-----(Back to Rita and Randy's room, Rita's POV)-----
Finally, we made enough room in all the drawers where Randy could keep his stuff there and I could have my stuff there too. I had to clear out his night stand drawers of all his miscellaneous stuff and turn them into sock and underwear drawers, but at least it was working. Now all I had left to do was make room in the closet for my hang-ups and shoes, and clear some space on the dresser for my make-up, even though I only use like five things out of the whole case, I still need it all just in case.
“You guys have entirely too much stuff, this is ridiculous!” Stephanie said in mock shock.
“Oh be quiet, you probably have more stuff than I do.”
“Nowhere near this much. What do you do, shop every time there's a sale?”
“Pretty much. All of us do, well except dad and Randy, the bagboys,” I laughed.
“I wonder what they're all doing now. Did Randy tell you where they were?”
I knew exactly where they were, two of the worst places they could be right now, at a baseball game, then a bar. Both of those are time consuming, and that's more time away from Randy that there needs to be. I wish they would just come home right now, they forgot something and need to come and get it, or they call it a day early. I'd give anything for Randy to walk through that door right now...
“Rita! Rita! You in there? I said do you know where they went?”
“Oh, sorry. They went to a baseball game, and they're going to a bar afterwards.”
“Wow you're really stressing over Randy being gone aren't you?”
I sighed and sat down. “If I thought being away from him would bother me this much I don't think I would've let him go, well not without me at least. I can't stop thinking about him, not even for a little bit. Dammit they need to hurry up and come back!”
“Whoa Rita, I've never seen you this agitated before!”
“That's because you've never seen me without Randy. Even before we became an item it was hard being away from him. Three years ago dad took him on a fishing trip for two weeks, and I was miserable even then, imagine if we were in love then, I would have gone crazy without him.”
“Just think of it as a test to see if you two can survive without each other.”
“Well I fail, dammit! Were twins, and in love, were not supposed to be apart. You can't stand there and tell me you don't miss Chris, even a little, I know you do.”
She leaned against the wall. “Yeah, I kinda miss him a little. It does feel weird not having him around.”
“See what I mean! And its like ten times worse for me! Stupid dads and their baseball game.”
“So I didn't take your mind off him at all?” Stephanie pouted.
“No you did, but when we finished it reminded me of him again. Afterwards he would hold me and kiss me and tell me he loved me, its just, I can't help but think about him.”
“So he won't care that we fooled around while you two are in love?”
“No, he wont. Its only a problem if I sleep with another guy, or he sleeps with another girl that's not family. The only other people we mess around with are mom and Aunt Lisa, and they don't count.”
“So they have as much right to him as you do?”
“Unfortunately. Mom is, well shes mom, and Aunt Lisa has just as much pull. But they know how serious we are with each other. They wont try anything unless were both in the room.”
She laughed. “You guys are really keeping it in the family, aren't you?”
“You cant help who you fall in love with, and I fell hard.”
“So did he, I can tell. He's always looking at you and smiling.”
“I'm telling you, the way you and Chris are always messing around and joking with each other, and being around us, its only a matter of time before you two start to get those feelings.”
“Maybe. Hey lets take a break, I'm freaking hungry, I need to eat now!”
“Ok, I'll meet you downstairs, I wanna open up my make-up kit first.”
She nodded and bounced out of the room and downstairs, when I knew she was gone I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Randy. The first time it rang through and went to voicemail, so I thought maybe he didn't hear it because the stadium was loud. I hung up and called again two minutes later, and this time I got an answer on the first ring.
“Hey baby, sorry I didn't answer the first time, had to get away from dad.”
I all but melted at his voice calling me baby, I absolutely love that. “Its ok, I just had to hear your voice again. Where are you guys at, you coming home soon?”
“Were still at the game, it went into extra innings.”
“What? I fucking hate baseball! Why couldn't you guys just go golfing or something?”
“Because it costs way more. How's things back at the house, you making progress?”
“Yeah, I got a lot of my stuff in the drawers and stuff, but there's still a little more to go.”
“How you holding up?”
“Barely. I'd be better if you were here.”
“Me too, I cant even concentrate on the game. At least the day's almost over.”
“Yeah well it needs to hurry up, I need you here with me.”
“I will be, trust me. Oooh dad's coming I gotta go, love you, bye...”
“I love you too Randy...”
The line went dead. Could this day get any more torturous? I already have to wait to see him, now I have to wait to talk to him? Later please get here fast. I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to leave when I saw Stephanie at the door grinning at me.
“Opening your make-up kit huh? I knew it.”
“I had to, I haven't heard from him in a while.”
“I'm not judging, I understand. But come on girl I'm starving! I don't know where anything is!”
“Ok I'm coming, I'm actually a little hungry too.”
We went downstairs (together this time) and decided on ham and turkey sandwiches with the works. We took all the stuff out and sat it on the table and started making sandwiches when mom, Aunt Lisa and Marie walked in and saw the spread we had out.
“Now that looks good, why don't you make one for all of us?” Aunt Lisa asked.
“Are you crazy? All this stuff? You can help us make em if you want one,” I said.
“I tell you, we get no respect around here, none,” mom joked.
“Ok Rodney Dangerfield, respect or not, you still gotta help,” I laughed.
They finally caved in and made their own sandwiches, which was smart because the way they made them was completely different than the way I was gonna make them. Once everyone had their super sized sandwich made we pulled out some chips and pop and sat around the table.
“So how much do you two have done?” Marie asked.
“A lot. We just have the stuff in the closet and my make-up. What about you guys?” I responded.
“We still have a little to go too, we took a little break halfway through so we could relax, and talk, among other things, it was well needed, Lisa has so much stuff,” mom said.
“Rita too, we spent an hour putting up just her shirts,” Stephanie jumped in.
I playfully slapped her on the arm. “We did not! You were just focused on other stuff,” I said with a hidden meaning that she showed me she caught on to when she rubbed my leg under the table.
“About when will the guys get back?” Aunt Lisa asked.
Crap. Just when I was finally starting to forget about Randy for a little bit Aunt Lisa goes and brings him up, thanks for that. “Randy said they might be a while, the game went long.”
“Perfect. If we get done soon maybe we can squeeze in some girl time,” mom giggled.
I was curious. The last time mom said that she and Aunt Lisa ran a tag team on me cougar style, and as great as that turned out, I was worried she might try that again with Marie still here, I don't want our cover to be blown because mom got horny, if anyone should blow our cover, it should be us. “I don't know mom, we still have some stuff to do, we might not be able to squeeze it in.”
“I like the idea of girl time. We can do manicures, pedicures, facials, I don't know, I'm just throwing stuff out on the table,” Stephanie said.
“Yeah, I'm sure we'll think of something,” mom said with a grin as she bit her sandwich.
She was definitely up to something, I just didn't know what. Whatever it was I hoped it wasn't too risky, I didn't want Marie to find out anything, she might not be as accepting as she looks to be. We finished our food and talked about random little things as we cleaned up, then we headed back to our rooms to finish the tedious task before us. Mom hung back while Aunt Lisa and Marie went back upstairs, and as Stephanie and I headed back, she pulled me off to the side.
“I need you to do a favor for me,” mom said.
Of course, I was skeptical. “What kind of favor?
“How much longer will you be before you're done putting up stuff in your room?”
“Ummm, about half an hour, why?”
“When you're done I need you and Stephanie to come help us, we still have a lot of stuff to put up and the more hands we have the better.”
I groaned. “Aww come on mom! We already have my stuff to put up, you three can't do it?”
“Your Aunt has too much stuff. If you don't help us we'll be putting up stuff tomorrow too. It won't seem like much since there will be five of us. Come on Rita please?”
I really didn't want to, but she is my mother, and she has been a major help with mine and Randy's relationship, so I pretty much had no choice, dammit. “Ok mom we'll help, but only a little.”
She perked up when I said yes. “Thanks honey, you just saved us a lot of trouble. It wont take long at all you'll see. Remember, you said half an hour,” she said as she went upstairs.
I stood there for a minute. I didn't wanna put up my stuff and now I'm helping put up Aunt Lisa's stuff? Damn life to hell. Randy where are you? I could sure use one of your cheer-up speeches right now.
I went back up to our room where Stephanie had already finished putting my make-up on the dresser (thankfully) and had started work on getting my shoes and clothes in the closet. I joined her and in about half an hour we were finally finished with everything; all my stuff was put up, all Randy's clothes were put back in the drawers, we were done. The only thing left to do was hang up my bathrobe somewhere and change the sheets to something I like, but I could wait on that. I checked the clock in the room and saw that 32 minutes passed, dammit. I didn't wanna help, but I told her I would, and I keep my word, crap, I should have just ran from her when she asked me to help.
“Finally done! I'd never thought we'd get finished with all the stuff you have,” Stephanie said.
I laughed nervously. “Yeah, were not done yet. I told my mom we'd help them with Aunt Lisa's stuff, they still have a while to go.”
She looked over at me with a mixture of shock and sadness. “What did you go and do that for? Your Aunt has more stuff than you do!”
“My mom cornered me! She gave me the sympathetic look and everything! Now I know it feels when I use it. She said it'll be easier if there's five of us. It won't take long, I promise.”
She about it and sighed, defeated. “Fine, but it better not take long, I'm freaking tired!”
I was relieved she was gonna help, but still agitated that I thought we were done, only to have to help them, and there was three of them, that isn't enough? No Randy still, more work, and no rest, could this day get any more stressful? There was no point in sulking, so we got up and went to their room. We didn't bother knocking since they knew we were coming and we just walked in, and what a sight we walked in on. Mom, Aunt Lisa, and Marie were all in their bras making out on the bed. They all sat up and looked at us, but Marie was the only one in shock, mom and Aunt Lisa had grins on their faces. That's when it dawned on me, mom didn't want our help, she just wanted us to walk in on them. She planned something and used us to break the ice, I had to admit, she was good.
“Oh look who decided to join us,” mom said trying to play innocent.
“Mom! I knew it! I knew you liked women too!” Stephanie said, a little too excited.
Marie tried to cover herself, but Aunt Lisa stopped her. “Don't be shy Marie, were all women here, I'm sure we've all seen each other naked at some point, or at least wanted to,” Aunt Lisa said as she squeezed Marie's tit in her hand.
Stephanie and I were still standing there, her in amazement and me in shock that my mother pulled another one over on me. Mom and Aunt Lisa giggled and mom got up and walked over to me and guided me back to the bed. Aunt Lisa felt me up over my shirt as mom kissed me with her big soft lips, running her tongue over mine before noticing Stephanie still standing at the door.
“Marie what are you waiting for? You're not gonna leave your daughter standing there are you?”
We all looked at Marie, who looked back at us, then she looked over at Stephanie, who was still standing there, but she was smiling. Marie looked worried, like she was scared of what to do, but when she saw Stephanie nod to her she stood up and slowly walked over to her, put her hands on the side of her head, which Stephanie covered with her own, then leaned in and kissed her. Stephanie wrapped her arms around Marie and they slowly made their way back to the bed and fell down on it, but never broke the kiss. Mom turned my head back to her and kissed me again, she'd wet her lips and now mine were sliding across hers struggling to stay attached. Aunt Lisa then cut in and kissed me as she slipped her hand under my shirt and squeezed my tits, and I squeezed hers right back. She broke the kiss and tugged at the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head, and I looked over at Stephanie who had just taken hers off and went back to kissing Marie. I traded kisses with mom and Aunt Lisa as they unhooked their bras and then mine, releasing my tits that looked miniscule compared to the mammoths they had. Even Marie and Stephanie's were bigger than mine as I saw Stephanie start to suck her moms tits, and she looked pretty enthusiastic as she did it too.
“You gonna watch them or you gonna play with us?” Aunt Lisa asked.
I turned back to them to see them both with their tits pointed out at me with their nipples waiting to be sucked on, so I went for Aunt Lisa's first since they were bigger, but she stopped me.
“Not there honey, aim a little lower,” she said as she and mom removed their skirts.
They both lay back on the other side on the bed with their legs hanging off, waiting for me. I got on my knees in front of them and slid off moms panties first, then Aunt Lisa's, and spread her legs open and licked her pussy. She wasn't wet to start but the more I ate her, the wetter she became. She kissed mom as I buried my tongue in her pussy and twirled it around inside her clockwise, counterclockwise, up and down, side to side, just about everything I could think of, really giving her a good licking.
“Hey don't just do her, I wanna be eaten too,” mom whined.
I slid over from Aunt Lisa to in front of mom and started doing to her the same thing I was doing to Aunt Lisa. I looked over at Stephanie and saw her sliding Marie's panties off her legs and was kissing her way back up them as Marie lay there breathing hard and looking straight up at the ceiling. Stephanie looked to really be enjoying herself as her head disappeared between Marie's legs, prompting Marie to shudder and grab the sheets to strain herself. Within seconds of eating her out moms hand was pushing my head deeper into her pussy as she ground my face. I turned my attention back to moms pussy and licked across her now swollen lips as my face was again smashed into her pussy. I didn't want Aunt Lisa to be left out so I sucked two of my fingers and slid them into her over and over.
“Am I doing a good job mom?” I heard Stephanie ask out of the blue.
“Oh yes! Oh that feels so good baby,” Marie moaned into the air.
Stephanie's head was moving back and forth between Marie's legs as she licked her clean, and her hand was moving furiously between her legs, no doubt fingering herself, I wish I knew what was going on in her head....
Finally, we made enough room in all the drawers where Randy could keep his stuff there and I could have my stuff there too. I had to clear out his night stand drawers of all his miscellaneous stuff and turn them into sock and underwear drawers, but at least it was working. Now all I had left to do was make room in the closet for my hang-ups and shoes, and clear some space on the dresser for my make-up, even though I only use like five things out of the whole case, I still need it all just in case.
“You guys have entirely too much stuff, this is ridiculous!” Stephanie said in mock shock.
“Oh be quiet, you probably have more stuff than I do.”
“Nowhere near this much. What do you do, shop every time there's a sale?”
“Pretty much. All of us do, well except dad and Randy, the bagboys,” I laughed.
“I wonder what they're all doing now. Did Randy tell you where they were?”
I knew exactly where they were, two of the worst places they could be right now, at a baseball game, then a bar. Both of those are time consuming, and that's more time away from Randy that there needs to be. I wish they would just come home right now, they forgot something and need to come and get it, or they call it a day early. I'd give anything for Randy to walk through that door right now...
“Rita! Rita! You in there? I said do you know where they went?”
“Oh, sorry. They went to a baseball game, and they're going to a bar afterwards.”
“Wow you're really stressing over Randy being gone aren't you?”
I sighed and sat down. “If I thought being away from him would bother me this much I don't think I would've let him go, well not without me at least. I can't stop thinking about him, not even for a little bit. Dammit they need to hurry up and come back!”
“Whoa Rita, I've never seen you this agitated before!”
“That's because you've never seen me without Randy. Even before we became an item it was hard being away from him. Three years ago dad took him on a fishing trip for two weeks, and I was miserable even then, imagine if we were in love then, I would have gone crazy without him.”
“Just think of it as a test to see if you two can survive without each other.”
“Well I fail, dammit! Were twins, and in love, were not supposed to be apart. You can't stand there and tell me you don't miss Chris, even a little, I know you do.”
She leaned against the wall. “Yeah, I kinda miss him a little. It does feel weird not having him around.”
“See what I mean! And its like ten times worse for me! Stupid dads and their baseball game.”
“So I didn't take your mind off him at all?” Stephanie pouted.
“No you did, but when we finished it reminded me of him again. Afterwards he would hold me and kiss me and tell me he loved me, its just, I can't help but think about him.”
“So he won't care that we fooled around while you two are in love?”
“No, he wont. Its only a problem if I sleep with another guy, or he sleeps with another girl that's not family. The only other people we mess around with are mom and Aunt Lisa, and they don't count.”
“So they have as much right to him as you do?”
“Unfortunately. Mom is, well shes mom, and Aunt Lisa has just as much pull. But they know how serious we are with each other. They wont try anything unless were both in the room.”
She laughed. “You guys are really keeping it in the family, aren't you?”
“You cant help who you fall in love with, and I fell hard.”
“So did he, I can tell. He's always looking at you and smiling.”
“I'm telling you, the way you and Chris are always messing around and joking with each other, and being around us, its only a matter of time before you two start to get those feelings.”
“Maybe. Hey lets take a break, I'm freaking hungry, I need to eat now!”
“Ok, I'll meet you downstairs, I wanna open up my make-up kit first.”
She nodded and bounced out of the room and downstairs, when I knew she was gone I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Randy. The first time it rang through and went to voicemail, so I thought maybe he didn't hear it because the stadium was loud. I hung up and called again two minutes later, and this time I got an answer on the first ring.
“Hey baby, sorry I didn't answer the first time, had to get away from dad.”
I all but melted at his voice calling me baby, I absolutely love that. “Its ok, I just had to hear your voice again. Where are you guys at, you coming home soon?”
“Were still at the game, it went into extra innings.”
“What? I fucking hate baseball! Why couldn't you guys just go golfing or something?”
“Because it costs way more. How's things back at the house, you making progress?”
“Yeah, I got a lot of my stuff in the drawers and stuff, but there's still a little more to go.”
“How you holding up?”
“Barely. I'd be better if you were here.”
“Me too, I cant even concentrate on the game. At least the day's almost over.”
“Yeah well it needs to hurry up, I need you here with me.”
“I will be, trust me. Oooh dad's coming I gotta go, love you, bye...”
“I love you too Randy...”
The line went dead. Could this day get any more torturous? I already have to wait to see him, now I have to wait to talk to him? Later please get here fast. I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to leave when I saw Stephanie at the door grinning at me.
“Opening your make-up kit huh? I knew it.”
“I had to, I haven't heard from him in a while.”
“I'm not judging, I understand. But come on girl I'm starving! I don't know where anything is!”
“Ok I'm coming, I'm actually a little hungry too.”
We went downstairs (together this time) and decided on ham and turkey sandwiches with the works. We took all the stuff out and sat it on the table and started making sandwiches when mom, Aunt Lisa and Marie walked in and saw the spread we had out.
“Now that looks good, why don't you make one for all of us?” Aunt Lisa asked.
“Are you crazy? All this stuff? You can help us make em if you want one,” I said.
“I tell you, we get no respect around here, none,” mom joked.
“Ok Rodney Dangerfield, respect or not, you still gotta help,” I laughed.
They finally caved in and made their own sandwiches, which was smart because the way they made them was completely different than the way I was gonna make them. Once everyone had their super sized sandwich made we pulled out some chips and pop and sat around the table.
“So how much do you two have done?” Marie asked.
“A lot. We just have the stuff in the closet and my make-up. What about you guys?” I responded.
“We still have a little to go too, we took a little break halfway through so we could relax, and talk, among other things, it was well needed, Lisa has so much stuff,” mom said.
“Rita too, we spent an hour putting up just her shirts,” Stephanie jumped in.
I playfully slapped her on the arm. “We did not! You were just focused on other stuff,” I said with a hidden meaning that she showed me she caught on to when she rubbed my leg under the table.
“About when will the guys get back?” Aunt Lisa asked.
Crap. Just when I was finally starting to forget about Randy for a little bit Aunt Lisa goes and brings him up, thanks for that. “Randy said they might be a while, the game went long.”
“Perfect. If we get done soon maybe we can squeeze in some girl time,” mom giggled.
I was curious. The last time mom said that she and Aunt Lisa ran a tag team on me cougar style, and as great as that turned out, I was worried she might try that again with Marie still here, I don't want our cover to be blown because mom got horny, if anyone should blow our cover, it should be us. “I don't know mom, we still have some stuff to do, we might not be able to squeeze it in.”
“I like the idea of girl time. We can do manicures, pedicures, facials, I don't know, I'm just throwing stuff out on the table,” Stephanie said.
“Yeah, I'm sure we'll think of something,” mom said with a grin as she bit her sandwich.
She was definitely up to something, I just didn't know what. Whatever it was I hoped it wasn't too risky, I didn't want Marie to find out anything, she might not be as accepting as she looks to be. We finished our food and talked about random little things as we cleaned up, then we headed back to our rooms to finish the tedious task before us. Mom hung back while Aunt Lisa and Marie went back upstairs, and as Stephanie and I headed back, she pulled me off to the side.
“I need you to do a favor for me,” mom said.
Of course, I was skeptical. “What kind of favor?
“How much longer will you be before you're done putting up stuff in your room?”
“Ummm, about half an hour, why?”
“When you're done I need you and Stephanie to come help us, we still have a lot of stuff to put up and the more hands we have the better.”
I groaned. “Aww come on mom! We already have my stuff to put up, you three can't do it?”
“Your Aunt has too much stuff. If you don't help us we'll be putting up stuff tomorrow too. It won't seem like much since there will be five of us. Come on Rita please?”
I really didn't want to, but she is my mother, and she has been a major help with mine and Randy's relationship, so I pretty much had no choice, dammit. “Ok mom we'll help, but only a little.”
She perked up when I said yes. “Thanks honey, you just saved us a lot of trouble. It wont take long at all you'll see. Remember, you said half an hour,” she said as she went upstairs.
I stood there for a minute. I didn't wanna put up my stuff and now I'm helping put up Aunt Lisa's stuff? Damn life to hell. Randy where are you? I could sure use one of your cheer-up speeches right now.
I went back up to our room where Stephanie had already finished putting my make-up on the dresser (thankfully) and had started work on getting my shoes and clothes in the closet. I joined her and in about half an hour we were finally finished with everything; all my stuff was put up, all Randy's clothes were put back in the drawers, we were done. The only thing left to do was hang up my bathrobe somewhere and change the sheets to something I like, but I could wait on that. I checked the clock in the room and saw that 32 minutes passed, dammit. I didn't wanna help, but I told her I would, and I keep my word, crap, I should have just ran from her when she asked me to help.
“Finally done! I'd never thought we'd get finished with all the stuff you have,” Stephanie said.
I laughed nervously. “Yeah, were not done yet. I told my mom we'd help them with Aunt Lisa's stuff, they still have a while to go.”
She looked over at me with a mixture of shock and sadness. “What did you go and do that for? Your Aunt has more stuff than you do!”
“My mom cornered me! She gave me the sympathetic look and everything! Now I know it feels when I use it. She said it'll be easier if there's five of us. It won't take long, I promise.”
She about it and sighed, defeated. “Fine, but it better not take long, I'm freaking tired!”
I was relieved she was gonna help, but still agitated that I thought we were done, only to have to help them, and there was three of them, that isn't enough? No Randy still, more work, and no rest, could this day get any more stressful? There was no point in sulking, so we got up and went to their room. We didn't bother knocking since they knew we were coming and we just walked in, and what a sight we walked in on. Mom, Aunt Lisa, and Marie were all in their bras making out on the bed. They all sat up and looked at us, but Marie was the only one in shock, mom and Aunt Lisa had grins on their faces. That's when it dawned on me, mom didn't want our help, she just wanted us to walk in on them. She planned something and used us to break the ice, I had to admit, she was good.
“Oh look who decided to join us,” mom said trying to play innocent.
“Mom! I knew it! I knew you liked women too!” Stephanie said, a little too excited.
Marie tried to cover herself, but Aunt Lisa stopped her. “Don't be shy Marie, were all women here, I'm sure we've all seen each other naked at some point, or at least wanted to,” Aunt Lisa said as she squeezed Marie's tit in her hand.
Stephanie and I were still standing there, her in amazement and me in shock that my mother pulled another one over on me. Mom and Aunt Lisa giggled and mom got up and walked over to me and guided me back to the bed. Aunt Lisa felt me up over my shirt as mom kissed me with her big soft lips, running her tongue over mine before noticing Stephanie still standing at the door.
“Marie what are you waiting for? You're not gonna leave your daughter standing there are you?”
We all looked at Marie, who looked back at us, then she looked over at Stephanie, who was still standing there, but she was smiling. Marie looked worried, like she was scared of what to do, but when she saw Stephanie nod to her she stood up and slowly walked over to her, put her hands on the side of her head, which Stephanie covered with her own, then leaned in and kissed her. Stephanie wrapped her arms around Marie and they slowly made their way back to the bed and fell down on it, but never broke the kiss. Mom turned my head back to her and kissed me again, she'd wet her lips and now mine were sliding across hers struggling to stay attached. Aunt Lisa then cut in and kissed me as she slipped her hand under my shirt and squeezed my tits, and I squeezed hers right back. She broke the kiss and tugged at the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head, and I looked over at Stephanie who had just taken hers off and went back to kissing Marie. I traded kisses with mom and Aunt Lisa as they unhooked their bras and then mine, releasing my tits that looked miniscule compared to the mammoths they had. Even Marie and Stephanie's were bigger than mine as I saw Stephanie start to suck her moms tits, and she looked pretty enthusiastic as she did it too.
“You gonna watch them or you gonna play with us?” Aunt Lisa asked.
I turned back to them to see them both with their tits pointed out at me with their nipples waiting to be sucked on, so I went for Aunt Lisa's first since they were bigger, but she stopped me.
“Not there honey, aim a little lower,” she said as she and mom removed their skirts.
They both lay back on the other side on the bed with their legs hanging off, waiting for me. I got on my knees in front of them and slid off moms panties first, then Aunt Lisa's, and spread her legs open and licked her pussy. She wasn't wet to start but the more I ate her, the wetter she became. She kissed mom as I buried my tongue in her pussy and twirled it around inside her clockwise, counterclockwise, up and down, side to side, just about everything I could think of, really giving her a good licking.
“Hey don't just do her, I wanna be eaten too,” mom whined.
I slid over from Aunt Lisa to in front of mom and started doing to her the same thing I was doing to Aunt Lisa. I looked over at Stephanie and saw her sliding Marie's panties off her legs and was kissing her way back up them as Marie lay there breathing hard and looking straight up at the ceiling. Stephanie looked to really be enjoying herself as her head disappeared between Marie's legs, prompting Marie to shudder and grab the sheets to strain herself. Within seconds of eating her out moms hand was pushing my head deeper into her pussy as she ground my face. I turned my attention back to moms pussy and licked across her now swollen lips as my face was again smashed into her pussy. I didn't want Aunt Lisa to be left out so I sucked two of my fingers and slid them into her over and over.
“Am I doing a good job mom?” I heard Stephanie ask out of the blue.
“Oh yes! Oh that feels so good baby,” Marie moaned into the air.
Stephanie's head was moving back and forth between Marie's legs as she licked her clean, and her hand was moving furiously between her legs, no doubt fingering herself, I wish I knew what was going on in her head....