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A Strange Night

"David runs away from home only to discover his true origins."

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Author's Notes

"This is my first attempt at a story with a horror element, though I have always been drawn to horror as a genre. I do hope some of you will like it and if you do please leave a comment telling me what elements you liked and if you did not like it, then please tell me where I might improve. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks, Folks."

David was fed up with everything. He was nearly nineteen and still living with his parents and he hated the restrictions they put upon him guided by their religious beliefs. He hated living in a small town in the middle of Wales and what was more, he really hated his boring job stocking shelves in a small supermarket for minimum wage.

He knew he had to get away from his parents, his boring small town and his unadventurous life. With that in mind, he had decided to take the little money he had saved and stolen and escape the drudgery of the dead-end life that awaited him if he remained where he was.

He packed his rucksack with essentials such as the protein bars that he had stolen from the supermarket that day along with a few hundred pounds from the till. A couple of changes of underwear and the usual jeans and t-shirts also went into his bag. He put on his jacket and silently in the small hours of the night, he quietly left his room, pausing for a moment outside that of his parents. He heard them both snoring and farting, and while they slept, he made his way downstairs. 

He grabbed a loaf of bread and some cold cuts, which he also put in his rucksack. Being careful not to make any noise, he opened the back door and strode out into the night. He was determined to travel wherever the wind would take him.

As he lived near the small town of Usk, he decided to head to Cardiff. He would see if he could get some work on a ship that would take him far away from this sad life of his. He began imagining the life of adventure that would surely be his reward, little realising what a strange night this would be.

The only problem was that as he was walking. The most direct route would be over both the Black Mountains and the Brecon Beacons. Being a timid lad, this brought a bit of fear into his heart, not knowing what might be roaming around there, especially at night. He also feared getting lost with no visual cues as to where he was heading.

Calling on reserves of willpower he never knew he had, he said to himself, “Fuck this, let's do it,” and headed out. He had been there before, hiking with his dad and he soon set up a good pace. Within two hours or so, he found himself all alone traversing the Black Mountains. It turned out that it was not too dark as there was a full moon in the sky, and thus he soon felt more confident. 

After an hour or so, he saw in the distance that there was a fire glowing in the distance on his direct route and wondered if he should investigate or make a slight detour.

He decided he would take a closer look, maybe it was just some campers and if they were nice people. He might be able to get a cup of tea out of them. He really felt he could do with one just about now.

As he drew nearer, he could hear music and laughter, but still being timid, he came warily towards the music and the dancers he could now see gyrating around the fire. As he drew nearer, he felt very woozy and his feet began to give way before him. As he fell to the ground, he saw several figures coming towards him before losing consciousness.

He awoke several minutes later to find that he had been brought closer to the fire and that the music had stopped as had the dancing. Looking around him, he saw twelve women and one man and he was amazed to see that they were all naked. Looking down at his own body, he noticed that he too was now naked and wondered what he had stumbled upon. All sorts of strange ideas and fears crossed his now unsettled mind.

“What is this?” he asked in the squeaky voice of young adulthood,

“Why are you all nude, and where are my clothes?”

The man smiled at him but it was not, in David's opinion, a very pleasant smile and he noticed the women were all giggling amongst themselves but paying deference to the man. The man then began to talk, saying, “David, my name is Roger, Roger Stone and you have invaded our little get-together by coming here tonight.”

“but, but how do you know my name?” replied David with more than a little hysteria in his voice.

“David, little David,” said Roger, 

“We know all about you and your plans to run away from your life, and we know about your stealing.”

“How can this be? This is not real. I must be at home dreaming,” David thought to himself.

“David, David, you wanted a new life so let's see if you can handle this new life of yours,” Roger said with that strange smile upon his face. His eyes however had a quality that brought out a shiver in David's very core. 

His eyes were the greenest eyes that David had ever seen but with as much life in them as the dead fish he had seen in the supermarket freezers. David's fear was palpable and he had begun to shiver in what had quickly become a cold night as rising winds blew against his naked body.

“David,” said Roger. “I have watched you all your life, waiting for this moment that I knew would come.”

“But what does this all mean?” asked David,

“Can't you just let me go? I will not tell anyone about this. Please, I just want to get out of here.”

This brought out a roar of cackled laughter from the women.

Roger then said something that shocked David, making him question everything that he had ever known,

“David, I am your father.”

“What, what would make you say that?” replied David,

“My mum and dad live down near Usk. I do not know you.”

“David, David, that man is not your father, and before your mother met him, she was one of us, she was a member of this coven.”

"What do you mean this coven?", asked David.

“You see, David, we, just like your mother before she abandoned the old religion to follow that man, are servants of Satan. These women are witches. I am their warlock. Just as I fuck each and every one of these women, I fucked your mother and you are the result.”

David did not want to believe what he was hearing and a myriad of thoughts raced through his now fevered mind so fast that he could not compile them into anything coherent.

“I have waited so long for this moment, David,” Roger said, 

“The moment when I would be reunited with my son and teach him all he needs to know to lead this coven when I am gone. To teach him the black arts and all the magic spells he will ever need in this life.”

David did not know what to make of all this and though he hoped this was just a dream, deep down he knew it was something much more than that and very, very real and supernatural.

“Do you wish to take your place amongst us, David? It has to be your choice, even though you have been born into it. Do you wish to become my acolyte and wield powers that you have not even dreamed were available to you? Powers that will eradicate that old boring and sad little life of yours.”

“What do I have to give in return for these powers?" David replied, wise enough to know that nothing comes for free in this life.

Once again, David saw that strange cold smile upon Roger's face as he told him that he would have to renounce any faith he had in other gods, and worship Satan alone as his one and only true god and master. Roger regaled him with all that this would bring, telling him that Satan was the true ruler of this world and those who worshipped him were greatly rewarded. Wealth beyond his imagining and power over the stupid ignorant people who worshipped other gods would be his reward.

David was fearful but his will was slowly beginning to crumble thinking about all that could be his if he began to worship Satan. Finally seduced by the thought of riches and power he told Roger that he was willing to do whatever it took. He told him that he would join him as his acolyte though he was not really sure what that word meant.

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He now somehow knew that Roger really was his father and as he began to look at him more closely, he could see the similarities that they had in looks and build. They were both a bit taller than average at about six foot and seven inches and both had those same green eyes. Though David did not attend a gym or anything like that, he noticed that they both had defined musculature and looked good naked.

“The first step is your initiation, you will need to prove your stamina by fucking all of these bitches here."

David looked over at the twelve women wondering how on earth he would manage to fuck all twelve of them. Apart from a few awkward fumbles with a girl who lived in the same street, he had never had any real sexual encounters. Like a lot of boys his age, he had only ever come when he wanked himself off late at night into a sock whilst his parents slept.

As he thought about it, his cock began to stir and grow, and it was by no means a small one. It was actually a monstrous eleven inches in length and about three inches in girth. He noticed that Roger was also now sporting an erection and the size of his member was another thing they had in common.

Roger told David that he would be in a position to manage all of them after he made a spell over him which he proceeded to do. As Roger spoke the spell, David began to feel something happening to his cock. It was as if an electric current was being passed through it, and with this, it began to feel harder than it ever had before.

He moved over to the women and they moved as one towards him forming themselves into a circle around him. He took hold of the first one, raising her in his arms and lowering her onto his cock's bulbous head, moving her up and down with a newfound strength. Soon she was arching her back and purring like a cat as David’s cock rammed home. In this style, he took a further three and each one howled in pleasure as they orgasmed in turn.

David took the next four from behind and with each woman he took, he felt amazing. It was as though his strength was increasing rather than diminishing. For the last four, David stretched out on the ground. They took turns riding his cock and sitting on his face relishing his tongue as it sought out their inner sanctums.

He had just fucked the last one when Roger said to him in a leering way, “Now, David, it is your turn to be fucked."

“Hey, say what? What do you mean?" said David with a quizzical look on his face. 

“THE COMPLETION OF YOUR INITIATION," replied Roger in a booming voice,

“My turn to fuck you," he said in almost a whisper.

David did not know what to make of Roger's last statement and looking at the size of his father's gargantuan cock, he definitely did not relish the thought of being drilled by it or, in fact, any other dick. He thought of that as a gay thing, and he was not that way inclined. 

As if he was reading his mind; Roger said, “David, do not let your upbringing make you think this is something wrong. Sex in all its forms is natural, but then this is not about sex, but control."

“I don’t understand," replied David.

“It is quite simple, really," retorted Roger, “In fucking with you, these women have subjected themselves to you and your desires, as my student in the black arts, it is your turn to submit yourself to me."

“I am not so sure about this anymore," David replied, the hysteria once again creeping in and making his voice tremble.

“Oh, really," came Rogers swift response, “There are, I am sure you must realise, consequences to bear if you do not finish your initiation."

“What? what consequences?” asked David, the hysteria now turning to panic.

Roger raised his hands and interlocked his fingers behind his head and softly said as if explaining himself to a six-year-old,

“Well, there are several avenues open to us here, David, we could just sacrifice you to Satan which would be the easiest. Alternatively, we could put a spell on you that would make you a sex slave to the coven. That, of course, would still mean that I would fuck your ass, but it would bring no rewards only exclusive pain each and every time. I can assure you that this would occur almost daily."

“There are other options, equally painful, if not worse. You see, David, in agreeing to begin the initiation all hope of ever leaving us was dashed and getting away from us is just not on the cards. Your best option now is to carry on and take your rightful place as my future successor."

“I advise you to think carefully because even though you are my son, there is no love for anyone in my heart except my master. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that destiny is fulfilled, and if yours is not as my acolyte and successor then so be it."

David was thinking very hard about his next move and he knew that Roger would do exactly what he had said he would.

“That is right, David, I will do as I have said should you choose to deny us."

“Damn it, stay out of my bloody mind," David screamed at Roger, realising now that he was indeed capable of reading his mind.

“Very well," replied Roger,

“I will stay out of your mind, but choose your next step carefully."

David laughed nervously at Roger's last words. He knew he did not have any choice in this and that he would have to carry on with the initiation. But he was still worried about his father's enormous cock in his virgin ass.

“I suppose we... we better get on with it then,” replied David with resignation in his voice,

“I guess there is no vaseline either,” he asked with a sense of false hope.

“HA, HA, HA, I love your sense of humour. You truly are my son,” retorted Roger.

David walked over to Roger and looked him straight in those dead green eyes before he slowly turned around, spread his legs, and bent over holding out his arms to two of the witches who took them in order to support him. From behind, he felt Roger draw close and he gritted his teeth not knowing how much pain his father's cock would give him. He felt Roger spit on his butt hole and heard him laughingly say,

“As you're my son, I will allow a little lubrication."

He pushed against David's hole and David knew this was going to be a very unpleasant experience. He tried to think about the rewards rather than what was about to happen but those thoughts soon dissipated to be replaced by the most intense pain he had ever experienced. With one mighty thrust, Roger inserted himself up to his balls in David's ass. In and out, he thrust. For David, it seemed as though the fucking was taking an eternity, but in reality, it was only about ten minutes.

Ten minutes David would never forget.

As Roger pulled out, David felt his hot cum streaming out between his cheeks and running down his naked legs which now gave way beneath him. The two witches who supported him during his fucking gently lowered him to the ground, turning him around and applying a salve to his very sore ass.

Roger came and stood over him still sporting an enormous hard-on and said, “Are you ready for another one like that, my son?"

“What the fuck, NO, NO, NO”, he screamed.

Roger once again let out a booming laugh and told David that he was only joking. His initiation was now over and his education would begin very soon.

“You will now learn what it is to worship the master, David, and along with it, you will reap Its rewards. From now on, no one will fuck you or with you. You will be the one doing the fucking and the fucking up."

In some ways, David was relieved to hear that even though after about five minutes, he had actually begun to like the feel of his father's cock in his ass. Even so, he was not in a rush to repeat the experience.

David never did make it down to Cardiff, at least not to look for a ship anyway but that is a story for another day.

Written by NemoBond
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