that becoming his lover did not change, or override, her being his mother. Both of them worked hard to keep the fullness of their relationship alive and well. It could not devolve to something that was only physical.

As the line of vehicles slowly inched forward, Angie heard Zac stirring behind her. She looked at him, naked from the waist down, and loved him. She also drank in the sheer beauty of his young, hard body. Even as he slowly awoke, his mostly flaccid penis still has larger than his father managed to be at his most aroused.

Zac wiped his eyes as he sat upright. “Where are we?” he asked.

“Still on the road. There’s a crash up ahead but we’re almost past it,” Angie answered. “We’ll be there in about fifteen minutes, hopefully.”

“And where is there?” Zac asked.

“Like I said,” his mother responded, “we are going to visit Grandma at her rehab center. I’m anxious to see how she is doing. Then, I figured we’d go to Antonio’s for dinner.”

Zac like Antonio’s, an Italian restaurant in the town where is grandmother lived and his mother had grown up. The food was good and the people there were friends of the family. He hadn’t had anything to eat other than a quick breakfast at camp. It looked like he’d not get much more before dinner than a protein bar. But then, he had fucked his mom. So, no complaints.

“Sweetie,” Angie said, “put your shorts on, please. And hand me my bra.”

Zac slipped into the passenger seat, pulled up his pants, and tossed his mother’s bra into her lap. With a smirk, he added, “Do you think you can get that back on while you’re driving?”

Angie raised an eyebrow at her son. “No, smartass,” she retorted. Placing the minivan into park as the traffic slowed again, Angie got up and moved to the backseat. “Take the wheel.” She then added, “And keep your eyes on the road. You’ll be able to stare at momma’s titties all you want soon enough.”

Of course, Zac snuck several quick peeks in the rearview mirror as Angie slipped out of her top and put her bra back on. She also took the opportunity to pull a pair of panties from her bag and pull them on. It was time to be Angie Prescott, dutiful daughter, wife and mother. As she took her place in the passenger seat, both she and Zac slipped effortlessly into their public roles. She directed him from the exit ramp to the rehabilitation center where her mother was treating.

Angie felt a pang of sadness as she sat next to her mother. She was going to recover, to some extent, from her condition but it was clear that the older woman was fading. Angie understood that soon enough she would have to face a future without her mother, and it broke her heart. Zac could sense his mother’s pain and wished he could say or do something to help her. All he could do, he did – he held her hand and told grandma jokes that made her laugh.

Angie and Zac stayed at the bedside for over an hour. Despite both of them, just below the surface of their conscious thought, thinking about their desire for one another, they both felt a reluctance to leave. But Angie’s mother was tiring and it was time to let her rest. The pair rose, said their goodbyes, and left the room.

Outside, Angie drew a deep breath and looked at Zac. “It’s okay, slugger,” she said, with just the faintest tear in the corner of her eyes. “It’s natural, and she’s in good hands.” She gave her son’s hand a soft squeeze and then asked, “You hungry?” This time, he knew she meant for food and he was famished.

“God, yeah,” Zac responded.

It was a short drive to Antonio’s. When Angie and Zac walked in, they were greeted by Ronny, the son of the founder. He was about Angie’s age. Surprised to see them, he greeted them warmly and showed them to the booth in the back that Angie requested. It was not yet time for the dinner rush and the spot was far enough away from other guests and the kitchen.

Ronny took their order and left the mom and son alone. There was some final discussion about the condition of Angie’s mother, but that topic soon fell away. They sat quietly for a few minutes. Zac sensed that his mother was nervous about something else. She was hesitating to say what was on her mind, and that was quite unlike her. After the drinks and bread were delivered to the table, Angie looked at Zac and took his hands into hers.

“Zac, honey,” she started, “I need to tell you something.”

 “Okay,” he replied. He knew she couldn’t be ending their love affair. The very idea was absurd. But something was up.

 “Your father has agreed to having another child. He thinks it was his idea, of course, but I planted that thought in his mind months ago. You know how he is – he has to think he’s the one with all the good ideas.”

“Really?” Zac was shocked. He had hoped that the sexual relationship with his mother would move her to divorce his father, not have another child with him. “You want another kid?”

“I do,” Angie said softly.

“Well, I guess that’s okay,” Zac shrugged. Then, impishly, he added, “If you think Dad still has one in him.”

Angie beamed at her boy. “Zac,” she whispered, “my handsome, sexy, innocent boy. Did I say I wanted your father to knock me up?”

It took Zac a beat or two to understand the import of what his mother had said.

“Oh? Oh!” he exclaimed. A bit too loudly he added, “Shit! Really?”

Angie hushed him and looked around but no one was in earshot. “Keep your voice down, Zac! Honestly!” But she added, “Yes, really. The only man I want as the father of my child is you. But you have to be absolutely sure.”

Zac nodded. It would change so much between them. He looked at Angie and said, “Mom, do you really want to be a mother again, or is this just about … us?”

“That’s a fair question,” Angie replied. “I do want to be a mother again. I have for a while, but I didn’t want it to be with your father. But now, with us, the desire seems right. So, it’s both. It’s wanting another child, and it’s wanting your child.”

Zac sat quietly for a few minutes. Slowly, a smile spread across his face. “So Dad would think it was his – pay for it, think he’s ‘still got it’, but we’d know. When we’re alone together with our kid, we’d be, like, its parents.” He paused. “It’d be like we were a real couple, like, kinda married, in a way.”

“Exactly,” Angie said, tears filling her eyes for the third time that day. “Exactly. I want this with you. You are and always will be my son. But you’re also my lover. And as much as possible, I want to be your woman, your ‘wife’, the mother of your child.”

Zac saw the server coming with their food so he squeezed Angie’s hand to alert her. Once they were alone again, as they began to eat, Zac asked, “So how would it work?”

Angie smirked. “Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much…”

“Very funny,” Zac said. “You know what I mean. I assume you’ve thought of how to explain this to Dad.”

Angie explained, “Your father has no idea how a woman’s body works, and has no interest in learning. Trust me. If I tell him I’m fertile, he’ll believe me.” Then she smiled and added, “And when I get pregnant, he would never consider for a minute that it wasn’t his doing.”

Zac nodded. “I assume you’ll go off the Pill then?”

Angie blushed. “Well, kiddo, here’s the thing,” she said. “I kinda already did.”

Zac tilted his head and took a moment before saying, “So, today, in the minivan…?”

His mother took a deep breath and smiled sheepishly. “Yeah,” she responded with a nod. “I only meant to give you a blow job, until we had a chance to talk, but I guess I got carried away.” With a chuckle, she added, “It had been an entire week.”

“Good thing I’m all in favor of the idea,” Zac said, taking his mother’s hands into his own. “But I hope you never really thought I’d say no.”

Angie’s smile grew broader. “No, I figured you’d be up for it. But still, it was wrong of me not to make sure before letting that happen.”

Zac grinned. “I forgive you, Mom. So, right now, you could be…?”

Angie shook her head slightly. “Probably not, but there is a slim chance. Most likely, if my calculations are right, Monday and Tuesday will be the best times this month.”

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“But we aren’t going to wait until then, I assume?” Zac smirked in that lusty, yet adorable, way he had when he was really getting horny for his mother.

Angie chuckled. “Not at all,” she said. “Since you are on board with the idea, we’re good to go.”

A wide grin spread across Zac’s face. “Good to fucking go,” he whispered. “Let’s make a baby, Mom.”

As the restaurant was beginning to fill up and the lust of mother and son surged, Angie and Zac all but ran to the car. It was a short drive to Angie’s mother’s house. When the pair arrived, they quickly carried in their bags and immediately fell into each other’s arms. Passionately kissing, Zac pressed his mother against the dining room table, reaching for her hips to lift her up onto the table.

“Hold on, baby,” she said, placing a hand on his chest. “Not here. At least, not yet. I want to show you something first.” Shimmying around her son, even as she noticed his growing erection through his shorts, Angie took Zac’s hand and led him upstairs.

“Please don’t tell me we are going to fuck in Grandma’s bed,” Zac asked.

Angie laughed. “Even I’m not that kinky,” she said.

Instead, she led him to her old bedroom, from when she was a teenager. “Grandma has kept my room pretty much as it was when I was your age,” Angie told her son as they walked through the door. “See that?” she added, pointing at the bed. It was a four-poster queen-sized bed, still with a pink, frilly canopy and pink and white coverings.

“Yeah?” Zac all but growled as he slipped his strong arm around his mother.

“I lost my virginity in that bed when I was your age, to Warren Steever."

“Who was he?” Zac asked.

“A gangly, awkward, fellow virgin from my class who had the good sense to come by the house one afternoon when Grandma and Grandpa were away. Neither one of us knew much about sex, but we managed to get it right enough.”

Zac bent his head to gently kiss his mother on the neck as he whispered, “Was he as big as me?”

Angie giggled. “Not at all,” she said as she sighed. “You’re one of a kind, slugger.”

Zac started to move Angie toward the bed, but she stopped him. “Almost, Zac, but I want you to know one more thing about that bed.”

“What’s that?” he asked, with a tone of impatience in his voice.

Angie raised herself up onto her tiptoes and whispered into his ear. “I’m pretty sure that you were conceived there when your dad came here for the weekend to meet my parents.”

“Really?” he asked.

“It’s quite possible, but who knows? Your father and I fucked in a lot of places in the beginning.”

“Are you trying to make me jealous?” Zac asked with a bit of a growl.

Angie giggled again, but with a sultry overtone. “Not at all, babe,” she said. “I just want you to know that this bed is important to me, and to you.”

“Then let’s get in it, and get fucking!” Zac said as he began to pull off his mom’s top.

His mother stepped back, wagging her finger at him. “Almost, babe, almost. Why don’t you get undressed and hop into bed? I have one more surprise for you.”

Honestly, Zac was not in the mood for any more surprises; he was in the mood for pussy. But of course, he did as his mother asked. Angie stepped into the walk-in closet and shut the door. Zac slowly stroked his fully erect cock, staring at the closet door as if he could see through it.

After a few minutes, Angie emerged. She was wearing her old high school cheerleader uniform. It still fit quite well, even if the chest was a bit tight as her breasts had grown since she was sixteen. She swayed as she slowly walked toward the bed, spinning around seductively. She pouted like a schoolgirl as she approached Zac.

“Wanna fuck the head cheerleader, stud?” Angie asked in an exaggerated girlish voice.

Zac had only thought that his dick was at full size. Watching his mother swing her hips at him and jump up and down, he felt his manhood getting longer and thicker.

“Think you can handle this?” Zac asked with his fist wrapped around his dick.

Angie pursed her lips and again replied in the faux little girl voice, “I don’t know. You’re so big!”

“Climb up here,” Zac said. “You’ll be able to take it all if you slide down it, nice and slow.”

Angie did as her son suggested. She flipped up her tiny skirt, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties, as she straddled Zac’s thighs. Making the most of her roleplaying, Angie cooed and squirmed with Zac’s cock, wet with pre-cum, up against her vaginal opening. She expressed doubt if she could take it all.

“Oh, I think you can,” Zac grunted as he took his mother by the hips and pulled her down, impaling her body on his engorged penis. Angie gasped. Maybe her son had never been quite this large before. “Take off your top,” Zac all but commanded. “I want to watch your tits dance!”

Angie complied. Tugging the sweater over her head, she tossed it to the floor. Zac began to thrust, hard and fast. He was entering that animal stage, when lust and desire took over. The young man was captivated by the sight of his mother’s breasts, bouncing and swaying as she bounded on him and he thrust up into her.  Angie knew he couldn’t last long, but luckily neither could she. After maybe five minutes, both mother and son exploded with simultaneous orgasms, screaming and swearing as they came. Luckily, the neighboring houses were not all that close.

But Zac was not finished. Everything from the past week and this most amazing day – the forced separation from his mother, the frantic sex in the minivan, fucking his mom in her old cheerleader’s uniform, and most certainly the decision for them to have a child together – put the seventeen-year-old young man into overdrive. Even as Angie, panting, dropped onto his chest, Zac rolled her over onto her back, his only partly deflated penis still clinging to the inside of her vagina. A few rhythmic lunges later, Zac’s manhood was again thickening and expanding inside of Angie’s pussy.  Maybe his mother’s body was not yet ready to create their child, but Zac was making sure that, if it was possible, he would make her womb overrun with his sperm.

Zac was a man possessed with hunger, lust, excitement, and of course love. He had never loved his mother as intensely as he did at this moment. Not even during that night, not so very long ago, when he awoke to find her in his bed, stroking his dick, when she...

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Written by RussMark
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